6,955 research outputs found

    Elonis v. United States: Why the Supreme Court Punted on Free Speech

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    In Elonis v. United States, 135 S. Ct. 2001 (2015), the Supreme Court had a chance to interpret the boundaries of a federal statute forbidding threats transmitted in interstate or foreign commerce and to consider the constitutional implications of regulating such threats. In its statutory analysis, the Court hesitated to declare how the law should be applied, and instead, only provided guidance as to how it should not be. It likewise refrained from any further analysis on constitutional grounds entirely. This contest winning student case note explores the opinion in depth and comments on its potential implications

    Trafficking Technology: A Look at Different Approaches to Ending Technology-Facilitated Human Trafficking

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    In 2018, many believe that slavery is an antiquated concept. But as with anything else, if it has not become extinct, it has evolved with time. Human trafficking is no different. Each year, millions of men, women and children are trafficked in the United States, and internationally, and forced to work against their will. Through the rise of technology and an increasingly globalized world, traffickers have learned to use technology as a tool to help facilitate the trafficking of persons and to sell those victims to others they never could have reached before. But what are we doing about it? Domestic and international laws provide the framework to fight human trafficking and end this type of slavery overall. In the United States, for example, the Trafficking Victim Protection Act sets a standard for the law federally and serves as a guideline for such legislation on the state level. But due to the variance between state and federal laws, and the rapid pace at which technology has transformed, the laws have failed to keep up with the needs of law enforcement to effectively detain and prosecute traffickers who utilize technology in their illegal work. This Comment delves into several current domestic and international laws aimed at preventing human trafficking, and discusses the measures by which we, as a global society, can take toward ending modern-day slavery

    Trends and Factors Affecting Housing Panel Discussion

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    The housing market has come back with a vengeance in metro parts of Nebraska. Demographics play an important part in the reason why. This session will discuss the consumer lifecycle and how renting and rental unit construction boomed since the economic downturn as the large segment of millennials were at ages where people are most apt to rent. Now millennials are pushing into ages where marriage and children lead to home ownership, which will support the housing market as demand increases. Our panelists will discuss these and other factors that impact housing in both urban and rural parts of the state, including how to use data to frame a development or redevelopment project, and the challenges in nonmetro areas regarding the age and quality of housing stock

    Bifurcated polarization rotation in bismuth-based piezoelectrics

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    ABO3 perovskite-type solid solutions display a large variety of structural and physical properties, which can be tuned by chemical composition or external parameters such as temperature, pressure, strain, electric, or magnetic fields. Some solid solutions show remarkably enhanced physical properties including colossal magnetoresistance or giant piezoelectricity. It has been recognized that structural distortions, competing on the local level, are key to understanding and tuning these remarkable properties, yet, it remains a challenge to experimentally observe such local structural details. Here, from neutron pair-distribution analysis, a temperature-dependent 3D atomic-level model of the lead-free piezoelectric perovskite Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 (NBT) is reported. The statistical analysis of this model shows how local distortions compete, how this competition develops with temperature, and, in particular, how different polar displacements of Bi3+ cations coexist as a bifurcated polarization, highlighting the interest of Bi-based materials in the search for new lead-free piezoelectrics

    Disc Golf and Walking Benefits: A Pedometer-Based Physical Activity Assessment

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to assess the contributions of walking when participating in disc golf and achieving the recommended 10,000 steps per day. Data from men (n = 226) and women (n= 109) participants who played on 15 disc golf courses were analyzed to determine if gender, age, score or playing format had an effect on the average number of steps walked per hole. Each participant wore a pedometer while playing. Participants averaged 311 steps per hole, which equates to 5613 steps for an 18- hole round of disc golf. Women took 69.3 fewer steps per hole than men and each additional throw resulted in 3.2 additional steps per hole. Playing an 18-hole round of disc golf provided for over half of the recommended 10,000 steps per day for healthy living, but these steps were not evenly distributed across all types of players

    Surrogacy in invasion research and management: inferring “impact” from “invasiveness”

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    Biological invasions are widely accepted drivers of biodiversity decline, yet the ecological impacts of invaders in many contexts remain largely unmeasured. Consequently, other measures of a species invasion (e.g. local abundance) are regularly used as surrogates (or ‘proxies’) to infer impact on recipient ecosystems. The use of surrogates for impact represents an implicit application of ecological surrogacy in invasion science, but without the evaluation and validation of surrogate-target relationships that characterizes surrogate use in other fields. While there are practical reasons for this, there also are risks associated with not testing the accuracy, stability and certainty of surrogate-impact relationships that need to be acknowledged. Recognizing the role of surrogacy in invasion science offers previously unappreciated solutions for increasing the quantitative rigor of invasive species impact assessments that inform management decisions.ARC Laureate Fellowshi

    Spectrometry: Report of panel

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    Spectroscopic measurements are required to define the spectral background and provide the detailed spectral information that is essential for the design of species-specific systems and the analysis of data obtained from them. This function of spectroscopic measurements is expected to be an important part of any tropospheric remote-sensing program, and both emission and absorption spectroscopy are relevant in this context. The data from such observations are of value to tropospheric science in their own right, during the initial phases while species-specific techniques and instruments are under development. In addition, there are a number of unresolved problems in tropospheric radiative transfer and spectroscopy which presently limit the accuracy and reliability of all remote sensing methods. Only through a supporting program of spectroscopic measurements can progress be made in improving the understanding of these aspects of radiative transfer and ultimately reaching the desired confidence in the accuracy to species-specific monitoring techniques