6,567 research outputs found

    Exclusive diffractive processes at HERA within the dipole picture

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    We present a simultaneous analysis, within an impact parameter dependent saturated dipole model, of exclusive diffractive vector meson (J/psi, phi and rho) production, deeply virtual Compton scattering and the total gamma* p cross section data measured at HERA. Various cross sections measured as a function of the kinematic variables Q^2, W and t are well described, with little sensitivity to the details of the vector meson wave functions. We determine the properties of the gluon density in the proton in both longitudinal and transverse dimensions, including the impact parameter dependent saturation scale. The overall success of the description indicates universality of the emerging gluon distribution and proton shape.Comment: 48 pages, 28 figures, the final version to appear in Physical Review

    Modification of Ni - nanotubes by implanting ions C3+

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    Using PET track-etched membranes with thickness of 12 μm as template, polycrystalline nickel nanotubes with outer diameter of 380 nm and wall thickness 95 nm were synthesized by electrochemical method. A comprehensive study of the structural, morphological and electrical characteristics of irradiated at different conditions Ni nanotubes was carried out. The ability of modification of structural parameters such as lattice parameters and the average size of crystallites and conductivity of Ni nanotubes by irradiated with С3+ ions with energy 1.75 MeV/nucleon and fluence ranging from 1 × 109 to 5 × 1011 cm-2 was shown

    Azimuthal Distribution of Quark-Antiquark Jets in DIS Diffractive Dissociation

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    We investigate the azimuthal distribution of quark-antiquark jets in DIS diffractive dissociation with large transverse momentum. In this kinematical region the matrix element is expressed in terms of the gluon structure function. For the transverse part of the cross section we find a cos(2ϕ)\cos(2 \phi)-distribution with the maximum at ϕ=±π/2\phi = \pm \pi/2, i.e.\ the jets prefer a direction perpendicular to the electron plane. This is in contrast to boson gluon fusion where the qqˉq\bar{q} jet cross section for transversely polarized bosons peaks at ϕ=0\phi=0 and ϕ=π\phi=\pi. We discuss the origin of this striking difference and present numerical results relevant for the diffractive dissociation at HERA.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 7 figure

    Observation and absolute frequency measurements of the 1S0 - 3P0 optical clock transition in ytterbium

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    We report the direct excitation of the highly forbidden (6s^2) 1S0 - (6s6p) 3P0 optical transition in two odd isotopes of ytterbium. As the excitation laser frequency is scanned, absorption is detected by monitoring the depletion from an atomic cloud at ~70 uK in a magneto-optical trap. The measured frequency in 171Yb (F=1/2) is 518,295,836,593.2 +/- 4.4 kHz. The measured frequency in 173Yb (F=5/2) is 518,294,576,850.0 +/- 4.4 kHz. Measurements are made with a femtosecond-laser frequency comb calibrated by the NIST cesium fountain clock and represent nearly a million-fold reduction in uncertainty. The natural linewidth of these J=0 to J=0 transitions is calculated to be ~10 mHz, making them well-suited to support a new generation of optical atomic clocks based on confinement in an optical lattice.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    QCD analysis of the diffractive structure function F_2^{D(3)}

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    The proton diffractive structure function F2D(3)F_2^{D(3)} measured in the H1 and ZEUS experiments at HERA is analyzed in terms of both Regge phenomenology and perturbative QCD evolution. A new method determines the values of the Regge intercepts in ``hard'' diffraction, confirming a higher value of the Pomeron intercept than for soft physics. The data are well described by a QCD analysis in which point-like parton distributions, evolving according to the DGLAP equations, are assigned to the leading and sub-leading Regge exchanges. The gluon distributions are found to be quite different for H1 and ZEUS. A {\it global fit} analysis, where a higher twist component is taken from models, allows us to use data in the whole available range in diffractive mass and gives a stable answer for the leading twist contribution. We give sets of quark and gluon parton distributions for the Pomeron, and predictions for the charm and the longitudinal proton diffractive structure function from the QCD fit. An extrapolation to the Tevatron range is compared with CDF data on single diffraction. Conclusions on factorization breaking depend critically whether H1 (strong violation) or ZEUS (compatibility at low β\beta) fits are taken into account.Comment: 24 page

    Attosecond time-scale intra-atomic phase matching of high harmonic generation

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 5461).Using a model of high-harmonic generation that couples a fully quantum calculation with a semi-classical electron trajectory picture, we show that a new type of phase matching is possible when an atom is driven by an optimal optical waveform. For an optimized laser pulse shape, strong constructive interference is obtained in the frequency domain between emissions from different electron trajectories, thereby selectively enhancing a particular harmonic order. This work demonstrates that coherent control in the strong-field regime is possible by adjusting the peaks of a laser field on an attosecond time scale

    Исторические аспекты общества знания на Западе и в СССР

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    Рецензія на монографію: Осипов Г.В., Кара-Мурза С.Г. Общество знания: История модернизации на Западе и в СССР. — М.: Книжный дом «ЛИБРОКОМ», 2013. — 368 с