19 research outputs found


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    While many studies have examined the barrier effects of large rivers on animal dispersal and gene flow, few studies have considered the barrier effects of small streams. We used displacement experiments and analyses of genetic population structure to examine the effects of first-order and second-order streams on the dispersal of terrestrial red-backed salamanders, Plethodon cinereus (Green, 1818). We marked red-backed salamanders from near the edges of one first-order stream and one second-order stream, and experimentally displaced them either across the stream or an equal distance farther into the forest. A comparison of return rates indicated that both streams were partial barriers to salamander movement, reducing return rates by approximately 50%. Analysis of six microsatellite loci from paired plots on the same side and on opposite sides of the second-order stream suggested that the stream did contribute to genetic differentiation of salamander populations. Collectively, our results imply that low-order streams do influence patterns of movement and gene flow in red-backed salamanders. We suggest that given the high density of first-order and second-order streams in most landscapes, these features may have important effects on species that, like red-backed salamanders, have limited dispersal and large geographic ranges

    gViz, a novel tool for the visualization of co-expression networks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The quantity of microarray data available on the Internet has grown dramatically over the past years and now represents millions of Euros worth of underused information. One way to use this data is through co-expression analysis. To avoid a certain amount of bias, such data must often be analyzed at the genome scale, for example by network representation. The identification of co-expression networks is an important means to unravel gene to gene interactions and the underlying functional relationship between them. However, it is very difficult to explore and analyze a network of such dimensions. Several programs (Cytoscape, yEd) have already been developed for network analysis; however, to our knowledge, there are no available GraphML compatible programs.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We designed and developed gViz, a GraphML network visualization and exploration tool. gViz is built on clustering coefficient-based algorithms and is a novel tool to visualize and manipulate networks of co-expression interactions among a selection of probesets (each representing a single gene or transcript), based on a set of microarray co-expression data stored as an adjacency matrix.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We present here gViz, a software tool designed to visualize and explore large GraphML networks, combining network theory, biological annotation data, microarray data analysis and advanced graphical features.</p

    Deciphering biomarkers for leptomeningeal metastasis in malignant hemopathies (Lymphoma/Leukemia) patients by comprehensive multipronged proteomics characterization of cerebrospinal fluid

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    In the present work, leptomeningeal disease, a very destructive form of systemic cancer, was characterized from several proteomics points of view. This pathology involves the invasion of the leptomeninges by malignant tumor cells. The tumor spreads to the central nervous system through the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and has a very grim prognosis; the average life expectancy of patients who suffer it does not exceed 3 months. The early diagnosis of leptomeningeal disease is a challenge because, in most of the cases, it is an asymptomatic pathology. When the symptoms are clear, the disease is already in the very advanced stages and life expectancy is low. Consequently, there is a pressing need to determine useful CSF proteins to help in the diagnosis and/or prognosis of this disease. For this purpose, a systematic and exhaustive proteomics characterization of CSF by multipronged proteomics approaches was performed to determine different protein profiles as potential biomarkers. Proteins such as PTPRC, SERPINC1, sCD44, sCD14, ANPEP, SPP1, FCGR1A, C9, sCD19, and sCD34, among others, and their functional analysis, reveals that most of them are linked to the pathology and are not detected on normal CSF. Finally, a panel of biomarkers was verified by a prediction model for leptomeningeal disease, showing new insights into the research for potential biomarkers that are easy to translate into the clinic for the diagnosis of this devastating disease.We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Health Institute, Carlos III (ISCIII), for the grants: FIS PI14/01538, FIS PI17/01930 and CB16/12/00400. We also acknowledge Fondos FEDER (EU) and Junta Castilla-León (COVID-19 grant COV20EDU/00187). The Proteomics Unit belongs to ProteoRed, PRB3-ISCIII, supported by grant PT17/0019/0023 of the PE I + D + I2017-2020, funded by ISCIII and FEDER—Norma Galicia is supported by the CONACYT Program. P. Juanes-Velasco is supported by JCYL PhD Program “Nos Impulsa-JCYL” and scholarship JCYLEDU/601/2020

    PathEx: a novel multi factors based datasets selector web tool

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Microarray experiments have become very popular in life science research. However, if such experiments are only considered independently, the possibilities for analysis and interpretation of many life science phenomena are reduced. The accumulation of publicly available data provides biomedical researchers with a valuable opportunity to either discover new phenomena or improve the interpretation and validation of other phenomena that partially understood or well known. This can only be achieved by intelligently exploiting this rich mine of information.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>Considering that technologies like microarrays remain prohibitively expensive for researchers with limited means to order their own experimental chips, it would be beneficial to re-use previously published microarray data. For certain researchers interested in finding gene groups (requiring many replicates), there is a great need for tools to help them to select appropriate datasets for analysis. These tools may be effective, if and only if, they are able to re-use previously deposited experiments or to create new experiments not initially envisioned by the depositors. However, the generation of new experiments requires that all published microarray data be completely annotated, which is not currently the case. Thus, we propose the PathEx approach.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This paper presents PathEx, a human-focused web solution built around a two-component system: one database component, enriched with relevant biological information (expression array, omics data, literature) from different sources, and another component comprising sophisticated web interfaces that allow users to perform complex dataset building queries on the contents integrated into the PathEx database.</p

    Sustained IFN signaling is associated with delayed development of SARS-CoV-2-specific immunity.

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    Plasma RNAemia, delayed antibody responses and inflammation predict COVID-19 outcomes, but the mechanisms underlying these immunovirological patterns are poorly understood. We profile 782 longitudinal plasma samples from 318 hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Integrated analysis using k-means reveals four patient clusters in a discovery cohort: mechanically ventilated critically-ill cases are subdivided into good prognosis and high-fatality clusters (reproduced in a validation cohort), while non-critical survivors segregate into high and low early antibody responders. Only the high-fatality cluster is enriched for transcriptomic signatures associated with COVID-19 severity, and each cluster has distinct RBD-specific antibody elicitation kinetics. Both critical and non-critical clusters with delayed antibody responses exhibit sustained IFN signatures, which negatively correlate with contemporaneous RBD-specific IgG levels and absolute SARS-CoV-2-specific B and CD4 &lt;sup&gt;+&lt;/sup&gt; T cell frequencies. These data suggest that the "Interferon paradox" previously described in murine LCMV models is operative in COVID-19, with excessive IFN signaling delaying development of adaptive virus-specific immunity

    Functional Analysis: Evaluation of Response Intensities - Tailoring ANOVA for Lists of Expression Subsets

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    Background: Microarray data is frequently used to characterize the expression profile of a whole genome and to compare the characteristics of that genome under several conditions. Geneset analysis methods have been described previously to analyze the expression values of several genes related by known biological criteria (metabolic pathway, pathology signature, co-regulation by a common factor, etc.) at the same time and the cost of these methods allows for the use of more values to help discover the underlying biological mechanisms. Results: As several methods assume different null hypotheses, we propose to reformulate the main question that biologists seek to answer. To determine which genesets are associated with expression values that differ between two experiments, we focused on three ad hoc criteria: expression levels, the direction of individual gene expression changes (up or down regulation), and correlations between genes. We introduce the FAERI methodology, tailored from a two-way ANOVA to examine these criteria. The significance of the results was evaluated according to the self-contained null hypothesis, using label sampling or by inferring the null distribution from normally distributed random data. Evaluations performed on simulated data revealed that FAERI outperforms currently available methods for each type of set tested. We then applied the FAERI method to analyze three real-world datasets on hypoxia response. FAERI was able to detect more genesets than other methodologies, and the genesets selected were coherent with current knowledge of cellular response to hypoxia. Moreover, the genesets selected by FAERI were confirmed when the analysis was repeated on two additional related datasets. Conclusions: The expression values of genesets are associated with several biological effects. The underlying mathematical structure of the genesets allows for analysis of data from several genes at the same time. Focusing on expression levels, the direction of the expression changes, and correlations, we showed that two-step data reduction allowed us to significantly improve the performance of geneset analysis using a modified two-way ANOVA procedure, and to detect genesets that current methods fail to detect

    Meta-analysis of archived DNA microarrays identifies genes regulated by hypoxia and involved in a metastatic phenotype in cancer cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Metastasis is a major cancer-related cause of death. Recent studies have described metastasis pathways. However, the exact contribution of each pathway remains unclear. Another key feature of a tumor is the presence of hypoxic areas caused by a lack of oxygen at the center of the tumor. Hypoxia leads to the expression of pro-metastatic genes as well as the repression of anti-metastatic genes. As many Affymetrix datasets about metastasis and hypoxia are publicly available and not fully exploited, this study proposes to re-analyze these datasets to extract new information about the metastatic phenotype induced by hypoxia in different cancer cell lines.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Affymetrix datasets about metastasis and/or hypoxia were downloaded from GEO and ArrayExpress. AffyProbeMiner and GCRMA packages were used for pre-processing and the Window Welch <it>t </it>test was used for processing. Three approaches of meta-analysis were eventually used for the selection of genes of interest.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three complementary approaches were used, that eventually selected 183 genes of interest. Out of these 183 genes, 99, among which the well known <it>JUNB</it>, <it>FOS </it>and <it>TP63</it>, have already been described in the literature to be involved in cancer. Moreover, 39 genes of those, such as <it>SERPINE1 </it>and <it>MMP7</it>, are known to regulate metastasis. Twenty-one genes including <it>VEGFA </it>and <it>ID2 </it>have also been described to be involved in the response to hypoxia. Lastly, DAVID classified those 183 genes in 24 different pathways, among which 8 are directly related to cancer while 5 others are related to proliferation and cell motility. A negative control composed of 183 random genes failed to provide such results. Interestingly, 6 pathways retrieved by DAVID with the 183 genes of interest concern pathogen recognition and phagocytosis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The proposed methodology was able to find genes actually known to be involved in cancer, metastasis and hypoxia and, thus, we propose that the other genes selected based on the same methodology are of prime interest in the metastatic phenotype induced by hypoxia.</p