14 research outputs found

    Incidencia de los titulares en el consumo de los contenidos informativos del diario Extra en la parroquia de Guaytacama.

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    The newspaper is considered, by readers, a traditional medium for its transcendence and historical heritage. In the research project an analysis is made to determine how the headlines incidence in the Extra newspaper consumption of its informative contents in the parish of Guaytacama. Since, a headline is considered the hook for the reader to consume news. A mixed design methodology was used in this project through the qualitative and quantitative approach. Consequently, a survey was applied to 15 taxi drivers from "Las Totoras" cooperativa of the Guaytacama, parish considering that this group consumes the Extra newspaper the most. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with six people from an age range of 30 to 50, because each person has a different criterion. Finally, an analysis sheet was made, with the purpose of studying the main headlines of the newspaper. The results, through this study, determine that the headlines, especially topics such as Cronica Roja, affect the purchase of it. According to the survey, the overdone headlines are the ones that affect readers' interest in the rest of the news, the more striking the headlines, the more interest it will cause in the audience for its consumption. The population interviewed said that they want to consume this newspaper because it contains overdone information, and both headlines and images can be a bad reference for the education of underage. However, society accepts it and consumes it even though it is considered a sensationalist media. Through the analysis card it is evident that the extra is characterized by the sensationalism in its contents, because it presents titles with overdone messages, it uses an everyday language oriented to highlight the news. In addition the color, size and shape of the headlines are designed to capture the reader's attention. In conclusion, the headlines disseminated by the Extra newspaper, influence the acquisition of their copies, in such a way, the audience is attracted by the use of the jargon, and the use of a common vocabulary.El periódico es considerado, por los lectores, un medio tradicional por su trascendencia y herencia histórica. En el presente proyecto de investigación se hace un análisis para determinar cómo inciden los titulares del diario Extra para el consumo de sus contenidos informativos en la parroquia de Guaytacama. Pues, un titular es considerado el enganche para que el lector consuma noticias. La metodología que se utilizó en este proyecto fue un diseño mixto mediante el enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo. Es por ello, que se aplicó una encuesta a 15 taxistas de la cooperativa “Las Totoras” de la parroquia de Guaytacama por considerar que grupo son quienes más consumen el diario Extra. Además se realizó entrevistas a profundidad a seis personas de un rango de edad entre 30 a 50 debido a que cada persona tiene un criterio diferente. Finalmente, se realizó una ficha de análisis, con el propósito de estudiar los principales titulares del diario. Los resultados arrojados, mediante este estudio, determinan que los titulares, especialmente los que tratan temas de crónica roja, incitan a la compra del medio. Según la encuesta los titulares exagerados son los que inciden en que los lectores se interesen por el resto de la noticia, mientras más llamativo sean los titulares, más interés causará en la audiencia para su consumo. La población entrevistada manifestó que desiste de consumir este diario porque contiene información exagerada, y tanto titulares como imágenes pueden ser una mala referencia para la educación de los menores de edad. Sin embargo la sociedad lo acepta y lo consume pese a que es considerado un medio sensacionalista. Mediante la ficha de análisis se evidencia que el diario Extra es caracterizado por el sensacionalismo en sus contenidos, pues, presenta títulos con mensajes exagerados, utiliza un lenguaje cotidiano orientado a resaltar la noticia, además el color, tamaño y forma de los titulares están diseñados para captar la atención del lector. En conclusión, los titulares difundidos por el diario Extra, influyen en la adquisición de sus ejemplares, de tal manera, la audiencia se siente atraída por la utilización de la jerga, y el empleo de un vocabulario común.Universidad Técnica de Cotopax

    True vertical validation in facial orthognathic surgery planning

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    Objectives: To validate the effectiveness of the original standards of True Vertical (TV) Subnasal Line in orthognatic surgery planning. The present study evaluates the changes occurring in patients with skeletal Class II alterations programmed for orthognathic surgery with a view to improving their facial profile. Study desing: We showed a series of black profiles (composed by a first control group of subjects with normal occlusion, and another two additional groups comprised patients before -Group 2- and after orthognatic surgical correction of Class II malocclusion -Group 3-) for three groups of observers (orthodontists, surgeons and laypeople). The facial images became black silhouettes in order to determine a series of parameters (including aesthetic assessment) by means of the observers. Their observation were assessed using a 5-point Likert scale. Results: The sample was composed of 52 profile's subjects who were tested for a total of 72 observers. Aesthetic assessment yielded mean scores of 2.57, 1.67 and 2.46 for groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. There was a statistically significant difference (p<0.001) between group 1 versus group 2. There were no significant differences in terms of observer assessment of aesthetics, with the exception of a wider perception range among the orthodontists. Regarding the studied profile measures, significant differences were recorded for point B' and Pg' (p<0.02) between groups 2 and 3 (i.e., pre- versus post-surgery). Conclusions: The results of our study suggest the subnasale vertical and sagittal measures of the lower third of the face are decisive in facial aesthetics, and therefore also for the planning of orthognathic surgery. Consequently, these aesthetic parameters can be used as an objective tool for the planning of orthodontic treatment

    Lower incisor position in different malocclusions and facial patterns

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    Introduction: The position of lower incisor has been of considerable concern when planning an orthodontic treatment, having been recognized as one of diagnostic keys, Very important in the development of malocclusion and facial pattern. Objectives: In this study we claim to determine the importance of the position and inclination of lower incisor in the different malocclusions and facial patterns, and to base which of the cephalometric measurement parameters are the mostreliable. Material and Methods: Ninety lateral radiographies were taken, and they were classified by skeletal malocclusion and facial pattern.These teleradiographies have been performed cephalometric analysis, which includelower incisor position belong the following analysis: Ricketts, Riolo, Tweed, McHorris, Jarabak-MSE and Holdaway. Study Design: Cross-sectional study where we perform statistical analysis Anova test, Pearson correlations and Bonferroni analysis. Results: The analyzed measurements present a statistically significant differentiation in lower incisor inclination respect to the anterior cranial base, McHorris angle, angulation of lower incisor respect to occlusal plane and mandibular plane. Conclusions: There are statistically significant differentiation in lower incisor position and inclination respect the malocclusion and individual facial pattern

    Lower incisor position in different malocclusions and facial patter

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    Introduction: The position of lower incisor has been of considerable concern when planning an orthodontic treatment, having been recognized as one of diagnostic keys, Very important in the development of malocclusion and facial pattern. Objectives: In this study we claim to determine the importance of the position and inclination of lower incisor in the different malocclusions and facial patterns, and to base which of the cephalometric measurement parameters are the mostreliable. Material and Methods: Ninety lateral radiographies were taken, and they were classified by skeletal malocclusion and facial pattern.These teleradiographies have been performed cephalometric analysis, which includelower incisor position belong the following analysis: Ricketts, Riolo, Tweed, McHorris, Jarabak-MSE and Holdaway. Study Design: Cross-sectional study where we perform statistical analysis Anova test, Pearson correlations and Bonferroni analysis. Results: The analyzed measurements present a statistically significant differentiation in lower incisor inclination respect to the anterior cranial base, McHorris angle, angulation of lower incisor respect to occlusal plane and mandibular plane. Conclusions: There are statistically significant differentiation in lower incisor position and inclination respect the malocclusion and individual facial pattern

    Potential release and bioaccessibility of metal/loids from mine wastes deposited in historical abandoned sulfide mines

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    This study deals with the potential release of metal/loids from sulfide mine wastes upon weathering and the health risks associated with their accidental ingestion. To address this, a complete chemical and mineralogical characterization of a variety of sulfide mine wastes was performed alongside a determination of metal/loid bioaccessibility through leaching tests simulating human digestive and lung fluids. The mine wastes consisted predominantly of Fe (35–55% of Fe2O3) and exhibited high concentrations of trace metalloids such as As (382–4310 mg/kg), Pb (205–15,974 mg/kg), Cu (78–1083 mg/kg), Zn (274–1863 mg/kg), or Sb (520–1816 mg/ kg). Most wastes with high concentrations of soluble compounds are considered hazardous according to the European regulations due to the exceedance of threshold values for As, Pb, Cr, Cu, Sb, sulfates, and Zn determined by standardized tests. In general terms, the absorption of waste-hosted metals through both digestive and respiratory routes was low compared to the total metal contents of the wastes, with values below 8% of the total concentration in wastes for most metal/loids including Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Tl, or U. However, some metals exhibited a significantly higher absorption potential, especially through the respiratory route, reaching values of up to 17% for Cr and 75% for Pb, highlighting the strong bioaccessibility of Pb in certain sulfide wastes. Despite the high metal/loid concentrations observed in the studied wastes, a health risk assessment indicated that some noncarcinogenic effects could be observed in children only following the accidental digestion of Pb.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the research project TRAMPA (MINECO; PID2020-119196RB-C21). C.R C´anovas thanks the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the Postdoctoral Fellowship granted under application reference RYC2019-027949-I. BCL, AAB and TGB were supported by projects PG2018-096608-B-C21 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and innovation (MINECO) and P20-00366 (Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Business and Universities, Regional Government of Andalusia, Spain). We would also like to thank to the Editor Dr. Hefa Cheng and five anonymous reviewers for the support and comments that notably improved the quality of the original paper. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva / CBUA

    Reformulando el tratamiento procesal de las víctimas de violencia sexual en procesos penales

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    Esta obra presenta las investigaciones desarrolladas a lo largo del proyecto europeo de investigación, financiado por el Programa de Justicia de la Union Europea (2014-2020): “RE-TREAT: Reshaping treatment approaches towards victims of sexual crimes within criminal proceedings”. Los objetivos perseguidos por este proyecto de investigación son, entre otros, el análisis de las barreras, recursos y prácticas nocivas en el tratamiento de las víctimas de delitos sexuales a lo largo de las diversas fases del proceso penal, identificación de mejores prácticas en este ámbito que pueden ser aplicadas por los operadores jurídicos, o bien, la sensibilización de los actores que abordan este fenómeno. Se presentan en el primer Capítulo los obstáculos que enfrentan las víctimas de delitos sexuales en las diversas etapas del proceso penal español, se describen los estándares prácticos para profesionales del sistema de justicia que trabajan con víctimas de violencia sexual en el Capítulo II de la obra. En el Capítulo III se incluyen recomendaciones políticas que permiten garantizar un mejor tratamiento hacia las víctimas de violencia sexual por parte del sistema de justicia en España y en el Capítulo IV el informe comparativo de la situación con Grecia e Italia.Esta obra presenta las investigaciones desarrolladas a lo largo del proyecto europeo de investigación, financiado por el Programa de Justicia de la Union Europea (2014-2020): “RE-TREAT: Reshaping treatment approaches towards victims of sexual crimes within criminal proceedings”Financed by The European Union Justice Program (2014-2020). RE-TREAT: Reshaping treatment approaches towards victims of sexual violence within criminal proceedings. JUST-JACC-AG-2019 - 878566 - RETREATObstáculos que enfrentan las víctimas de delito sexual en las etapas del proceso penal / Helena Soleto, Sabela Oubiña Barbolla, Jessica Jullien de Asís, Aurea Grané Chávez, Margarita Diges Junco, Candela Galán González, Nieves Pérez-Mata, Anna Fiodorova, Federico González Barrera, Iván Navarro Papic, Rosa Gómez de Liaño, Raquel López Jiménez, Daniel Rodríguez Horcajo, Soledad Torrecuadrada García Lozano, Ignacio de Torres Guajardo, Belén Hernández Moura, Emiliano Carretero Morales, Irene de Lamo Velado, Rocío Zafra Espinosa de los Monteros, Cristina Ruiz López, Miriam Peláez Devesa (pp. 7-92). -- Guía para profesionales de la justicia que trabajan con mujeres víctimas de violencia sexual / Monique Anderson, Evelien Claes (pp. 93-116). -- Recomendaciones políticas / Monique Anderson, Evelien Claes, Anna Fiodorova, Helena Soleto (p. 117-165). -- Estudio comparativo sobre tratamiento procesal a víctimas de violencia sexual en España, Grecia e Italia / Sabela Oubiña Barbolla, Helena Soleto Muñoz, Nieves Pérez-Mata, Daniel Rodríguez Horcajo, Margarita Diges Junco, Miriam Peláez Devesa, Jessica Jullien de Asís, Aurea Grané, Candela Galán González, Manuel Cancio Meliá, Jose Alberto Revilla González (pp. 166-229

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    ¡Todos somos Montero!

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    El trabajo obtuvo un premio de la Modalidad A de los Premios Tomás García Verdejo a las buenas prácticas educativas en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura para el curso académico 2014/2015Se presenta el proyecto curricular del CEIP Montero de Espinosa (Almendralejo, Badajoz) basado en el aprendizaje en acción, en la individualización de la enseñanza y en la participación de las familias. Las actividades desarrolladas se han centrado en los siguientes ámbitos: valores y actitudes sociales (la convivencia escolar, el fomento de la igualdad, la educación ambiental, etc.), uso didáctico de las tecnologías de la información, fomento del aprendizaje de las lenguas, promoción de la biblioteca escolar (de la lectura, la escritura y el acceso a la información) y programas educativos encaminados al éxito escolar del alumnadoExtremaduraES

    Turkey age : escuela de teatro

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    El trabajo obtuvo un Premio Tomás García Verdejo a las buenas prácticas educativas en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura para el curso 2020/2021. Modalidad BSe describe un proyecto llevado a cabo en el IES Bioclimático y el IES San Roque, ambos de Badajoz, cuyo objetivo principal era atender al alumnado de altas capacidades o con talento/alto rendimiento, mediante la creación de una escuela de teatro en inglés. Otros objetivos de la iniciativa fueron: fomentar el interés por la investigación e innovación utilizando las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación; estimular el potencial de aprendizaje del alumnado participante para el enriquecimiento común contribuyendo al fomento de la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres; aprovechar el teatro como una forma innovadora para el aprendizaje del inglés; ofrecer procedimientos para la mejora del rendimiento escolar y el éxito educativo, la integración social y la reducción de la tasa de fracaso escolar y abandono escolar de estos alumnos; fomentar la investigación, la lectura y la escritura en lengua inglesa; facilitar espacios colaborativos; contribuir a la adquisición de valores como la responsabilidad, la solidaridad, etc. y promover la participación de la comunidad educativaExtremaduraES