9,619 research outputs found

    Electronic properties of disordered corner-sharing tetrahedral lattices

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    We have examined the behaviour of noninteracting electrons moving on a corner-sharing tetrahedral lattice into which we introduce a uniform (box) distribution, of width W, of random on-site energies. We have used both the relative localization length and the spectral rigidity to analyze the nature of the eigenstates, and have determined both the mobility edge trajectories as a function of W, and the critical disorder, Wc, beyond which all states are localized. We find (i) that the mobility edge trajectories (energies Ec vs. disorder W) are qualitatively different from those found for a simple cubic lattice, and (ii) that the spectral rigidity is scale invariant at Wc and thus provides a reliable method of estimating this quantity -- we find Wc/t=14.5. We discuss our results in the context of the metal-to-insulator transition undergone by LiAlyTi{2-y}O4 in a quantum site percolation model that also includes the above-mentioned Anderson disorder, and show that the effects produced by Anderson disorder are far less important than those produced by quantum site percolation, at least in the determination of the doping concentration at which the metal-to-insulator transition is predicted to occur

    Composition Conditions for Classes of Analytic Functions

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    We prove that for classes of analytic functions tree composition condition and composition condition coincide.Comment: 13 page

    Optimized Effective Potential Model for the Double Perovskites Sr2-xYxVMoO6 and Sr2-xYxVTcO6

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    In attempt to explore half-metallic properties of the double perovskites Sr2-xYxVMoO6 and Sr2-xYxVTcO6, we construct an effective low-energy model, which describes the behavior of the t2g-states of these compounds. All parameters of such model are derived rigorously on the basis of first-principles electronic structure calculations. In order to solve this model we employ the optimized effective potential method and treat the correlation interactions in the random phase approximation. Although correlation interactions considerably reduce the intraatomic exchange splitting in comparison with the Hartree-Fock method, this splitting still substantially exceeds the typical values obtained in the local-spin-density approximation (LSDA), which alters many predictions based on the LSDA. Our main results are summarized as follows: (i) all ferromagnetic states are expected to be half-metallic. However, their energies are generally higher than those of the ferrimagnetic ordering between V- and Mo/Tc-sites (except Sr2VMoO6); (ii) all ferrimagnetic states are metallic (except fully insulating Y2VTcO6) and no half-metallic antiferromagnetism has been found; (iii) moreover, many of the ferrimagnetic structures appear to be unstable with respect to the spin-spiral alignment. Thus, the true magnetic ground state of the most of these systems is expected to be more complex. In addition, we discuss several methodological issues related to the nonuniqueness of the effective potential for the magnetic half-metallic and insulating states.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Fibrations of genus two on complex surfaces

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    We consider fibrations of genus 2 over complex surfaces. The purpose of this paper is primarily to provide a geometric description of the possible structures of the fibration on a neighborhood of a singular fiber. In particular it is shown that the "geometric data" of the singular fiber determines the fibration on its neighborhood up to a transversely holomorphic C∞C^{\infty}-diffeomorphism. The method employed is quite flexible and it applies to good extent to fibrations of arbitrary genus.Comment: This is the final version, June 201

    Pseudoconvex domains spread over complex homogeneous manifolds

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    Using the concept of inner integral curves defined by Hirschowitz we generalize a recent result by Kim, Levenberg and Yamaguchi concerning the obstruction of a pseudoconvex domain spread over a complex homogeneous manifold to be Stein. This is then applied to study the holomorphic reduction of pseudoconvex complex homogeneous manifolds X=G/H. Under the assumption that G is solvable or reductive we prove that X is the total space of a G-equivariant holomorphic fiber bundle over a Stein manifold such that all holomorphic functions on the fiber are constant.Comment: 21 page

    Far-ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Venus and Mars at 4 A Resolution with the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope on Astro-2

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    Far-ultraviolet spectra of Venus and Mars in the range 820-1840 A at 4 A resolution were obtained on 13 and 12 March 1995, respectively, by the Hopkins Ultraviolet Telescope (HUT), which was part of the Astro-2 observatory on the Space Shuttle Endeavour. Longward of 1250 A, the spectra of both planets are dominated by emission of the CO Fourth Positive band system and strong OI and CI multiplets. In addition, CO Hopfield-Birge bands, B - X (0,0) at 1151 A and C - X (0,0) at 1088 A, are detected for the first time, and there is a weak indication of the E - X (0,0) band at 1076 A in the spectrum of Venus. The B - X band is blended with emission from OI 1152. Modeling the relative intensities of these bands suggests that resonance fluorescence of CO is the dominant source of the emission, as it is for the Fourth Positive system. Shortward of Lyman-alpha, other emission features detected include OII 834, OI lambda 989, HI Lyman-beta, and NI 1134 and 1200. For Venus, the derived disk brightnesses of the OI, OII, and HI features are about one-half of those reported by Hord et al. (1991) from Galileo EUV measurements made in February 1990. This result is consistent with the expected variation from solar maximum to solar minimum. The ArI 1048, 1066 doublet is detected only in the spectrum of Mars and the derived mixing ratio of Ar is of the order of 2%, consistent with previous determinations.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, July 20, 200

    Novel Nonreciprocal Acoustic Effects in Antiferromagnets

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    The possible occurrence of nonreciprocal acoustic effects in antiferromagnets in the absence of an external magnetic field is investigated using both (i) a microscopic formulation of the magnetoelastic interaction between spins and phonons and (ii) symmetry arguments. We predict for certain antiferromagnets the existence of two new nonreciprocal (non-time invariant) effects: A boundary-condition induced nonreciprocal effect and the occurrence of transversal phonon modes propagating in opposite directions having different velocities. Estimates are given and possible materials for these effects to be observed are suggested.Comment: Euro. Phys. Lett. (in press

    Effect of Semicore Orbitals on the Electronic Band Gaps of Si, Ge, and GaAs within the GW Approximation

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    We study the effect of semicore states on the self-energy corrections and electronic energy gaps of silicon, germanium and GaAs. Self-energy effects are computed within the GW approach, and electronic states are expanded in a plane-wave basis. For these materials, we generate {\it ab initio} pseudopotentials treating as valence states the outermost two shells of atomic orbitals, rather than only the outermost valence shell as in traditional pseudopotential calculations. The resulting direct and indirect energy gaps are compared with experimental measurements and with previous calculations based on pseudopotential and ``all-electron'' approaches. Our results show that, contrary to recent claims, self-energy effects due to semicore states on the band gaps can be well accounted for in the standard valence-only pseudopotential formalism.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Photometric Properties of Kiso Ultraviolet-Excess Galaxies in the Lynx-Ursa Major Region

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    We have performed a systematic study of several regions in the sky where the number of galaxies exhibiting star formation (SF) activity is greater than average. We used Kiso ultraviolet-excess galaxies (KUGs) as our SF-enhanced sample. By statistically comparing the KUG and non-KUG distributions, we discovered four KUG-rich regions with a size of ∌10∘×10∘\sim 10^\circ \times 10^\circ. One of these regions corresponds spatially to a filament of length ∌60h−1\sim 60 h^{-1} Mpc in the Lynx-Ursa Major region (α∌9h−10h,Ύ∌42∘−48∘\alpha \sim 9^{\rm h} - 10^{\rm h}, \delta \sim 42^\circ - 48^\circ). We call this ``the Lynx-Ursa Major (LUM) filament''. We obtained V(RI)CV(RI)_{\rm C} surface photometry of 11 of the KUGs in the LUM filament and used these to investigate the integrated colors, distribution of SF regions, morphologies, and local environments. We found that these KUGs consist of distorted spiral galaxies and compact galaxies with blue colors. Their star formation occurs in the entire disk, and is not confined to just the central regions. The colors of the SF regions imply that active star formation in the spiral galaxies occurred 107−810^{7 - 8} yr ago, while that of the compact objects occurred 106−710^{6-7} yr ago. Though the photometric characteristics of these KUGs are similar to those of interacting galaxies or mergers, most of these KUGs do not show direct evidence of merger processes.Comment: 39 pages LaTeX, using aasms4.sty, 20 figures, ApJS accepted. The Title of the previous one was truncated by the author's mistake, and is corrected. Main body of the paper is unchange

    The Γ^\hat{\Gamma}-genus and a regularization of an S1S^1-equivariant Euler class

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    We show that a new multiplicative genus, in the sense of Hirzebruch, can be obtained by generalizing a calculation due to Atiyah and Witten. We introduce this as the Γ^\hat{\Gamma}-genus, compute its value for some examples and highlight some of its interesting properties. We also indicate a connection with the study of multiple zeta values, which gives an algebraic interpretation for our proposed regularization procedure.Comment: 14 pages; version to appear in J. Phys.
