32 research outputs found


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    Quality of life is the second most important clinical outcome criteria for cancer patients after survival. Quality of life shows the completeness of social rehabilitations of patients, who underwent radical treatment. In present study quality of life of 41 rectal cancer patients, who underwent abdominoperineal resection (n = 22) or anterior resection (n = 19) was assessed using SF-36 questionnaire. All patients without permanent colostomy had better postoperative quality of life. The phycho-emotional state of patients with permanent colostomy progres-sively decreases. The present study is important for developing an individualized rehabilitation programme for female rectal cancer patients.Качество жизни онкологических пациентов является вторым показателем эффективности лечения после продолжительности жизни. Показатели качества жизни демонстрируют, насколько полно пациенты, перенесшие радикальное лечение по поводу злокачественного новообразования, готовы к своей роли в обществе. В проведенном исследовании использована краткая форма адаптированной русскоязычной версии медицинского опросника SF-36 для оценки качества жизни 41 женщины с колоректальным раком (КРР), которым была выполнена брюшно-промежностная экстирпация (БПЭ) прямой кишки с наложением стомы (22 женщины) или передняя резекция прямой кишки (19 женщин). Качество жизни по результатам исследования было выше у пациенток без стомы на всех этапах после операции. У всех женщин, перенесших хирургическое вмешательство, в течение недели после операции показатели качества жизни снижаются, в большей степени после БПЭ прямой кишки. У больных со стомой через месяц после операции показатели ролевого функционирования, обусловленные физическим и эмоциональным состоянием, не восстанавливаются и продолжают прогрессивно снижаться. Проведенное исследование подготавливает информационную базу для разработки комплексной личностно-ориентированной программы реабилитации женщин с КРР


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    Quality of life is the second most important clinical outcome criteria for cancer patients after survival. Quality of life shows the completeness of social rehabilitations of patients, who underwent radical treatment. In present study quality of life of 41 rectal cancer patients, who underwent abdominoperineal resection (n = 22) or anterior resection (n = 19) was assessed using SF-36 questionnaire. All patients without permanent colostomy had better postoperative quality of life. The phycho-emotional state of patients with permanent colostomy progres-sively decreases. The present study is important for developing an individualized rehabilitation programme for female rectal cancer patients

    Tears contain the complement regulator CD59 as well as decay-accelerating factor (DAF)

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    Previous studies have shown that DAF (or CD55), a cell surface inhibitor of autologous C3 activation, is present in tears and that >90% of the C3 convertase regulatory activity in tear fluid resides in this protein (Lass JH et al., Invest Ophth Vis Sci 1990; 31:1136–48). This study investigated whether (i) the membrane cofactor protein (MCP or CD46), an additional factor that regulates C3 activation, and (ii) the membrane inhibitor of reactive lysis (MIRL or CD59), a cell surface regulator that acts to prevent formation of the membrane attack complex, are also present in tears, and if so, are functional. Two-site immunoradiometric assays showed that MCP is present in tears at low levels (42 + 8 ng/ml, n = 8) while CD59 is present at levels (222 + 78 ng/ml, n = 14) comparable to those of DAF (325 + 289 ng/ml, n = 12). The concentrations of CD59 (i) were increased two-fold or more in closed eye tears, and (ii) were decreased in reflex tears. Western blotting showed that CD59 protein in tears migrates with an apparent mol. wt similar to membrane CD59 protein. Phenyl–Sepharose adsorption and Triton X-114 partitioning of tear CD59 as well as of tear DAF however, showed that both proteins are devoid of GPI anchors. Assays using cobra venom factor-activated human serum and guinea pig erythrocytes showed that CD59 is functionally active in inhibiting autologous C5b-9-mediated lysis and, under constitutive conditions, accounts for >85% of the C9 inhibitory activity in tear fluid

    Olanzapine versus divalproex versus placebo in the treatment of mild to moderate mania: a randomized, 12-week, double-blind study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of olanzapine, divalproex, and placebo in a randomized, double-blind trial in mild to moderate mania (DSM-IV-TR criteria). METHOD: The study was conducted from October 2004 to December 2006. A total of 521 patients from private practices, hospitals, and university clinics were randomly assigned to olanzapine (5-20 mg/day), divalproex (500-2500 mg/day), or placebo for 3 weeks; those completing continued with a 9-week double-blind extension. Efficacy (mean change in Young Mania Rating Scale [YMRS] total score was the primary outcome) and safety were assessed. RESULTS: After 3 weeks of treatment, olanzapine-treated (N = 215) and placebo-treated (N = 105) patients significantly differed in YMRS baseline-to-endpoint total score change (p = .034; least squares [LS] mean: -9.4 and -7.4, respectively). Such changes were not significantly different between olanzapine vs. divalproex (N = 201) or divalproex vs. placebo. After 12 weeks of treatment, olanzapine- and divalproex-treated patients significantly differed in YMRS baseline-to-endpoint changes (p = .004; LS mean: -13.3 and -10.7, respectively). Of observed cases, 35.4% (35/99; 3 weeks) to 57.1% (28/49; 12 weeks) had valproate plasma concentrations lower than the recommended valproate therapeutic range, but these patients' YMRS scores were lower than those of patients with valproate concentrations above/within range. Compared with divalproex, after 12 weeks, olanzapine-treated patients had significant increases in weight (p < .001) and in glucose (p < .001), triglyceride (p = .003), cholesterol (p = .024), uric acid (p = .027), and prolactin (p < .001) levels. Divalproex-treated patients had significant decreases in leukocytes (p = .044) and platelets (p < .001) compared with olanzapine after 12 weeks of treatment. The incidence of potentially clinically significant weight gain (>/= 7% from baseline) was higher with olanzapine than with divalproex (3-week: p = .064, 6.4% vs. 2.7%; 12-week: p = .002, 18.8% vs. 8.5%; respectively). CONCLUSION: Olanzapine was significantly more efficacious than placebo but not divalproex at 3 weeks and significantly more efficacious than divalproex at 12 weeks. Olanzapine-treated patients had significantly greater increases in weight and in glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, uric acid, and prolactin levels than divalproex-treated patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION: clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT00094549