7,222 research outputs found

    Influence of Temperature on Egg Production in Sunflower Stem Weevil \u3ci\u3eCylindrocopturus Adspersus (Coleoptera: Cucurlionidae)

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    Controlled laboratory experiments were conducted to study the influence of temperature on production of eggs by a sunflower stem weevil Cylindrocopturus adspersus. Maximum egg production occurred when the temperature was 30± 1°C. At 27C the rate of egg production was lower than at 30°C but significant only at the P \u3c 0.1 level. At 20, 23. and 35C egg production was significantly lower than at 30°C (P \u3c 0.05) indicating that temperature can be an important factor in regulating the fecundity of this species

    The Youth Correction Authority Act

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    Since wireless communication has become a standard feature in the daily life, smartphones and tablets among other things are integrated with the Bluetooth technology. While in some parts of the day wireless communication can be used for searching the internet and share information on social networks without the need of having a secure connection, there are some other parts where the security might become of high importance. When the technology gets integrated in companies the security problem becomes more evident. This is because when the radio signals spread in the medium they can be accessed by anyone that is in reach in the network and the information that was sent may not be intended for everyone. To secure the network from unintended users becomes important when handling fragile information, which companies may deal with daily.  This paper gives an introduction on which security features and techniques that already exist in some personal area networks. From this it has been clear that a security feature could be implemented on the baseband layer of Bluetooth to increase the secrecy during the transmission since at the moment security is only implemented on higher layers using encryption algorithms.  This paper proposes a conceptual idea of improving the secrecy in the network by using a wiretap code that is implemented before the error-correction coding in the Bluetooth's baseband. By disabling the ARQ scheme in Bluetooth one can modulate the channel as a Packet Erasure Channel that will lose packet with a certain probability. By using a nested code structure, the message can then be securely sent by using a higher rate than what the eavesdropper can recover due to the amount of errors the received signal will have. The performance of the concept is evaluated with the secrecy throughput, secrecy outage and the leakage

    The Legal Approach to Crime and Correction

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    This report documents the research and experiments on evaluating the possibilities of using OpenCV for developing a markerless augmented reality applications using the structure from motion algorithm. It gives a background on what augmented reality is and how it can be used and also theory about camera calibration and the structure from motion algorithm is presented. Based on the theory the algorithm was implemented using OpenCV and evaluated regarding its performance and possibilities when creating markerless augmented reality applications

    Laboratory Evaluation of the Pathogenicity of \u3ci\u3eBeauveria Bassiana\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eMetarhizium Anisopliae\u3c/i\u3e to Larvae of the Banded Sunflower Moth, \u3ci\u3eCochylis Hospes\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Cochylidae).

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    Laboratory bioassays were conducted to assess the virulence of two entomopathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana, and Metarhizium anisopliae to 5th instars of the banded sunflower moth, Cochylis hospes,(Lepidoptera: Cochylidae). Temperature conditions of 20 and 25°C and high humidity, (near saturation) were nearly optimal for development of both fungi. Concentrations of 10(7) to 10(8) conidia/ml produced 100% mortality in 10 days or less and 106 conidia/ml produced 90% mortality at 21 to 26 days. Median lethal concentrations of conidia (LC50) from M. anisopliae were 3.6 x 103 at 25°C and 4.1 x 103 at 20°C. The LC50 for B. bassiana was 14.9 x 104 conidia/ml at 20°C and 6.7 x 103 conidia/ml at 25°C. Although B. bassiana tended to be less virulent at 20°C, these differences were not significant. The high humidities required for germination and growth may reduce the usefulness of these fungi as con­trol agents of C. hospes in the northern Great Plains. Further studies and field evaluations are needed to determine if there are microhabitats in the soil or on the sunflower head where the humidity is high enough for germination and growth of B. bassiana or M. anisopliae. Targeting of C. hospes stages in the soil to avoid contaminating the seed or oil with saprophytic fungal spores may be preferred to targeting the sunflower plant for reasons of preserving seed quality, marketing, and consumption

    The Youth Correction Authority Act

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    Eta De Cicco, Mike Farmer and James Hargrave, Using the Internet in Secondary Schools, London: Kogan Page (2nd edn), 2001. ISBN: 0–7494–3459–7. Softback, x + 192 pages, £16.99

    Oviposition by the Banded Sunflower Moth, \u3ci\u3eCochylis Hospes\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Cochylidae) in Response to \u3ci\u3eHelianthus Annuus\u3c/i\u3e Pollen

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    Oviposition on an artificial substrate by the banded sunflower moth Cochylis hospes Walsingham was examined in response to sunflower pollen (Helianthus annuus) and sunflower pollen extract. Sunflower pollen in quantities as small as 0.2 mg significantly reduced oviposition on an artificial substrate relative to a control without pollen. Aqueous pollen extract applied to the artificial substrate significantly reduced oviposition with respect to the control substrate that was treated with solvent. Banded sunflower moths have gained some reproductive or competitive advantage by ovipositing on the bracts of sunflower and a deterrent effect of pollen could, at least in part, have had functional significance in the development of a behavioral preference for the bracts of the sunflower head as an oviposition site

    Perspectives on innovation within medium-sized firms in Wales

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    The Welsh economy is heading towards a post-Brexit future with historically lower levels of productivity continuing to leave the country lagging behind the UK average (Huggins and Williams, 2011; Welsh Government, 2017). An understanding of how new models of innovation are constructed and developed are then particularly important for policy makers and academia in Wales. As noted by Baughan (2015), innovation accounts for 25-50% of labour productivity growth

    Infrared fluorescence from PAHs in the laboratory

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    Several celestial objects, including UV rich regions of planetary and reflection nebulae, stars, H II regions, and extragalactic sources, are characterized by the unidentified infrared emission bands (UIR bands). A few years ago, it was proposed that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon species (PAHs) are responsible for most of the UIR bands. This hypothesis is based on a spectrum analysis of the observed features. Comparisons of observed IR spectra with lab absorption spectra of PAHs support the PAH hypothesis. An example spectrum is represented, where the Orion Bar 3.3 micron spectrum is compared with the absorption frequencies of the PAHs Chrysene, Pyrene, and Coronene. The laser excited 3.3 micron emission spectrum is presented from a gas phase PAH (azulen). The infrared fluorescence theory (IRF) is briefly explained, followed by a description of the experimental apparatus, a report of the results, and discussion
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