30 research outputs found

    Saltwater spawning grounds of sea-run brown trout (Salmo trutta) in tidal waters of a major Norwegian river

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    Sea-run brown trout (Salmo trutta) have a highly phenotypically plastic life history that allows them to be effective colonizers and competitors in freshwater. This paper documents a previously unknown spawning behaviour in a brackish, tidally influenced estuary 14 km from the mouth of the Vosso River, a major Atlantic salmon- and sea-run brown trout–producing river in western Norway. Putative spawning gravel was observed, and sea-run brown trout deposited eggs that hatched in April. Survival of recruits was high (> 95%) in the tidal spawning gravel. These areas are strongly tidally influenced with a peak of 23.17 psu recorded at the lowest spawning ground. The observation of spawning so far from the river mouth may be unique in such a system with a long estuary but provides important insight into the biology of sea trout. Invasion of pink salmon, also known to spawn in estuaries, may negatively affect the competitive balance of sea trout with other salmonids in rivers where sea trout populations rely on recruitment from these relatively extreme spawning areas. Restoration of estuaries that have been modified by dredging or channelization may be important to ensure quality and heterogenous habitat for sea trout spawning given that haline spawning grounds could contribute to population resilience.Saltwater spawning grounds of sea-run brown trout (Salmo trutta) in tidal waters of a major Norwegian riverpublishedVersio

    Moving cleaner fish from the wild into fish farms: A zero-sum game?

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    Fish that engage in mutualistic cleaning behaviour (‘cleaner fishes’) have recently been popularized as a nature-based method of controlling ectoparasite outbreaks in fish farms. Outbreaks impact animal welfare and threaten wild fish populations; due to this, millions of cleaner fish (especially wrasses from the family Labridae) are wild-caught each year and transferred into Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) farms to remove ectoparasitic sea lice (predominantly Lepeophtheirus salmonis) from farmed salmon and reduce spillover (i.e. parasites transferring from farmed to wild fish) onto vulnerable wild salmonid populations. However, we hypothesize that this practice may result in no net benefit to the infestation pressure on wild fish if gains in farm-based control trade off against the removal of lice from wild fish by wrasse moved from the wild into net pens. Such a scenario would entail a zero-sum game. We test our hypothesis using an ecological simulation of wrasse as cleaners of farmed Atlantic salmon and wild sea trout (Salmo trutta). We parameterized our simulation based on published models of sea lice epidemics from farms to calculate the relative impact of lice when wrasse are removed from the ecosystem to serve as cleaners. Our simulations revealed that a zero-sum game can emerge from this system at unexpectedly infrequent rates of cleaning by wrasse in the wild. Scandinavian wrasses are relatively data poor and parameterizing our simulation revealed a need for better data on the ecological role of these fishes in coastal ecosystems. For the first time, we suggest that wrasse fisheries may be a zero-sum game and that under a plausible set of conditions, fishing wrasse out of coastal ecosystems may do more harm than good for modulating sea lice epidemics. However, we emphasize that these results do not suggest that wrasse alone will play a role in resolving high infestation pressure of lice emanating from fish farms.publishedVersio

    Undersøkelse av den innsjøgytende auren i Store Hovvatn, Aust-Agder. Resultater fra prøvefiske i 2008 og 2009 og oppsummering av undersøkelsene om innsjøgyting

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    I Store Hovvatn førte forsuring til at aurebestanden gikk tapt i perioden 1920-1940. Partiell kalking av Store Hovvatn og Pollen ble gjort i 1981. Innsjøen er kalket flere ganger senere, sist ved terrengkalking i 1999. Yngel og villfisk fra den innsjøgytende auren i Byglandsfjorden er utsatt (1981-1991). Prøvefiske er utført årlig i 1982-2005 og i 2008-2009. Rognoverlevelsen er undersøkt i perioden 1992-2009. Skjellsand og kalkgrus er utlagt på gyteplasser i strandsonen. Kalkgrusen har hatt en positiv effekt på overlevelsen av aureegg og det samme har vært tilfelle med terrengkalkingen. Prøvefisket i 2008 ga en fangst på 6,6 fisk pr. 100 m2 garnareal, mot 11,1 fisk i 2009. Sammenlignet med 1994 viste resultatene fra 2008/2009 at auren har blitt mindre, veksten har avtatt og kondisjonsfaktoren er lavere. Veksten for voksen fisk var signifikant dårligere i 2009 i forhold til 1994. Nedgangen skyldes en mer tallrik bestand i innsjøen med en noe dårligere vekst. I dag stammer nær all fisk fra innsjøgyting i strandsonen

    Microsatellite DNA used for parentage identification of partly digested Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) juveniles through non-destructive diet sampling in salmonids

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    Predation during early life history is an important component of fitness in salmonids. Farmed Atlantic salmon display lower survival in the wild in comparison to wild salmon; however, the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Salmon eggs from 69 families of farmed, hybrid and wild parentage were planted into a river. Following swim-up, 760 brown trout predators were non-lethally sampled. Of the trout, 4.2% had ingested salmon fry (0-15 fry/trout). From a total of 48 salmon fry recovered from trout stomachs, 46 were successfully identified to family using microsatellites. Of the 69 planted families, 29 were represented among the predated salmon fry; however, there were no significant differences in susceptibility to predation between the three groups (farm, wild and crosses), but the power of resolution was low due to small sample sizes. Nevertheless, we have successfully demonstrated that microsatellites can be used to address natural selection via diet analysis of predators in a natural system

    Parasitic sea louse infestations on wild sea trout: separating the roles of fish farms and temperature

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    Abstract Background The causal relation between parasitic sea lice on fish farms and sea lice on wild fish is a controversial subject. A specific scientific debate has been whether the statistical association between infestation pressure (IP) from fish farms and the number of parasites observed on wild sea trout emerges purely because of a confounding and direct effect of temperature (T). Methods We studied the associations between louse infestation on wild sea trout, fish farm activity and temperature in an area that practices coordinated fallowing in Nordhordland, Norway. The data were sampled between 2009 and 2016. We used negative binomial models and mediation analysis to determine to what degree the effect of T is mediated through the IP from fish farms. Results The number of attached lice on sea trout increased with the T when the IP from fish farms was high but not when the IP was low. In addition, nearly all of the effect of rising T was indirect and mediated through the IP. Attached lice remained low when neighbouring farms were in the first year of the production cycle but rose substantially during the second year. In contrast to attached lice, mobile lice were generally seen in higher numbers at lower water temperatures. Temperature had an indirect positive effect on mobile louse counts by increasing the IP which, in turn, raised the sea trout louse counts. Mobile louse counts rose steadily during the year when neighbouring farms were in the first year of the production cycle and stayed high throughout the second year. Conclusions The estimates of the IP effect on louse counts along with the clear biennial pattern emerging due to the production cycle of fish farms clearly indicate that fish farms play an important role in the epidemiology of sea lice on wild sea trout. Furthermore, the mediation analysis demonstrates that a large proportion of the effect of T on louse counts is mediated through IP