11 research outputs found


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    It is suggested that poor shoulder proprioception contributes to shoulder pain in swimmers. However, there is a lack of studies describing the measurement method for shoulder proprioception. The purposes of this preliminary study was to investigate the scapular position depending on arm scaption as a first step in the development of a measurement method for three-dimensional shoulder proprioception. An asymptomatic young adults participated in this study. His scapular rotation were measured as a function of arm position during scaption in two consecutive days. The results showed that scapular rotations are not a reproducible function of humerus elevation. Those findings suggested that the assessement of shoulder proprioception should rely on the evaluation of both gleno-humeral and scapulo-thoracic joints to be valid

    Ouverture de la chaire Développement durable - environnement, énergie et société

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    Pour construire une écologie démocratique, il devient impératif de mieux expliquer la multiplicité et la complexité du problème environnemental, ainsi que la nécessité de changements importants de nos comportements au niveau individuel et mondial. Pour être efficace, la sensibilisation au respect de l’environnement doit intervenir à tous les niveaux, depuis l’éducation scolaire jusqu’à la grande diffusion des concepts scientifiques et techniques. Cette chaire thématisée sur un cycle de cinq a..

    Phosphorylation by PKA of a site unique to B-Raf kinase. [La kinase B-Raf est phosphorylée par la PKA sur un site non conservé au sein de la famille Raf].

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    The Raf kinases serve as central intermediates to relay signals from Ras to ERK. Cell-specific effects of these signals on growth, differentiation and survival can be observed due to the recruitment of different isoenzymes of the Raf family. The in vitro phosphorylation of a site unique to B-Raf (Ser429) has been proposed to be responsible for the negative regulation of the isoenzyme by Akt. Using phosphopetide mapping and site-directed mutagenesis we showed that Ser429 is phosphorylated upon cAMP elevation in PC12 cells and proposed that PKA is a major kinase phosphorylating the B-Raf-specific site in vivo

    Raf-1 and B-Raf proteins have similar regional distributions but differential subcellular localization in adult rat brain.

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    The Raf kinases play an important and specific role in the activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK) cascade. Beside its role in the control of proliferation and differentiation, the ERK cascade has also been implicated in neuron-specific functions. In order to gain clues on the function of Raf kinases in the adult central nervous system (CNS), we performed a comparative analysis of the distribution and subcellular localization of the different Raf kinases in rat brain with antibodies specific for the different Raf kinases. We show that B-Raf and Raf-1 proteins are present in most brain areas, whereas A-Raf is not detected. Interestingly, the two Raf proteins have an approximately similar pattern of distribution with a rostro-caudal decreasing gradient of expression. These two kinases are colocalized in neurons but they are differentially located in subcellular compartments. Raf-1 is localized mainly in the cytosolic fraction around the nucleus, whereas B-Raf is widely distributed in the cell bodies and in the neuritic processes. In addition, we demonstrated that numerous B-Raf isoforms are present in the brain. These isoforms have a differential pattern of distribution, some of them being ubiquitously expressed whereas others are localized to specific brain areas. These isoforms also have a clear differential subcellular localization, specially in Triton-insoluble fractions, but also in synaptosomal, membrane and cytosolic compartments. Altogether these results suggest that each Raf protein could have a distinct signalling regulatory function in the brain with regard to its subcellular localization

    Dp71 contribution to the molecular scaffold anchoring aquaporine‐4 channels in brain macroglial cells

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    International audienceIntellectual disability in Duchenne muscular dystrophy has been associated with the loss of dystrophin-protein 71, Dp71, the main dystrophin-gene product in the adult brain. Dp71 shows major expression in perivascular macroglial endfeet, suggesting that dysfunctional glial mechanisms contribute to cognitive impairments. In the present study, we investigated the molecular alterations induced by a selective loss of Dp71 in mice, using semi-quantitative immunogold analyses in electron microscopy and immunofluorescence confocal analyses in brain sections and purified gliovascular units. In macroglial pericapillary endfeet of the cerebellum and hippocampus, we found a drastic reduction (70%) of the polarized distribution of aquaporin-4 (AQP4) channels, a 50% reduction of β-dystroglycan, and a complete loss of α1-syntrophin. Interestingly, in the hippocampus and cortex, these effects were not homogeneous: AQP4 and AQP4ex isoforms were mostly lost around capillaries but preserved in large vessels corresponding to pial arteries, penetrating cortical arterioles, and arterioles of the hippocampal fissure, indicating the presence of Dp71-independent pools of AQP4 in these vascular structures. In conclusion, the depletion of Dp71 strongly alters the distribution of AQP4 selectively in macroglial perivascular endfeet surrounding capillaries. This effect likely affects water homeostasis and blood-brain barrier functions and may thus contribute to the synaptic and cognitive defects associated with Dp71 deficiency

    Real-Life Efficacy, Safety, and Use of Dexamethasone Intravitreal Implant in Posterior Segment Inflammation Due to Non-infectious Uveitis (LOUVRE 2 Study)

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    International audienceINTRODUCTION: To evaluate real-life efficacy, safety, and treatment patterns with the dexamethasone intravitreal implant (DEX) in posterior segment inflammation due to non-infectious uveitis (treatment-naïve or not) in French clinics.METHODS: In this prospective, multicenter, observational, non-comparative, post-reimbursement study, consecutive patients with posterior segment inflammation due to non-infectious uveitis were enrolled and evaluated at baseline (day 0). Those who received DEX on day 0 were re-evaluated at months 2, 6, and 18. Retreatment with DEX and/or alternative therapies was allowed during follow-up.PRIMARY OUTCOME: patients (%) with at least a 15-letter gain in best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at 2 months. Secondary outcomes included patients (%) with at least 15-letter BCVA gains at 6 and 18 months; mean BCVA change from baseline at 2, 6, and 18 months; and patients (%) retreated, mean central retinal thickness (CRT), and adverse events (AEs) at all post-baseline visits.RESULTS: Ninety-seven of 245 enrolled patients with posterior segment inflammation due to non-infectious uveitis (80% previously treated) and disease duration of 5 years (average) received DEX on day 0 and were included in efficacy analyses. At month 2 (n = 91), 20.5% of patients (95% CI 12.0-28.9) gained at least 15 letters from a baseline mean of 60.9 letters; the mean gain was 6.2 letters (95% CI 3.5-8.9). At month 6, 50.0% (n = 38/76) of patients did not receive alternative treatment or DEX retreatment, mostly because inflammation had sufficiently subsided (n = 27/38, 71.1%). Although early study termination prevented efficacy analysis at 18 months (n = 12), CRT reductions persisted throughout follow-up. From baseline to month 18, 21/245 (8.6%) patients had DEX-related AEs; 17/245 (6.9%) had ocular hypertension (most common AE).CONCLUSION: LOUVRE 2 confirms DEX efficacy on visual acuity and CRT in predominantly DEX-pretreated patients with relatively old/stabilized uveitis. DEX tolerability was consistent with known/published data, confirming treatment benefits in posterior segment inflammation due to non-infectious uveitis.GOV IDENTIFIER: NCT02951975