1,575 research outputs found

    Phase diagram of an extended quantum dimer model on the hexagonal lattice

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    We introduce a quantum dimer model on the hexagonal lattice that, in addition to the standard three-dimer kinetic and potential terms, includes a competing potential part counting dimer-free hexagons. The zero-temperature phase diagram is studied by means of quantum Monte Carlo simulations, supplemented by variational arguments. It reveals some new crystalline phases and a cascade of transitions with rapidly changing flux (tilt in the height language). We analyze perturbatively the vicinity of the Rokhsar-Kivelson point, showing that this model has the microscopic ingredients needed for the "devil's staircase" scenario [E. Fradkin et al., Phys. Rev. B 69, 224415 (2004)], and is therefore expected to produce fractal variations of the ground-state flux.Comment: Published version. 5 pages + 8 (Supplemental Material), 31 references, 10 color figure

    Scaling of the von Neumann entropy across a finite temperature phase transition

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    The spectrum of the reduced density matrix and the temperature dependence of the von Neumann entropy (VNE) are analytically obtained for a system of hard core bosons on a complete graph which exhibits a phase transition to a Bose-Einstein condensate at T=TcT=T_c. It is demonstrated that the VNE undergoes a crossover from purely logarithmic at T=0 to purely linear in block size nn behaviour for TTcT\geq T_{c}. For intermediate temperatures, VNE is a sum of two contributions which are identified as the classical (Gibbs) and the quantum (due to entanglement) parts of the von Neumann entropy.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Early Growth and Efficient Accretion of Massive Black Holes at High Redshift

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    Black-hole masses of the highest redshift quasars (4 <~ z <~ 6) are estimated using a previously presented scaling relationship, derived from reverberation mapping of nearby quasars, and compared to quasars at lower redshift. It is shown that the central black holes in luminous z >~ 4 quasars are very massive (>~ 10^9 solar masses). It is argued that the mass estimates of the high-z quasars are not subject to larger uncertainties than those for nearby quasars. Specifically, the large masses are not overestimates and the lack of similarly large black-hole masses in the nearby Universe does not rule out their existence at high-z. However, AGN host galaxies do not typically appear fully formed or evolved at these early epochs. This supports scenarios in which black holes build up mass very fast in a radiatively inefficient (or obscured) phase relative to the stars in their galaxies. Additionally, upper envelopes of black-hole mass of approximately 10^{10} solar masses and bolometric luminosity of ~ 10^{48} erg/s are observed at all redshifts.Comment: 17 pages including 7 figures (5 in color) and 1 table. To appear in ApJ, v600, January 1, 200

    Crystal lattice properties fully determine short-range interaction parameters for alkali and halide ions

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    Accurate models of alkali and halide ions in aqueous solution are necessary for computer simulations of a broad variety of systems. Previous efforts to develop ion force fields have generally focused on reproducing experimental measurements of aqueous solution properties such as hydration free energies and ion-water distribution functions. This dependency limits transferability of the resulting parameters because of the variety and known limitations of water models. We present a solvent-independent approach to calibrating ion parameters based exclusively on crystal lattice properties. Our procedure relies on minimization of lattice sums to calculate lattice energies and interionic distances instead of equilibrium ensemble simulations of dense fluids. The gain in computational efficiency enables simultaneous optimization of all parameters for Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+, F-, Cl-, Br-, and I- subject to constraints that enforce consistency with periodic table trends. We demonstrate the method by presenting lattice-derived parameters for the primitive model and the Lennard-Jones model with Lorentz-Berthelot mixing rules. The resulting parameters successfully reproduce the lattice properties used to derive them and are free from the influence of any water model. To assess the transferability of the Lennard-Jones parameters to aqueous systems, we used them to estimate hydration free energies and found that the results were in quantitative agreement with experimentally measured values. These lattice-derived parameters are applicable in simulations where coupling of ion parameters to a particular solvent model is undesirable. The simplicity and low computational demands of the calibration procedure make it suitable for parametrization of crystallizable ions in a variety of force fields.Comment: 9 pages, 5 table

    Continuum surveys with LOFAR and synergy with future large surveys in the 1-2 GHz band

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    Radio astronomy is entering the era of large surveys. This paper describes the plans for wide surveys with the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) and their synergy with large surveys at higher frequencies (in particular in the 1-2 GHz band) that will be possible using future facilities like Apertif or ASKAP. The LOFAR Survey Key Science Project aims at conducting large-sky surveys at 15, 30, 60, 120 and 200 MHz taking advantage of the wide instantaneous field of view and of the unprecedented sensitivity of this instrument. Four topics have been identified as drivers for these surveys covering the formation of massive galaxies, clusters and black holes using z>6 radio galaxies as probes, the study of the intercluster magnetic fields using diffuse radio emission and Faraday rotation measures in galaxy clusters as probes and the study of star formation processes in the early Universe using starburst galaxies as probes. The fourth topic is the exploration of new parameter space for serendipitous discovery taking advantage of the new observational spectral window open up by LOFAR. Here, we briefly discuss the requirements of the proposed surveys to address these (and many others!) topics as well as the synergy with other wide area surveys planned at higher frequencies (and in particular in the 1-2 GHz band) with new radio facilities like ASKAP and Apertif. The complementary information provided by these surveys will be crucial for detailed studies of the spectral shape of a variety of radio sources (down to sub-mJy sources) and for studies of the ISM (in particular HI and OH) in nearby galaxies.Comment: to appear in the proceedings of "Panoramic Radio Astronomy: Wide-field 1-2 GHz research on galaxy evolution", G. Heald and P. Serra eds., 8 pages, 3 figure

    Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions

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    We present a method to derive implicit solvent models of electrolyte solutions from all-atom descriptions; providing analytical expressions of the thermodynamic and structural properties of the ions consistent with the underlying explicit solvent representation. Effective potentials between ions in solution are calculated to perform perturbation theory calculations, in order to derive the best possible description in terms of charged hard spheres. Applying this method to NaCl solutions yields excellent agreement with the all-atom model, provided ion association is taken into account.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Adhesive Contact to a Coated Elastic Substrate

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    We show how the quasi-analytic method developed to solve linear elastic contacts to coated substrates (Perriot A. and Barthel E. {\em J. Mat. Res.}, {\bf 2004}, {\em 19}, 600) may be extended to adhesive contacts. Substrate inhomogeneity lifts accidental degeneracies and highlights the general structure of the adhesive contact theory. We explicit the variation of the contact variables due to substrate inhomogeneity. The relation to other approaches based on Finite Element analysis is discussed

    HST Imaging of the Host Galaxies of High Redshift Radio-Loud Quasars

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    We present rest-frame UV and Ly-alpha images of spatially-resolved structures around five high-redshift radio-loud quasars obtained with the WFPC2 camera on the Hubble Space Telescope. We find that all five quasars are extended and this "fuzz" contains ~5-40% of the total continuum flux and 15-65% of the Ly-alpha flux within a radius of about 1.5 arcsec. The rest-frame UV luminosities of the hosts are log lambda P_lambda = 11.9 to 12.5 solar luminosities (assuming no internal dust extinction), comparable to the luminous radio galaxies at similar redshifts and a factor 10 higher than both radio-quiet field galaxies at z~2-3 and the most UV-luminous low redshift starburst galaxies. The Ly-alpha luminosities of the hosts are (in the log) approximately 44.3-44.9 erg/s which are also similar to the those of luminous high redshift radio galaxies and considerably larger than the Ly-alpha luminosities of high redshift field galaxies. To generate the Ly-alpha luminosities of the hosts would require roughly a few percent of the total observed ionizing luminosity of the quasar. We find good alignment between the extended Ly-alpha and the radio sources, strong evidence for jet-cloud interactions in two cases, again resembling radio galaxies, and what is possibly the most luminous radio-UV synchrotron jet in one of the hosts at z=2.110.Comment: 36 pages (latex, aas macros), 3 figures (3 gif and 10 postscript files), accepted for publication in the the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    The quasi-periodic Bose-Hubbard model and localization in one-dimensional cold atomic gases

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    We compute the phase diagram of the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard model with a quasi-periodic potential by means of the density-matrix renormalization group technique. This model describes the physics of cold atoms loaded in an optical lattice in the presence of a superlattice potential whose wave length is incommensurate with the main lattice wave length. After discussing the conditions under which the model can be realized experimentally, the study of the density vs. the chemical potential curves for a non-trapped system unveils the existence of gapped phases at incommensurate densities interpreted as incommensurate charge-density wave phases. Furthermore, a localization transition is known to occur above a critical value of the potential depth V_2 in the case of free and hard-core bosons. We extend these results to soft-core bosons for which the phase diagrams at fixed densities display new features compared with the phase diagrams known for random box distribution disorder. In particular, a direct transition from the superfluid phase to the Mott insulating phase is found at finite V_2. Evidence for reentrances of the superfluid phase upon increasing interactions is presented. We finally comment on different ways to probe the emergent quantum phases and most importantly, the existence of a critical value for the localization transition. The later feature can be investigated by looking at the expansion of the cloud after releasing the trap.Comment: 19 pages, 20 figure