295 research outputs found

    ¿Cuáles son las respuestas de los periodistas de Ecuador tras la implementación de la Ley Orgánica de Comunicación? Una entrevista a periodistas de medios nacionales públicos y privados

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    With the Organic Communication Act, passed in 2013, the Government of Ecuador proposed to transform the media system by creating innovative institutions for monitoring and surveillance tasks, instituting a lot of precepts aiming at a greater inclusion of minority groups, favoring a greater diversity, and in general, to democratize the access, development and spreading of informative contents. This work provides the results from an in-depth interview to Ecuadorian journalists working for both public and private national media. The results describe some key aspects to understand the effects of the said Act regarding the journalists, which includes the perceived pressure factors, the strategies they rely on to resist the impositions, or how they interact with the new control institutions. © 2019 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. All rights reserved

    The Impact of Local Power Balance and Link Reliability on Blackout Risk in Heterogeneous Power Transmission Grids

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    Many critical infrastructures such as the power transmission grid are heterogeneous both in their basic structure and in some of their underlying characteristics, This heterogeneity can be good for system robustness if it reduces the spread of failures or bad if it adds risk or vulnerability to the system. In this paper we investigate the effect of heterogeneity in the strength of the links between parts of the system network structures, as well as the balance of local generation and demand, on the robustness of the power transmission grid using the OPA complex system model of the power transmission system. It is found that increasing or decreasing the reliability of the links between parts of the grid changes the likelihood of different size failures with neither being optimal for all sizes. Furthermore, imbalances between load and generation in the local regions further degrades the system reliability

    Analysis of the blackout risk reduction when segmenting large power systems using lines with controllable power flow

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    Large electrical transmission networks are susceptible to undergo very large blackouts due to cascading failures, with a very large associated economical cost. In this work we propose segmenting large power grids using controllable lines, such as high-voltage direct-current lines, to reduce the risk of blackouts. The method consists in modifying the power flowing through the lines interconnecting different zones during cascading failures in order to minimize the load shed. As a result, the segmented grids have a substantially lower risk of blackouts than the original network, with reductions up to 60% in some cases. The control method is shown to be specially efficient in reducing blackouts affecting more than one zone.DG and PC acknowledge funding from project PACSS RTI2018-093732-B-C22 and APASOS PID2021-122256NB-C22 of the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by EU through FEDER funds (A way to make Europe), from the Maria de Maeztu program MDM-2017-0711 of the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/, and also from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No. 957852, VPP4Islands). B.A.C. and J.M.R.-B. acknowledge access to Uranus, a supercomputer cluster located at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain) funded jointly by EU FEDER funds and by the Spanish Government via the National Research Project Nos. UNC313-4E-2361, ENE2009-12213-C03-03, ENE2012-33219, and ENE2012-31753. OGB was supported in part by FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Project RTI2018-095429-B-I00 and in part by FI-AGAUR Research Fellowship Program, Generalitat de Catalunya. The work of OGB is supported by the ICREA Academia program

    Assessing the potential distribution of insect pests: case studies on large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis L) and horse-chestnut leaf miner (Cameraria ohridella) under present and future climate conditions in European forests†

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    Forest insect pests represent a serious threat to European forests and their negative effects could be exacerbated by climate change. This paper illustrates how species distribution modelling integrated with host tree species distribution data can be used to assess forest vulnerability to this threat. Two case studies are used: large pine weevil (Hylobius abietis L) and horse-chestnut leaf miner (Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic) both at pan-European level. The proposed approach integrates information from different sources. Occurrence data of insect pests were collected from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), climatic variables for present climate and future scenarios were sourced, respectively, from WorldClim and from the Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), and distributional data of host tree species were obtained from the European Forest Data Centre (EFDAC), within the Forest Information System for Europe (FISE). The potential habitat of the target pests was calculated using the machine learning algorithm of Maxent model. On the one hand, the results highlight the potential of species distribution modelling as a valuable tool for decision makers. On the other hand, they stress how this approach can be limited by poor pest data availability, emphasizing the need to establish a harmonised open European database of geo-referenced insect pest distribution data. Evaluation de la repartition potentielle des insectes nuisibles: etudes de cas sur le grand charancon du pin (Hylobius abietis L.) et sur la mineuse du marronnier (Cameraria ohridella) dans les conditions climatiques actuelles et futures dans les forets europeennes Les insectes nuisibles des forets representent une menace serieuse pour les forets europeennes et leurs effets negatifs pourraient etre aggraves par le changement climatique. Cet article illustre l'utilisation de la modelisation de la repartition des especes, integree aux donnees de repartition des arbres-hotes, pour evaluer la vulnerabilite des forets a cette menace. Deux etudes de cas sont utilisees, toutes deux au niveau paneuropeen, pour le grand charancon du pin (Hylobius abietis L.) et la mineuse du marronnier (Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic). L'approche proposee utilise des informations de differentes sources. Les donnees sur la presence des insectes nuisibles proviennent du service mondial d'information sur la biodiversite ('Global Biodiversity Information Facility', GBIF), les variables climatiques pour le climat actuel et des scenarios futurs ont ete obtenues, respectivement, a partir de WorldClim et du Programme de recherche sur le changement climatique, l'agriculture et la securite alimentaire (CCAFS), et les donnees sur la repartition des arbres-hotes ont ete obtenues aupres du Centre europeen de donnees sur les forets (EFDAC), qui fait partie du systeme d'information forestiere pour l'Europe ('Forest Information System for Europe', FISE). L'habitat potentiel des ravageurs etudies a ete calcule en utilisant l'algorithme d'apprentissage automatique du modele Maxent. D'une part, les resultats indiquent que la modelisation de la repartition des especes peut devenir un outil precieux pour les decideurs. D'autre part, ils indiquent que cette approche peut etre limitee par le manque de donnees sur les organismes nuisibles, renforcant ainsi la necessite de creer une base de donnees europeenne harmonisee et ouverte pour les donnees geo-referencees sur la repartition des insectes nuisibles. Oцeнкa пoтeнциaльнoгo pacпpocтpaнeния вpeдныx нaceкoмыx нa пpимepe бoльшoгo cocнoвoгo дoлгoнocикa (Hylobius abietis L) и лиcтoвoгo минёpa кoнcкoгo кaштaнa (Cameraria ohridella) пpи cyщecтвyющиx и бyдyщиx климaтичecкиx ycлoвияx в eвpoпeйcкиx лeca

    An ellipsoidal mirror for focusing neutral atomic and molecular beams

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    Manipulation of atomic and molecular beams is essential to atom optics applications including atom lasers, atom lithography, atom interferometry and neutral atom microscopy. The manipulation of charge-neutral beams of limited polarizability, spin or excitation states remains problematic, but may be overcome by the development of novel diffractive or reflective optical elements. In this paper, we present the first experimental demonstration of atom focusing using an ellipsoidal mirror. The ellipsoidal mirror enables stigmatic off-axis focusing for the first time and we demonstrate focusing of a beam of neutral, ground-state helium atoms down to an approximately circular spot, (26.8±0.5) μm×(31.4±0.8) μm in size. The spot area is two orders of magnitude smaller than previous reflective focusing of atomic beams and is a critical milestone towards the construction of a high-intensity scanning helium microscope

    An ellipsoidal mirror for focusing neutral atomic and molecular beams

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    Manipulation of atomic and molecular beams is essential to atom optics applications including atom lasers, atom lithography, atom interferometry and neutral atom microscopy. The manipulation of charge-neutral beams of limited polarizability, spin or excitation states remains problematic, but may be overcome by the development of novel diffractive or reflective optical elements. In this paper, we present the first experimental demonstration of atom focusing using an ellipsoidal mirror. The ellipsoidal mirror enables stigmatic off-axis focusing for the first time and we demonstrate focusing of a beam of neutral, ground-state helium atoms down to an approximately circular spot, (26.8±0.5) μm×(31.4±0.8) μm in size. The spot area is two orders of magnitude smaller than previous reflective focusing of atomic beams and is a critical milestone towards the construction of a high-intensity scanning helium microscope

    Interactivity in Latin American digital journalism. An analysis of the main digital media of Colombia, Mexico and Ecuador (2016)

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    Introduction: Latin America, in general terms, is a continent with several contextual levels, which depend on historic, economic, political and social characteristics. Despite all this, there are aspects -such as digital divide- that occur again, to a greater or lesser extent, in the different Latin American countries. This digital divide promotes partially disconnected -and thus, invisible- societies, and tends to slow down possibilities of innovation and development of digital journalism. Methodology: In this study, and from the methodology proposed by Rodríguez, Codina and Pedraza (2012), we have analysed the management of interactivity in the main digital media in Mexico, Colombia and Ecuador in 2016. Results and conclusions: The results show a generally low implementation of interactivity options in digital ecosystems in these three Latin American countries. © 2017, University of La Laguna. All rights reserved

    Un ejemplo de ACP paso a paso

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