546 research outputs found

    Guerre et factionnalisme entre les Itzaes durant la periode coloniale

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    Cet article analyse les relations de guerre, les migrations et le factionnalisme chez les Itzaes Maya depuis la fin de la pĂ©riode classique jusqu’en 1712. Les problĂšmes internes aux « parcialidades » (Ndlr : segments territoriaux) ont entraĂźnĂ© l’abandon de leurs villes et un exode migratoire. Au cours de la pĂ©riode coloniale, le royaume Itza Ă©tablit des rapports d’alliance et de conflit avec les villes Maya peuplĂ©es de fugitifs comme Tipu. Avec les autres peuples Maya comme les Manche Chol, les Lacandons et les Petenacte, les Itzaes Ă©taient continuellement en dispute et en guerre. Les batailles que cela impliquait visaient Ă  contrĂŽler les aires frontaliĂšres pour obtenir des ressources valorisĂ©es comme le sel, le cacao, la vanille, l’achiote,  ainsi que pour prĂ©lever des victimes sacrificielles pour leurs dieux. Enfin, l’article souligne le rĂŽle de la rĂ©sistance et de la guerre que les Itza Maya devaient organiser contre les envahisseurs espagnols qui, en 1697, prirent le contrĂŽle de leur ville. Les Itzaes Maya durent dĂ©velopper des nouvelles tactiques guerriĂšres leur permettant d’éviter une confrontation directe avec les Espagnols. Ces stratĂ©gies ont Ă©tĂ© pauvrement analysĂ©es Ă  ce jour.This paper analyzes the relationship of war, migration and factionalism among the Itza Maya, since the end of the classic period until 1712. The internal problems amongst the Itza “ parcialidades ” derived in the abandonment of their cities and their migration to other places. During the colonial period, the Itza kingdom established relationships of alignment and conflict with the Maya fugitive towns like Tipu. With other Maya people as were the Manche Chol, Lacandon and Petenacte, the Itza were in constant confrontation and war. These battles were conducted to control the Itza borderlands, to obtain valuable resources such as salt, cacao, vanilla, achiote and to take sacrificial victims for their gods. Finally this paper emphasizes the role of resistance and warfare that the Itza Maya implemented against the Spanish invaders, which in 1697 took control over their city. The Itza Maya had to develop new warfare tactics to avoid direct confrontation with the Spaniards. These strategies have been poorly analyzed until now


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    Este estudio analizó la composición, estructura y diversidad de una muestra representativa compuesta por 60 huertos familiares de un total de 380, en la comunidad totonaca de Caxhuacan, Puebla, México. Se identificaron årboles, arbustos, hierbas y animales presentes en el huerto. Se utilizaron metodologías de etnoecología, etnobotånica, ecología y ecología cuantitativa, así como de mapeo y registros de årea y ubicación de plantas y animales, utilizando ArcGis.   El tamaño promedio del huerto fue de 447 m2. El uso del huerto es para cultivo de plantas y cría de animales, 49 huertos tienen esta característica de uso. Se registraron veinte especies animales donde las gallinas, perros y guajolotes fueron los de mayor importancia para los informantes. Se registraron 361 especies vegetales; 210 especies vegetales fueron nativas y 151 introducidas. El café es la especie mås cultivada en los huertos, sin embargo, la mayor importancia para el grupo de informantes corresponde a la naranja, el plåtano, la mandarina y la pimienta gorda. El huerto familiar totonaca de la comunidad de Caxhuacan, Puebla, México es un importante reservorio de  biodiversidad y conocimiento local que reflejan una cultura con amplios conocimientos biológicos

    Pharmacological and Nonpharmacological Therapeutic Strategies Based on the Pathophysiology of Acute and Chronic Spinal Cord Injury

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) induces a series of anatomic and physiological disorders which have severe repercussions on neural function. SCI is classified chronologically into an acute (primary and secondary phase) and a chronic phase. The primary phase results directly from the initial trauma and is comprised of disturbances in neural tissue (mainly axons), blood vessels, and spinal shock. Secondary injury results from a series of time-dependent pathophysiological changes, beginning in the first minutes after SCI and lasting days and weeks. This phase is characterized by biochemical and immunological alterations in the injury site and periphery, leading to neuronal over-excitation, apoptosis, and axonal demyelination. In chronic stages, the pathophysiology consists of disturbances in fiber organization, oligodendrocyte apoptosis, fibroglial scar formation, and cyst formation, leading to parenchymal alterations such as syringomyelia and hydromyelia hindering the possibility for functional basal axonal regeneration. This chapter will review a wide range of pharmacological and nonpharmacological therapeutic strategies in preclinical and clinical phases, each targeting different pathological mechanisms of SCI in acute and chronic stages of SCI; taking into account limitations, advances, scope, and new trends. The chapter focuses on the general aspects of SCI pathophysiology, pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments acute and chronic stages of SCI

    Social impact analysis of cultural tourism in rural areas of Tlaxcala, Mexico

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    Alternative tourism, specifically cultural tourism, has gained worldwide importance. This is reflected in the growing number of people preferring this type of leisure activity. However, and even though archaeological and religious contexts represent hubs of attraction for pilgrims and tourists, their development seems to generate social issues. The objective of this research is to analyse the social impact of cultural tourism, from the perspective of tradesmen living in the rural municipality of Tlaxcala, Mexico. Information was collected by surveys. Sample size was calculated using the non-probabilistic method (snowball), and 54 tradesmen owning establishments near tourist attractions, were interviewed. Results evidenced that tradesmen do perceive social problems including traffic congestion, increasing living costs, pollution, street vendors, and augmented competition between businesses. However, they appreciate the benefits of providing tourists with low-cost catering services, considering tourism to be positive or very positive. The conclusion is that economic benefits outweigh the social impacts generated by tourism. Highlights: The influx of pilgrims and tourists is generating some social problems in the receiving rural spaces. Tourism service providers derive little benefit due to the low-cost services in accommodation and meal offer to tourists. Social problems are increasing (road traffic, higher cost of living, pollution, street vendors) and greater competition between businesses. Tourist activity is considered good or very good since it contributes to local development.Alternative tourism, specifically cultural tourism, has gained worldwide importance. This is reflected in the growing number of people preferring this type of leisure activity. However, and even though archaeological and religious contexts represent hubs of attraction for pilgrims and tourists, their development seems to generate social issues. The objective of this research is to analyse the social impact of cultural tourism, from the perspective of tradesmen living in the rural municipality of Tlaxcala, Mexico. Information was collected by surveys. Sample size was calculated using the non-probabilistic method (snowball), and 54 tradesmen owning establishments near tourist attractions, were interviewed. Results evidenced that tradesmen do perceive social problems including traffic congestion, increasing living costs, pollution, street vendors, and augmented competition between businesses. However, they appreciate the benefits of providing tourists with low-cost catering services, considering tourism to be positive or very positive. The conclusion is that economic benefits outweigh the social impacts generated by tourism. Highlights: The influx of pilgrims and tourists is generating some social problems in the receiving rural spaces. Tourism service providers derive little benefit due to the low-cost services in accommodation and meal offer to tourists. Social problems are increasing (road traffic, higher cost of living, pollution, street vendors) and greater competition between businesses. Tourist activity is considered good or very good since it contributes to local development

    Conocimiento ecológico, alimentación tradicional y clasificación frío-caliente: la perspectiva de los niños tseltales de Tenejapa, Chiapas

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the knowledge of Tseltal children regarding agricultural production systems, the products derived from such systems, and their cold or hot classification. Through a workshop, interviews with informants, and field research, we analyze children’s knowledge concerning the production systems, plants and animals associated with them, and their cold or hot characteristics. Our results show that children’s participation in food production systems and other subsistence activities is the best way of transmitting traditional ecological knowledge. Tseltal children have extensive knowledge of their environment, production systems, and food traditions. Preservation of traditional food systems can sustain the environment and ensure food security and food self-sufficiency.El principal objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el conocimiento ecolĂłgico de niños tseltales en relaciĂłn con los sistemas de producciĂłn agrĂ­cola, los productos que los componen y su clasificaciĂłn frĂ­a o caliente. A travĂ©s de un taller, entrevistas a informantes clave e investigaciĂłn de campo se estudiĂł el conocimiento de los niños con respecto a los diversos sistemas productivos, plantas y animales silvestres asociados a ellos y sus caracterĂ­sticas frĂ­as o calientes. Los resultados muestran que la participaciĂłn activa de los infantes en los sistemas productivos y de obtenciĂłn de alimentos es la mejor manera de transmisiĂłn del conocimiento ecolĂłgico tradicional. Los niños tseltales poseen un amplio conocimiento sobre su medioambiente, los sistemas productivos y su tradiciĂłn alimentaria. La conservaciĂłn del CET y de los sistemas alimentarios tradicionales puede preservar el medioambiente y garantizar la seguridad y autosuficiencia alimentaria

    Water retention efficiency of green roof systems in "extensive" and "intensive" type covers

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    La inundación en åreas urbanas por sobrecarga de las redes de drenaje es un problema recurrente de importancia creciente. Las cubiertas vegetadas (naturadas) retienen parte de la låmina de agua precipitada, reduciendo el escurrimiento superficial y generando hidrogramas de escorrentía directa con caudales pico menores y mås retardados. Estas propiedades hacen que esta tecnología pueda contribuir a reducir la sobrecarga de cauces urbanos. Los resultados obtenidos a lo largo de casi dos años de estudio permitieron estimar una capacidad de retención de las cubiertas ensayadas (en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires), que ha sido variable en función de la precipitación, del grado de cobertura y profundidad del sustrato. Es así que el porcentaje retenido ha sido alto (73% a 100%) con precipitaciones menores o iguales a los 20 mm, alrededor del 60% con lluvias de 35 a 40 mm, y con precipitaciones cercanas a 100 mm los porcentajes de retención se redujeron notablemente, alcanzando valores cercanos al 30%. Estos resultados posicionan las cubiertas vegetadas, para las condiciones y sitio del ensayo, como una alternativa dentro del manejo hídrico integrado en cuencas urbanas.Flash floods in urban areas caused by overload of drainage networks are a recurrent problem of raising importance. Greenroofs retain part of the stormwater, lowering surface flow and generating runoff hydrographs with lower and delayed peak flows. Therefore, this technology can contribute to mitigate the overload of drainage networks. The results of the study that was carried out in City of Buenos Aires along almost two years, showed that the retention capacity of the tested lots tasted varied, depending upon precipitation, coverage and depth of the substrate. With precipitation less than or equal to 20 mm, the retention fraction was high (73% to 100%), and when precipitation reached 35 to 40 mm, the maximum percentage of retention was around 60%. However, when the rainfall was approximately 100 mm, the retention fraction was reduced substantially, reaching values nearing 30%. The results of the test showed that green roofs system represent a good alternative in the integrated management of water runoff in urban watersheds.Fil: Rosatto, Héctor. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Meyer, Maia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Laureda, Daniel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Cazorla, Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Barrera, Daniel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Gamboa, Paula. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Villalba, Gustavo Ariel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Bargiela, Martha. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Recursos Naturales y AmbienteFil: Pruzzo, Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Rodríguez Plaza, Luis. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Departamento de Ingeniería AgrícolaFil: Mazzeo, Nadia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Caso, César Eduardo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Rocca, Carlos. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Hashimoto, Patricia. Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora. Facultad de Ciencias AgrariasFil: Kohan, Diana. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de IngenieríaFil: Quaintenne, Elina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomí

    "Extensive" green roof systems, efficiency in the retention capacity rainwater of the vegetation implanted

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    Los efectos del cambio climĂĄtico y de los procesos de crecimiento urbano provocaron un deterioro ambiental en la RegiĂłn Metropolitana Buenos Aires. Esta situaciĂłn altera el ciclo hidrolĂłgico natural y el hidrograma de crecida en cuencas en proceso de urbanizaciĂłn se va modificando, presentando caudales pico mĂĄs altos y tiempos de ascenso mĂĄs cortos, a medida que aquĂ©lla avanza. Por otra parte, el calentamiento global de la atmĂłsfera ha provocado un aumento en la precipitaciĂłn media anual y en los valores extremos generados por tormentas de tipo conectivo, en la regiĂłn central y norte de Argentina. Una de las posibles medidas para mitigar estos efectos, consiste en la implementaciĂłn de cubiertas verdes o naturadas de tipo "extensivo" en terrazas de edificios y casas ya construidas para disminuir el factor de escurrimiento. El objetivo de este proyecto fue determinar la reducciĂłn del escurrimiento superficial y la calidad de agua entregada de cubiertas vegetadas con distinto tipo de vegetaciĂłn implantada ante lluvias normales en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Los resultados obtenidos a lo largo de un año de estudio, permitieron estimar una capacidad de retenciĂłn de las cubiertas ensayadas (en CABA) que ha sido variable en funciĂłn de la precipitaciĂłn, y el tipo devegetaciĂłn y su grado de cobertura. Es asĂ­ que el porcentaje retenido ha sido alto (100%) con precipitaciones menores o iguales a los 20 mm. Para intervalos de lluvias entre 20 y 41 mm los porcentajes de retenciĂłn variaron entre el 63% y 68%, con lluvias entre 42 y 60 mm observaron porcentajes de retenciĂłn entre el 31% y 39%. Para el intervalo de 61 a 80 mm el porcentaje de retenciĂłn se comportĂł en forma similar al intervalo anteriormente analizado, aunque con valores levemente menores 25% al 38% y por Ășltimo, analizando las precipitaciones mayores a 90 mm, el porcentaje de retenciĂłn fluctuĂł entre 16% y 22%. La Aptenia cordifolia presentĂł menores valores de retenciĂłn en todos los intervalos salvo en el primero. Estos resultados posicionan a las cubiertas vegetadas, para las condiciones y sitio del ensayo, como una alternativa dentro del manejo hĂ­drico integrado en cuencas urbanas.Climatic change effects and the processes of urban growth caused environmental deterioration in the city of Buenos Aires. This situation alters the natural hydrological cycle and the hydrograph of floodwaters in urbanizing watersheds will modify, presenting flows higher peak and shorter rise times as it progresses. On the other hand, the global warming has caused an increase in mean annual precipitation and extreme values generated by storms of connective type, in the central region and North of Argentina. One of the possibilities to mitigate these effects is the implementation of extensive green roofs systems in terraces of buildings and houses built that help to reduce runoff factor. The objective of this paper was: to determine the reduction of surface runoff and water quality delivered for different types of green roofs with different types of vegetation implanted in normal rainfall in the city of Buenos Aires. The results of the study that was carried out along one year, showed that the retention capacity of the tested lots varied, depending upon precipitation, type of vegetation and coverage. For the range of 21 and 41 mm the retention ratesreached between 63% and 68%, with rainfall between 42 and 60 mm are observed percentages of retention from 31% to 39%. For the range of 61 to 80 mm the retention percentage was similarly to the range previously analyzed, 25% to 38%, and finally analyzing rainfall greater than 90 mm, the percentage of retention varies between 16% and 22%. The Aptenia cordifolia presented minors values of retention in all ranges except the first. The results of the test showed that green roofs system represent a good alternative in the integrated management of water runoff in urban watersheds.Fil: Rosatto, HĂ©ctor. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a. Departamento de IngenierĂ­a AgrĂ­colaFil: Moyano, Gabriela. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a. Departamento de IngenierĂ­a AgrĂ­colaFil: Cazorla, Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a. Departamento de IngenierĂ­a AgrĂ­colaFil: Laureda, Daniel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a. Departamento de IngenierĂ­a AgrĂ­colaFil: Meyer, Maia. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a. Departamento de IngenierĂ­a AgrĂ­colaFil: Gamboa, Paula. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a. Departamento de IngenierĂ­a AgrĂ­colaFil: Bargiela, Martha. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a. Departamento de Recursos Naturales y AmbienteFil: Caso, CĂ©sar Eduardo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a. Departamento de IngenierĂ­a AgrĂ­colaFil: Villalba, Gustavo Ariel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a. Departamento de IngenierĂ­a AgrĂ­colaFil: Barrera, Daniel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a. Departamento de IngenierĂ­a AgrĂ­colaFil: Pruzzo, Laura. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomĂ­aFil: RodrĂ­guez Plaza, Luis. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias AgrariasFil: Oliveri, Alejandra. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a. Departamento de IngenierĂ­a AgrĂ­colaFil: Waslavsky, Agustina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a. Departamento de IngenierĂ­a AgrĂ­colaFil: Hashimoto, Patricia. Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora. Facultad de Ciencias AgrariasFil: Kohan, Diana. Universidad Nacional de Entre RĂ­os. Facultad de IngenierĂ­

    Cubiertas vegetadas de tipo "extensivo", eficiencia en la retenciĂłn del agua de lluvia de distinto tipo de vegetaciĂłn implantada

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    Climatic change effects and the processes of urban growth caused environmental deterioration in the city of Buenos Aires. This situation alters the natural hydrological cycle and the hydrograph of floodwaters in urbanizing watersheds will modify, presenting flows higher peak and shorter rise times as it progresses. On the other hand, the global warming has caused an increase in mean annual precipitation and extreme values generated by storms of connective type, in the central region and North of Argentina. One of the possibilities to mitigate these effects is the implementation of extensive green roofs systems in terraces of buildings and houses built that help to reduce runoff factor. The objective of this paper was: to determine the reduction of surface runoff and water quality delivered for different types of green roofs with different types of vegetation implanted in normal rainfall in the city of Buenos Aires. The results of the study that was carried out along one year, showed that the retention capacity of the tested lots varied, depending upon precipitation, type of vegetation and coverage. For the range of 21 and 41 mm the retention ratesreached between 63% and 68%, with rainfall between 42 and 60 mm are observed percentages of retention from 31% to 39%. For the range of 61 to 80 mm the retention percentage was similarly to the range previously analyzed, 25% to 38%, and finally analyzing rainfall greater than 90 mm, the percentage of retention varies between 16% and 22%. The Aptenia cordifolia presented minors values of retention in all ranges except the first. The results of the test showed that green roofs system represent a good alternative in the integrated management of water runoff in urban watersheds.Los efectos del cambio climĂĄtico y de los procesos de crecimiento urbano provocaron un deterioro ambiental en la RegiĂłn Metropolitana Buenos Aires. Esta situaciĂłn altera el ciclo hidrolĂłgico natural y el hidrograma de crecida en cuencas en proceso de urbanizaciĂłn se va modificando, presentando caudales pico mĂĄs altos y tiempos de ascenso mĂĄs cortos, a medida que aquĂ©lla avanza. Por otra parte, el calentamiento global de la atmĂłsfera ha provocado un aumento en la precipitaciĂłn media anual y en los valores extremos generados por tormentas de tipo conectivo, en la regiĂłn central y norte de Argentina. Una de las posibles medidas para mitigar estos efectos, consiste en la implementaciĂłn de cubiertas verdes o naturadas de tipo "extensivo" en terrazas de edificios y casas ya construidas para disminuir el factor de escurrimiento. El objetivo de este proyecto fue determinar la reducciĂłn del escurrimiento superficial y la calidad de agua entregada de cubiertas vegetadas con distinto tipo de vegetaciĂłn implantada ante lluvias normales en la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Los resultados obtenidos a lo largo de un año de estudio, permitieron estimar una capacidad de retenciĂłn de las cubiertas ensayadas (en CABA) que ha sido variable en funciĂłn de la precipitaciĂłn, y el tipo de vegetaciĂłn y su grado de cobertura. Es asĂ­ que el porcentaje retenido ha sido alto (100%) con precipitaciones menores o iguales a los 20 mm. Para intervalos de lluvias entre 21 y 41 mm los porcentajes de retenciĂłn variaron entre el 63% y 68%, con lluvias entre 42 y 60 mm observaron porcentajes de retenciĂłn entre el 31% y 39%. Para el intervalo de 61 a 80 mm el porcentaje de retenciĂłn se comportĂł en forma similar al intervalo anteriormente analizado, aunque con valores levemente menores 25% al 38% y por Ășltimo, analizando las precipitaciones mayores a 90 mm, el porcentaje de retenciĂłn fluctuĂł entre 16% y 22%. La Aptenia cordifolia presentĂł menores valores de retenciĂłn en todos los intervalos salvo en el primero. Estos resultados posicionan a las cubiertas vegetadas, para las condiciones y sitio del ensayo, como una alternativa dentro del manejo hĂ­drico integrado en cuencas urbanas

    Eficiencia en la retenciĂłn del agua de lluvia de cubiertas vegetadas de tipo "extensivo" e "intensivo" *

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    Flash floods in urban areas caused by overload of drainage networks are a recurrent problem of raising importance. Greenroofs retain part of the stormwater, lowering surface flow and generating runoff hydrographs with lower and delayed peak flows. Therefore, this technology can contribute to mitigate the overload of drainage networks. The results of the study that was carried out in City of Buenos Aires along almost two years, showed that the retention capacity of the tested lots tasted varied, depending upon precipitation, coverage and depth of the substrate. With precipitation less than or equal to 20 mm, the retention fraction was high (73% to 100%), and when precipitation reached 35 to 40 mm, the maximum percentage of retention was around 60%. However, when the rainfall was approximately 100 mm, the retention fraction was reduced substantially, reaching values nearing 30%. The results of the test showed that green roofs system represent a good alternative in the integrated management of water runoff in urban watersheds.La inundación en åreas urbanas por sobrecarga de las redes de drenaje es un problema recurrente de importancia creciente. Las cubiertas vegetadas (naturadas) retienen parte de la låmina de agua precipitada, reduciendo el escurrimiento superficial y generando hidrogramas de escorrentía directa con caudales pico menores y mås retardados. Estas propiedades hacen que esta tecnología pueda contribuir a reducir la sobrecarga de cauces urbanos. Los resultados obtenidos a lo largo de casi dos años de estudio permitieron estimar una capacidad de retención de las cubiertas ensayadas (en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires), que ha sido variable en función de la precipitación, del grado de cobertura y profundidad del sustrato. Es así que el porcentaje retenido ha sido alto (73% a 100%) con precipitaciones menores o iguales a los 20 mm, alrededor del 60% con lluvias de 35 a 40 mm, y con precipitaciones cercanas a 100 mm los porcentajes de retención se redujeron notablemente, alcanzando valores cercanos al 30%. Estos resultados posicionan las cubiertas vegetadas, para las condiciones y sitio del ensayo, como una alternativa dentro del manejo hídrico integrado en cuencas urbanas

    Jet energy measurement with the ATLAS detector in proton-proton collisions at root s=7 TeV

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    The jet energy scale and its systematic uncertainty are determined for jets measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC in proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 7TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 38 pb-1. Jets are reconstructed with the anti-kt algorithm with distance parameters R=0. 4 or R=0. 6. Jet energy and angle corrections are determined from Monte Carlo simulations to calibrate jets with transverse momenta pT≄20 GeV and pseudorapidities {pipe}η{pipe}<4. 5. The jet energy systematic uncertainty is estimated using the single isolated hadron response measured in situ and in test-beams, exploiting the transverse momentum balance between central and forward jets in events with dijet topologies and studying systematic variations in Monte Carlo simulations. The jet energy uncertainty is less than 2. 5 % in the central calorimeter region ({pipe}η{pipe}<0. 8) for jets with 60≀pT<800 GeV, and is maximally 14 % for pT<30 GeV in the most forward region 3. 2≀{pipe}η{pipe}<4. 5. The jet energy is validated for jet transverse momenta up to 1 TeV to the level of a few percent using several in situ techniques by comparing a well-known reference such as the recoiling photon pT, the sum of the transverse momenta of tracks associated to the jet, or a system of low-pT jets recoiling against a high-pT jet. More sophisticated jet calibration schemes are presented based on calorimeter cell energy density weighting or hadronic properties of jets, aiming for an improved jet energy resolution and a reduced flavour dependence of the jet response. The systematic uncertainty of the jet energy determined from a combination of in situ techniques is consistent with the one derived from single hadron response measurements over a wide kinematic range. The nominal corrections and uncertainties are derived for isolated jets in an inclusive sample of high-pT jets. Special cases such as event topologies with close-by jets, or selections of samples with an enhanced content of jets originating from light quarks, heavy quarks or gluons are also discussed and the corresponding uncertainties are determined. © 2013 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
