1,072 research outputs found

    Multifractal Properties of the Random Resistor Network

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    We study the multifractal spectrum of the current in the two-dimensional random resistor network at the percolation threshold. We consider two ways of applying the voltage difference: (i) two parallel bars, and (ii) two points. Our numerical results suggest that in the infinite system limit, the probability distribution behaves for small current i as P(i) ~ 1/i. As a consequence, the moments of i of order q less than q_c=0 do not exist and all current of value below the most probable one have the fractal dimension of the backbone. The backbone can thus be described in terms of only (i) blobs of fractal dimension d_B and (ii) high current carrying bonds of fractal dimension going from 1/ν1/\nu to d_B.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures; 1 reference added; to appear in Phys. Rev. E (Rapid Comm

    Fractal dimension and size scaling of domains in thin films of multiferroic BiFeO3

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    We have analyzed the morphology of ferroelectric domains in very thin films of multiferroic BiFeO3. Unlike the more common stripe domains observed in thicker films BiFeO3 or in other ferroics, the domains tend not to be straight, but irregular in shape, with significant domain wall roughening leading to a fractal dimensionality. Also contrary to what is usually observed in other ferroics, the domain size appears not to scale as the square root of the film thickness. A model is proposed in which the observed domain size as a function of film thickness can be directly linked to the fractal dimension of the domains.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Discrete Fracture Model with Anisotropic Load Sharing

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    A two-dimensional fracture model where the interaction among elements is modeled by an anisotropic stress-transfer function is presented. The influence of anisotropy on the macroscopic properties of the samples is clarified, by interpolating between several limiting cases of load sharing. Furthermore, the critical stress and the distribution of failure avalanches are obtained numerically for different values of the anisotropy parameter α\alpha and as a function of the interaction exponent γ\gamma. From numerical results, one can certainly conclude that the anisotropy does not change the crossover point γc=2\gamma_c=2 in 2D. Hence, in the limit of infinite system size, the crossover value γc=2\gamma_c=2 between local and global load sharing is the same as the one obtained in the isotropic case. In the case of finite systems, however, for γ≤2\gamma\le2, the global load sharing behavior is approached very slowly

    Classes of behavior of small-world networks

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    Small-world networks are the focus of recent interest because they appear to circumvent many of the limitations of either random networks or regular lattices as frameworks for the study of interaction networks of complex systems. Here, we report an empirical study of the statistical properties of a variety of diverse real-world networks. We present evidence of the occurrence of three classes of small-world networks: (a) scale-free networks, characterized by a vertex connectivity distribution that decays as a power law; (b) broad-scale networks, characterized by a connectivity distribution that has a power-law regime followed by a sharp cut-off; (c) single-scale networks, characterized by a connectivity distribution with a fast decaying tail. Moreover, we note for the classes of broad-scale and single-scale networks that there are constraints limiting the addition of new links. Our results suggest that the nature of such constraints may be the controlling factor for the emergence of different classes of networks

    Elementary processes governing the evolution of road networks

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    Urbanisation is a fundamental phenomenon whose quantitative characterisation is still inadequate. We report here the empirical analysis of a unique data set regarding almost 200 years of evolution of the road network in a large area located north of Milan (Italy). We find that urbanisation is characterised by the homogenisation of cell shapes, and by the stability throughout time of high-centrality roads which constitute the backbone of the urban structure, confirming the importance of historical paths. We show quantitatively that the growth of the network is governed by two elementary processes: (i) `densification', corresponding to an increase in the local density of roads around existing urban centres and (ii) `exploration', whereby new roads trigger the spatial evolution of the urbanisation front. The empirical identification of such simple elementary mechanisms suggests the existence of general, simple properties of urbanisation and opens new directions for its modelling and quantitative description.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Topological dragging of solitons

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    We put forward properties of solitons supported by optical lattices featuring topological dislocations, and show that solitons experience attractive and repulsive forces around the dislocations. Suitable arrangements of dislocations are even found to form soliton traps, and the properties of such solitons are shown to crucially depend on the trap topology. The uncovered phenomenon opens a new concept for soliton control and manipulation, e.g., in disk-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Towards two-dimensional metallic behavior at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interfaces

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    Using a low-temperature conductive-tip atomic force microscope in cross-section geometry we have characterized the local transport properties of the metallic electron gas that forms at the interface between LaAlO3 and SrTiO3. At low temperature, we find that the carriers do not spread away from the interface but are confined within ~10 nm, just like at room temperature. Simulations taking into account both the large temperature and electric-field dependence of the permittivity of SrTiO3 predict a confinement over a few nm for sheet carrier densities larger than ~6 10^13 cm-2. We discuss the experimental and simulations results in terms of a multi-band carrier system. Remarkably, the Fermi wavelength estimated from Hall measurements is ~16 nm, indicating that the electron gas in on the verge of two-dimensionality.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter
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