22 research outputs found

    Cost optimization of multiunit construction projects using linear programming and metaheuristic-based simulated annealing algorithm

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    The article presents the cost optimization model for multiunit construction projects. Multiunit projects constitute a special case of repetitive projects. They consist in the realization of many different, when it comes to size, types of residential, commercial, industrial buildings or engineering structures. Due to the specific character of construction works, actual schedules of such projects should not only take into account real costs of construction, but also be subject to specific restrictions, e.g. deadlines for the completion of units imposed by the investor. To solve the NP-hard problem of choosing the order of units’ construction there was metaheuristic algorithm of simulated annealing used. The objective function in the presented optimization model was the total value of the project cost determined on the basis of the mathematical programming model, taking into account direct and indirect costs, costs of missing deadlines and costs of work group discontinuities. In the article, an experimental analysis of the proposed method of solving the optimization task was carried out in a model that showed high efficiency in obtaining suboptimal solutions. In addition, the operation of the proposed model has been presented on a calculation example. The results obtained in it are fully satisfying

    An exact solution for the resource-constrained construction scheduling problem

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    Reduced time and, by the same token, the cost of the project is a crucial factor in contemporary construction. This article presents a method for the exact optimisation of a resource-constrained scheduling problem. Based on the Critical Path Method, graph theory and linear programming, an algorithm was developed and the FROPT program was written in Matlab to minimise the execution time of the task. By using the newly-created program, sample networks were calculated and the results were compared with results obtained by using the MS Project scheduling program (using approximation algorithm). The execution time obtained by using FROPT were on average 10% shorter than those obtained using MS Project. In selected cases the improvement in execution time reached 25%. A deterministic approach to the problem may shorten planned project times and bring financial benefits. Due to the exponential complexity of the algorithm, it is most useful in solving small or highly coherent networks. The algorithm and program may result in benefits not offered by commercial software for planners of building projects

    Assessment of the effectiveness of communication between the participants of a construction project utilizing meta-network theory: a case study

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    This paper investigates the fact that construction projects, due to their specificity, are complex, temporary and dynamic. Over their course, participants change, successive construction works are done and new information becomes available. This carries over to difficulties in communication. In the literature, numerous studies note the fact that a network-based approach to the analysis and monitoring of communication as a part of complex construction projects is commendable. Relations between agents, knowledge and tasks in the context of communication within a construction project can be visualized in the form of a meta-network, and suitably developed structural measures can be used to analyze them. In this paper, the authors used meta-network theory to analyze relations between project participants, knowledge and tasks in the context of communication within a construction project, on the basis of the construction of a housing estate located in Katowice, Poland. Meta-network structural analysis allowed for a deeper understanding of these relations and the detection of essential information about the level of communication in the project under investigation, which was a basis for further discussion. The authors also stress the benefits from the approach presented and argue that it should be a starting point for effective management in the sphere of communication in construction companies

    Qualitative parameters of the colonic flora in Patients with HNF1A-MODY are different from those observed in type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is determined by genetic and environmental factors. There have been many studies on the relationship between the composition of the gastrointestinal bacterial flora, T2DM, and obesity. There are no data, however, on the gut microbiome structure in monogenic forms of the disease including Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY). Methods. The aim of the investigation was to compare the qualitative parameters of the colonic flora in patients with HNF1A-MODY and T2DM and healthy individuals. 16S sequencing of bacterial DNA isolated from the collected fecal samples using the MiSeq platform was performed. Results. There were significant between-group differences in the bacterial profile. At the phylum level, the amount of Proteobacteria was higher (p=0.0006) and the amount of Bacteroidetes was lower (p=0.0005) in T2DM group in comparison to the control group. In HNF1A-MODY group, the frequency of Bacteroidetes was lower than in the control group (p=0.0143). At the order level, Turicibacterales was more abundant in HNF1A-MODY group than in T2DM group. Conclusions. It appears that there are differences in the gut microbiome composition between patients with HNF1A-MODY and type 2 diabetes. Further investigation on this matter should be conducted

    Properties of Stone Mastic Asphalt Incorporating Nano Titanium as Binder's Modifier

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    Stone mastic asphalt is a gap-graded mix and is usually related to its high bitumen content and its skeleton-like constitution. Although famous for its durability, high resistance to fatigue and rutting, issues such as bleeding and premature aging do occur in the mix since it has a high bitumen content and voids due to its gap-graded structure. In order to encounter these problems from affecting the mix, some instances such as adding additives, rejuvenators and stabilizers into the mixture has been implemented

    Zarządzanie informacjami o zagrożeniu ruchami masowymi w polskim systemie planowania przestrzennego

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    Natural hazards’ information is an obligatory element of planning acts in Poland, such as areas exposed to mass movements and flood occurrence. The paper presents provisions and manners applied in urban planning and design practise in Lesser Poland (Małopolska), region with vast share of landslides in Poland. Discussion leads to evaluation of risk management legal factors in design process, urban planning and accomplishment of building permission.Informacje o zagrożeniach naturalnych są obowiązkowym elementem opracowań planistycznych w Polsce, taką informacją jest występowanie obszarów narażonych na ruchy masowe ziemi. W pracy przedstawiono regulacje prawne oraz zapisy stosowane w miejscowych planach zagospodarowania przestrzennego. Zakres przestrzenny badań obejmuje Małopolskę, regionie o największym udziale osuwisk w skali krajowej. Przeprowadzona dyskusja prowadzi do oceny uwarunkowań prawnych zarządzania ryzykiem w procesie planowania i uzyskania pozwolenia na budowę przez inwestora

    Osiedla robotnicze 1840-1960 – standardy mieszkaniowe

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    The paper deals with the idea of workers' estates development in Poland over three historical periods: until 1918, in the interwar period and in the era of socialist realism. The comparison of the theoretical concepts are leading to analysis of chosen housing estates. Both, spatial and architectural. Stressing the evolution and development of urban concepts in timespan of housing policies shaping.Artykuł prezentuje rozwój idei osiedli robotniczych w Polsce na przestrzeni trzech okresów historycznych: do 1918 r., w okresie międzywojennym oraz w dobie socrealizmu. Zestawienie założeń oraz koncepcji teoretycznych zostało uzupełnione o analizę wybranych przykładów zespołów zabudowy. Standardów mieszkaniowych oraz przestrzennych. Akcentując ewolucję i rozwój założeń urbanistycznych oraz architektonicznych w okresie kształtowania się polityk mieszkaniowych

    Intervention works as part of ALMPs.

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    Celem niniejszej pracy dyplomowej jest omówienie problematyki związanej z rolą prac interwencyjnych pośród aktywnych form przeciwdziałania bezrobociu. W szczególności analizie poddany został udział prac interwencyjnych i ich efektywność na tle pozostałych instrumentów. Praca porusza również zagadnienie aktywnych form przeciwdziałania bezrobociu oraz kształtowana się polityki rynku pracy w Polsce, w latach 1990-2013. W ramach pracy przeprowadzone zostały badania, w formie konsultacji eksperckich z pracownikami urzędów pracy, w celu zebrania opinii na temat funkcjonowania instrumentu prac interwencyjnych. Zebrane informacje wykazały zasadność wysokich ocen efektywności i skuteczności instrumentu oraz jego ważną rolę wobec aktywnej polityki rynku pracy. Funkcjonowanie prac interwencyjnych uzależnione jest od świadomości oraz chęci organizowania miejsc pracy przez pracodawców w ramach programu. Nowelizacja ustawy o promocji zatrudnienia i instytucjach rynku pracy z 2014 roku poszerzając grupę docelową instrumentu może przyczynić się do wzrostu jego popularności.The aim of the elaborate is to analyze problem connected with intervention works among the active forms of unemployment prevention (ALMP). The analysis, in particularlar concerns intervention works and it’s efficiency in terms of the background of remaining instruments. The elaborate, emphasizes the problem of active forms of unemployment prevention and creation of labour market in Poland, between 1990 and 2013. In terms of empirical research was to conduct consulation among the Public Jobs Centre’s representatives, aiming to gather the opinion concerning instrument of interventional jobs prosperity. Assembled information, indicated validity of high marks of efficiency and effectivness of the instrument and the importance of it’s main role connected with the labour market

    Revitalisation and reidustralisation processes of brownfields. Case study of industrial city Skawina

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    Celem niniejszej pracy jest wypracowanie modelowego scenariusza przekształceń terenów poprzemysłowych na przykładzie studium przypadku terenu poprzemysłowego Huty Aluminium w Skawinie. W pracy omówiona została metodologia rewitalizacji uwzględniająca instrumenty urbanistyki operacyjnej zawarte w modelach rewitalizacji francuskim i niemieckim. Na potrzeby analizy obszaru opracowania oraz propozycji modelowego scenariusza przekształceń autor zastosował metodę badawczą, na którą składała się inwentaryzacja urbanistyczna, analiza źródeł zastanych, ankiet oraz wywiadów i obserwacji uczestniczącej. Zebrane dane wskazały na duży potencjał omawianego obszaru, zarówno ekonomicznego w postaci obecności struktury klastrowej tj. klaster metalurgiczny aluminium, a także społecznym, kultura techniczna i atmosfera przemysłowa. Autor wskazał zagrożenia płynące z niespójnej polityki przemysłowej miast, która może zaowocować procesem rozpadu pierwotnych konglomeratów przemysłowych.The main aim of the dissertation is to evolve model script of brownfields revitalisation process based on case study of postindustrial area of aluminium steelworks in Skawina. The dissertation presents methodology of revitalisation, which includes international, french and german school instances of 'urbanism operationel' tools. Authorial research method was presented in the sheet, and it consist urban inventory, analysis of references, surveys, interviews and observations. Assembled data emphasize vast potential of case study area. The research indicated presence of aluminum steel cluster, and presence of industrial atmosphere, known as technical culture, a result of historical development of industry in the region. Limits of revitalisation and awareness of industrial growth were pointed as corollary of industrial policy incoherence, which might affect on dissolution of primal conglomerates