1,334 research outputs found

    Wormholes in spacetimes with cosmological horizons

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    A generalisation of the asymptotic wormhole boundary condition for the case of spacetimes with a cosmological horizon is proposed. In particular, we consider de Sitter spacetime with small cosmological constant. The wave functions selected by this proposal are exponentially damped in WKB approximation when the scale factor is large but still much smaller than the horizon size. In addition, they only include outgoing gravitational modes in the region beyond the horizon. We argue that these wave functions represent quantum wormholes and compute the local effective interactions induced by them in low-energy field theory. These effective interactions differ from those for flat spacetime in terms that explicitly depend on the cosmological constant.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX 2.O9, no figure

    Entropy bounds in terms of the w parameter

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    In a pair of recent articles [PRL 105 (2010) 041302 - arXiv:1005.1132; JHEP 1103 (2011) 056 - arXiv:1012.2867] two of the current authors have developed an entropy bound for equilibrium uncollapsed matter using only classical general relativity, basic thermodynamics, and the Unruh effect. An odd feature of that bound, S <= A/2, was that the proportionality constant, 1/2, was weaker than that expected from black hole thermodynamics, 1/4. In the current article we strengthen the previous results by obtaining a bound involving the (suitably averaged) w parameter. Simple causality arguments restrict this averaged parameter to be <= 1. When equality holds, the entropy bound saturates at the value expected based on black hole thermodynamics. We also add some clarifying comments regarding the (net) positivity of the chemical potential. Overall, we find that even in the absence of any black hole region, we can nevertheless get arbitrarily close to the Bekenstein entropy.Comment: V1: 14 pages. V2: One reference added. V3: This version accepted for publication in JHE

    Phonon background versus analogue Hawking radiation in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We determine the feasibility of detecting analogue Hawking radiation in a Bose-Einstein condensate in the presence of atom loss induced heating. We find that phonons created by three-body losses overshadow those due to analogue Hawking radiation. To overcome this problem, three-body losses may have to be suppressed, for example as proposed by Search et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 140401 (2004)]. The reduction of losses to a few percent of their normal rate is typically sufficient to suppress the creation of loss phonons on the time scale of a fast analogue Hawking phonon detection.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, revised versio

    Stability analysis of sonic horizons in Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We examine the linear stability of various configurations in Bose-Einstein condensates with sonic horizons. These configurations are chosen in analogy with gravitational systems with a black hole horizon, a white hole horizon and a combination of both. We discuss the role of different boundary conditions in this stability analysis, paying special attention to their meaning in gravitational terms. We highlight that the stability of a given configuration, not only depends on its specific geometry, but especially on these boundary conditions. Under boundary conditions directly extrapolated from those in standard General Relativity, black hole configurations, white hole configurations and the combination of both into a black hole--white hole configuration are shown to be stable. However, we show that under other (less stringent) boundary conditions, configurations with a single black hole horizon remain stable, whereas white hole and black hole--white hole configurations develop instabilities associated to the presence of the sonic horizons.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures (reduced resolution

    Quasi-particle creation by analogue black holes

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    We discuss the issue of quasi-particle production by ``analogue black holes'' with particular attention to the possibility of reproducing Hawking radiation in a laboratory. By constructing simple geometric acoustic models, we obtain a somewhat unexpected result: We show that in order to obtain a stationary and Planckian emission of quasi-particles, it is not necessary to create an ergoregion in the acoustic spacetime (corresponding to a supersonic regime in the flow). It is sufficient to set up a dynamically changing flow either eventually generating an arbitrarily small sonic region v=c, but without any ergoregion, or even just asymptotically, in laboratory time, approaching a sonic regime with sufficient rapidity.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figure

    Modelling gravity on a hyper-cubic lattice

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    We present an elegant and simple dynamical model of symmetric, non-degenerate (n x n) matrices of fixed signature defined on a n-dimensional hyper-cubic lattice with nearest-neighbor interactions. We show how this model is related to General Relativity, and discuss multiple ways in which it can be useful for studying gravity, both classical and quantum. In particular, we show that the dynamics of the model when all matrices are close to the identity corresponds exactly to a finite-difference discretization of weak-field gravity in harmonic gauge. We also show that the action which defines the full dynamics of the model corresponds to the Einstein-Hilbert action to leading order in the lattice spacing, and use this observation to define a lattice analogue of the Ricci scalar and Einstein tensor. Finally, we perform a mean-field analysis of the statistical mechanics of this model.Comment: 5 page

    Hawking-like radiation does not require a trapped region

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    We discuss the issue of quasi-particle production by ``analogue black holes'' with particular attention to the possibility of reproducing Hawking radiation in a laboratory. By constructing simple geometric acoustic models, we obtain a somewhat unexpected result: We show that in order to obtain a stationary and Planckian emission of quasi-particles, it is not necessary to create a trapped region in the acoustic spacetime (corresponding to a supersonic regime in the fluid flow). It is sufficient to set up a dynamically changing flow asymptotically approaching a sonic regime with sufficient rapidity in laboratory time.Comment: revtex4, 4 pages, 1 figur

    Sensitivity of Hawking radiation to superluminal dispersion relations

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    We analyze the Hawking radiation process due to collapsing configurations in the presence of superluminal modifications of the dispersion relation. With such superluminal dispersion relations, the horizon effectively becomes a frequency-dependent concept. In particular, at every moment of the collapse, there is a critical frequency above which no horizon is experienced. We show that, as a consequence, the late-time radiation suffers strong modifications, both quantitative and qualitative, compared to the standard Hawking picture. Concretely, we show that the radiation spectrum becomes dependent on the measuring time, on the surface gravities associated with different frequencies, and on the critical frequency. Even if the critical frequency is well above the Planck scale, important modifications still show up.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures. Extensive paragraph added in conclusions to clarify obtained result

    Naturalness in emergent spacetime

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    Effective field theories (EFTs) have been widely used as a framework in order to place constraints on the Planck suppressed Lorentz violations predicted by various models of quantum gravity. There are however technical problems in the EFT framework when it comes to ensuring that small Lorentz violations remain small -- this is the essence of the "naturalness" problem. Herein we present an "emergent" space-time model, based on the "analogue gravity'' programme, by investigating a specific condensed-matter system that is in principle capable of simulating the salient features of an EFT framework with Lorentz violations. Specifically, we consider the class of two-component BECs subject to laser-induced transitions between the components, and we show that this model is an example for Lorentz invariance violation due to ultraviolet physics. Furthermore our model explicitly avoids the "naturalness problem", and makes specific suggestions regarding how to construct a physically reasonable quantum gravity phenomenology.Comment: V1:4 pages, revtex4; V2: slight changes in title, presentation, and conclusions. This version to appear in Physical Review Letter