1,878 research outputs found

    Ground System Milestones: 20 Years of Earth Observing Satellite Mission Operations

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    Aqua, Aura, and Terra are Earth observing satellites that serve in the Earth Observing System (EOS). Terra, the flagship mission of the EOS, was launched in 1998. Aqua was launched in 2002 and Aura was launched in 2004. Each spacecraft was designed for a 6 year lifespan. Currently, each spacecraft meets all mission and science requirements. As technology advances, the onboard hardware and software remain the same, however, our ground system progresses. In the past twenty years, many changes have taken place. Our goal is to describe the life of the ground system from launch, to present day, and touch on our future plans. The focus of our presentation will be how EOS has and continues to modernize our ground system for the future. We would like to share our experiences and give insight into the operational challenges of a 20 year old ground system. Our hope is for future mission operators and those maintaining potential age defying satellites to use our past experiences and lessons learned for future operational concepts

    The identification of cloud types in LANDSAT MSS images

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Five general families of clouds were identified: cumulonimbiform, cumuliform, stratiform, stratocumuliform, and cirriform. Four members of this five-fold primary division of clouds were further divided into a number of subgroups. The MSS observed and recorded earth radiation in four different wavebands. Two of these bands (4 and 5) image in the visible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, while the others (6 and 7) image the short wave portion, or just into the infrared. The main differences between the appearances of clouds in the four wavebands are related to the background brightness of land and sea surfaces

    Analyses of the cloud contents of multispectral imagery from LANDSAT 2: Mesoscale assessments of cloud and rainfall over the British Isles

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    The author has identified the following significant results. It was demonstrated that satellites with sufficiently high resolution capability in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum could be used to check the accuracy of estimates of total cloud amount assessed subjectively from the ground, and to reveal areas of performance in which corrections should be made. It was also demonstrated that, in middle latitude in summer, cloud shadow may obscure at least half as much again of the land surface covered by an individual LANDSAT frame as the cloud itself. That proportion would increase with latitude and/or time of year towards the winter solstice. Analyses of sample multispectral images for six different categories of clouds in summer revealed marked differences between the reflectance characteristics of cloud fields in the visible/near infrared region of the spectrum

    Comparisons of cloud cover evaluated from LANDSAT imagery and meteorological stations across the British Isles

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    The author has identified the following significant results. This stage of the study has confirmed the initial supposition that LANDSAT data could be analyzed to provide useful data on cloud amount, and that useful light would be thrown thereby on the performance of the ground observer of this aspect of the state of the sky. This study, in comparison with previous studies of a similar nature using data from meteorological satellites, has benefited greatly from the much higher resolution data provided by LANDSAT. This has permitted consideration of not only the overall performance of the surface observer in estimating total cloud cover, but also his performance under different sky conditions

    Mesoscale Assessments of Cloud and Rainfall over the British Isles

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    Mesoscale assessments of cloud and rainfall over the British Isles

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    Rushing to Overpay: The REIT Premium Revisited

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    We explore the questions of whether and why Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) pay more for real estate than non-REIT buyers, consequently breaking the law of one price. We develop a model where REITs optimally pay more for property because (1) they are able, due to capital access advantages and, (2) are occasionally compelled, due to regulatory time constraints on the deployment of capital. We show that the typically large (20 to 60 percent) and statistically significant (p-values less than 0.01) REIT-buyer premiums found in standard empirical hedonic pricing models are biased due to unobserved explanatory variables. Using a repeat-transaction methodology that controls for unobserved independent variables, we find the REIT-buyer premium to be about 5 percent. Furthermore, we show that REITs¿ ability (as measured by access to capital markets) and regulator compulsion (as measured by capital deployment deadlines) are related to the price premium.Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), commercial properties, hedonic price analysis, repeat transactions, market efficiency, law of one price, price premium

    The validity of external: internal training load ratios in rested and fatigued soccer players

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    Purpose: To examine the relationship of external:internal training load ratios with fitness and assess the impact of fatigue. Method: Ten soccer players performed a lactate threshold test followed by two soccer simulations (BEAST90mod ) 48 h apart. Recovery (TQR) and muscle soreness (DOMS) was measured before each trial. Internal Training load (TL) (iTRIMP) and external load total distance (TD), high intensity distance (HID), PlayerLoadâ„¢ (PL) mean metabolic power (MMP) high metabolic power distance (HP) were collected for each trial and external:internal ratios produced. The relationships between ratios and velocity at lactate threshold (vLT) and velocity at Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation (vOBLA) were examined in both trials along with changes in ratios. Results: Total Quality of Recovery and DOMS showed large changes. There were trivial to large decreases in TL from trial 1 to 2. Moderate increases in ratios for TD:iTRIMP, PL:iTRIMP and MMP:iTRIMP were seen but only small/trivial for HP:iTRIMP and HID:iTRIMP. In rested conditions all ratios show large relationships with vLT and vOBLA. However vLT vs. HID:iTRIMP; PL:iTRIMP; HP:iTRIMP and vOBLA vs. TD:iTRIMP; PL:iTRIMP; MMP:iTRIMP became weaker under fatigue. Conclusions: Acute changes in the ratios have implications forthe use of ratios as fitness measures but also as indicators of fatigue
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