3,866 research outputs found

    The Asypow S(plus) Library for Asymptotic Power Calculations

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    The asypow library consists of routines written in the S language that calculate power and related quantities utilizing asymptotic methods. A paper describing these methods with examples is in preparation [1]. Two methods are available. The likelihood ratio method (LR) is described in [2]. Another general method appears recently in [3]; and we designate it the SMO method after the initials of the authors.

    Russian Federation - The myth of monopoly : a new view of industrial structure in Russia

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    Discussion of economic reform in the Russian Federation is colored by the conventional view of Russia's industrial structure. Both in Russia and in the West, Russian industry is characterized as very large enterprises operating in highly concentrated industries. The authors challenge the conventional view. They assess Russian industrial concentration by comparing the Russian industrial structure (as revealed in the 1989 Soviet Census of Industry) with that in the United States and other countries. They find that very large firms are more prevalent in the United States than in Russia. This empirical fact suggests that planners economized on the costs of central economic coordination not by building unusually large enterprises, but by not building very small enterprises. Their most important finding: that there is little aggregate or industry concentration at the national level in Russia. Monopolies and oligopolies actually account for only a small share of national employment and production. Instead, barriers to competition in Russia arise as a result of highly segmented product markets. In large part, this segmentation can be viewed as a legacy of central planning. Under the prior regime, enterprises were highly isolated, divided alone both ministerial and geographical lines. Presently, these barriers are reinforced by some features of the transitional environment that continue to undermine the efficient distribution of goods. The authors conclude that the traditional policy remedies appropriate for problems of concentration (such as antitrust policy and import competition) may be ill-advised or inadequate for addressing problems of imperfect competition in the Russian economy. They argue instead that improving the distribution system and other market infrastructure that supports trade and facilitating the entry of new firms should be the most critical elements of competition policy in Russia.Microfinance,Small Scale Enterprise,Private Participation in Infrastructure,Banks&Banking Reform,Water and Industry

    The Asypow S(plus) Library for Asymptotic Power Calculations

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    The asypow library consists of routines written in the S language that calculate power and related quantities utilizing asymptotic methods. A paper describing these methods with examples is in preparation [1]. Two methods are available. The likelihood ratio method (LR) is described in [2]. Another general method appears recently in [3]; and we designate it the SMO method after the initials of the authors

    Evaluation of the damping capacity of a cold-rolled SAE 1020 steel.

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    Since the first observation of the ability of a material to absorb vibrational energy, engineers and physicists have looked upon this property as the possible key to the behavior of materials under dynamic loading conditions. A great amount of work, particularly in the last half century, has been done with the purpose in mind of establishing a quantitative correlation between these two phenomena.http://www.archive.org/details/evaluationofdamp00browLieutenant, United States Nav

    Povezanost između snage trupa i pokazatelja sportske uspješnosti

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    Development of core muscle strength and power to improve sport performance has been a controversial issue yielding mixed results. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between two core field tests emphasizing power and measures of sport performance. Participants were twenty healthy, recreationally active males (age 23.40±1.88 yrs, height 174.63±5.81 cm, mass 76.08±7.67 kg). Participants were tested on four performance variables (40-yd sprint, shuttle run [5-10-5], vertical jump, and 1RM back squat) and two core field tests (front abdominal power throw [FAPT] and side abdominal power throw [SAPT]). Results demonstrated significant moderate correlations between the FAPT and 1RM back squat (r=.652) and relative back squat (r=.509). No other significant correlations were found. Results indicate that although the FAPT and SAPT tests are easy to perform in the field, most, but not all, performance measures were unrelated to core power. In order to properly assess the core and its role in human performance, it is necessary to evaluate sport-specific muscle actions and movements.Razvijanje mišićne jakosti i snage trupa kako bi se unaprijedila sportska izvedba i uspješnost jest kontroverzan znanstveni i stručni problem istraživanje kojega daje miješane rezultate. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bilo utvrđivanje povezanosti između dva terenska testa za procjenu snage trupa i pokazatelja sportske uspješnosti. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 20 zdravih, rekreativno aktivnih muškaraca (dob 23,40±1,88 godina, tjelesna visina 174,63±5,81 cm, tjelesna masa 76,08±7,67 kg). Sportska uspješnost ispitanika procijenjena je četirima testovima (sprint na 40 jarda, shuttle run: 5-10-5 jarda, vertikalni skok i maksimalni stražnji čučanj), a snaga njihova trupa (core) procijenjena je dvama terenskim testovima (eksplozivno bacanje medicinke prema naprijed – FAPT, i eksplozivno bacanje medicinke strance – SAPT). Rezultati analiza su pokazali značajne umjerene korelacije između FAPT i maksimalnoga stražnjega čučnja (r=,652) i relativnoga stražnjega čučnja (r=,509). Nisu utvrđene značajne korelacije između ostalih testova. Rezultati pokazuju da, iako je terenske testove FAPT i SAPT vrlo lako provoditi, većina, ali ne i sve varijable koje procjenjuju sportsku uspješnost nisu u korelaciji sa snagom trupa procijenjenom navedenim testovima. Da bi se adekvatno procijenila snaga trupa i njena uloga u sportskoj izvedbi i uspješnosti, potrebno je vrednovati sportu svojstvene mišićne akcije i kretnje

    Defining the pig microglial transcriptome reveals its core signature, regional heterogeneity, and similarity with human and rodent microglia:Pig microglial transcriptome signature

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    Microglia play key roles in brain homeostasis as well as responses to neurodegeneration and neuroinflammatory processes caused by physical disease and psychosocial stress. The pig is a physiologically relevant model species for studying human neurological disorders, many of which are associated with microglial dysfunction. Furthermore, pigs are an important agricultural species, and there is a need to understand how microglial function affects their welfare. As a basis for improved understanding to enhance biomedical and agricultural research, we sought to characterize pig microglial identity at genome-wide scale and conduct inter-species comparisons. We isolated pig hippocampal tissue and microglia from frontal cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum, as well as alveolar macrophages from the lungs and conducted RNA-sequencing (RNAseq). By comparing the transcriptomic profiles between microglia, macrophages, and hippocampal tissue, we derived a set of 239 highly enriched genes defining the porcine core microglial signature. We found brain regional heterogeneity based on 150 genes showing significant (adjusted p < 0.01) regional variations and that cerebellar microglia were most distinct. We compared normalized gene expression for microglia from human, mice and pigs using microglia signature gene lists derived from each species and demonstrated that a core microglial marker gene signature is conserved across species, but that species-specific expression subsets also exist. Our data provide a valuable resource defining the pig microglial transcriptome signature that validates and highlights pigs as a useful large animal species bridging between rodents and humans in which to study the role of microglia during homeostasis and disease

    Range and extinction dynamics of the steppe bison in Siberia : A pattern-oriented modelling approach

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    Aim To determine the ecological processes and drivers of range collapse, population decline and eventual extinction of the steppe bison in Eurasia. Location Siberia. Time period Pleistocene and Holocene. Major taxa studied Steppe bison (Bison priscus). Methods We configured 110,000 spatially explicit population models (SEPMs) of climate-human-steppe bison interactions in Siberia, which we ran at generational time steps from 50,000 years before present. We used pattern-oriented modelling (POM) and fossil-based inferences of distribution and demographic change of steppe bison to identify which SEPMs adequately simulated important interactions between ecological processes and biological threats. These "best models" were then used to disentangle the mechanisms that were integral in the population decline and later extinction of the steppe bison in its last stronghold in Eurasia. Results Our continuous reconstructions of the range and extinction dynamics of steppe bison were able to reconcile inferences of spatio-temporal occurrence and the timing and location of extinction in Siberia based on hundreds of radiocarbon-dated steppe bison fossils. We showed that simulating the ecological pathway to extinction for steppe bison in Siberia in the early Holocene required very specific ecological niche constraints, demographic processes and a constrained synergy of climate and human hunting dynamics during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. Main conclusions Ecological processes and drivers that caused ancient population declines of species can be reconstructed at high spatio-temporal resolutions using SEPMs and POM. Using this approach, we found that climatic change and hunting by humans are likely to have interacted with key ecological processes to cause the extinction of the steppe bison in its last refuge in Eurasia.Peer reviewe

    Chronic late-gestation hypoglycemia upregulates hepatic PEPCK associated with increased PGC1alpha mRNA and phosphorylated CREB in fetal sheep.

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    Hepatic glucose production is normally activated at birth but has been observed in response to experimental hypoglycemia in fetal sheep. The cellular basis for this process remains unknown. We determined the impact of 2 wk of fetal hypoglycemia during late gestation on enzymes responsible for hepatic gluconeogenesis, focusing on the insulin-signaling pathway, transcription factors, and coactivators that regulate gluconeogenesis. Hepatic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and glucose-6-phosphatase mRNA increased 12-fold and 7-fold, respectively, following chronic hypoglycemia with no change in hepatic glycogen. Chronic hypoglycemia decreased fetal plasma insulin with no change in glucagon but increased plasma cortisol 3.5-fold. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1alpha mRNA and phosphorylation of cAMP response element binding protein at Ser(133) were both increased, with no change in Akt, forkhead transcription factor FoxO1, hepatocyte nuclear factor-4alpha, or CCAAT enhancer binding protein-beta. These results demonstrate that chronic fetal hypoglycemia triggers signals that can activate gluconeogenesis in the fetal liver