67 research outputs found

    Online Real-Time Activities in the Danish Library World

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    Kvalsterallergi hos hund

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    Hudproblem är en vanlig orsak till att hundar besöker veterinären. I en amerikansk studie kunde man se att 8,7% av hundarna som besökte en veterinär diagnosticerades med ato-pisk/allergisk dermatit (eksem), allergi eller atopi. Det finns fortfarande inget svar till varför djur drabbas av kvalsterallergi, men studier tyder på att bland annat tidig exponering för aller-gener är en riskfaktor för att allergier ska utvecklas. Den här litteraturstudien har fokuserat på vilka åtgärder som kan minska mängden allergener som en hund utsätts för i hemmet för att på så sätt minska djurets allergiska symptom. Den kanske mest effektiva åtgärden för att ge-nomgående minska allergenmängden i hemmet sker genom att den relativa luftfuktigheten sänks. Andra metoder för att effektivt minska mängden allergener i hemmet är att ta bort tex-tilier eller genom att byta till material som är lätta att rengöra. Utöver de miljökontrollerande åtgärderna kan kvalsterallergiska hundar även behandlas medi-cinskt. Det har visats att immunterapi har en god effekt på miljöallergier och bör rekommen-deras till djurägare med hundar lämpliga för behandling. I resultatet av den här litteraturstu-dien framkommer det tydligt att kvalsterallergi är ett tillstånd som hos många hundar kan be-handlas med en kombination av miljökontroll och medicinering.Skin problems are a common cause for dogs to visit a veterinarian. According to an American study one could see that 8.7% of the dogs that visited a veterinarian were diagnosed with atopic/allergic dermatitis (eczema), allergy or atopy. It is still not clear why dogs develop house dust mite allergy, but studies suggest that early exposure to allergens is a risk factor. The following study focuses on what measures can be taken to reduce the amount of allergens in a home. Perhaps the most effective measure to consistently reduce dust mite allergens is brought about by decreasing relative humidity. Other methods to effectively reduce the amount of allergens are to remove textiles or switch to materials that are easy to clean. In addition to environmental control another way to treat allergy brought on by environmental allergens is medication. Allergen-specific immunotherapy appears effective in treating envi-ronmental allergy – including allergy induced by house dust mite – and should be recom-mended for any dog where the veterinarian considers it appropriate. The result of this litera-ture review is that it clearly appears that house dust mite allergy is a condition that can be treated in most dogs with a combination of environmental control and medication

    Implementation and performance analysis of GraphQL schema delegation

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    GraphQL schema delegation is the name of the architectural pattern of delegating queries from one GraphQL server to another. This project aimed to find different methods and techniques for implementing schema delegation, implement one of them and evaluate the performance. Few methods were found, and the npm library graphql-tools was seemingly the only dedicated tool available to implement schema delegation. One GraphQL server was automatically generated with a tool called Hasura. graphql-tools was used to implement another server, delegating to the automatically generated server. Tests were run with the help of the resources from the Linköping GraphQL benchmark. The automatically generated server served as a baseline. Test results found that, overall,the delegating server had significantly worse performance than the generated server. There were, however, some test results where the servers had similar performance. We conclude that there seem to be situations where graphql-tools perform well and suggest methods to increase the performance in areas where graphql-tools do not performwell. We also suggest implementing GraphQL schema delegation without the use of any tools

    Selection of non-fiction literature : A comparative literature study of collection development of non-fiction literature at public libraries.

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    The aim of this study is to investigate methods of collection development, the users’ influence on selection and quality aspects, focusing on non-fiction literature in Swedish public libraries. To find out opinions of collection development, I use the method comparative literature study. Antonio Gramsci’s concept hegemony forms the theoretical background, and hegemony as concept is related to a library context by using Maj Klasson’s text on the librarians’ different positions of authorities. The focus of the study is therefore on the librarian’s position as authority, in contrast to the users’ position, regarding selection of non-fiction literature. A short historical review leads to the factors influencing collection development today. Swedish library policy documents, the Swedish library constitution, Unesco’s public library manifesto are some of the formal factors influencing collection development at Swedish public libraries. The analysis consists of three macro themes found while reading the empirical texts: collection development, quality aspects and users. These macro themes are divided into micro themes in order to analyse the chosen empirical texts. The result of the study shows a difference in authority between librarians and users regarding collection development, the complexity of non-fiction literature and the users’ influence on literature selection. These authority differences is expressed in the texts as whether the librarians or the users are considered as the authority, and why, in developing methods for literature selection. Concerning quality aspects, a difference was found between the texts, since one of them acknowledges the users as the most important reference to select quality literature, and not the librarians.Uppsatsnivå:
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