23 research outputs found

    The Examination of SQL Queries Efficiency in Chosen IT System

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    Optimization of SQL queries is an important part of any system using a database. Several different optimization methods have been selected and presented in this article, The research was conducted on the MS SQL database engine. The execution times of SQL queries were carefully examined according to defined criteria, then performance optimization was done, followed by repeated tests to obtain results after the optimization. Finally, the results were compared through which conclusions were drawn

    Analiza porównawcza wybranych właściwości fizykochemicznych skrobi z komosy ryżowej (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), kukurydzy, pszenicy oraz z ziemniaków

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    A favourable protein amino acid profile and the absence of gluten, being a strong allergen, are just some of the advantages of the quinoa. Besides to protein, other important component of quinoa seeds of is starch. This polysaccharide, due to its origin, can also have interesting properties. The aim of the study was to compare starch isolated from the Faro cultivar of quinoa grown in Poland with commercial starches of various botanical origins (potato, wheat and maize). The analysis included the colour, paste clarity and thermodynamic and rheological pasting properties of the starches. The research has demonstrated that the paste clarity of quinoa starch was 1.26%, which means that the paste was the cloudiest, of all those tasted. Quinoa starch differed from the other starches in terms of thermodynamic and rheological pasting characteristics. It had the lowest temperature at the onset of transition (To) and the lowest transition enthalpy ΔHG. Additionally, quinoa starch demonstrated the lowest pasting temperature and the paste had the highest final viscosity (FV). The highest gelatinization temperature of was noted for maize starch, whose paste had the lowest viscosity.Korzystny profil aminokwasów białka oraz brak glutenu, będącego silnym alergenem to tylko niektóre z zalet komosy ryżowej. Obok białka, ważnym składnikiem jej nasion jest skrobia. Ten polisacharyd ze względu na specyfikę pochodzenia może także mieć interesujące właściwości. Celem pracy była charakterystyka porównawcza skrobi wyodrębnionej z uprawianej w Polsce odmiany Faro, komosy ryżowej z handlowymi preparatami skrobi różnego pochodzenia botanicznego (ziemniaczana, pszenna i kukurydziana). Analizowano barwę skrobi, klarowność kleików skrobiowych oraz termodynamiczną i reologiczną charakterystykę kleikowania. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań wykazano, że klarowność kleiku skrobi z komosy ryżowej wynosiła 1,26% co oznacza, że kleik ten spośród badanych był najbardziej mętny. Skrobia z komosy ryżowej różniła się od pozostałych skrobi pod względem termodynamicznej oraz reologicznej charakterystyki kleikowania. Odznaczała się ona najniższą wartością temperatury początku przemiany To oraz najniższą wartością entalpii przemiany ΔHG. Ponadto skrobia z komosy ryżowej wykazała najniższą wartość temperatury kleikowania, a kleik omawianej skrobi charakteryzował się najwyższą wartością lepkości końcowej (FV). Z kolei, najwyższą temperaturą kleikowania charakteryzowała się skrobia kukurydziana, której kleik miał najniższą lepkość

    Towards an analysis of Yorùbá conditionals : its implications for the phrase structure

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    This study presents an analysis of conditional constructions in Yorùbá, as well as its implications for language-specific phenomena which are part of the Yorùbá phrase structure. Specifically, I propose a model for the interpretation of conditionals that is based on a tripartite quantificational structure. It is an explanatory model capturing the interdependency between meaning and form. It accounts not only for the Yorùbá data, but also for those in other languages (English, French, Italian and Polish), allowing at the same time for making crosslinguistic predictions. Crucially, the model reflects both: (i) CONDITION (restrictor)-RESULT (nuclear scope) partition of conditional constructions and (ii) existence of two situation factors: (UN)LIKELIHOOD OF SATISFACTION and TIME OF CONDITION, which play pivotal role in meaningform mapping. Note that, even though both factors contribute to overall interpretation, forms attested are a direct reflection of ways in which languages manipulate these factors in the process of mapping meaning onto form. E.g.: active UNLIKELIHOOD OF SATISFACTION yields two types of conditionals (REALIS and IRREALIS) in Yorùbá, while the three forms attested in the Standard Average European languages (INDICATIVE, NON-PAST SUBJUNCTIVE and PAST SUBJUNCTIVE) result from LIKELIHOOD OF SATISFACTION and TIME OF CONDITION being equally active. The above translates further onto differences in morpho-syntactic marking of conditional forms due to the fact that (UN)LIKELIHOOD OF SATISFACTION and TIME OF CONDITION factors are realised on the surface as Mood and Tense respectively. Moreover, this analysis of conditionals provides important insights into the PHRASE STRUCTURE of Yorùbá. It explains: (i) structural complexity of the future marker yóò which spans across the Mood, Time (Tense/Aspect) and Modal categories; (ii) meaning differences expected between the three future markers: yóò, ˋ á and máa (known for its aspectual readings) and based on their internal elements; (iii) the status of the High Tone Syllable - the Time (Tense/Aspect) marker; (iv) dialectal differences - future being marked by irrealis marker in Moba; and so on. I also argue that there exist two system-specific binary oppositions: (i) MARKEDNESS OPPOSITION(S) that specifies tonal value within each syntactic category and (ii) TONE POLARITY that determines tonal melody between adjacent syntactic categories.Arts, Faculty ofLinguistics, Department ofGraduat

    Zawartości i stosunki ilościowe makroskładników w nasoinach komosy ryżowej (Chenopodium quinoaWILLD.) w zależności od nawożenia siarką

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    Background. The present study concerns the species quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd). The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of fertilizer sulfur on the formation of mineral composition and quantitative proportions of major nutrients in quinoa seeds. Material and methods. Titicaca variety of quinoa was used for the study. A one-factor field experiment was established in four replications. The factor examined was the variation in sulphur fertilisation. This component was applied pre-sowing in spring in the form of Wigor S fertilizer in the amount of: 0 (control), 20, 40 and 60 kg Sha(1)S·ha^(-1) . Results. The study showed that in the years with significantly lower precipitation the contents of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium in seeds were generally lower. Their highest contents were found in the year with high precipitation. Sulphur fertilisation in respective years of vegetation generally significantly increased the nitrogen and calcium contents in quinoa seeds, to a lesser extent it was also true for magnesium. The content of phosphorus under these conditions increased in the quinoa seeds only in one year of the study, while the content of potassium under affected by sulphur application generally decreased. There was no significant effect of sulphur fertilisation on the values of ionic ratios (K+K^+ : Ca(2+)Ca^(2+), K+K^+ : Mg(2+)Mg^(2+) , (K++Na+K^+ + Na^+) : (Ca(2+)+Mg(2+)Ca^(2+) + Mg^(2+))), however, differences were observed in respective years of the study. Conclusion. A correlation was found between the mineral composition of quinoa seeds and weather conditions during the vegetation period. Under conditions of high moisture of the soil high doses of sulphur increased the content of most of the elements studied in quinoa seeds. In drier years the effect of sulphur on macronutrient content was lessOpracowanie dotyczy gatunku komosa ryżowa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd). Celem badań była ocena wpływu siarki nawozowej na kształtowanie się składu mineralnego i proporcji ilościowych głównych składników pokarmowych w nasionach komosy ryżowej. Do badań wykorzystano odmianę Titicaca komosy ryżowej. Założono jednoczynnikowe doświadczenie polowe w czterech powtórzeniach. Badanym czynnikiem było zróżnicowanie nawożenia siarką. Składnik ten stosowano przedsiewnie wiosną w postaci nawozu Wigor S w ilości: 0 (obiekt kontrolny), 20, 40 i 60 kg Sha(1)S·ha^(-1). Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że w latach, które charakteryzowały się znacznie niższymi opadami, zawartość azotu, potasu, fosforu, magnezu i wapnia w nasionach była na ogół niższa. Najwyższą zawartość tych składników stwierdzono w roku z wysokimi opadami. Nawożenie siarką w poszczególnych latach wegetacji na ogół istotnie zwiększało zawartość azotu i wapnia w nasionach komosy ryżowej, w mniejszym stopniu dotyczyło to również magnezu. Zawartość fosforu w tych warunkach wzrastała w nasionach komosy ryżowej tylko w jednym roku badań, a zawartość potasu pod wpływem aplikacji siarki na ogół obniżała się. Nie wykazano istotnego wpływu nawożenia siarką na wartości stosunków jonowych (K+K^+:Ca(2+)Ca^(2+), K+K^+:Mg(2+)Mg^(2+), (K++Na+K^+ + Na^+) : (Ca(2+)+Mg(2+)Ca^(2+) + Mg^(2+))), natomiast zaobserwowano różnice w poszczególnych latach badań. Wykazano powiązanie składu mineralnego nasion komosy ryżowej z warunkami pogodowymi w okresie wegetacji. W warunkach dużego uwilgotnienia siedliska wysokie dawki siarki powodowały wzrost zawartości większości badanych pierwiastków w nasionach komosy

    Automated imaging coupled with AI-powered analysis accelerates the assessment of plant resistance to Tetranychus urticae

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    Abstract The two-spotted spider mite (TSSM), Tetranychus urticae, is among the most destructive piercing-sucking herbivores, infesting more than 1100 plant species, including numerous greenhouse and open-field crops of significant economic importance. Its prolific fecundity and short life cycle contribute to the development of resistance to pesticides. However, effective resistance loci in plants are still unknown. To advance research on plant-mite interactions and identify genes contributing to plant immunity against TSSM, efficient methods are required to screen large, genetically diverse populations. In this study, we propose an analytical pipeline utilizing high-resolution imaging of infested leaves and an artificial intelligence-based computer program, MITESPOTTER, for the precise analysis of plant susceptibility. Our system accurately identifies and quantifies eggs, feces and damaged areas on leaves without expert intervention. Evaluation of 14 TSSM-infested Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes originating from diverse global locations revealed significant variations in symptom quantity and distribution across leaf surfaces. This analytical pipeline can be adapted to various pest and host species, facilitating diverse experiments with large specimen numbers, including screening mutagenized plant populations or phenotyping polymorphic plant populations for genetic association studies. We anticipate that such methods will expedite the identification of loci crucial for breeding TSSM-resistant plants

    The Dielectric Properties of Worker Bee Homogenate in a High Frequency Electric Field

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    Biological tissues, including insect tissues, are among lossy dielectric materials. The permittivity properties of these materials are described by loss factor ε″ and loss tangent tgδ. The dielectric properties of the worker honeybee body homogenate are tested in the range of high frequencies from 1 MHz to 6 GHz. The homogenate is produced by mixing whole worker honeybees and tested with an epsilometer from Compass Technology and a Copper Mountain Technologies vector circuit analyser VNA. Due to their consistency, the homogenate samples are placed inside polyurethane sachets. The measured permittivity relates to two components of a sample: homogenate and polyurethane. For five samples, two extremes were specified for the permittivity, loss factor ε″, and the loss tangent tgδ, for the frequency range 20 ÷ 80 MHz and 3 GHz. Four techniques of testing permittivity in biological tissues were used to determine the dielectric properties of the homogenate. A calculation model was developed featuring a minimum measurement error of the loss factor ε″ and the loss tangent tgδ. The power absorbed per unit volume is described for the whole frequency range

    The Dielectric Properties of Worker Bee Homogenate in a High Frequency Electric Field

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    Biological tissues, including insect tissues, are among lossy dielectric materials. The permittivity properties of these materials are described by loss factor ε″ and loss tangent tgδ. The dielectric properties of the worker honeybee body homogenate are tested in the range of high frequencies from 1 MHz to 6 GHz. The homogenate is produced by mixing whole worker honeybees and tested with an epsilometer from Compass Technology and a Copper Mountain Technologies vector circuit analyser VNA. Due to their consistency, the homogenate samples are placed inside polyurethane sachets. The measured permittivity relates to two components of a sample: homogenate and polyurethane. For five samples, two extremes were specified for the permittivity, loss factor ε″, and the loss tangent tgδ, for the frequency range 20 ÷ 80 MHz and 3 GHz. Four techniques of testing permittivity in biological tissues were used to determine the dielectric properties of the homogenate. A calculation model was developed featuring a minimum measurement error of the loss factor ε″ and the loss tangent tgδ. The power absorbed per unit volume is described for the whole frequency range

    Does Crowdsourcing as Part of User-Driven Innovation Activity Affect Its Results? An Empirical Analysis of R&D Departments in Poland

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    Entrepreneurs have long been convinced about the power and possibilities of the Internet. Nowadays, the Internet is an integral tool for the functioning of a company, not only as an alternative distribution channel, but also as a channel of information and communication flow, a means of interaction with the environment. The increasing use of the Internet, and especially of social media, made it possible to escalate the activity of various social groups in various areas of the company’s activity, including innovation, leading to the development of crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing has redefined the existing production rules and ways of using labor resources. Its potential lies in openness, partnership, resource sharing and global action. There are already many studies on crowdsourcing and innovation, but little attention is paid to the relationship between crowdsourcing and the determinants of innovation activity. Thus, the aim of this research is examining whether the use of crowdsourcing while cooperating with product users in accordance with the concept of user-driven innovation (UDI) has an impact on selected aspects of innovative activity. An original questionnaire was used for the study. Fifty-seven R&D departments in Poland participated in the research. For the purpose of the analysis, the Kendall and V-Cramer tau correlation coefficient was used. These methods are complemented by the Ward agglomeration method. The research results show a cooperation with consumer results in the development of innovative activities in the studied R&D departments of enterprises in Poland. Using crowdsourcing results in the introduction of more product innovations, the introduction of new or significantly improved technological processes, as well as the implementation of a greater number of research and development projects

    A Novel MAPT Mutation, G55R, in a Frontotemporal Dementia Patient Leads to Altered Tau Function

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    <div><p>Over two dozen mutations in the gene encoding the microtubule associated protein tau cause a variety of neurodegenerative dementias known as tauopathies, including frontotemporal dementia (FTD), PSP, CBD and Pick's disease. The vast majority of these mutations map to the C-terminal region of tau possessing microtubule assembly and microtubule dynamics regulatory activities as well as the ability to promote pathological tau aggregation. Here, we describe a novel and non-conservative tau mutation (G55R) mapping to an alternatively spliced exon encoding part of the N-terminal region of the protein in a patient with the behavioral variant of FTD. Although less well understood than the C-terminal region of tau, the N-terminal region can influence both MT mediated effects as well as tau aggregation. The mutation changes an uncharged glycine to a basic arginine in the midst of a highly conserved and very acidic region. In vitro, 4-repeat G55R tau nucleates microtubule assembly more effectively than wild-type 4-repeat tau; surprisingly, this effect is tau isoform specific and is not observed in a 3-repeat G55R tau versus 3-repeat wild-type tau comparison. In contrast, the G55R mutation has no effect upon the abilities of tau to regulate MT growing and shortening dynamics or to aggregate. Additionally, the mutation has no effect upon kinesin translocation in a microtubule gliding assay. Together, (i) we have identified a novel tau mutation mapping to a mutation deficient region of the protein in a bvFTD patient, and (ii) the G55R mutation affects the ability of tau to nucleate microtubule assembly in vitro in a 4-repeat tau isoform specific manner. This altered capability could markedly affect in vivo microtubule function and neuronal cell biology. We consider G55R to be a candidate mutation for bvFTD since additional criteria required to establish causality are not yet available for assessment.</p></div