24 research outputs found
Efeitos da nutrição mineral sobre o crescimento, aspecto, composição elementar e fixação de nitrogênio em Azolla
The mineral nutrition of Azolla feliculoides Lam was studied in solutions deficient in phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron and molybdenum, and in excess of Mn and Al. Dry weight, N2 fixation and mineral composition of Azolla were determined after 3 weeks. Phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium deficiencies and excess of manganese and aluminium decressed growth severely and also depressed the activity of nitrogenase. Phosphorus deficiency improved the uptake of iron and zinc. Potassium deficiency increased the levels of phosphorus in dry matter. Magnesium deficiency caused lower uptake of K and better uptake of Ca, Fe and Mn. Sulfur deficiency reduced aluminium uptake and promoted the best growth. Positive correlations were found between: N content and dry matter, nitrogenase activity and N content.Azolla filiculoides Lam foi cultivado em solução nutritiva arejada, sempre desprovida de N combinado, sendo submetida aos seguintes tratamentos: omissão de P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe e Mo, excesso de Mn e Al. As plantas foram colhidas depois de 3 semanas da inoculação. Verificou-se que as deficiências de P, K, Ca e Mg provocaram diminuição na produção de matéria seca e na atividade de nitrogenase. A análise mineral mostrou que: a falta de um elemento provoca redução no seu teor; grande acumulo de Mo; diminuição no teor de Al (do inóculo ou contaminação) no tratamento menos S que garantiu o maior crescimento; efeitos inibitórios ou sinergísticos semelhantes aos descritos no caso de plantas superiores. A toxidez de Al e Mn causou, principalmente a primeira, redução no crescimento e na atividade da nitrogenase. Houve correlações positivas entre: N total e crescimento, atividade de nitrogenase e N total
Association Between Maternal Physical Activity, Gestational Weight Gain And Birth Weight In A Cohort Of 118 Pregnant Women In Campina Grande, Northeast Of Brazil [associação Entre O Padrão De Atividade Física Materna, Ganho Ponderal Gestacional E Peso Ao Nascer Em Uma Coorte De 118 Gestantes No Município De Campina Grande, Nordeste Do Brasil]
Objective: This survey evaluated the effects of physical activity on gestational weight gain and birth weight of pregnant women attended by the Family Health Program in Campina Grande, Northeast of Brazil. Methods: A cohort study enrolling 118 pregnant women was conducted between 2005 and 2006. Evaluation of the initial nutritional status was performed following Atalah's criteria and gestational weight gain was evaluated according to the Institute of Medicine. The pattern of physical activity was evaluated according to METs (metabolic equivalent) and its association with weight gain and birth weight was determined. Results: The predominant physical activity pattern at 16 weeks was mild, in 85.6% of pregnant women. An important reduction of physical activity levels was observed with evolution of pregnancy and 98.3% of pregnant women were sedentary at 24 weeks and 100% at 32 weeks. In the initial evaluation of nutritional status 50% were normal, 23% had low weight and 27% had overweight/obesity. At second and third trimesters about 45% of pregnant women had excessive weight gain. Adequate birth weight for gestational age was found in 85.6% of neonates but macrosomia was highly frequent (8.5%). A significant association between METs at 24 weeks and gestational weight gain was found in the second trimester (p=0.045). cOnclusiOn: All the pregnant women were sedentary in the third trimester and a significant association between physical activity pattern and gestational weight gain was found in the second trimester, but there was no association between this pattern and birth weight.553335341Caspersen, C.J., Kriska, A.M., Dearwater, S.R., Physical activity epidemiology as applied to elderly populations (1994) Baillieres Clin Rheumatol, 8, pp. 7-27(2002) The optimal duration of exclusive breast-feeding a systematic review, , World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva: World Health organizationClapp, J.F., Kim, H., Burciu, B., Lopez, B., Beginning regular exercise in early pregnancy: Effect on fetoplacental growth (2000) Am J obstet Gynecol, 183, pp. 1484-8Exercise during pregnancy and the postpartum period (1994) Washington (DC): ACoG Technical Bulletin, p. 189. , ACOG. 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Institute of Medicine, Washington (DC): National Academy PressAinsworth, B.E., Haskell, W.L., Whitt, M.C., Irwin, M.L., Swartz, A.M., Strath, S.J., Compendium of physical activities: An update of activity codes and met intensites (2000) Med Sci Sports Exerc, 32, pp. 498-516Chasan-Taber, L., Schimdt, M.D., Roberts, D.E., Hosmer, D., Markenson, G., Freedson, P.S., Development and validatium of a pregnancy physical activity questionnary (2004) Med Sci Sports Exerc, 36, pp. 1750-60Aso, M., Assunção, P.L., Gondim, S.S.R., Carvalho, D.F., Amorim, M.M.R., Benício, M.H.D.A., et al, Estado nutricional materno, ganho de peso gestacional e peso ao nascer (2007) Rev Bras Epidemiol, 10, pp. 249-57Assunção, P.L., Aso, M., Gondim, S.S.R., Benicio, M.H.D., Amorin, M.M.R., Cardoso, M.A.A., Ganho ponderal e desfechos gestacionais em mulheres atendidas pelo Programa de Saúde da Família em Campina Grande, PB (Brasil) (2007) Rev Bras Epidemiol., 7, pp. 352-60Nucci, L.B., Duncan, B.B., Mengue, S.S., Avaliação de ganho ponderal intragestacional em serviços de assistência pré-natal no Brasil (2001) Cad Saude Pública, 17, pp. 1367-74Aquino, K.K.N.C., (2004) Determinantes do ganho ponderal excessivo em gestantes atendidas nos serviços públicos de pré-natal do distrito federal [dissertação]. 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