118 research outputs found

    An assessment of learning gains from educational animated videos versus traditional extension presentations among farmers in Benin*

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    Article purchasedThis study compared the efficacy of linguistically and dialectically localized animated educational videos (LAV) against traditional learning extension (TLE) presentations for learning gains of knowledge around agricultural- and healthcare-related topics within a rural population in Benin. While both approaches demonstrated learning gains, LAV resulted in significantly higher test scores and more detailed knowledge retention. A key contribution of this research, moreover, involves the use of mobile phone technologies to further disseminate educational information. That is, a majority of participants expressed both a preference for the LAV teaching approach and a heightened interest in digitally sharing the information from the educational animations with others. Because the animations are, by design, readily accessible to mobile phones via Africa’s explosively expanding digital infrastructure, this heightened interest in sharing the animated videos also transforms each study participant into a potential a learning node and point of dissemination for the educational video’s material as well

    Caste- and development-associated gene expression in a lower termite

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    BACKGROUND: Social insects such as termites express dramatic polyphenism (the occurrence of multiple forms in a species on the basis of differential gene expression) both in association with caste differentiation and between castes after differentiation. We have used cDNA macroarrays to compare gene expression between polyphenic castes and intermediary developmental stages of the termite Reticulitermes flavipes. RESULTS: We identified differentially expressed genes from nine ontogenic categories. Quantitative PCR was used to quantify precise differences in gene expression between castes and between intermediary developmental stages. We found worker and nymph-biased expression of transcripts encoding termite and endosymbiont cellulases; presoldier-biased expression of transcripts encoding the storage/hormone-binding protein vitellogenin; and soldier-biased expression of gene transcripts encoding two transcription/translation factors, two signal transduction factors and four cytoskeletal/muscle proteins. The two transcription/translation factors showed significant homology to the bicaudal and bric-a-brac developmental genes of Drosophila. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show differential expression of regulatory, structural and enzyme-coding genes in association with termite castes and their developmental precursor stages. They also provide the first glimpse into how insect endosymbiont cellulase gene expression can vary in association with the caste of a host. These findings shed light on molecular processes associated with termite biology, polyphenism, caste differentiation and development and highlight potentially interesting variations in developmental themes between termites, other insects, and higher animals

    The complete mitochondrial genome of Anoplocnemis curvipes F. (Coreinea, Coreidae, Heteroptera), a pest of fresh cowpea pods

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 18 July 2017The complete 16,345-bp mitochondrial genome of the agriculturally destructive pod sucking pest, the giant coreid bug, Anoplocnemis curvipes (Hemiptera: Coreidae), was assembled from paired-end Illumina HiSeq 2500 reads. The A. curvipes mitochondrial genome consists of 13 protein coding genes (PCGs), 22 tRNAs, 2 rRNAs and a control region in the order and orientation typical among insects. PCG initiation codons (ATG, ATC, ATT and ATA) with termination codon (TAA) are used with the exception of TAG stop codons by Cytb and ND3. All tRNA genes fold into predicted cloverleaf secondary structures having requisite triplets on the anticodon loop, apart from tRNA-Ser1 (AGN) whose dihydrouridine (DHU) arm forms a simple loop. The phylogenetic analysis of hemipteran mitogenomes clusters to the family level and supports the monophyly of the five superfamilies in Pentatomomorpha of Hemiptera. The Coreoidea and Pyrrhocoroidea are sister groups, while Coreidae and Alydidae are sister groups to Rhopalidae. These analyses provide insight to mitogenomics and evolutionary relationships among pentatomoid insects

    Comparative CYP-omic analysis between the DDT-susceptible and -resistant Drosophila melanogaster strains 91-C and 91-R

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    BACKGROUND: Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450s) are involved in the biosynthesis of endogenous intracellular compounds and the metabolism of xenobiotics, including chemical insecticides.We investigated the structural and expression level variance across all P450 geneswith respect to the evolution of insecticide resistance under multigenerational dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) selection. RESULTS: RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) and reverse transcriptase–quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) indicated that the transcript levels of seven P450 genes were significantly up-regulated and three P450 genes were down-regulated in the DDT-resistant strain 91-R, as compared to the control strain 91-C. The overexpression of Cyp6g1 was associated with the presence of an Accord and an HMS-Beagle element insertion in the 5′ upstreamregion in conjunction with copy number variation in the 91-R strain, but not in the 91-C strain. A total of 122 (50.2%) fixed nonsynonymous (amino acid-changing) mutationswere found between 91-C and 91-R, and 20 (8.2%) resulted in amino acid changes within functional domains. Three P450 proteins were truncated as a result of premature stop codons and fixed between strains. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that a combination of changes in P450 protein-coding regions and transcript levels are possibly associated with DDT resistance, and thereby suggest that selection for variant function may occur within this gene family in response to chronic DDT exposure

    Impacts of Sub-lethal DDT Exposures on microRNA and Putative Target Transcript Expression in DDT Resistant and Susceptible Drosophila melanogaster Strains

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    Ten constitutively differentially expressed miRNAs were previously described between DDT-resistant 91-R and -susceptible control Drosophila melanogaster strains, and among their predicted target genes were those associated with metabolic DDT resistance mechanisms. The present study evaluated the inducibility of miRNA expression and putative downstream regulation of cytochrome P450s in response to DDT exposure in a time-dependent manner in 91-R and the susceptible Canton-S strain. Specifically, RT-qPCR analysis showed that DDT exposures led to the significant down-regulation (repression) of miR-310-3p, miR-311-3p, miR-312-3p, miR-313-3p, and miR-92a-3p levels in Canton-S. This is contrasted with the lack of significant changes in 91-R at most time-points following DDT exposure. The levels of expression among miRNAs exhibited opposite expression patterns compared to their corresponding putative target cytochrome P450s at the same time points after DDT exposure. Collectively, results from this study suggest that miR-310-3p, miR-311-3p, miR-312-3p, miR-313-3p, and miR-92a-3p might have a potential role in the control of DDT detoxification through the post-transcriptional regulation of target cytochrome P450s in Canton-S. Conversely, the lack of significant changes of these same miRNAs in 91-R following DDT-exposure suggests a possible adaptive mutation that removes repressive control mechanisms. These data are important for the understanding impact of adaptive changes in miRNA expression on post-transcriptional regulatory mechanism involved in the evolution of DDT resistance in 91-R

    Global Solutions for International Development Partnerships: Beyond Insider/Outsider Binaries

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    In recent years, information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D) approaches have facilitated international development work, but still more effective ICT4D deployments are needed. This article examines how one ICT4D initiative, Scientific Animations without Borders (SAWBO), works with partners in Africa not only to transcend problematic insider / outsider binaries that impact solution delivery but also to implement inter-organizational collaborations on research and mission-critical knowledge-transfer goals that effectively reach the widest diversity of target populations

    Global Solutions for International Development Partnerships

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    In recent years, information and communication technologies for development (ICT4D) approaches have facilitated international development work, but still more effective ICT4D deployments are needed. This article examines how one ICT4D initiative, Scientific Animations without Borders (SAWBO), works with partners in Africa not only to transcend problematic insider / outsider binaries that impact solution delivery but also to implement inter-organizational collaborations on research and mission-critical knowledge-transfer goals that effectively reach the widest diversity of target populations

    Selective Sweep Analysis in the Genomes of the 91-R and 91-C Drosophila melanogaster Strains Reveals Few of the ‘Usual Suspects’ in Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) Resistance

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    Adaptation of insect phenotypes for survival after exposure to xenobiotics can result from selection at multiple loci with additive genetic effects. To the authors’ knowledge, no selective sweep analysis has been performed to identify such loci in highly dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) resistant insects. Here we compared a highly DDT resistant phenotype in the Drosophila melanogaster (Drosophila) 91-R strain to the DDT susceptible 91-C strain, both of common origin. Whole genome re-sequencing data from pools of individuals was generated separately for 91-R and 91-C, and mapped to the reference Drosophila genome assembly (v. 5.72). Thirteen major and three minor effect chromosome intervals with reduced nucleotide diversity (π) were identified only in the 91-R population. Estimates of Tajima\u27s D (D) showed corresponding evidence of directional selection in these same genome regions of 91-R, however, no similar reductions in π or D estimates were detected in 91-C. An overabundance of non-synonymous proteins coding to synonymous changes were identified in putative open reading frames associated with 91-R. Except for NinaC and Cyp4g1, none of the identified genes were the ‘usual suspects’ previously observed to be associated with DDT resistance. Additionally, up-regulated ATP-binding cassette transporters have been previously associated with DDT resistance; however, here we identified a structurally altered MDR49 candidate resistance gene. The remaining fourteen genes have not previously been shown to be associated with DDT resistance. These results suggest hitherto unknown mechanisms of DDT resistance, most of which have been overlooked in previous transcriptional studies, with some genes having orthologs in mammals

    Development of reference transcriptomes for the major field insect pests of cowpea: a toolbox for insect pest management approaches in West Africa

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    Cowpea is a widely cultivated and major nutritional source of protein for many people that live in West Africa. Annual yields and longevity of grain storage is greatly reduced by feeding damage caused by a complex of insect pests that include the pod sucking bugs, Anoplocnemis curvipes Fabricius (Hemiptera: Coreidae) and Clavigralla tomentosicollis StĂĽl (Hemiptera: Coreidae); as well as phloem-feeding cowpea aphids, Aphis craccivora Koch (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and flower thrips, Megalurothrips sjostedti Trybom (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Efforts to control these pests remain a challenge and there is a need to understand the structure and movement of these pest populations in order to facilitate the development of integrated pest management strategies (IPM). Molecular tools have the potential to help facilitate a better understanding of pest populations. Towards this goal, we used 454 pyrosequencing technology to generate 319,126, 176,262, 320,722 and 227,882 raw reads from A. curvipes, A. craccivora, C. tomentosicollis and M. sjostedti, respectively. The reads were de novo assembled into 11,687, 7,647,10,652 and 7,348 transcripts for A. curvipes, A. craccivora, C. tomentosicollis and M. sjostedti, respectively.Functional annotation of the resulting transcripts identified genes putatively involved in insecticide resistance, pathogen defense and immunity. Additionally, sequences that matched the primary aphid endosymbiont, Buchneraaphidicola, were identified among A. craccivora transcripts. Furthermore, 742, 97, 607 and 180 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were respectively predicted among A. curvipes, A. craccivora, C. tomentosicollis and M.sjostedti transcripts, and will likely be valuable tools for future molecular genetic marker development. These results demonstrate that Roche 454-based transcriptome sequencing could be useful for the development of genomic resources for cowpea pest insects in West Africa
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