147 research outputs found

    A 3D numerical model for turbidity currents

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    A numerical model that solves two-phase flow motion equations to reproduce turbidity currents that occur in reservoirs, is proposed. Three formalizations of the two-phase flow motion equations are presented: the first one can be adopted for high concentration values; the second one is valid under the hypothesis of diluted concentrations; the third one is based on the assumption that the particles are in translational equilibrium with the fluid flow. The proposed numerical model solves the latter formalization of two-phase flow motion equations, in order to simulate turbidity currents. The motion equations are presented in an integral form in time-dependent curvilinear coordinates, with the vertical coordinate that varies in order to follow the free surface movements. The proposed numerical model is validated against experimental data and is applied to a practical engineering case study of a reservoir, in order to evaluate the possibility of the formation of turbidity currents

    Continued Monitoring of Landsat Reflective Band Calibration Using Pseudo-Invariant Calibration Sites

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    Though both of the current Landsat instruments, Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper+ (ETM+) and Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM), include on-board calibration systems, since 2001, pseudo-invariant calibration sites (PICS) have been added to the suite of metrics to assess the instruments calibration. These sites do not provide absolute calibration data since there are no ground measurements of the sites, but in monitoring these PICS over time, the relative calibration can be tracked. The sites used by the Landsat instruments are primarily in the Saharan Desert. To date, the trending from the PICS sites has confirmed that most of the degradation seen in the ETM+ on-board calibration systems is likely not degradation of the instrument, but rather degradation of the calibration systems themselves. However, the PICS data show statistically significant degradation (at 2-sigma) in all the reflective spectral bands of up to -0.22%/year since July 2003. For the TM, the PICS were instrumental in updating the calibration in 2007 and now suggest two bands may require another update. The data show a statistically significant degradation (at 2-sigma) in Bands 1 and 3 of -0.27 and -0.15%/year, respectively, since March 1999. The data filtering and processing methods are currently being reviewed but these PICS results may lead to an update in the reflective band calibration of both Landsat-7 and Landsat-5

    Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager On-Orbit Radiometric Calibration

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    The Operational Land Imager (OLI), the VIS/NIR/SWIR sensor on the Landsat-8 has been successfully acquiring Earth Imagery for more than four years. The OLI incorporates two on-board radiometric calibration systems, one diffuser based and one lamp based, each with multiple sources. For each system one source is treated as primary and used frequently and the other source(s) are used less frequently to assist in tracking any degradation in the primary sources. In addition, via a spacecraft maneuver, the OLI instrument views the moon once a lunar cycle (approx. 29 days). The integrated lunar irradiances from these acquisitions are compared to the output of a lunar irradiance model. The results from all these techniques, combined with cross calibrations with other sensors and ground based vicarious measurements are used to monitor the OLI's stability and correct for any changes observed. To date, the various techniques have other detected significant changes in the shortest wavelength OLI band centered at 443 nm and these are currently being adjusted in the operational processing

    Numerical simulation of 3D free surface flows in time dependent curvilinear coordinates

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    We propose a three dimensional non-hydrostatic shock-capturing numerical model for the simulation of wave propagation, transformation and breaking, which is based on an original integral formulation of the contravariant Navier-Stokes equations, devoid of Christoffel symbols, in general time-dependent curvilinear coordinates

    Measurement of scaling laws for shock waves in thermal nonlocal media

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    We are able to detect the details of spatial optical collisionless wave-breaking through the high aperture imaging of a beam suffering shock in a fluorescent nonlinear nonlocal thermal medium. This allows us to directly measure how nonlocality and nonlinearity affect the point of shock formation and compare results with numerical simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Mars Surface Mobility Leading to Sustainable Exploration

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    A Mars rocket-propelled hopper concept was evaluated for feasibility through analysis and experiments. The approach set forth in this paper is to combine the use of in-situ resources in a new Mars mobility concept that will greatly enhance the science return while providing the first opportunity towards reducing the risk of incorporating ISRU into the critical path for the highly coveted, but currently unaffordable, sample return mission. Experimental tests were performed on a high-pressure, self-throttling gaseous oxygen/methane propulsion system to simulate a two-burn-with-coast hop profile. Analysis of the trajectory, production plant requirements, and vehicle mass indicates that a small hopper vehicle could hop 2 km every 30 days with an initial mass of less than 60 kg. A larger vehicle can hop 15 km every 30 to 60 days with an initial mass of 300 to 430 kg

    Idade e crescimento do boca-negra, Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus (Delaroche, 1809) dos Açores

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    A idade e o crescimento de boca-negra, Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus (Delaroche, 1809), foram estudadas pela observação dos otólitos (sagittae) esquerdos inteiros (n = 401) obtidos de exemplares (14-47 cm de comprimento total) capturados em águas Açoreanas. Enumeraram-se os anéis opacos observados na face anti-sulcal dos otólitos. Os intervalos de idades foram 3-14 anos para machos e 3-12 anos para fêmeas. Estimaram-se e compararam-se os parâmetros da equação de crescimento de von Bertalanffy, entre sexos e entre métodos (leitura directa de otólitos, retrocálculo e análise de distribuições de frequências de comprimentos). Não se verificaram diferenças importantes. Os resultados são diferentes da literatura publicada para a região. Discutem-se as causas e implicações dos resultados obtidos.ABSTRACT: Bluemouth, Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus (Delaroche, 1809), age and growth were studied by whole-view examination of left sagittae (n = 401) obtained from specimens (14-47 cm in total length) caught off the Azores. Opaque rings observed on the anti-sulcal surface of sagittae were enumerated as age estimates. Ages ranged from 3 to 14 years in males and 3 to 12 years in females. The von Bertalanffy growth equation was fitted to average length at age data, and compared between sexes and methods (direct examination of otoliths, backcalculation and length-frequency analysis). No important differences in growth between sexes were found. Results are different from published literature for the region. The causes and implications of the results are discussed

    Twenty-Five Years of Landsat Thermal Band Calibration

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    Landsat-7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper+ (ETM+), launched in April 1999, and Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper (TM), launched in 1984, both have a single thermal band. Both instruments thermal band calibrations have been updated previously: ETM+ in 2001 for a pre-launch calibration error and TM in 2007 for data acquired since the current era of vicarious calibration has been in place (1999). Vicarious calibration teams at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) have been working to validate the instrument calibration since 1999. Recent developments in their techniques and sites have expanded the temperature and temporal range of the validation. The new data indicate that the calibration of both instruments had errors: the ETM+ calibration contained a gain error of 5.8% since launch; the TM calibration contained a gain error of 5% and an additional offset error between 1997 and 1999. Both instruments required adjustments in their thermal calibration coefficients in order to correct for the errors. The new coefficients were calculated and added to the Landsat operational processing system in early 2010. With the corrections, both instruments are calibrated to within +/-0.7K

    Landsat-8 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) Vicarious Radiometric Calibration

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    Launched in February 2013, the Landsat-8 carries on-board the Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS), a two-band thermal pushbroom imager, to maintain the thermal imaging capability of the Landsat program. The TIRS bands are centered at roughly 10.9 and 12 micrometers (Bands 10 and 11 respectively). They have 100 m spatial resolution and image coincidently with the Operational Land Imager (OLI), also on-board Landsat-8. The TIRS instrument has an internal calibration system consisting of a variable temperature blackbody and a special viewport with which it can see deep space; a two point calibration can be performed twice an orbit. Immediately after launch, a rigorous vicarious calibration program was started to validate the absolute calibration of the system. The two vicarious calibration teams, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), both make use of buoys deployed on large water bodies as the primary monitoring technique. RIT took advantage of cross-calibration opportunity soon after launch when Landsat-8 and Landsat-7 were imaging the same targets within a few minutes of each other to perform a validation of the absolute calibration. Terra MODIS is also being used for regular monitoring of the TIRS absolute calibration. The buoy initial results showed a large error in both bands, 0.29 and 0.51 W/sq msrmicrometers or -2.1 K and -4.4 K at 300 K in Band 10 and 11 respectively, where TIRS data was too hot. A calibration update was recommended for both bands to correct for a bias error and was implemented on 3 February 2014 in the USGS/EROS processing system, but the residual variability is still larger than desired for both bands (0.12 and 0.2 W/sq msrmicrometers or 0.87 and 1.67 K at 300 K). Additional work has uncovered the source of the calibration error: out-of-field stray light. While analysis continues to characterize the stray light contribution, the vicarious calibration work proceeds. The additional data have not changed the statistical assessment but indicate that the correction (particularly in band 11) is probably only valid for a subset of data. While the stray light effect is small enough in Band 10 to make the data useful across a wide array of applications, the effect in Band 11 is larger and the vicarious results suggest that Band 11 data should not be used where absolute calibration is required
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