38 research outputs found

    Energie uit rioolwater en keukenafval bij hoge druk

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    Decentrale sanitatie als invulling van een duurzame waterketen is bedacht in Wageningen en tussen 2002 en 2005 door een aantal partijen in het noorden van Nederland ontwikkeld tot een bruikbaar concept. Het demonstratieproject DeSaH in Sneek heeft laten zien dat het toepassen van decentrale sanitatie en hergebruik veel mogelijkheden biedt en zeker ook een aantal aanknopingspunten voor verdere ontwikkelingen. De resultaten van het innovatieve concept kunnen echter nog aanzienlijk worden verbeterd. Ondergetekenden zijn na het ontwerp voor het project in Sneek het laboratorium ingedoken, om met nieuwe partijen te werken aan de verbetering van de efficiency, de energieprestatie en de marktpotentie van het concept. Het resultaat is een nieuwe zuiveringstechnologie: hogedrukgistin

    Characteristics of self-care interventions for patients with a chronic condition: A scoping review

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    Background: Self-care is a fundamental element of treatment for patients with a chronic condition and a major focus of many interventions. A large body of research exists describing different types of self-care interventions, but these studies have never been compared across conditions. Examination of heterogeneous interventions could provide insights into effective approaches that should be used in diverse patient populations. Objectives: To provide a comprehensive and standardized cross-condition overview of interventions to enhance self-care in patients with a chronic condition. Specific aims were to: 1) identify what self-care concepts and behaviors are evaluated in self-care interventions; 2) classify and quantify heterogeneity in mode and type of delivery; 3) quantify the behavior change techniques used to enhance self-care behavior; and 4) assess the dose of self-care interventions delivered. Design: Scoping review DATA SOURCES: Four electronic databases - PubMed, EMBASE, PsychINFO and CINAHL - were searched from January 2008 through January 2019. Eligibility criteria for study selection: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) with concealed allocation to the intervention were included if they compared a behavioral or educational self- care intervention to usual care or another self-care intervention and were conducted in adults. Nine common chronic conditions were included: hypertension, coronary artery disease, arthritis, chronic kidney disease, heart failure, stroke, asthma, chronic obstructive lung disease, and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diagnoses that are psychiatric (e.g. schizophrenia), acute rather than chronic, or benefitting little from self-care (e.g. dementia) were excluded. Studies had to be reported in English with full-text available. Results: 9309 citations were considered and 233 studies were included in the final review. Most studies addressed type 2 diabetes mellitus (n = 85; 36%), hypertension (n = 32; 14%) or heart failure (n = 27; 12%). The majority (97%) focused on healthy behaviors like physical activity (70%), dietary intake (59%), and medication management (52%). Major deficits found in self-care interventions included a lack of attention to the psychological consequences of chronic illness, technology and behavior change techniques were rarely used, few studies focused on helping patients manage signs and symptoms, and the interventions were rarely innovative. Research reporting was generally poor. Conclusions: Major gaps in targeted areas of self-care were identified. Opportunities exist to improve the quality and reporting of future self-care intervention research. Registration: The study was registered in the PROSPERO database (#123,719)

    Perpetrating Cyber Dating Abuse: A Brief Report on the Role of Aggression, Romantic Jealousy and Gender

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    There is increasing evidence that the use of elec-tronic communication technology (ECT) is being integrated into romantic relationships, which can be used as a medium to control a romantic partner. Most research focuses on the vic-tims of cyber dating abuse, however, we focused on the factors that predict perpetration of cyber dating abuse. We explored whether aggression (verbal aggression, physical aggression, anger and hostility), romantic jealousy (emotional, cognitive and behavioral jealousy), and gender predicted perpetration of cyber dating abuse (n = 189). We found that hostility, behav-ioral jealousy and gender significantly predicted perpetration of cyber dating abuse. The findings of this study contribute to our understanding of the psychological factors that drive cyber dating abuse in romantic relationships

    The role of social network sites in romantic relationships: Effects on jealousy and relationship happiness

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    On social network sites (SNS), information about one's romantic partner is readily available and public for friends. The paper focuses on the negative (SNS jealousy) and positive (SNS relationship happiness) consequences of SNS use for romantic relationships. We examined whether relationship satisfaction, trait jealousy, SNS use and need for popularity predicted these emotional consequences of SNS use and tested the moderating role of self-esteem. For low self-esteem individuals, need for popularity predicted jealousy and relationship happiness. For high-self-esteem individuals, SNS use for grooming was the main predictor. Low-self-esteem individuals try to compensate their low self-esteem by creating an idealized picture. Undesirable information threatens this picture, and especially individuals with a high need for popularity react with SNS jealousy. © 2011 International Communication Association

    'informed consent': wanneer wel en waneer niet?

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    Inleiding ‘‘Informed consent’: wanneer wel en wanneer niet?’ onderzoekt hoe men op zesentwintig afdelingen binnen het Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen (UMCG) met de bepalingen inhoudende ‘informed consent’ gaat. Elke behandeling heeft ‘Informed consent’ als grondslag, maar afdelingen mogen dit op een eigen manier invullen. De vraag was om te inventariseren hoe ‘informed consent’ precies op elke afdelingen is geregeld en of er ĂŒberhaupt iets is geregeld. ‘Informed consent’ is het informeren van de patiĂ«nt over diverse aspecten van zijn behandeling enerzijds en het geven van toestemming door de patiĂ«nt anderzijds. Deze toestemming kan een patiĂ«nt alleen geven wanneer sprake is een goede informatieverstrekking door de hulpverlener. Methode Onderzoek naar de informatieplicht van de hulpverleners via interviews bij zesentwintig afdelingen van het UMCG. Onderzoek naar de informatieplicht van het UMCG als zorgaanbieder (op basis van de Wmg) via deskresearch. Resultaten Het praktijkonderzoek (afname interviews en bekijken/beoordelen van gebruikte ‘informed consent’-formulieren) wees uit dat niet alle afdelingen zich strikt houden aan de verschillende in de wet geregelde aspecten van het ‘informed consent’ en ook dat de leeftijdscategorieĂ«n en de daarbij behorende bevoegdheden niet helemaal bekend zijn. Wat betreft de informatieplicht op grond van de Wmg, wees het onderzoek uit dat het UMCG niet volledig voldoet aan haar informatieiplicht. Conclusie Het UMCG als zorgaanbieder is en de hulpverleners van de onderzochte afdelingen zijn al goed op weg met betrekking tot de eisen die de beschreven wetten stellen aan het ‘informed consent’. Wel zijn er een aantal verbeterpunten en op basis hiervan volgen de twee belangrijkste aanbevelingen: 1) Het opstellen van een uniforme leidraad met een beschrijving van de minimale eisen aan ‘informed consent’, alsmede opname van een uitleg van de leeftijdscategorieĂ«n en de daarbij behorende bevoegdheden en; 2) Publicatie op de internetpagina’s van het UMCG van gegevens over de kwaliteit van de te leveren zorg. De inhoud van deze scriptie is vertrouwelijk. Wilt u de volledige scriptie inzien, dan kunt u een verzoek mailen aan: [email protected]

    Energie uit rioolwater en keukenafval bij hoge druk

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    Decentrale sanitatie als invulling van een duurzame waterketen is bedacht in Wageningen en tussen 2002 en 2005 door een aantal partijen in het noorden van Nederland ontwikkeld tot een bruikbaar concept. Het demonstratieproject DeSaH in Sneek heeft laten zien dat het toepassen van decentrale sanitatie en hergebruik veel mogelijkheden biedt en zeker ook een aantal aanknopingspunten voor verdere ontwikkelingen. De resultaten van het innovatieve concept kunnen echter nog aanzienlijk worden verbeterd. Ondergetekenden zijn na het ontwerp voor het project in Sneek het laboratorium ingedoken, om met nieuwe partijen te werken aan de verbetering van de efficiency, de energieprestatie en de marktpotentie van het concept. Het resultaat is een nieuwe zuiveringstechnologie: hogedrukgistin

    Models of personality structure

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    In the present chapter, models of personality structure are discussed. With the term “personality structure” we refer to the organization of the various features of personality as based in theory or in empirical findings. By adding the term “models,” the structure quality seems a bit tautological because a model is usually recognized by its typical form or its organization. Most of the ambiguity in the expression “models of personality structure,” is, however, in the term “model” (from the Latin modulus, diminutive of measure or standard), as the term has accrued a variety of functions which can appear at different levels of abstraction


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    PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ankle bracing on proprioception of the ankle and dynamic postural control in participants with chronic ankle instability (CAI). With this knowledge, current brace methods can be optimized and compliance towards the use of braces in athletes who are at risk for an ankle sprain can be improved. METHODS: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted. Proprioception of the ankle and dynamic postural control were measured with and without a soft ankle brace in each participant in randomized order. Males and females with CAI aged 18-35 years were included in this study. Joint position sense (JPS) was measured with an Angle Reproduction Test on an isokinetic device for plantarflexion and inversion. Dynamic postural control was measured with the Y-balance TestTM (YBT). Paired t-tests were used to compare test results with and without ankle brace for both JPS and dynamic postural control. RESULTS: When participants wore the ankle brace, JPS absolute error scores were significantly lower for plantar flexion (p=0.03), in comparison without ankle brace. No significant difference was found in JPS absolute error scores for inversion (p=0.20). The YBT normalized reach distances did not significantly differ when performed with or without brace (p>0.50). CONCLUSION: Wearing a soft ankle brace has statistically significant, but small, effect on the JPS in plantar flexion of the chronically unstable ankle. Ankle bracing has no effect on JPS in inversion and dynamic postural control in participants with CAI. When advising athletes on using an ankle brace, it should be explained that the effect of bracing is probably not caused by improving proprioception, but through other mechanisms. However, athletes should still be encouraged to use an ankle brace during sports due to the preventive effect that is shown in other studies