26 research outputs found

    Assessment of the efficiency in trapping North American mink (Neovison vison) for population control in Patagonia

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.BACKGROUND: Introduced species can have a major negative impact on biodiversity; an example is the American mink, which was introduced in the 1930s in Patagonia. While there is a consensus that reversing alien mustelids continental scale invasions remains unfeasible, there is little consensus, given a maximum cost or investment, on the feasibility and efficiency of region-wide control or eradication. Thus, our goal was to provide information about efficiency for mink control in Patagonia METHODS: Between January 2009 and February 2013 this study was conducted in ten study sites (4 km to 15 km long) between 39°S to 45°S latitude. Minks were trapped using cage traps operated by two trappers. We estimated the population density at each study site assuming they were close populations, exhibit intrasexual territoriality and the home range of females were smaller than those of males. We obtained a theoretical population and a modeled population from our trapping results. Sixty five minks were trapped over 2190 trap nights (0.03 mink/trap night). Mink captures were higher in the first six days and in the first trapping campaigns. A two person team was able to control a maximum distance of approximately 6 km of river shore by foot and 15 km of sea and lake shores by boat. There was an over linear increase of operational costs as time passed. Our modeled population was 91% of the theoretical population CONCLUSIONS: We believe that to trap and remove a minimum of 70% of the mink population in a region under ideal circumstances, traps should be deployed every 200 m and after the sixth day should be moved to another new transect. We suggest an annual repetition of this strategy as the more efficient for controlling mink populations in terms of trapping success and reduced costs. The number of traps will depend on the number of trappers participating and also on habitat characteristicshttp://ref.scielo.org/qcr5j

    Chemical immobilisation of the wild Patagonian otter (Lontra provocax) and the North American mink (Neovison vison)

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    The Patagonian otter (Lontra provocax) is an endangered species endemic to southern Chile and Argentina. Most of its distribution range has recently been occupied by the American mink (Neovison vison). As part of a long-term study on the impact of mink in Patagonia, we assessed five reversible anaesthetic combination protocols in different doses on wild L. provocax and N. vison, and described the occurrence of any adverse effects. We assessed 16 anaesthetic procedures with a combination of ketamine-medetomidine (KET-MED; 6.0±2.8-0.05±0.01 mg/kg IM, respectively) or ketamine-dexmedetomidine (KET-DEX; 4.1±0.9-0.02±0.004 mg/kg IM) in L. provocax and 23 anaesthetic procedures with KET-MED (13.3±4-0.1±0.04 mg/kg IM), KET-DEX (4.8±0.3-0.024±0.001 mg/kg IM) in a low dose of ketamine (LDK) or KET-DEX (10.2±0.9-0.025±0.002 mg/kg IM) in a high dose of ketamine (HDK) in N. vison. Reversal was accomplished using atipamezole at 5 times the dose of MED or 10 times the dose of DEX. All anaesthetic combinations produced complete immobilisation and rapid anaesthetic induction, except for two otters anaesthetised with KET-MED which exhibited a longer time to initial effect. Hypothermia was commonly observed at the end of the anaesthetic procedures. Due to the hypoxemia presented in four otters at the beginning of anaesthesia, it is recommended to use additional oxygen when possible

    High prevalence of pathogenic Leptospira in alien American mink (Neovison vison) in Patagonia

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.BACKGROUND: Leptospirosis is an important zoonosis with worldwide distribution caused by pathogenic bacteria of the genus Leptospira. The North American mink (Neovison vison) has an important role in the environmental contamination with Leptospira, as minks live in aquatic environments and are the predators of rodents. FINDINGS: Blood and kidney samples were obtained from 57 minks in Southern Chile 39° S to 45° S. Pathogenic species of Leptospira were detected by PCR on 31/57 minks. To determine the species, we sequenced the 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene on nine of the positive samples. We predicted two pathogenic species: Leptospira interrogans (five samples) and Leptospira borgpetersenii (four samples). CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that the American mink presents pathogenic species of Leptospira and confirm important environmental contamination of Patagonian rivers and lakes with pathogenic Leptospira.http://ref.scielo.org/fkzjb

    Domestic dog and alien North American mink as reservoirs of infectious diseases in the endangered Southern river otter

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    Introduced alien carnivores are host to infectious diseases that may become an important threat for native carnivore species conservation. Canine distemper virus (CDV) is thought to be transmitted among individuals by direct contact and to present viral dynamics associated with a density-dependent multi-host carnivore community. In contrast, Canine Parvovirus (CPV) is mostly transmitted by indirect contact and does not depend only on the density, but also on the social behaviour of infected as well as susceptible hosts. The objective of this study was to assess how introduced American mink (Neovison vison) can act as a bridge-host between domestic dog (Canis familiaris) and Southern river otter (Lontra provocax) in different dog and mink population density scenarios. Our data show that otters are seropositive to both CDV and PV, as well as a molecular identity to Parvovirus in dogs and minks. Furthermore, a strong positive correlation between dog population density and observed seroprevalence of CDV in dogs, minks, and otters was recorded. For Parvovirus, the observed seroprevalence in mink and otters was not correlated to a higher dog population density, but instead a relationship between dog and mink population densities and social behaviour. Our results suggest that introduced American mink and domestic dogs are reservoirs of CDV and PV, both being diseases of major importance for the conservation of native endangered carnivores in Patagonia

    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    ¿Por qué escribo? : Selección de textos producidos en los talleres de la UNLP (2013-2016)

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    Consideramos fundamental que el espíritu del bienestar de la comunidad universitaria se centre en la creación de espacios de expresión, de participación y de integración para los estudiantes de nuestra universidad; espacios que les permitan conocer, explorar o descubrir nuevas formas de ser en el mundo, de compartir la experiencia y enriquecerse a partir de la experiencia de los demás. El programa de talleres gratuitos para alumnos de todas las carreras de grado de la UNLP que llevamos adelante desde la Prosecretaría de Bienestar Universitario es una instancia de ello. Comenzamos en el año 2009 con una oferta modesta, pero variada, que permitía acercar a nuestros estudiantes a disciplinas por lo general poco contempladas en la oferta académica de nuestra universidad. Con el paso de los años el interés por los talleres creció tanto que fuimos sumando nuevas propuestas para incluir, por un lado, las inquietudes específicas que nos traían los estudiantes y, por el otro, para hacer posible que todos los interesados tuvieran un lugar de participación en el programa. El Taller de Lectura y Escritura, primero, y el Taller de Escritura Creativa en la Biblioteca Euforión, unos años más tarde, ambos pensados y llevados adelante por Analía Pinto, son ejemplos de ello; ejemplos ante todo de cuán significativo y transformador para las personas puede volverse un espacio a lo largo del tiempo si recibe la justa combinación de compromiso, dedicación y saber. Esta primera edición (y selección) de los trabajos escritos por los alumnos de los talleres de Lectura y de Escritura de la UNLP es una muestra, que nos enorgullece, de todo ese camino recorrido. Esperamos que lo disfruten.Prosecretaría de Bienestar Universitari

    Evaluación epidemiológica de Toxoplasma gondii, parvovirus, distemper y leptospira en mascotas domésticas, visón americano (Neovison vison) y huillín (Lontra provocax) en el sur de Chile

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    Tesis (Doctor en Medicina de la Conservación)Financial support was given by Universidad Andres Bello project DI 313-13/R and FONDECYT 1100139The increase in human population and domestic pets, such as dogs and cats, and introduction of species, such as American mink are generating important consequences in terms of habitat loss and pathogen pollution of ecosystems with potential to generate negative impacts in biodiversity. For this, it is essential to perform studies that illustrate the sanitary situation of Chilean native species, particularly those with serious conservation problems, like Southern river otter, to be able to understand and predict how infectious agents spread, and whether they represent a risk for the conservation of these wild species. In particular, this investigation seeks to carry out epidemiologic evaluation of four important infectious agents: Toxoplasma gondii is the etiological agent of zoonotic disease toxoplasmosis, and is associated to cat abundance and anthropogenic disturbance. The present study analyzed seroprevalence (modified agglutination test, MAT, cut-off 1:25) and presence of T. gondii DNA in American mink, Southern river otters and domestic cats in Southern Chile. Mean seroprevalence of T. gondii was 64% of 151 total animals sampled: 59% of 73 American mink, 77% of 13 Southern river otters, 68% of 65 domestic cats. Toxoplasma gondii DNA was detected in tissues from one American mink and one Southern river otter. The present study confirms the widespread distribution of T. gondii in Southern Chile, and shows a high exposure of semiaquatic mustelids and domestic cats to the parasite. Cats and anthropogenic disturbance have a role in the maintenance of T. gondii infection in ecosystems of southern Chile. 8 Parvovirus and canine distemper virus are important agents that can infect carnivores, which causes severe disease in Canidae and Mustelidae. Domestic dogs are considered a problem for public health and for conservation of endangered species, because it can transmit infections to wildlife, such as parvovirus and canine distemper virus. This study analyzed, by PCR the presence of Canine Parvovirus (CPV) and Canine Distemper Virus (CDV) in domestic dogs (n=82), American mink (n=48) and native Southern river otter (13) in the Chilean Patagonia. One dog and two minks were found positive to CPV, these samples were confirmed as CPV by sequencing; but which showed 100% identity with CPV, Feline Panleukopenia and mink Enteritis virus. Non CDV was found. Leptospirosis is an important zoonosis with worldwide distribution caused by pathogenic bacteria of the genus Leptospira. The North American mink has an important role in the environmental contamination with Leptospira, as minks live in aquatic environments and are the predators of rodents. Blood and kidney samples were obtained from 57 minks in southern Chile 39ºS to 45ºS. Pathogenic species of Leptospira were detected by PCR on 31/57 minks. To determine the species we sequenced the 16S rRNA gene on nine of the positive samples. We predicted two pathogenic species: L. interrogans (five samples) and L. borgpetersenii (four samples). This study showed that the American mink presents pathogenic species of Leptospira, and confirm important environmental contamination of Patagonian rivers and lakes with pathogenic Leptospira

    Contabilidad en los márgenes: ecologías financieras entre big y small data = Accounting in the margin: financial ecologies in between big and small data

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    Social studies of finance can be split in two types: studies that have paid attention to “market devices” (such as scorings and credit cards) enacted by financial firms and studies that analyze new practices and modes of “ordinary calculation” developed by consumers of financial services around the world. This article is part of a broader project that aims at opening a different path that locates social studies of domestic finances at the intersection where both kinds of calculation – the big data of market devices and the small data of ordinary financial practices- can be simultaneously observed. More specifically, this article discusses some of the methodological challenges faced from this new position, particularly, how we used some of the traces left by big data and how we dealt with an surprising “commercial circuit” founded in our materia

    La agenda pública se impone en la prensa conservadora

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    Tesis (Periodista)Los tiempos están cambiando. La sociedad se ha transformado. Ya no somos los mismos ciudadanos de hace 20, 30 o 40 años atrás. Nuestros intereses, anhelos, deseos, necesidades e incluso los propios gustos ya no son lo mismo. La ropa que vestimos, los libros que leemos, la comida que degustamos y la vida que llevamos da cuenta del notorio cambio por el que pasa la comunidad. No es algo catastrófico. Pero si la gente cambia, los productos dirigidos hacia ella también deben hacerlo. El periodismo ya no es el mismo. La política, la economía, la cultura, el espectáculo, son distintos. Las variaciones en los distintos ámbitos han llegado a la prensa, y al parecer la que más pudo verse afectada era la escrita. Los rumores corren. Los editores y dueños de medios de comunicación se preocupan. Se especula que el mundo del periodismo impreso está en crisis, y que su durabilidad en el tiempo está en duda. Son muchos los libros que se han publicado y que entregan una fecha de expiración para los diarios conservadores. Sin embargo, los años pasan y las premoniciones aún no se han cumplido. ¿Qué sucede entonces? ¿Por qué la prensa escrita no ha muerto, si las nuevas tecnologías amenazan su existencia? Primero fue la radio, luego la televisión y ahora Internet, y los diarios siguen en el mercado. Simple. Ni la televisión, ni la radio, ni Internet pueden matar a la prensa. "Todos estos medios tienen sus propias ventajas y limitaciones. Si la prensa envejece, declina o entra en decadencia nunca será por culpa de los medios electrónicos. Los periódicos crecen o mueren - en una sociedad de libertad - únicamente por las acciones u omisiones de empresarios y periodistas"'. Los periódicos no pueden quedar atrás. Deben crear estrategias para competir y mantenerse vigentes. Deben ir de la mano con los acontecimientos y adoptar nuevas estrategias comerciales para adaptarse a las nuevas competencias. Es lo que sucede con El Mercurio. A lo largo de esta tesis se dará a conocer como este medio tradicional y conservador se ha dejado influir por la agenda setting, teoría que sostiene que los medios de comunicación son los que escogen los temas sobre los que se habla y se discute, así como su importancia, su orden y la manera de transmitirlos. La influencia que la agenda pública haya realizado sobre este diario, va de la mano con la constante renovación que el medio ha necesitado para mantenerse a flote. El Mercurio no puede estar al margen de los cambios que vive la sociedad. El público está cambiando constantemente en términos de valores, percepciones, hábitos y conductas. Transformaciones que conforman nuevas segmentaciones sociales, culturales, de estilo de vida y de consumo, lo que significa que se originan nuevos mercados o audiencias para las cuales las empresas, ya sean periodísticas o no, deben adaptar sus productos, ya que de no hacerlo, el fracaso es rotundo