4 research outputs found

    Gas Giants

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    The gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn) and icy giants (Uranus and Neptune) are fluid planets with atmospheres primarily made of hydrogen and helium. The part of their atmospheres accessible to remote sensing occupies only a small fraction of their radii (0.05%). Clouds and hazes form around the 1 bar altitude pressure level and extend vertically, according to the thermochemical models, in a layer with a thickness of 200_500 km where temperature increases with depth (usually known as the "weather layer"). Clouds made of NH3, NH4SH, H2O (in Jupiter and Saturn), with the addition of CH4 (in Uranus and Neptune), cover the planet in stratified layers that are mixed with unknown hromophore agents. Dynamical phenomena in the weather layer shape different cloud patterns that define the visible appearance of these planets. In the thermal part of the spectrum clouds act as opacity sources providing brightness contrasts. The ensemble of cloud morphologies in terms of shapes, sizes and albedos allows their use as tracers of the atmospheric motions in the weather layer (Fig. 4.1). This is the main tool employed so far to study the winds on these fourplanets

    An enduring rapidly moving storm as a guide to Saturn’s Equatorial jet’s complex structure

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    Saturn has an intense and broad eastward equatorial jet with a complex three-dimensional structure mixed with time variability. The equatorial region experiences strong seasonal insolation variations enhanced by ring shadowing, and three of the six known giant planetary-scale storms have developed in it. These factors make Saturn's equator a natural laboratory to test models of jets in giant planets. Here we report on a bright equatorial atmospheric feature imaged in 2015 that moved steadily at a high speed of 450 ms(-1) not measured since 1980-1981 with other equatorial clouds moving within an ample range of velocities. Radiative transfer models show that these motions occur at three altitude levels within the upper haze and clouds. We find that the peak of the jet ( latitudes 10 degrees N to 10 degrees S) suffers intense vertical shears reaching + 2.5 ms(-1) km(1), two orders of magnitude higher than meridional shears, and temporal variability above 1 bar altitude level. Palabras claveThis work is based on observations and analysis from Hubble Space Telescope (GO/DD program 14064), Cassini ISS images (NASA pds), and Calar Alto Observatory (CAHA-MPIA). A.S.-L. and UPV/EHU team are supported by the Spanish projects AYA2012-36666 and AYA2015-65041-P with FEDER support, Grupos Gobierno Vasco IT-765-13, Universidad del Pais Vasco UPV/EHU program UFI11/55, and Diputacion Foral Bizkaia (BFA). We acknowledge the contribution of Saturn images by T. Olivetti, M. Kardasis, A. Germano, A. Wesley, P. Miles, M. Delcroix, C. Go, T. Horiuchi and P. Maxon. We also acknowledge the wind model data provided by J. Friedson

    Jupiter's third largest and longest-lived oval: Color changes and dynamics

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    The transition region between the North Equatorial Band (NEBn) and North Tropical Zone (NTrZ) in Jupiter is home to convective storms, systems of cyclones and anticyclones and atmospheric waves. Zonal winds are weak but have a strong latitudinal shear allowing the formation of cyclones (typically dark) and anticyclones (typically white) that remain close in latitude. A large anticyclone formed in the year 2006 at planetographic latitude 19°N and persists since then after a complex dynamic history, being possibly the third longest-lived oval in the planet after Jupiter's Great Red Spot and oval BA. This anticyclone has experienced close interactions with other ovals, merging with another oval in February 2013; it has also experienced color changes, from white to red (September 2013) and back to white with an external red ring (2015–2016). The oval survived the effects of the closely located North Temperate Belt Disturbance, which occurred in October 2016 and fully covered the oval, rendering it unobservable for a short time. When it became visible again at its expected longitude from its previous longitudinal track, it reappeared as a white large oval keeping this color and the same morphology since 2017 at least until the onset of the new convective disturbance in Jupiter's North Temperate Belt in August 2020. Here we describe the historic evolution of the properties of this oval. We use JunoCam and Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images to measure its size obtaining a mean value of (10,500 ± 1000) x (5,800 ± 600) km2 and its internal rotation finding a value of -(2 ± 1)·10−5 s−1 for its mean relative vorticity. We also used HST and PlanetCam-UPV/EHU multi-wavelength observations to characterize its color changes and Junocam images to unveil its detailed structure. The color and the altitude-opacity indices show that the oval is higher and has redder clouds than its environment but has lower cloud tops than other large ovals like the GRS, and it is less red than the GRS and oval BA. We show that in spite of the dramatic environmental changes suffered by the oval during all these years, its main characteristics are stable in time and therefore must be related with the atmospheric dynamics below the observable cloud decks.This work has been supported by the Spanish projects AYA2015-65041-P, PID2019-109467GB-100 (MINECO/FEDER, UE) and Grupos Gobierno Vasco IT1366-19. P. Iñurrigarro acknowledges a PhD scholarship from Gobierno Vasco. I. Ordonez-Etxeberria's was supported by contract from Europlanet 2024 RI. Europlanet 2024 RI has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149. This work used data acquired from the NASA/ESA HST Space Telescope, associated with OPAL program (PI: Simon, GO13937) and programs GO/DD 13067 (PI: Glenn Schneider), GO 14661 (PI: Michael Wong) and GO 14839 (PI: Imke de Pater), and archived by the Space Telescope Science Institute, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS 5–26,555. HST/OPAL maps are available at http://dx.doi.org/10.17909/T9G593. Junocam images are available at https://www.missionjuno.swri.edu/junocam/ and at the PDS Cartography and Imaging Sciences Node at: https://pds-imaging.jpl.nasa.gov/volumes/juno.html. This research has made use of the USGS Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS). PlanetCam observations were collected at the Centro Astronómico Hispánico en Andalucía (CAHA), operated jointly by the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (CSIC) and the Andalusian Universities (Junta de Andalucía) and are available on request from the instrument PI Agustín Sánchez-Lavega. Amateur images are available at the PVOL website https://pvol2.ehu.eus. LAIA and PLIA can be downloaded from: http://www.ajax.ehu.es/Software/laia.html and http://www.ajax.ehu.es/PLIA respectively. The software PICV is available at zenodo with doi: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4312674

    Long-Term Evolution of the Aerosol Debris Cloud Produced by the 2009 Impact on Jupiter

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    We present a study of the long-term evolution of the cloud of aerosols produced in the atmosphere of Jupiter by the impact of an object on 19 July 2009 (Sánchez-Lavega, A. et al. [2010]. Astrophys. J. 715, L155–L159). The work is based on images obtained during 5 months from the impact to 31 December 2009 taken in visible continuum wavelengths and from 20 July 2009 to 28 May 2010 taken in near-infrared deep hydrogen–methane absorption bands at 2.1–2.3 μm. The impact cloud expanded zonally from ∼5000 km (July 19) to 225,000 km (29 October, about 180° in longitude), remaining meridionally localized within a latitude band from 53.5°S to 61.5°S planetographic latitude. During the first two months after its formation the site showed heterogeneous structure with 500–1000 km sized embedded spots. Later the reflectivity of the debris field became more homogeneous due to clump mergers. The cloud was mainly dispersed in longitude by the dominant zonal winds and their meridional shear, during the initial stages, localized motions may have been induced by thermal perturbation caused by the impact’s energy deposition. The tracking of individual spots within the impact cloud shows that the westward jet at 56.5°S latitude increases its eastward velocity with altitude above the tropopause by 5–10 m s−1. The corresponding vertical wind shear is low, about 1 m s−1 per scale height in agreement with previous thermal wind estimations. We found evidence for discrete localized meridional motions with speeds of 1–2 m s−1. Two numerical models are used to simulate the observed cloud dispersion. One is a pure advection of the aerosols by the winds and their shears. The other uses the EPIC code, a nonlinear calculation of the evolution of the potential vorticity field generated by a heat pulse that simulates the impact. Both models reproduce the observed global structure of the cloud and the dominant zonal dispersion of the aerosols, but not the details of the cloud morphology. The reflectivity of the impact cloud decreased exponentially with a characteristic timescale of 15 days; we can explain this behavior with a radiative transfer model of the cloud optical depth coupled to an advection model of the cloud dispersion by the wind shears. The expected sedimentation time in the stratosphere (altitude levels 5–100 mbar) for the small aerosol particles forming the cloud is 45–200 days, thus aerosols were removed vertically over the long term following their zonal dispersion. No evidence of the cloud was detected 10 months after the impact