201 research outputs found

    Dynamics of long polyunsaturated fatty acids in rat brain

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    Unhealthy dietary habit e.g. lipid rich diet could result in inflammatory processes and necrosis in the gastrointestinal tract in which free radical reactions are involved. Higher plants have many free radical scavenger molecules and anti-inflammatory compounds in wonderful variations. Sempervivum tectorum L. is well known plant in folk medicine. In the case of complex plant extracts, such as Sempervivum tectorum ones, which contain several active compounds, it is impossible to discover the single mechanism of action, therefore practically the reducing activity have to be measured in vitro and in rat intestinal tract in vivo. The question was, whether the absorbed active compounds of Sempervivum tectorum extract were able to influence on the changed cellular redox states in mucosa of all part of intestinal tract in experimental bowel disease. This biochemical work presents the protective effect of natural polyphenols and flavonoids of Sempervivum tectorum extract in bowel disease - especially in jejunum and ileum - induced by high dietary triglyceride and cholesterol level in rats

    Evolutionary scenarios for the emergence of recursion

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    As we have seen, the evolution of language cannot be addressed from the perspective of a single discipline; others, such as genetics or archaeology, also have a say on this issue. There is still a lot of research needed regarding Neanderthal cognition, an issue that deserves more attention also by biolinguistics. Although there are reasons to think so, the available data do not allow us to exclude recursion either from the cognition of H. neanderthalensis or starlings. Thus, what can be called special in humans or in language? The last part of the next quotation may summarize almost perfectly our own hypothesis about the role of recursion in language and in the whole cerebral architecture related to linguistic and non-linguistic activity

    El llenguatge, prova de la unitat de l'espècie

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    A Biolinguistic Approach to the Vocalizations of H. Neanderthalensis and the Genus Homo

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    This paper revisits the old question about the possibilities and aptitudes H. neanderthalensis had for vocalization. New evidence will be discussed that moves the discussion beyond traditional interest in the presence and inter-pretation of the fossil record and its comparison with the closest species to H. sapiens, like chimpanzees and gorillas. An interdisciplinary perspective on the analysis coupled with information gathered from neuropsychology, genetics, and comparative psychology will prove useful for obtaining a new vision in biolinguistics, so that neurocognitive activity becomes important thanks, above all, to the comparison with other species. Finally, it will be argued that it is still plausible to accept the hypothesis on the formation of a vocal capacity prior to the cognitive faculty of language, and independent of it, so that Neandertals were probably able of vocalizing voluntarily, with communicative intentions and in a sophisticated way

    Aproximación sociolingüística a la lengua de signos en las Islas Baleares

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    Actualment no hi ha gaire publicacions sobre la llengua de signes a les Illes Balears. El territori illenc és part del territori on s’estén la llengua catalana des de 1229, però com sol passar amb les llengües de signes, no hi ha una relació directa entre l’administració, la llengua oral predominant i la llengua de signes. A més a més de la llengua catalana, actualment a les illes Balears conviuen la llengua castellana i d’altres 162 llengües orals i també una llengua de signes, entroncada amb llengua de signes espanyola (LSE), però amb importants influències de la llengua de signes catalana (LSC) i la llengua de signes valenciana de l’LSE.L’objectiu d’aquest treball és fer una primera aproximació a la situació sociolingüística de la comunitat de sords i d’usuaris de la llengua de signes a les Illes Balears. Currently, there are few publications on sign language in the Balearic Islands. This island territory forms part of the area where the Catalan language has been spoken since 1229. Nonetheless, as often happens in the case of sign languages, there is no direct relationship between the islands’ administration, the predominant oral language and the sign language(s) used there. Besides Catalan and Spanish, there are at least 162 oral languages spoken on the islands, and one sign language, which is rooted in Spanish Sign Language (LSE), although with strong influences from Catalan Sign Language (LSC) and the Valencian variant of LSE.The present work aims to make an initial approach to the sociolinguistic situation of the Deaf community and sign language users in the Balearic Islands.Actualmente no existen muchas publicaciones sobre la lengua de signos en las Islas Baleares. El territorio isleño es parte del territorio donde se extiende la lengua catalana desde 1229, pero como suele pasar con las lenguas de signos, no hay una relación directa entre la administración, la lengua oral predominante i la lengua o lenguas de signos. Además de la lengua catalana y la castellana, actualmente en las islas Baleares conviven otras 162 lenguas y también una lengua de signos, entroncada con la lengua de signos española (LSE), pero con importantes influencias de la lengua de signos catalana (LSC) y la variante valenciana de la LSE.El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer una primera aproximación a la situación sociolingüística de la comunidad de sordos i de usuarios de la lengua de signos en las islas Baleares

    El lenguaje como sistema natural complejo

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    La complexitat es troba arreu del món natural. Diversos fets naturals s’han analitzat a través de les xarxes, amb la qual cosa s’ha pogut constatar que rere un patró de complexitat hi ha un conjunt d’elements que interactuen els uns amb els altres. En aquest treball es proposa contemplar la facultat del llenguatge com a sistema natural complex. La complexitat del llenguatge es pot detectar almanco en dos àmbits: en el sociolingüístic i en el seu desenvolupament ontogènic. Els estudis de xarxes mostren que el tipus de desenvolupament que segueix la sintaxi no és gaire diferent del de certes dinàmiques socials. Aquests estudis mostren un alt grau d’homogeneïtat quant a les fases de desenvolupament, alhora que corroboren una íntima relació entre el lexicó i la sintaxi.  Complexity can be found all over the natural world. Several natural phenomena have been analyzed through a network-based approach, supporting the claim that behind a pattern of complexity there can often be a set of interacting elements. The present work proposes considering the language faculty as a complex natural system. Linguistic complexity can be observed on at least two levels: sociolinguistic dynamics and language ontogeny.Network studies show that syntactic development closely follows social dynamics. These studies indicate a high level of homogeneity regarding developmental stages and, at the same time, a close relationship between syntax and the lexicon.La complejidad se encuentra por todo el mundo natural. Diversos hechos naturales han sido analizados a través de las redes, por lo que se ha podido constatar que tras un patrón de complejidad había un conjunto de elementos que interactúan unos con otros. En este trabajo se propone contemplar la facultad del lenguaje como sistema natural complejo. La complejidad del lenguaje puede ser observada al menos en dos ámbitos: en el sociolingüístico y en el desarrollo ontogénico. Los estudios de redes muestran que el tipo de desarrollo que sigue la sintaxis no es muy diferente del de ciertas dinámicas sociales. Estos estudios muestran un alto grado de homogeneidad en cuanto a las fases de desarrollo, a la vez que corroboran una íntima relación entre el lexicón y la sintaxis

    Mass spectrometry coupled to imaging techniques: The better the view the greater the challenge

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    These are definitively exciting times for membrane lipid researchers. Once considered just as the cell membrane building blocks, the important role these lipids play is steadily being acknowledged. The improvement occurred in mass spectrometry techniques (MS) allows the establishment of the precise lipid composition of biological extracts. However, to fully understand the biological function of each individual lipid species, we need to know its spatial distribution and dynamics. In the past 10 years, the field has experienced a profound revolution thanks to the development of MS-based techniques allowing lipid imaging (MSI). Images reveal and verify what many lipid researchers had already shown by different means, but none as convincing as an image: each cell type presents a specific lipid composition, which is highly sensitive to its physiological and pathological state. While these techniques will help to place membrane lipids in the position they deserve, they also open the black box containing all the unknown regulatory mechanisms accounting for such tailored lipid composition. Thus, these results urges to different disciplines to redefine their paradigm of study by including the complexity revealed by the MSI techniques.This work was supported by the Instituto Carlos III (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) CP12/03338, Gwendolyn Barceló-Coblijn holds a “Miguel Servet” contract from the Instituto Carlos III. Technical support and personnel provided by the Servicio de Lipidómica of the SGIKER (UPV/EHU, MICINN, GV/E.G., ESF) is gratefully acknowledged