30 research outputs found

    Structure-based virtual screening to get new scaffold inhibitors of the Ser/Thr protein kinase PknB from mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    In search of new inhibitors of the Ser/Thr protein kinase PknB from Mycobacterium tuberculosis we carried out a structure-based virtual screening study to identify ATP-competitive inhibitors of this enzyme. These studies point out that N-phenylmethylindole-2-carboxamide is a promising scaffold for the development of new PknB inhibitors. We synthesized a small set of analogue compounds to assess the pharmacophore structural requirements and to optimize the inhibitory activity against PknB. This strategy led to the identification of compound 3, endowed with an IC50 of 20 ÎŒM, which provides a novel scaffold for further improvement of PknB inhibitors

    Comparative investigation of the pathogenicity of three Mycobacterium tuberculosis mutants defective in the synthesis of p-hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives.

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    p-Hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives (p-HBADs) are glycoconjugates secreted by all Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates whose contribution to pathogenicity remains to be determined. The pathogenicity of three transposon mutants of M. tuberculosis deficient in the biosynthesis of some or all forms of p-HBADs was studied. Whilst the mutants grew similarly to the wild-type strain in macrophages and C57BL/6 mice, two of the mutants induced a more severe and diffuse inflammation in the lungs. The lack of production of some or all forms of p-HBADs in these two mutants also correlated with an increased secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumour-necrosis factor α, interleukin 6 and interleukin 12 in vivo. We propose that the loss of production of p-HBADs by tubercle bacilli results in their diminished ability to suppress the pro-inflammatory response to infection and that this ultimately provokes extensive pulmonary lesions in the C57BL/6 model of tuberculosis infection

    The desensitization pathway of GABAA receptors, one subunit at a time

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    International audienceGABAA receptors mediate most inhibitory synaptic transmission in the brain of vertebrates. Following GABA binding and fast activation, these receptors undergo a slower desensitization, whose conformational pathway remains largely elusive. To explore the mechanism of desensitization, we used concatemeric α1ÎČ2Îł2 GABAA receptors to selectively introduce gain-of-desensitization mutations one subunit at a time. A library of twenty-six mutant combinations was generated and their bi-exponential macroscopic desensitization rates measured. Introducing mutations at the different subunits shows a strongly asymmetric pattern with a key contribution of the Îł2 subunit, and combining mutations results in marked synergistic effects indicating a non-concerted mechanism. Kinetic modelling indeed suggests a pathway where subunits move independently, the desensitization of two subunits being required to occlude the pore. Our work thus hints towards a very diverse and labile conformational landscape during desensitization, with potential implications in physiology and pharmacology

    A dual conformation of the post-decarboxylation intermediate is associated with distinct enzyme states in mycobacterial KGD (α-ketoglutarate decarboxylase)

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    International audienceα-Ketoacid dehydrogenases are large multi-enzyme machineries that orchestrate the oxidative decarboxylation of α-ketoacids with the concomitant production of acyl-CoA and NADH. The first reaction, catalysed by α-ketoacid decarboxylases (E1 enzymes), needs a thiamine diphosphate cofactor and represents the overall rate-limiting step. Although the catalytic cycles of E1 from the pyruvate dehydrogenase (E1p) and branched-chain α-ketoacid dehydrogenase (E1b) complexes have been elucidated, little structural information is available on E1o, the first component of the α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex, despite the central role of this complex at the branching point between the TCA (tricarboxylic acid) cycle and glutamate metabolism. In the present study, we provide structural evidence that MsKGD, the E1o (α-ketoglutarate decarboxylase) from Mycobacterium smegmatis, shows two conformations of the post-decarboxylation intermediate, each one associated with a distinct enzyme state. We also provide an overall picture of the catalytic cycle, reconstructed by either crystallographic snapshots or modelling. The results of the present study show that the conformational change leading the enzyme from the initial (early) to the late state, although not required for decarboxylation, plays an essential role in catalysis and possibly in the regulation of mycobacterial E1o

    Concatemers to Re-Investigate the Role of α5 in α4ÎČ2 Nicotinic Receptors

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    International audienceNicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) are pentameric ion channels expressed in the central nervous systems. nAChRs containing the α4, ÎČ2 and α5 subunits are specifically involved in addictive processes, but their functional architecture is poorly understood due to the intricacy of assembly of these subunits. Here we constrained the subunit assembly by designing fully concatenated human α4ÎČ2 and α4ÎČ2α5 receptors and characterized their properties by two-electrodes voltage-clamp electrophysiology in Xenopus oocytes. We found that α5-containing nAChRs are irreversibly blocked by methanethiosulfonate (MTS) reagents through a covalent reaction with a cysteine present only in α5. MTS-block experiments establish that the concatemers are expressed in intact form at the oocyte surface, but that reconstitution of nAChRs from loose subunits show inefficient and highly variable assembly of α5 with α4 and ÎČ2. Mutational analysis shows that the concatemers assemble both in clockwise and anticlockwise orientations, and that α5 does not contribute to ACh binding from its principal (+) site. Reinvestigation of suspected α5-ligands such as galantamine show no specific effect on α5-containing concatemers. Analysis of the α5-D398N mutation that is linked to smoking and lung cancer shows no significant effect on the electrophysiological function, suggesting that its effect might arise from alteration of other cellular processes. The concatemeric strategy provides a well-characterized platform for mechanistic analysis and screening of human α5-specific ligands

    The structure of PknB in complex with mitoxantrone, an ATP-competitive inhibitor, suggests a mode of protein kinase regulation in mycobacteria.

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    International audienceMycobacterium tuberculosis PknB is an essential receptor-like protein kinase involved in cell growth control. Here, we demonstrate that mitoxantrone, an anthraquinone derivative used in cancer therapy, is a PknB inhibitor capable of preventing mycobacterial growth. The structure of the complex reveals that mitoxantrone partially occupies the adenine-binding pocket in PknB, providing a framework for the design of compounds with potential therapeutic applications. PknB crystallizes as a 'back-to-back' homodimer identical to those observed in other structures of PknB in complex with ATP analogs. This organization resembles that of the RNA-dependent protein kinase PKR, suggesting a mechanism for kinase activation in mycobacteria

    Conformational changes upon ligand binding in the essential class II fumarase Rv1098c from Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    International audiencerv1098c, an essential gene in Mycobacterium tuberculosis, codes for a class II fumarase. We describe here the crystal structure of Rv1098c in complex with l-malate, fumarate or the competitive inhibitor meso-tartrate. The models reveal that substrate binding promotes the closure of the active site through conformational changes involving the catalytic SS-loop and the C-terminal domain, which likely represents a general feature of this enzyme superfamily. Analysis of ligand-enzyme interactions as well as site-directed mutagenesis suggest Ser318 as one of the two acid-base catalysts

    The crystal structure of the catalytic domain of the Ser/Thr kinase PknA from M. tuberculosis shows an Src-like autoinhibited conformation

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    International audienceSignal transduction mediated by Ser/Thr phosphorylation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been intensively studied in the last years, as its genome harbors eleven genes coding for eukaryotic-like Ser/Thr kinases. Here we describe the crystal structure and the autophosphorylation sites of the catalytic domain of PknA, one of two protein kinases essential for pathogen’s survival. The structure of the ligand-free kinase domain shows an auto-inhibited conformation similar to that observed in human Tyr kinases of the Src-family. These results reinforce the high conservation of structural hallmarks and regulation mechanisms between prokaryotic and eukaryotic protein kinases

    The crystal structure of PknI from Mycobacterium tuberculosis shows an inactive, pseudokinase-like conformation

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    International audienceEukaryotic-like Ser/Thr protein kinases (ePKs) have been identified in many bacterial species, where they are known to mediate signalling mechanisms that share several features with their eukaryotic counterparts. In Mycobacterium tuberculosis, PknI is one of the 11 predicted ePKs and it has been related to bacterial virulence. In order to better understand the molecular basis of its role in mycobacterial signalling, we solved the crystal structure of the PknI cytoplasmic domain. We found that even though PknI possesses most conserved elements characteristic of Hanks-type kinases, it is degraded in several motifs that are essential for the ePKs catalytic activity. Most notably, PknI presents a remarkably short activation segment lacking a peptide-substrate binding site. Consistent with this observation and similar to earlier findings for eukaryotic pseudokinases, no kinase activity was detected for the catalytic domain of PknI, against different substrates and in various experimental conditions. Based on these results, we conclude that PknI may rely on unconventional mechanism(s) for kinase activity and/or it could play alternative role(s) in mycobacterial signalling

    The virulence-associated twocomponent PhoP-PhoR system controls the biosynthesis of polyketide-derived lipids in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Two-component regulatory signal transduction systems are important elements of the adaptative response of prokaryotes to a variety of environmental stimuli. Disruption of PhoP-PhoR in Mycobacterium tuberculosis dramatically attenuates virulence, implying that this system directly and/or indirectly coordinates the expression of important virulence factors whose identity remains to be established. Interestingly, in knocking-out the PhoP-PhoR two-component system in M. tuberculosis Mt103, dramatic changes in the colonial morphology, cording properties, and reactivity of the mutant strain to the basic dye neutral red, all intrinsic properties of tubercle bacilli known to correlate with virulence, were noted. Because deficiencies in the ability of the mutant to form serpentine cords and stain with the dye are likely the results of alterations of its cell envelope composition, we undertook to analyze the lipid content of phoP and phoP-phoR mutants constructed in two different strains of M. tuberculosis. Our results indicate that PhoP coordinately and positively regulates the synthesis of methyl-branched fatty acid-containing acyltrehaloses known to be restricted to pathogenic species of the M. tuberculosis complex, namely diacyltrehaloses, polyacyltrehaloses, and sulfolipids. Evidence is also provided that PhoP but not PhoR is required for the production of these lipids. This work represents an important step toward the functional characterization of PhoP-PhoR and the understanding of complex lipid synthesis in M. tuberculosis