70 research outputs found

    Logistics determinants of the port of Gaženica in the context of tourism development

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    The Zadar County has an important role in traffic, connecting the north and south of the Republic of Croatia. Zadar is the centre of the region, easily reached by the state roads and the modern highway A1 Zagreb-Split, air connections, ferry, shipping lines and railway. Based on the above mentioned, the city of Zadar should be seen as an important traffic centre of Croatia focused on the Gaženica port and its importance for the development of tourism as a crucial sector of the Croatian economy. The subject of this research is to identify and analyse all characteristics of the tourist destinations supply and demand, their traffic connections as well as the development of ports and port system of Croatia and their effect on the development of the new passenger port Gaženica in order to become one of the leading Mediterranean ports. The correlation between the issues of traffic connection in the Zadar County (road, sea, air and railway traffic) and the main characteristics of tourist supply and demand in the city of Zadar, as well as the impact of development of the port Gaženica on the tourist offer of the city, are interrelated objects of this research. Therefore, external transport accessibility plays an important role in it, which means if the accessibility is bad, it is an obstacle to the desired tourism development. The influence of a bad transport accessibility on the development of the destination is usually solved by investing into new transport solutions such as the construction of a new traffic infrastructure, introduction of new lines of all types of traffic, construction of larger parking lots in tourist destinations and the improvement of traffic and tourist signalling as well as the connection to the main traffic corridors. In order to increase the number of tourists in the above mentioned region, it is necessary to recognize current problems, as well as predict the future ones that may appear as a consequences of inadequate external transport accessibility on tourist development and to encourage their optimal solving

    Characterization of p53 gene family in mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis

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    Geni porodice p53 (p53, p63 i p73) imaju uloge u važnim staničnim procesima kao Å”to su zastoj staničnog ciklusa, apoptoza i procesi diferencijacije. U ovom radu identificirana su i karakterizirana četiri nepotpuna kodirajuća slijeda porodice p53 (cDNA1-4) i prvi poznati cjeloviti genomski slijed homologa porodice p53 mediteranske dagnje Mytilus galloprovincialis. Struktura gena homologa porodice p53 mediteranske dagnje najsličnija je genu p63 kraljeÅ”njaka te potvrđuje p63 kao ishodiÅ”ni gen porodice p53 i jedini gen prisutan kod beskraljeÅ”njaka. Gen p63 dagnje M. galloprovincialis obuhvaća 20620 pb i organiziran je u 15 egzona povezanih sa 14 introna. Analiza je utvrdila da četiri nova kodirajuća slijeda mediteranske dagnje (cDNA1-4) kodiraju proteinske izoforme TAp63 ili TAp63 te su i svi drugi poznati sljedovi porodice p53 mekuÅ”aca identificirani kao gen p63 ili njegove ekspresijske izoforme. Očuvana struktura gena p63 koljena Mollusca utvrđena je usporedbom strukture gena p63 mediteranske dagnje sa ostalim ortolozima, pronađenim u sekvenciranim genomima mekuÅ”aca Aplysia californica, Lottia gigantea, Crassostrea gigas i Biomphalaria glabrata. Analize su također utvrdile moguće pogreÅ”ke anotacija gena p63 u sekvenciranim genomima te je time istaknuta vrijednost koriÅ”tenja sravnjenja poznatih (referentnih) kodirajućih sljedova s novosekvenciranim genomskim sljedovima za pouzdanu anotaciju sekvenciranih genoma.P53 gene family members (p53, p63 and p73) are involved in crucial cellular functions such as cell-cycle arrest, apoptosis and development. In this study four partial p53 family cDNAs (cDNA1-4) and the first complete genomic sequence of the p53 family homologue in the mollusc Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis were identified and characterized. Results indicate gene structure of M.galloprovincialis p53 family homologue to be most similar to vertebrate p63 gene, considering p63 as the ancestral gene of the p53 family as well as the only gene of the family present in non-chordate metazoan species. The M.galoprovincialis p63 gene spans through 20620 base pairs (bp) and is composed of 15 egzons interrupted with 14 introns. Analysis showed the new M.galloprovincialis cDNA (cDNA1-4) sequences code for TAp63 or TAp63 isoforms, and identified all other molluscan p53 family sequences as p63 gene or its expression isoforms. Comparison of M.galloprovincialis p63 gene structure with other orthologues, found in sequenced genomes of four molluscs (Aplysia californica, Lottia gigantea, Crassostrea gigas and Biomphalaria glabrata), revealed the conserved p63 gene structure in the phylum Mollusca. Analyses also detected possible mis-annotations of the p63 gene in sequenced molluscan genomes and stressed the value of manual inspection (based on alignments of cDNA and protein onto the genome sequence) for a reliable and complete gene annotation

    Construction of a new day hospital in Zadar using recycled aggregate concrete

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    U radu je prikazan pilot projekt primjene recikliranog agregata tijekom izgradnje nove zgrade dnevne bolnice OB Zadar. Projekt je uključivao ruÅ”enje postojeće bolnice i koriÅ”tenje nastalog građevnog otpada kao recikliranog agregata u izgradnji dijela nove zgrade. Mehaničkom obradom nastalog otpada dobivena je frakcija 16/32 mm agregata te je on ispitan u skladu s normama HRN EN 206 i HRN EN 12620. Pripremljene su četiri mjeÅ”avine betona i provedena ispitivanja svojstava u svježem stanju (konzistencija, gustoća, količina pora) i očvrsnulom stanju (tlačna čvrstoća, modul elastičnosti, kapilarno upijanje, vodonepropusnost, skupljanje uslijed suÅ”enja). Ostvareni rezultati potvrđuju da se uzimanjem u obzir normi za reciklirani agregat te poznavanjem porijekla, za dane uvjete trajnosti može pripremiti beton svojstava istovrijednih običnom betonu.This paper presents the pilot project of application of recycled aggregate during construction of a new day hospital in Zadar. The project included the demolition of an existing hospital building and the use of generated construction waste as recycled aggregate in the construction of a part of the building. The 16/32 mm fraction of aggregate was obtained by mechanical processing of the generated waste which was then tested in accordance with the HRN EN 206 and HRN EN 12620 standards. Four concrete mixes were prepared, and the fresh (slump, density, air content) and hardened properties were tested (compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, capillary absorption, water permeability, drying shrinkage). The obtained results confirm that by complying with the standards for recycled aggregates and knowing their origin it is possible to produce concrete with properties equivalent to those of ordinary concrete for specified durability conditions

    Application of recycled steel fibres in concrete elements subjected to fatigue loading

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    Dodavanjem čeličnih vlakana u beton poboljÅ”avaju se njegova svojstva pri zamoru. Opisana su eksperimentalna istraživanja betonskih elemenata s recikliranim čeličnim vlaknima pri cikličkom opterećenju. Prikazani su proračunski modeli zamora prema fib Model Code 2010, ACI 215 i JSCE smjernicama. Rezultati proračunskih modela uspoređeni su s rezultatima eksperimentalnog istraživanja. Uočeno je da, u pravilu, svi proračunski modeli podcjenjuju eksperimentalno određenu otpornost betona pri zamoru. Dan je prijedlog korekcije fib Model Code modela.Properties of concrete elements under fatigue load can be enhanced by adding steel fibres to the concrete mixture. An experimental study of recycled steel fibre reinforced concrete elements subjected to cyclic load is described. Fatigue design models are presented according to the fib Model Code 2010, ACI 215, and JSCE guidance. Design model calculations are compared to the results of experimental analyses. It can be observed that, as a rule, all design models underestimate the experimentally obtained fatigue resistance of concrete elements. The adjustment of the fib Model Code design model is proposed
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