20 research outputs found

    Private banking and second-hand housing in the city of Madrid

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    El número de viviendas usadas en poder de los bancos ha aumentado de forma notable en los últimos diez años como consecuencia de la crisis económica e hipotecaria. El considerable incremento del paquete de activos tóxicos inmobiliarios (más del 36% entre el año 2012 y 2015) procede, en buena medida, de los impagos a la banca por parte de las familias. La ciudad de Madrid es una de las poblaciones más afectadas por este fenómeno, en la que se acumulan los desahucios día tras día. El presente estudio cuantifica y analiza, a través de la información que facilitan las inmobiliarias de las cinco principales entidades bancarias del país, esta bolsa de viviendas de segunda mano en la capital española. La localización de las mismas dentro del núcleo urbano permite conocer el grado de afectación por distritos. Por otro lado, nos hemos servido de la base de datos socioeconómicos de la Administración Local para determinar la incidencia social del posicionamiento de la banca privada. El análisis espacial a través de Sistemas de Información Geográfica ha revelado comportamientos anómalos de la banca en relación al mercado de compra-venta de viviendas usadas en la ciudad de Madrid.The number of second-hand homes held by banks has increased significantly in the last ten years as a result of the economic and mortgage crisis. The considerable increase in the toxic real estate assets package (more than 36% between 2012 and 2015) comes largely from banking defaults by families. The city of Madrid is one of the municipalities most affected by this phenomenon, in which evictions accumulate day after day. This study quantifies and analyses, through the information provided by the real estate departments of the top five banks in the country, this housing pool of second-hand homes in the Spanish capital. Their location within the city allows a knowledge of the degree of affectation by districts. Furthermore, we used the Local Administration’s socio-economic database to determine the social impact of the positioning of private banking. The maps produced by means of Geographic Information Systems have revealed anomalous behaviour of banks in relation to the second-hand housing market in the city of Madrid.Esta investigación está financiada por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, a través del Programa de Formación del Profesorado Universitario (FPU). Referencia FPU13/00990

    Viviendas de alquiler (Airbnb) y alojamientos turísticos tradicionales: nuevo escenario competitivo en el mercado turístico de Extremadura

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    The proliferation of vacation rentals in private homes has grown out of proportion in many places—their increment being facilitated by digital platforms such as Airbnb. This growing trend means a substantial rise in the number of available rooms. This may imply that this is a case of unfair competition, given that they are not subject to the same regulations of legal accommodation providers. Because of this, in turn, the myth of the sharing economy is largely debunked and it simply becomes another business model. Extremadura has been no stranger to this trend, a fact that has led to our working hypothesis: the proliferation of vacation rentals in private homes deepens the problems of competition among registered businesses—more so among specific types of accommodation providers. In order to test this hypothesis, the rentals available at the digital platform were retrieved. They were then georeferenced alongside the available rooms at registered businesses. Next, the data was analyzed in a correlation matrix that yielded a strong correlation between illegal rentals and the number of rooms offered by hotels and tourist apartments. However, when a geographical analysis was carried out, two issues become apparent: that the situation also affects other types of accommodation businesses and that it is especially prevalent in popular tourist areas and their surroundings.La proliferación del alquiler turístico ha adquirido dimensiones importantes en muchos destinos, favorecida por algunas plataformas digitales como Airbnb. Su auge supone un incremento notable en la planta de hospedaje. De ello se deduce que es posible que actúen como competencia desleal, ya que no están sometidos a las normas que deben cumplir los alojamientos legales, desmitificando en este sentido el papel de la economía colaborativa para erigirse en un modelo de negocio más. Extremadura no ha sido ajena a esa tendencia, lo que hace que se haya planteado como hipótesis que la proliferación de este tipo de hospedaje profundiza en los problemas ocasionados por la competencia de establecimientos registrados, sobre todo en determinados tipos de alojamiento. Para comprobarla, se obtuvieron los alquileres promocionados en la plataforma digital, a la vez que se procedió a su georreferenciación, junto a la oferta registrada legalmente. Mediante una matriz de correlación se obtuvieron coeficientes que determinan una correspondencia importante entre el alquiler ilegal y las plazas ofertadas en hoteles y apartamentos turísticos, aunque al realizar el análisis territorial se observa cómo afecta a otras variedades de alojamiento, a la vez que tienen una clara vocación por las áreas más turísticas o sus proximidades

    Multi-probe measurement system based on single-cut transformation for fast testing of linear arrays

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    This paper introduces a near-field measurement system concept for the fast testing of linear arrays suited for mass production scenarios where a high number of nominally identical antennas needs to be measured. The proposed system can compute the radiation pattern, directivity and gain on the array plane, as well as the array complex feeding coefficients in a matter of seconds. The concept is based on a multi-probe antenna array arranged in a line which measures the near field of the antenna under test in its array plane. This linear measurement is postprocessed with state-of-the-art single-cut transformation techniques. To compensate the lack of full 3D information, a previous complete characterization of a “Gold Antenna” is performed. This antenna is nominally identical to the many ones that will be measured with the proposed system. Therefore, the data extracted from this full characterization can be used to complement the postprocessing steps of the single-cut measurements. An X-band 16-probe demonstrator of the proposed system is implemented and introduced in this paper, explaining all the details of its architecture and operation steps. Finally, some measurement results are given to compare the developed demonstrator with traditional anechoic measurements, and show the potential capabilities of the proposed concept to perform fast and reliable measurements.This work was funded by Indra Sistemas S.A. and by the Spanish Government, Ministry of Economy, National Program of Research, Development and Innovation through the project FUTURERADIO “Radio systems and technologies for high capacity terrestrial and satellite communications in an hyperconnected world” (project number TEC2017-85529-C3-1-R)

    Relation among Aromatase P450 and Tumoral Growth in Human Prolactinomas

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    [EN]The pituitary gland is part of hypothalamic-pituitary–gonadal axis, which controls development, reproduction, and aging in humans and animals. In addition, the pituitary gland is regulated mainly by hormones and neurotransmitters released from the hypothalamus and by systemic hormones secreted by target glands. Aromatase P450, the enzyme responsible for the catabolization of aromatizable androgens to estrogens, is expressed in different parts of body, including the pituitary gland. Moreover, aromatase P450 is involved in sexual dimorphism where alteration in the level of aromatase can initiate a number of diseases in both genders. On the other hand, the direct actions of estrogens, mainly estradiol, are well known for stimulating prolactin release. Numerous studies have shown that changes in the levels of estrogens, among other factors, have been implicated in the genesis and development of prolactinoma. The pituitary gland can produce estradiol locally in several types of endocrine cells, and it is possible that aromatase could be responsible for the maintenance of the population of lactotroph cells and the modulation of the action of central or peripheral regulators. Aromatase overexpression due to inappropriate gene regulation has clinical effects such as the pathogenesis of prolactinomas. The present study reports on the synthesis of pituitary aromatase, its regulation by gonadal steroids, and the physiological roles of aromatase on pituitary endocrine cells. The involvement of aromatase in the pathogenesis of pituitary tumors, mainly prolactinomas, through the auto-paracrine production of estradiol is reviewed

    Prognostic Value of the PROFUND Index for 30-Day Mortality in Acute Heart Failure

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    Background and Objectives: The prevalence and incidence of heart failure (HF) have been increasing in recent years as the population ages. These patients show a distinct profile of comorbidity, which makes their care more complex. In recent years, the PROFUND index, a specific tool for estimating the mortality rate at one year in pluripathology patients, has been developed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prognostic value of the PROFUND index and of in-hospital and 30-day mortality after discharge of patients admitted for acute heart failure (AHF). Materials and Methods: A prospective multicenter longitudinal study was performed that included patients admitted with AHF and ≥2 comorbid conditions. Clinical, analytical, and prognostic variables were collected. The PROFUND index was collected in all patients and rates of in-hospital and 30-day mortality after discharge were analyzed. A bivariate analysis was performed with quantitative variables between patients who died and those who survived at the 30-day follow-up. A logistic regression analysis was performed with the variables that obtained statistical significance in the bivariate analysis between deceased and surviving subjects. Results: A total of 128 patients were included. Mean age was 80.5 +/− 9.98 years, and women represented 51.6%. The mean PROFUND index was 5.26 +/− 4.5. The mortality rate was 8.6% in-hospital and 20.3% at 30 days. Preserved left ventricular ejection fraction was found in 60.9%. In the sample studied, there were patients with a PROFUND score < 7 predominated (89 patients (70%) versus 39 patients (31%) with a PROFUND score ≥ 7). Thirteen patients (15%) with a PROFUND score < 7 died versus the 13 (33%) with a PROFUND score ≥ 7, p = 0.03. Twelve patients (15%) with a PROFUND score < 7 required readmission versus 12 patients (35%) with a PROFUND score ≥ 7, p = 0.02. The ROC curve of the PROFUND index for in-hospital mortality and 30-day follow-up in patients with AHF showed AUC 0.63, CI: 95% (0.508–0.764), p <0.033. Conclusions: The PROFUND index is a clinical tool that may be useful for predicting short-term mortality in elderly patients with AHF. Further studies with larger simple sizes are required to validate these results

    Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible y Derechos Humanos: paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas / Derechos Humanos y empresas

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    Nota previa / Cástor Miguel Díaz Barrado (pp. 7-9). -- Unión Europea: Derechos Humanos y desarrollo sostenible / Araceli Mangas Martín (pp. 13 - 26). -- Paz, seguridad y gobernanza: el ODS 16 y la Agenda 2030 de desarrollo sostenible / José Antonio Sanahuja (pp. 27 - 54). -- La aplicación extraterritorial de los Derechos Humanos por acciones de empresas / Pablo Antonio Fernández Sánchez (pp. 57 - 60). -- Hacia un futuro tratado internacional sobre las empresas y los Derechos Humanos / Eugenia López-Jacoiste (pp. 61 - 73). -- La importancia del enfoque de los Derechos Humanos en los objetivos de desarrollo del sostenible / Diana M. Verdiales López (pp. 75 - 90). -- La perspectiva de género en la resolución de conflictos armados: las mujeres como agentes de paz / Cristina del Prado Higuera (pp. 93 - 106). -- La mutilación genital femenina desde una perspectiva integral y multidisciplinar / Cristina Hermida del Llano (pp. 107 - 120). -- Poner fin al maltrato, la explotación, la trata y todas las formas de violencia y tortura contra los niños: la trata de niños / María Ángeles Cano Linares (pp. 123 - 136). -- Participación juvenil en el fortalecimiento de las instituciones y el establecimiento de la paz: programas de participación juvenil del sistema de Naciones Unidas / Enrique Hernández Díez (pp. 137 - 160). -- Estado de la violencia criminal en la sociedad internacional: respuestas de la comunidad internacional para avanzar hacia el objetivo 16, Agenda 2030 / Sagrario Morán Blanco (pp. 163 - 178). -- Fortalecer la recuperación y devolución de bienes robados: justicia y reparación del daño causado a las víctimas y la sociedad como metas del objetivo 16 de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible / Francisco Jiménez García (pp. 179 - 192). -- El derecho internacional, los ODS y la lucha contra el crimen transnacional / Juan Manuel Rodríguez Barrigón (pp. 193 - 216). -- El derecho internacional frente a la criminalidad financiera transnacional: la prevención y sanción del blanqueo de capitales / Jorge Urbaneja Cillán (pp. 217 - 232). -- Acceso a la justicia y objetivos del desarrollo sostenible / Florabel Quispe Remón (pp. 235 - 248). -- Paz y objetivos de desarrollo sostenible: la contribución del objetivo 16 / Elena C. Díaz Galán (pp. 249 - 262). -- Seguridad sanitaria y empresas / Ana Cristina Gallego Hernández (pp. 265 - 272). -- El acaparamiento de tierras por empresas multinacionales y la seguridad alimentaria / Adriana Fillol Mazo (pp. 273 - 288). -- Importancia y características de los planes nacionales de empresas y Derechos Humanos en relación con el desarrollo sostenible / Alberto Jiménez-Piernas García (pp. 289 - 301). -- Objetivo de desarrollo sostenible 16. Principios rectores y espacio iberoamericano: el caso Berta Cáceres / Ana Manero Salvador (pp. 305 - 315). -- Derechos de los pueblos indígenas: marcos de protección en la Agenda 2030 y en los principios rectores sobre empresas y Derechos Humanos / Juan Daniel Oliva Martínez y Adriana Sánchez Lizama (pp. 317 - 331

    Anales del III Congreso Internacional de Vivienda y Ciudad "Debate en torno a la nueva agenda urbana"

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    Acta de congresoEl III Congreso Internacional de Vivienda y Ciudad “Debates en torno a la NUEVa Agenda Urbana”, ha sido una apuesta de alto compromiso por acercar los debates centrales y urgentes que tensionan el pleno ejercicio del derecho a la ciudad. Para ello las instituciones organizadoras (INVIHAB –Instituto de Investigación de Vivienda y Hábitat y MGyDH-Maestría en Gestión y Desarrollo Habitacional-1), hemos convidado un espacio que se concretó con potencia en un debate transdisciplinario. Convocó a intelectuales de prestigio internacional, investigadores, académicos y gestores estatales, y en una metodología de innovación articuló las voces académicas con las de las organizaciones sociales y/o barriales en el Foro de las Organizaciones Sociales que tuvo su espacio propio para dar voz a quienes están trabajando en los desafíos para garantizar los derechos a la vivienda y los bienes urbanos en nuestras ciudades del Siglo XXI

    Endothelial immunocytochemical expression of pituitary IL-1β and its relation to ACTH-positive cells is regulated by corticosterone in the male rat

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    [EN] Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) is a cytokine linking the neuroendocrine system and metabolic homeostasis. We have previously demonstrated the relevance of IL-1β for maintaining the pituitary ACTH-producing cells by immuno-blocking its effects in pituitary cultures. However, the morphological characteristics and the intimate relationship of the pituitary cells expressing IL-1β and ACTH remain unknown. For determining pituitary variations of immunoreactivity for IL-1β and its relation with ACTH-positive cells under stress situations, we performed an immunohistochemical analysis of the expression of IL-1β and ACTH in the pituitary gland of adult rats, in the absence or presence of corticosterone, by establishing different groups: untreated, sham-operated, and bilaterally adrenalectomized animals. In the rats subjected to surgery, the glucocorticoid was administered on the same day of the intervention and on the third day post-surgery. Interestingly, it was observed that IL-1β was located in the pituitary endothelial cells at the hypophyseal portal vessels, regardless of the treatment schedule

    Carlos V : una ventana a Europa

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    Acción educativa que tiene como eje temático Carlos V y Europa. A partir de este tema se orientaron las actividades extraescolares y complementarias y la propia actividad docente del centro. Se desarrollan tres propuestas: Maqueta del monasterio de Yuste, Carlos V a escena y Aula-Carlos V.ExtremaduraES