16 research outputs found

    Booster effect after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in immunocompromised hematology patients with prior COVID-19

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    Patients with hematological malignancies have been excluded from the new zoonotic coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 [SARS-CoV-2]) vaccine trials despite being at higher risk for SARS-CoV-2 disease (COVID-19)-related mortality. However, most health authorities worldwide have designated these patients as a priority for COVID-19 vaccination, even in the absence of efficacy data in these highly immunosuppressed patients. In addition, on 12 August 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration amended the emergency use authorizations for the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines to allow for the use of an additional dose in immunocompromised individuals, such as solid organ transplant recipients or equivalently immunosuppressed patients

    Persistent cutaneous abdominal ulcerations secondary to diffuse dermal angiomatosis: an underestimated sign for severe atherosclerosis: A case report.

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    BACKGROUND: Diffuse dermal angiomatosis (DDA) is a rare, acquired, reactive vascular proliferation, clinically characterized by livedoid erythematous-violaceous plaques, which frequently evolve to ulceration and necrosis. Histopathologically, it is manifested by a diffuse proliferation of endothelial cells within the full thickness of the dermis. DDA has been mainly associated with severe peripheral atherosclerosis. METHODS: We report a 63-year-old woman who presented with multiple erythematous-violaceous plaques with central deep skin ulcers on thighs, lower abdomen, and perianal area, associated with intermittent claudication, low-grade fever, and weight loss. Initially, the clinical picture along with positive cultures for Klebsiella pneumoniae suggested a multifocal ecthyma gangrenosum; nevertheless, a skin biopsy showed a diffuse dermal proliferation of endothelial cells interstitially arranged between collagen bundles. A computed tomography scan revealed severe aortic atheromatosis with complete luminal occlusion of the infrarenal aorta and common iliac arteries. RESULTS: The diagnosis of DDA secondary to severe atherosclerosis was established. The patient underwent a left axillofemoral bypass surgery with a rapidly healing of the ulcers in the next weeks./nCONCLUSIONS: DDA should be considered in the differential diagnosis of livedoid ischemic lesions. Recognition of DDA as a cutaneous sign of severe peripheral vascular disease is important for both dermatologists and internists. Recognition of risk factors and their management with an early intervention to correct tissue ischemia can be curative

    Efectividad y duración de la inmunidad de la vacuna frente al meningococo serogrupo A y C

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    FUNDAMENTO: La Comunidad de Madrid detectó a partir de 1995 un incremento del número de casos de enfermedad meningocócica por serogrupo C. En 1997 se realizó una campaña de inmunización masiva sobre la población de 18 meses a 19 años. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la respuesta inmunitaria producida por la vacuna y su relación con la edad. MÉTODOS: Se seleccionó una muestra de 1.003 niños vacunados durante la campaña. Se extrajo una muestra de sangre antes de la vacunación y tras uno, seis (solo <5a) y doce meses. Para valorar la respuesta inmune se midieron niveles de anticuerpos bactericidas y totales. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de seroconversión medida por anticuerpos bactericidas es 89,6%. La respuesta es baja en menores de 3 años (34,8%), aumenta con la edad y a partir de los 7 años supera el 90%. A los 6 meses, la prevalencia de niveles protectores en menores de 5 años desciende notablemente (31,3%). Al año, la prevalencia desciende notablemente, especialmente en menores de 7 años. La proporción de individuos con respuesta de anticuerpos totales al mes supera el 90% y se mantiene elevada al año en todos los grupos edad (97,5%). CONCLUSIONES: La respuesta medida mediante anticuerpos totales entra en contradicción con la respuesta clínica a la vacunación y la medida mediante anticuerpos bactericidas infraestima la protección si se compara con los resultados de efectividad vacunal, por lo que es necesario buscar indicadores biológicos que se correlacionen de manera adecuada con la respuesta clínica tras la vacunación

    Efectividad y duración de la inmunidad de la vacuna frente al meningococo serogrupos A y C

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    Fundamento: La Comunidad de Madrid detectó a partir de 1995 un incremento del número de casos de enfermedad meningocócica por serogmpo C. En 1997 se realizó una campaña de inmunización masiva sobre la población de 18 meses a 19 años. El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la respuesta inmunitaria producida por la vacuna y su relación con la edad. Métodos: Se seleccionó una muestra de 1.003 niños wCU~ddOS durante la campaña. Se extrajo una muestra de sangre antes de la vacunación y tras uno, seis (solo a menores de 5 años) y doce meses. Pard valorar IU respuesta inmune se midieron niveles de anticuerpos bactericidas y totales. Resultados: La prevalencia de seroctrnversión medida por anticuerpos bactericidas es 89,6%. La respuesta es baja en menores de 3 años (34,8%), aumenta con la edad y a partir de los 7 años super;l el 90%. A los 6 meses, la prevalencia de niveles protectores en menores de 5 años desciende notablemente (3 1,3%). Al año, la prevalencia desciende notablemente, especialmente en menores de 7 aíios. La proporción de individuos con respuesta de anticuerpos totales al mes supera el 90% y se mantiene elevada al año en todos los grupos edad (97.5%). Conclusiones: La respuesta medida mediante anticuerpos totales enttx en contmdicción con la respuesta clíni- CJ ;L la vacunación y la medida mediante anticuerpos bactericidas infraestima la protección si se compara con los resultados de efectividad vacunal, por lo que es necesario buscar indicadores biológicos que se correlacionen de manera adecuada con la respuesta clínica tras la vucun; lción.Background: III 1995 the Community of Madrid detected m increase in the number of cases of meningococcal disease caused by serogroup C. In 1997 a mass vaccination campaign W;LSc arried out in relation to the population between 18 months and 19 yeürs of age. The purpose of this study is to asceltain the immune response produced by the vaccine 2nd its relationship to the age of the subjects. Methods: A sample group of 1.003 children vaccinated duting the campa& was selected. A blood sumple wüs extracted prior to vaccination and after one, six (only a under 5 years old) and twelve months liad tmnspired. In order to assess the immune response, the levels of bactericidal and total antibodies were measured. Results: The prevalence of seroconversion rneasured by bactericida1 antibodies is 89.6%. The response is low in children under 3 (34.8%). increases with age and, from 7 years on, surpasses the 90% mark. After 6 months, the prevülence of protective levels in children under 5 yems of age drops noticeably (3 1.3%). After one year, the prevalence drops significantly, particularly in children under �7 yem of age. The proportion of individuals with total antibody response after one month is over 90%, and remains high after one yedr in al1 of the age groups (97.5%). Conclusions: The response measured by mems of total antibodies contradicts the clinical response to thc vaccination and the measurement by means of bactericida1 antibodies underestimates the protection if it is compared with the results of vaccinal efficacy, for which rcason, we need to search for biological indicatan that would correlate adequately with the clinical response following irnmunisation

    Diagnostic accuracy of pigmented labial macules by in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy and correlation among techniques

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    Data de publicació electrònica: 05-03-2020Background: Pigmented labial macules (PLMs) are clinical, dermoscopic, and histopathologic challenges. Objective: To describe and evaluate the utility of reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) in PLMs and to establish a correlation between dermoscopy, RCM, histopathology, and immunohistochemistry. Methods: Prospective study of PLMs from 4 tertiary referral dermatology centers. The study included 51 biopsy specimen-proven PLMs. Dermoscopic, RCM images, and histopathologic preparations were evaluated for malignant criteria. Diagnostic accuracy of RCM for melanoma diagnosis, RCM Lip Score previously reported, and κ values between techniques were calculated. Results: Included were 5 melanomas and 46 benign PLMs. Dermoscopically, melanomas exhibited more frequently ≥3 colors and ≥3 structures. With RCM, pagetoid spreading, epithelial disarray, continuous proliferation of atypical cells around papillae, nonhomogeneously distributed papillae, marked cellular atypia, and a higher number of dendritic cells per papillae were more frequent in melanomas. The RCM Lip Score was significantly higher in malignant lesions. Good κ values were observed in most of the evaluated features. A perfect sensitivity and specificity was obtained combining dermoscopy and RCM. Limitations: A low number of melanomas were obtained. Conclusions: RCM improves lip melanoma diagnosis, and the RCM Lip Score represents a useful tool for the evaluation of a PLM

    Effectiveness and impact of a single-dose vaccine against chickenpox in the community of Madrid between 2001 and 2015

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    Background: Chickenpox is a contagious airborne disease. Immunization by varicella vaccine is an effective preventive measure. The objective of this study is to evaluate the impact and effectiveness of a single-dose vaccination against chickenpox at 15 months of age. Methods: Observational study based on data from the Epidemiological Surveillance System of the Autonomous Community of Madrid from 2001 to 2015. The years were grouped into 4 periods according to epidemic cycles and vaccination schedule: 2001–06, 2007–10, 2011–13 and 2014–15. The impact was calculated as Relative Risk (RR) between the incidence of chickenpox in children between 15 months and 13 years of age between 2011–13 and 2001–06 through Poisson regression using notifications made to the Diseases of Compulsory Declaration (DCD) system, the Sentinel Physicians Network (SPN) and hospital discharge records noted as Minimum Basic Data Set (MBDS). The vaccine effectiveness (VE) was calculated using the screening method and a 1:2 case-control study paired by age and paediatrician in population from 15 months to 13 years and between 2007 and 2015 using SPN source data. Results: The RR2011–13/2001–06 using data from the DCD was 0.14 (95% CI: 0.14 to 0.15), 0.07 (95% CI: 0.06 to 0.08) from SPN and 0.17 (95% CI: 0.15 to 0.20) from MBDS. A total of 338 cases were included in the VE screening obtaining an overall of 93.1 (90.9 to 94.8). For a case-control study, 120 cases and 247 controls were recruited obtaining a VE of 92.4% (IC 95%: 80.8 to 97.0%). Conclusions: The single-dose vaccination against chickenpox at 15 months of age has high impact and effectiveness

    Efficacy of a multifactorial strategy for bowel preparation in diabetic patients undergoing colonoscopy: a randomized trial.

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    Background and study aims: Previous studies have reported that diabetes mellitus is an independent risk factor for inadequate bowel preparation. Current guidelines do not recommend a specific preparation for this patient population. The aims of this study were to assess the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of an adapted preparation protocol for colon cleansing in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Patients and methods: This randomized, single-blind, parallel group, superiority trial compared a conventional bowel preparation protocol (CBP) with a diabetes-specific preparation protocol (DSP). The CBP included a low-fiber diet for 3 days followed by a clear liquid diet for 24 hours before colonoscopy. The DSP included a multifactorial strategy combining an educational intervention, a low-fiber diet, and adjustment of blood glucose-lowering agents. All patients received 4 L of a polyethylene glycol solution in a split-dose regimen. The endoscopists were blinded to the preparation protocol. The primary outcome measure was inadequate bowel preparation according to the Boston Bowel Preparation Scale. Secondary outcome measures included hypoglycemic events, tolerability, and acceptability. Results: A total of 150 patients were included in the study (74 CBP and 76 DSP). Both groups were comparable in terms of baseline characteristics. Inadequate bowel cleansing was more frequent following CBP than DSP (20 % vs. 7 %, P = 0.014; risk ratio 3.1, 95 % confidence interval 1.2 - 8). Only CBP and performance status were independently associated with inadequate bowel preparation. Both preparations were equally tolerated and accepted by patients, and side-effects were similar between the groups. Conclusions: A multifactorial strategy for bowel preparation in patients with diabetes undergoing colonoscopy showed a threefold reduction in the rate of inadequate bowel preparation, with no differences in safety and tolerability compared with conventional preparation

    Diffuse dermal mucinosis secondary to colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor monoclonal antibody treatment: A novel and peculiar drug-induced diffuse cutaneous mucinosis

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    Colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R) inhibitors represent a new class of immune-modulatory drugs, mostly investigated in clinical trials in different malignant neoplasms. Four patients, diagnosed with recurrent or advanced malignant neoplasm and treated with a combination of anti-programmed death ligand 1 and anti-CSF1R monoclonal antibodies, developed an asymptomatic cutaneous eruption characterized by an ill-defined pseudoedematous to waxy diffuse infiltration with a reticular cobblestone-like pattern. Histopathological examination revealed diffuse mucin deposition involving the superficial and mid-dermis with fragmented and scattered elastic fibers. The exact pathogenic mechanisms implicated in the development of mucin deposits in patients treated with CSF1R inhibitors remain to be elucidated. A reduced degradation and clearance of components of the extracellular matrix by macrophages secondary to CSF1 pathway inhibition may be hypothesized. Shredding and fragmentation of elastic fibers may be a result of the increased accumulation of mucopolysaccharides. This observation illustrates the new spectrum of skin-related toxicities secondary to new targeting therapies. This may contribute to a better understanding of the underlying pathogenic mechanisms in skin diseases characterized by a persistent dermal glycosaminoglycan deposition