93 research outputs found

    Forty Years of Political Science in Europe: The European Consortium for Political Research Celebrates Its Ruby Anniversary

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    In 2010, the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) celebrated its fortieth anniversary as the leading association for political science in Europe. Forty-one years earlier, in 1969, three European political scientists sent a letter to about a dozen of their European colleagues outlining some suggestions for creating an informal network of institutions and centers interested in comparative politics research. The authors of the letter were Serge Hurtig, Jean Blondel, and Stein Rokkan. Over the next year, led by Blondel and Rokkan with the support of a number of leading professors at the forefront of comparative research in their respective countries (the "founders" being Serge Hurtig, Norman Chester, Hans Daalder, Richard Rose, Jorgen Westerstahl, and Rudolf Wildenmann) and the backing of the Ford Foundation, the ECPR began to take shape. The original plan called for a European journal, a summer school, inventories of European political scientists and graduate courses, workshops, a data information center, and the construction of a transnational infrastructure of institutions to foster a self-sustaining community of professional political scientists. On July 29, 1970, a Ford Foundation grant was awarded to support the achievement of these aims, and the ECPR was established

    "In the end they are all the same!". Party organizational and policy change in Italy (2013-2018)

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    1. introduction 2. Theoretical framework 2.1 Towards internally disintermediated organizations? 2.2 Party positional change: the predominance of the cultural-ethical dimension? 2.3 Party organizational change and party policy positioning: the missing link 3. Research question and method 3.1 Case selection and research hypotheses 3.2 Measurements of party organizational change 3.3 Measurements of party policy positioning 4. Results and discussion 4.1 Patterns of organizational change 4.2 Patterns of policy convergence 4.3 Discussion and conclusio

    Il finanziamento pubblico ai partiti e lo sviluppo dei Partiti Europei

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects on European political party organisations (PPELs), and on their party system, of Reg. 2004/2003’s implementation. Regulation (EC) 2004/2003 defines the role of PPELs and the requirements needed for party eligibility to receive funding from the European Union. The provisions of the Regulation may well be able to consolidate more effectively the various party components operating at European level. However, while the literature on the funding of party organisations suggests that rules and regulations have a tendency to promote organisational convergence, the EU regulation set only a generic organisational pre-requisite for PPELs. In addition, the generally positive picture provided by the Statute is counter-balanced by two provisions, one contained directly in the Statute, and the other in its implementation rules, which keep the federations in a subordinate position with respect to their national components and the parliamentary groups. Our investigation follows two main trajectories: 1) an in-depth comparative analysis of PPEL statutes and internal regulations, by focusing on three different aspects of party organisations, i.e., party membership, party deliberative/executive organs, financial rules; 2) a critic review of Regulation 2004/2003 provisions and its impacts on the balance of powers between PPELs and national political parties. The goal of this contribution is to shed some light over the state of the art of the building process of a more effective and autonomous transnational party system

    Os parâmetros dos sistemas partidários

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    Resumo Apesar do ceticismo que envolve, cada vez mais, seu papel e importância [standing] nas democracias contemporâneas, o interesse acadêmico pelos partidos políticos continua inabalado. Mas este interesse também está se mostrando desigual, com relativamente pouca atenção dedicada atualmente ao estudo dos sistemas partidários. Mais especificamente, o nível de interesse teórico pelos sistemas partidários permanece limitado, quase sem inovações substanciais desde a publicação da obra clássica de Sartori, em 1976. Neste artigo, procuramos reparar em parte essa negligência, identificando os parâmetros relevantes que podem ser utilizados na definição de um sistema partidário e, possivelmente, na explicação da mudança nesse sistema. Por conseguinte, examinamos as características mínimas definidoras de um sistema de partidos (por oposição a um conjunto de partidos), para depois, finalmente, argumentar que sistemas partidários são mais bem entendidos como fenômenos multidimensionais, nos quais identificamos e discutimos as implicações de três tipos de divisão ”“ vertical, horizontal e funcional. Palavras-chave: arena eleitoral; arena governamental; arena parlamentar; sistemas partidários.   Abstract Despite the scepticism that increasingly surrounds their role and standing in contemporary democracies, scholarly interest in political parties continues unabated. But this interest is also proving uneven, with relatively little attention now being given to the study of party systems. More specifically, the level of theoretical interest in party systems remains limited, with almost no substantial innovations being made since the publication of Sartori’s classic work of 1976. In this article, we seek to redress some of this neglect by identifying the relevant parameters that can be used in the definition of party systems and, possibly, in the explanation of party system change. We then go on to look at the minimum defining characteristics of a system of parties (as opposed to a set of parties) before finally arguing that party systems are best understood as multidimensional phenomena in which we identify and discuss the implications of three types of division ”“ vertical, horizontal and functional. Key words: electoral arena; governmental arena; parliamentary arena; part

    How to Create a Transnational Party System

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    This study has been prepared by the Observatory on Political Parties and Representation (OPPR), part of the European Democracy Observatory (EUDO) at the European University Institute (EUI). It covers four aspects: 1) An analysis of the political doctrine and programme of major political parties in several Member States. 2) An examination of current procedures applied to political parties to choose leaders for European Office. 3) The development of proposals on how to help a European political party system evolve from national structures strongly influenced by historical traditions and cultural factors. 4) Suggestions regarding the extent to which the European electoral system and different systems of party financing would have to be revised in order to facilitate the above objectives

    Neuropsychological Profile in a Large Group of Heart Transplant Candidates

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    BACKGROUND: Recent studies have reported that patients with end-stage heart disease can have cognitive deficits ranging from mild to severe. Little is known, however, about the relationship between cognitive performance, neurophysiological characteristics and relevant clinical and instrumental indexes for an extensive evaluation of patients with heart failure, such as: left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and other haemodynamic measures, maximum oxygen uptake during cardiopulmonary exercise testing, comorbidities, major cardiovascular risk factors and disease duration. Our purpose was to outline the cognitive profiles of end-stage heart disease patients in order to identify the cognitive deficits that could compromise the quality of life and the therapeutic adherence in end-stage heart disease patients, and to identify the variables associated with an increased risk of cognitive deficits in these patients. METHODS: 207 patients with end-stage cardiac disease, candidates for heart transplant, were assessed by complete neuropsychological evaluation and by electroencephalographic recording with EEG spectral analysis. RESULTS: Pathological scores in one or more of the cognitive tests were obtained by 86% of the patients, while 36% performed within the impaired range on five or more tests, indicating poor performance across a broad range of cognitive domains. The executive functions were the cognitive domain most impaired (70%). Poor performances were not related to the aetiology of heart disease, but rather to cerebral dysfunction secondary to haemodynamic impairment and to comorbidities. CONCLUSIONS: Severe heart failure induces significant neurophysiological and neuropsychological alterations, which may produce an impairment of cognitive functioning and possibly compromise the quality of life of patients and the therapeutic adherence

    Eucalyptus viminalis Labill: (Myrtaceae) naturalized in Argentina

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    Eucalyptus es un género de árboles nativos de Oceanía, con cinco especies previamente citadas como adventicias para la flora argentina. En este trabajo se informa por primera vez sobre la presencia de poblaciones espontáneas de E. viminalis en Argentina. Se recolectaron especímenes en las Sierras de Azul, Sistema de Tandilia, provincia de Buenos Aires, y sectores de llanura adyacentes. Se aporta una descripción de su morfología, hábitat, un mapa de la posición geográfica de las poblaciones estudiadas en Buenos Aires e imágenes que ilustran la ampliación de área de una población en un cerro en el Sistema de Tandilia. Adicionalmente, se presenta una clave para diferenciar las especies espontáneas de Eucalyptus que habitan en la Argentina.Eucalyptus is a genus of trees native in Oceania, with five species previously cited as adventive for the Argentinean Flora. In this paper, spontaneous populations of E. viminalis in Argentina are reported for the first time. Specimens were collected at Sierras de Azul, Tandilia System, province of Buenos Aires, and adjacent plain sectors. A description of the morphology of the species and habitat are presented, together with a map indicating the geographical position of the studied populations in Buenos Aires, and images showing the areal expansion of a population in a hill of the Tandilia System. Complementary, an identification key for naturalized Eucalyptus species inhabiting Argentina is provided.Fil: Scaramuzzino, Rosa Lourdes. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Dalfonso, Carlos Oscar. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Bardi, Juan Francisco. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Gandini, Marcelo Luciano. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía; Argentina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Lara, Bruno Daniel. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Ciencias Básicas Agronómicas y Biológicas. Laboratorio de Investigación y Servicios en Teledetección de Azul; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil; Argentin

    Giovanni Sartori e la democrazia della Seconda Repubblica

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    Il saggio ripercorre e analizza criticamente tutti i passaggi istituzionali della cosiddetta Seconda Repubblica, ossia della peculiare democrazia maggioritaria che si imposta in Italia a partire dal 1994. Tali passaggi sono visti all'interno del pensiero di Giovanni Sartori e in particolare della sua teoria della democrazia. Tale pensiero si è manifestato sia attraverso opere scientifiche sia attraverso una continua attività pubblicistica, in particolare dalle colonne, come editorialista, del Corriere della Sera. Dall'esame di questo pensiero emerge una serrata e continua critica dei caratteri istituzionali della peculiare democrazia maggioritaria all'italiana.The essay traces and critically analyzes all the institutional steps of the so-called Italian Second Republic, that is the peculiar majoritarian democracy that is set in Italy since 1994. These steps are seen within the thoughts of Giovanni Sartori and in particular of his theory of democracy . Such thinking has manifested both through scientific works both through continuous publications, in particular from the columns, as a columnist, of the Corriere della Sera. From an examination of this thinking emerges a close and continuous criticism of the institutional character of the distinctive Italian style majoritarian democracy

    Aggregation and Representation in the European Parliament Party Groups

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    While members of the European Parliament are elected in national constituencies, their votes are determined by the aggregation of MEPs in multinational party groups. The uncoordinated aggregation of national party programmes in multinational EP party groups challenges theories of representation based on national parties and parliaments. This article provides a theoretical means of understanding representation by linking the aggregation of dozens of national party programmes in different EP party groups to the aggregation of groups to produce the parliamentary majority needed to enact policies. Drawing on an original data source of national party programmes, the EU Profiler, the article shows that the EP majorities created by aggregating MEP votes in party groups are best explained by cartel theories. These give priority to strengthening the EP’s collective capacity to enact policies rather than voting in accord with the programmes they were nationally elected to represent

    Conocer para elegir: una experiencia de articulación de la FCNYM con la Escuela Media

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    El taller “Conocer para elegir: disciplinas, incumbencias y perfil profesional del Graduado en Ciencias Naturales” es un taller integrado de articulación con la Escuela Media, surgido en el marco del Trayecto de Ingreso y Seguimiento de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata (FCNyM, UNLP), comprendido en el Plan de Acciones Complementarias Becas Bicentenario (Secretaría de Políticas Universitarias, Ministerio de Educación de la Nación). Se realizó en tres Instituciones educativas con el objetivo de promocionar las carreras de la FCNyM y dar a conocer algunos aspectos de la vida universitaria. El taller es dictado por un equipo interdisciplinario de graduados de Geología, Biología y Antropología de la FCNyM y está destinado a alumnos del último año de la escuela secundaria.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse