6,779 research outputs found

    Captura de carbono en ra?ces finas y estructurales en bosques alto-andinos y sistemas agroforestales en asocio con ?rboles dispersos y cultivos en Santa Isabel, Tolima

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    75 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLas ra?ces finas (di?metro < 2 mm) se han caracterizado por ser un componente radicular importante dentro de la absorci?n de nutrientes y din?mica del carbono. Se evalu? la captura de carbono en ra?ces finas mediante un dise?o completamente al azar con tres tratamientos (bosques, cultivos y pasturas); del mismo modo se utiliz? un dise?o con arreglo en franjas (profundidad: 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 cm) y cinco repeticiones. Se colectaron bloques de 10 x 10 x 10 cm que fueron lavados y tamizados para separar las ra?ces finas y secadas hasta peso constante. La biomasa de ra?ces estructurales se estim? con la ecuaci?n desarrollada por Cairns et al. (1997). Se encontraron diferencias estad?sticas (p<0,05) en la acumulaci?n de carbono entre sistemas: mayor en bosques que en pasturas y cultivos (ra?ces finas: 4,2 ? 0,6 vs 2,1 ? 0,4 vs 0,6 ? 0,25 t/ha, y estructurales: 26 ? 2,8 vs 10 ? 0,9 t/ha, respectivamente). La profundidad tiene un efecto significativo (p<0,05) en la acumulaci?n de carbono en ra?ces finas, siendo mayor en las primeras capas y reduci?ndose en las profundas: 55% del carbono se encuentra en los primeros 20 cm del suelo y 12% entre 40-50 cm. Los agentes fisicoqu?micos que caracterizan la cobertura del suelo determinan el crecimiento y desarrollo de las ra?ces. La conservaci?n de bosques nativos implica la retenci?n de cantidades importantes de carbono que al reportar un cambio de uso del suelo podr?a generar un incremento en las concentraciones de CO2 a la atm?sfera. Palabras claves: Almacenamiento de carbono, Biodiversidad, Biomasa, Servicios ambientalesFine roots (diameter < 2 mm) has been characterized as a mean root component in nutrient absorption and carbon dynamics. Carbon sequestration was evaluated inside fine roots through a completely random design with three treatments such as forests; crops and pastures. Similarly, It was applied a design with pursuant slots (depth: 0-10; 10-20; 20-30; 30-40; 40-50 cm) and five repetitions. Blocks were collected of 10 x 10 x 10 cm in dimension which were washed and sifted in order to separate the fine roots and dried them until constant weight. Structural root?s Biomass was estimated with the equation developed by Cairns et al. (1997). It was found statistic differences (p<0,05) on the accumulation of carbon between systems: higher in forests than pastures and crops (fine roots : 4,2 ? 0,6 vs 2,1 ? 0,4 vs 0,6 ? 0,25 t/ha and structural ones: 26 ? 2,8 vs 10 ? 0,9 t/ha, respectively). Depth has a significant effect (p<0,05) on the increasing of carbon at fine roots being higher on the first layers and decreasing at the last ones: 55% of carbon is found in the first 20 cm of the soil and 12% between 40-50 cm. Physicochemical agents that characterize the soil coverage determine the growth and development of roots. Consequently, native forests preservation implies retention of important amounts of carbon since it shows a change on the use of soil could produce an increase on the concentrations of CO2 at the atmosphere. Keywords: Carbon storage, Biodiversity, Biomass, Environmental service

    Captura de carbono en ra?ces finas y estructurales en bosques alto-andinos y sistemas agroforestales en asocio con ?rboles dispersos y cultivos en Santa Isabel, Tolima

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    75 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLas ra?ces finas (di?metro < 2 mm) se han caracterizado por ser un componente radicular importante dentro de la absorci?n de nutrientes y din?mica del carbono. Se evalu? la captura de carbono en ra?ces finas mediante un dise?o completamente al azar con tres tratamientos (bosques, cultivos y pasturas); del mismo modo se utiliz? un dise?o con arreglo en franjas (profundidad: 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 cm) y cinco repeticiones. Se colectaron bloques de 10 x 10 x 10 cm que fueron lavados y tamizados para separar las ra?ces finas y secadas hasta peso constante. La biomasa de ra?ces estructurales se estim? con la ecuaci?n desarrollada por Cairns et al. (1997). Se encontraron diferencias estad?sticas (p<0,05) en la acumulaci?n de carbono entre sistemas: mayor en bosques que en pasturas y cultivos (ra?ces finas: 4,2 ? 0,6 vs 2,1 ? 0,4 vs 0,6 ? 0,25 t/ha, y estructurales: 26 ? 2,8 vs 10 ? 0,9 t/ha, respectivamente). La profundidad tiene un efecto significativo (p<0,05) en la acumulaci?n de carbono en ra?ces finas, siendo mayor en las primeras capas y reduci?ndose en las profundas: 55% del carbono se encuentra en los primeros 20 cm del suelo y 12% entre 40-50 cm. Los agentes fisicoqu?micos que caracterizan la cobertura del suelo determinan el crecimiento y desarrollo de las ra?ces. La conservaci?n de bosques nativos implica la retenci?n de cantidades importantes de carbono que al reportar un cambio de uso del suelo podr?a generar un incremento en las concentraciones de CO2 a la atm?sfera. Palabras claves: Almacenamiento de carbono, Biodiversidad, Biomasa, Servicios ambientales.Fine roots (diameter < 2 mm) has been characterized as a mean root component in nutrient absorption and carbon dynamics. Carbon sequestration was evaluated inside fine roots through a completely random design with three treatments such as forests; crops and pastures. Similarly, It was applied a design with pursuant slots (depth: 0-10; 10-20; 20-30; 30-40; 40-50 cm) and five repetitions. Blocks were collected of 10 x 10 x 10 cm in dimension which were washed and sifted in order to separate the fine roots and dried them until constant weight. Structural root?s Biomass was estimated with the equation developed by Cairns et al. (1997). It was found statistic differences (p<0,05) on the accumulation of carbon between systems: higher in forests than pastures and crops (fine roots : 4,2 ? 0,6 vs 2,1 ? 0,4 vs 0,6 ? 0,25 t/ha and structural ones: 26 ? 2,8 vs 10 ? 0,9 t/ha, respectively). Depth has a significant effect (p<0,05) on the increasing of carbon at fine roots being higher on the first layers and decreasing at the last ones: 55% of carbon is found in the first 20 cm of the soil and 12% between 40-50 cm. Physicochemical agents that characterize the soil coverage determine the growth and development of roots. Consequently, native forests preservation implies retention of important amounts of carbon since it shows a change on the use of soil could produce an increase on the concentrations of CO2 at the atmosphere. Keywords: Carbon storage, Biodiversity, Biomass, Environmental service

    Protection against sexual violence in the Colombian legal framework: obstacles and consequences for women victims

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    Sexual violence is a type of gender-based violence (GBV), as it is one of the different types of violence that is exerted against women. Sexual violence infringes fundamental human rights, and denies women’s dignity and self-determination, personal development, and well-being. Despite international treaties and a regulatory framework that legally protects Colombian women against sexual violence, it is necessary to know the effectiveness of this regulatory framework in Colombia. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to examine criminal legislation on crimes of sexual violence in Colombia with a dual purpose: first, to analyze procedural guarantees for women victims of sexual violence; second, to determine obstacles for victims of sexual violence in accordance with the legal framework. We used a legal interpretation method to perform an analysis and interpret the law. The results found that, although sexual violence is considered a type of crime, procedural guarantees are not effective as victims encounter serious obstacles with negative consequences, such as the violation of fundamental human rights

    Theoretical insight on the LK-99 material

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    Two recent preprints in physics archive (arXiv) have called the attention as they claim experimental evidence that a Cu-substituted apatite material (called LK-99) exhibits superconductivity at room temperature and pressure. If this proves to be true, LK-99 will be the holy grail of superconductors. In this work, we used Density-Functional Theory calculations to elucidate some key features of the electronic structure of LK-99. Although some aspects of our calculations are preliminary, we found that: i) in the ground state of the material the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic configurations are practically degenerated, ii) the material is metallic, iii) the Cu atoms seem to be hosts in the lattice with not covalent bonds to other atoms and supporting almost flat bands around the Fermi level, and iv) the electron-phonon coupling of these flat bands seems to be dramatically large

    A Parar Para Avanzar: To Stop/To Stand/To Strike to Advance

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    This paper presents the first fragments of a political framework outlining how I situate my work, which lives between “craft” and “art” models of making and between colonized and colonizing traditions. My writing proposes ways of making and being informed by practices, strategies, and organizing that work towards greater autonomy and liberation under these conditions

    A developmental evaluation approach to lesson study: exploring the impact of lesson study in London schools

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    This article presents a methodology for the developmental evaluation of a lesson study programme in primary and secondary schools. Our approach combined the principles of (i) user-focused evaluation, in which, as evaluators, we acted as participatory members of the innovation team and sought to involve users in the design and implementation of evaluation tools, (ii) a multi-level logical model to guide data collection and impact measurement and (iii) an ‘improving rather than proving’ approach to evaluation. The evaluation tools were used on a programme to promote lesson study in London schools involving 133 teachers and 33 schools. The evaluation methodology included outcomes at school leadership, teacher and student levels. Issues of internal and external validity are discussed and strengths and weaknesses are described. Findings showed promise in the use of our scale to measure changes in teacher pedagogical outcomes and in the recording of qualitative changes to both teachers and students as a result of the lesson study cycles. Suggestions for the future use and development of this methodology are proposed, including better use of control groups and quantitative measures to record changes in learning outcomes for students. List of Abbreviations: HE: Higher Education; LS: Lesson Study; PD: Professional Developmen

    Area metropolitana e citta' diffusa: potenzialita' e limiti di un modello urbano

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    Recenti proposte parlamentari porpongono di mettere fine ad una discussione sulla città e/o area metropolitana di Roma, confermandone: • una dimensione d’area vasta coincidente con quella della provincia; • la sussidiarietà e la sostenibilità come principi ispiratori ed ordinatori dell’azione di governo del territorio; • le funzioni unitarie e complementari di livello territoriale (programmazione degli interventi per Roma Capitale, le opere di interesse statale, il patrimonio pubblico e privato nazionale ed internazionale, la valorizzazione e la gestione del sistema culturale, ambientale e del turismo, la ricerca e la formazione universitaria, le attività fieristico-congressuali-espositive, l’industria innovativa legata all’ICS); collocando la questione della scelta metropolitana per Roma ad un livello europeo, eppure intermedio tra la scala politica propria della città-capitale e i compiti di programmazione e gestione che il nostro ordinamento costituzionale attribuisce alle province (per l’Europa, le NUT 3). Rispetto a questo obiettivo, Roma non appare in posizione soddisfacente nella mappatura europea delle aree/città capitali metropolitane. Anche se, la spinta al policentrismo impressa dall’Unione potrebbe trovare già una base di corrispondenze nell’organizzazione – soprattutto spontanea - del territorio e dell’economia romana (non solo della Città). Se per un verso, dunque, c’è da augurarsi che attraverso un più stretto recepimento delle indicazioni europee (Cfr. strutture già cooperative su base policentrica), l’area vasta romana, cioè la provincia, diventi nel prossimo periodo 2007-2013 molto più visibile; la mancanza di strumenti appropriati al raggiungimento di questo obiettivo rappresenta un freno alla piena realizzazione di una metropoli diversa dalla semplice somma di progetti ed impostazioni negoziati “dall’alto”, di portata nazionale e regionale, che escludono, ad una lettura “fisica e formale” del territorio, la domanda di integrazione “dal basso”, cioè il riconoscimento, anche economico, delle forme insediative coese riconoscibili romane. In tal senso Roma e la sua provincia rappresentano il livello ideale per una lettura della programmazione territoriale europea, ma anche il livello sussidiario della mediazione tra una visione metropoitana globale e una locale, somma di insediamenti continui, diffusi o nucleari isolati (perirubanizzazione mista ad insediamento puntuale), attualmente privi di orientamento alla governance; lontani cioè da quell’insieme di regole con cui si attua la programmazione spaziale e fisica richiesta dall’Unione, entro cui ogni NUT offre il proprio contributo alla creazione di uno spazio integrato, anche attraverso scelte sussidiarie di metropolitanizzazione (cfr. Territorial Agenda 2007)