17 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT ∙ The higher‐level phylogenetic relationships of the nightjars and nighthawks (Caprimulgidae) have been challenging for traditional systematics due to their cryptic plumage and conservative morphology. We explored these relationships by combining two previously published molecular datasets with new data to generate a complete matrix (7,104 bp) of evolutionarily disparate sequence elements from four genes for 36 taxa. We analyzed each of the genes separately for base composition heterogeneity and heterozygosity. We analyzed the concatenated matrix in a likelihood framework using seven different partitioning schemes. As the number of subsets in a given partitioning scheme increased, tree length and likelihood score also increased; however, the branching topology was little affected by increasingly complex partitioning schemes. Our best maximum likelihood tree has increased bootstrap support at 13 of 30 ingroup nodes compared with previous analyses, a result likely due to doubling the length of the sequence data. Coalescent‐based species tree inference produced a tree congruent with all strongly supported nodes in the maximum likelihood tree. This topology agrees with previous molecular studies in identifying three small, early branching Old World genera (Eurostopodus, Lyncornis, and Gactornis) and four more speciose terminal clades, representing the New World nighthawks (genus Chordeiles) and three nightjar radiations centered in South America, Central America and the Old World, respectively. Increased node support across the tree reinforces a historical scenario with origins in the region surrounding the Indian Ocean, followed by diversification in the New World and subsequent recolonization and radiation in the Old World. Future work on this group should incorporate additional members of the genera Lyncornis and Eurostopodus, to determine which is the basal lineage of Caprimulgidae.RESUMEN ∙ Relaciones filogenéticas de más alto nivel de los atajacaminos (Aves: Caprimulgidae) en base a un análisis multigénico Las relaciones filogenéticas de más alto nivel de los atajacaminos y añaperos (Caprimulgidae) son un reto para la sistemática tradicional, debido a que el grupo posee morfología poco variable y plumajes crípticos. Exploramos relaciones filogenéticas en el grupo combinando dos conjuntos de datos moleculares ya publicados con nuevos datos. La matriz completa (7,104 bp) se generó con cuatro genes y 36 taxones, incluyendo marcadores con distintos modelos de evolución. Se examinó cada uno de los genes por separado para determinar heterocigosidad y heterogeneidad de la composición de bases. Se analizó la matriz concatenada en un marco de máxima verosimilitud utilizando siete particiones diferentes. La longitud de los árboles filogenéticos y su verosimilitud aumentaron a la par del número de subconjuntos en una partición particular; sin embargo, la topología del árbol varió poco entre particiones. En comparación con topologías publicadas, nuestro árbol de máxima verosimilitud tuvo mejor soporte para 13 de los 30 nodos internos, resultado que podría deberse al uso del doble de los datos de secuencias. El método de árboles de especies basado en coalescencia produjo una topología congruente con la obtenida por máxima verosimilitud. Esta topología concuerda con previos estudios moleculares, identificando tres pequeños géneros del Viejo Mundo como basales en la filogenia (Eurostopodus, Lyncornis y Gactornis), y cuatro clados terminales con más especies. Estos clados terminales representan los atajacaminos del Nuevo Mundo del género Chordeiles, y otras tres radiaciones de América del Sur, Central y del Viejo Mundo. Nuestros resultados sugieren un escenario histórico con orígenes del grupo en la región circundante al Océano Indico, seguido por la diversificación en las Américas y la posterior recolonización y radiación en el Viejo Mundo. Futuros estudios en este grupo deben incorporar miembros adicionales de los géneros Lyncornis y Eurostopodus, lo que permitirá estudiar cuál es el linaje basal de Caprimulgidae

    Positive Darwinian Selection in the Piston That Powers Proton Pumps in Complex I of the Mitochondria of Pacific Salmon

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    The mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation is well understood, but evolution of the proteins involved is not. We combined phylogenetic, genomic, and structural biology analyses to examine the evolution of twelve mitochondrial encoded proteins of closely related, yet phenotypically diverse, Pacific salmon. Two separate analyses identified the same seven positively selected sites in ND5. A strong signal was also detected at three sites of ND2. An energetic coupling analysis revealed several structures in the ND5 protein that may have co-evolved with the selected sites. These data implicate Complex I, specifically the piston arm of ND5 where it connects the proton pumps, as important in the evolution of Pacific salmon. Lastly, the lineage to Chinook experienced rapid evolution at the piston arm

    Strong mitochondrial DNA support for a Cretaceous origin of modern avian lineages

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Determining an absolute timescale for avian evolutionary history has proven contentious. The two sources of information available, paleontological data and inference from extant molecular genetic sequences (colloquially, 'rocks' and 'clocks'), have appeared irreconcilable; the fossil record supports a Cenozoic origin for most modern lineages, whereas molecular genetic estimates suggest that these same lineages originated deep within the Cretaceous and survived the K-Pg (Cretaceous-Paleogene; formerly Cretaceous-Tertiary or K-T) mass-extinction event. These two sources of data therefore appear to support fundamentally different models of avian evolution. The paradox has been speculated to reflect deficiencies in the fossil record, unrecognized biases in the treatment of genetic data or both. Here we attempt to explore uncertainty and limit bias entering into molecular divergence time estimates through: (i) improved taxon (<it>n </it>= 135) and character (<it>n = </it>4594 bp mtDNA) sampling; (ii) inclusion of multiple cladistically tested internal fossil calibration points (<it>n </it>= 18); (iii) correction for lineage-specific rate heterogeneity using a variety of methods (<it>n </it>= 5); (iv) accommodation of uncertainty in tree topology; and (v) testing for possible effects of episodic evolution.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The various 'relaxed clock' methods all indicate that the major (basal) lineages of modern birds originated deep within the Cretaceous, although temporal intraordinal diversification patterns differ across methods. We find that topological uncertainty had a systematic but minor influence on date estimates for the origins of major clades, and Bayesian analyses assuming fixed topologies deliver similar results to analyses with unconstrained topologies. We also find that, contrary to expectation, rates of substitution are not autocorrelated across the tree in an ancestor-descendent fashion. Finally, we find no signature of episodic molecular evolution related to either speciation events or the K-Pg boundary that could systematically mislead inferences from genetic data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The 'rock-clock' gap has been interpreted by some to be a result of the vagaries of molecular genetic divergence time estimates. However, despite measures to explore different forms of uncertainty in several key parameters, we fail to reconcile molecular genetic divergence time estimates with dates taken from the fossil record; instead, we find strong support for an ancient origin of modern bird lineages, with many extant orders and families arising in the mid-Cretaceous, consistent with previous molecular estimates. Although there is ample room for improvement on both sides of the 'rock-clock' divide (e.g. accounting for 'ghost' lineages in the fossil record and developing more realistic models of rate evolution for molecular genetic sequences), the consistent and conspicuous disagreement between these two sources of data more likely reflects a genuine difference between estimated ages of (i) stem-group origins and (ii) crown-group morphological diversifications, respectively. Further progress on this problem will benefit from greater communication between paleontologists and molecular phylogeneticists in accounting for error in avian lineage age estimates.</p

    A randomised controlled trial of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a contingency management intervention for reduction of cannabis use and of relapse in early psychosis (CIRCLE): a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Around 35–45 % of people in contact with services for a first episode of psychosis are using cannabis. Cannabis use is associated with delays in remission, poorer clinical outcomes, significant increases in the risk of relapse, and lower engagement in work or education. While there is a clear need for effective interventions, so far only very limited benefits have been achieved from psychological interventions. Contingency management (CM) is a behavioural intervention in which specified desired behavioural change is reinforced through financial rewards. CM is now recognised to have a substantial evidence base in some contexts and its adoption in the UK is advocated by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance as a treatment for substance or alcohol misuse. However, there is currently little published data testing its effectiveness for reducing cannabis use in early psychosis. Methods: CIRCLE is a two-arm, rater-blinded randomised controlled trial (RCT) investigating the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a CM intervention for reducing cannabis use among young people receiving treatment from UK Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) services. EIP service users (n = 544) with a recent history of cannabis use will be recruited. The experimental group will receive 12 once-weekly CM sessions, and a voucher reward if urinalysis shows that they have not used cannabis in the previous week. Both the experimental and the control groups will be offered an Optimised Treatment as Usual (OTAU) psychoeducational package targeting cannabis use. Assessment interviews will be performed at consent, at 3 months, and at 18 months. The primary outcome is time to relapse, defined as admission to an acute mental health service. Secondary outcomes include proportion of cannabis-free urine samples during the intervention period, severity of positive psychotic symptoms, quality-adjusted life years, and engagement in work or education. Discussion: CIRCLE is a RCT of CM for cannabis use in young people with a recent history of psychosis (EIP service users) and recent cannabis use. It is designed to investigate whether the intervention is a clinically and cost-effective treatment for cannabis use. It is intended to inform future treatment delivery, particularly in EIP settings

    Factors Influencing Increased Usage of Cash Rent Leases in Illinois

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    In recent years, cash rent leases have become increasingly popular among farm landowners in Illinois. Since 1995, acres operated under cash rent leases have increased 44%, 105%, and 117% in northern, southern, and central Illinois, respectively, for farms enrolled in the Illinois Farm Business Farm Management (FBFM) Association. Using data collected from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Illinois FBFM Association, University of Illinois farmdoc, and Environmental Working Group (EWG), we examined the impact of multiple factors on farmland leasing choices. Results indicate that commodity prices, soybean revenue, government crop insurance expenditures, and commodity payments have influenced the increasing use of cash rent leases