18 research outputs found

    School sport programs in Spain and the participation of the educational personnel

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    Las Comunidades Autónomas de España (CCAA) tienen competencias en la promoción deportiva escolar. La participación de agentes educativos en sus planes y programas es necesaria para una correcta pedagogía del deporte. Este trabajo presenta como objetivo el análisis de los agentes involucrados en la gestión, organización y puesta en práctica de los planes deportivos escolares, así como la implicación de agentes del ámbito educativo. Se realizó un estudio transversal sobre una muestra de 15 CCAA. Los datos fueron extraídos a través de diferentes técnicas de investigación cualitativa. Los resultados muestran una falta de uniformidad en la gestión de los planes autonómicos de deporte escolar, detectándose una importante ausencia de implicación de agentes educativosThe Autonomous Communities in Spain (CCAA in Spanish) have the competency to promote sports in schools. The participation of educational personnel in their programs is necessary for the correct tutoring ability of any sport. This study’s objective was to analyze the personnel involved in the management, organization and putting into practice the school sports programs, as well as the involvement of the personnel within the educational realm. We carried out a transverse study in a sample of 15 CCAA. The data were obtained through different qualitative investigation methods. The results showed a lack of uniformity in the management of the autonomous school sports programs, detecting an important absence of implication of the educational personne

    The management of lifeguards in natural acuatic spaces (beaches)

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    Este estudio nace con la necesidad de establecer criterios básicos y descripción de recomendaciones para mejorar el nivel de atención de los socorristas acuáticos profesionales en los espacios acuáticos naturales, concretamente en el trabajo realizado en las playas, con el objetivo de aumentar la seguridad de estas zonas de baño. El estudio se ha desarrollado en la Comunidad Autónoma de Cataluña, concretamente en tres playas de varios municipios de la provincia de Barcelona. Se puede afirmar que tras esta investigación la mayor parte de los socorristas acuáticos que han participado en el estudio valoraron positivamente las medidas y criterios propuestos, asumiendo que con los mismos se puede desempeñar mejor su trabajoThis study arises from the need to establish basic criteria and the description of recommendations to improve the level of responsiveness of lifeguards in natural aquatic areas, specifically in the work done on the beaches, in order to increase the safety of these bathing areas. The study was developed Cataluña, in three beaches of different municipalities in the province of Barcelona. We can aver after this research that most of the lifeguards who participated in the study value positively the proposed measures and criteria, through the assumption that these features help improve their wor

    Coastal police of Vigo; A quasi-experimental pilot study about rescue and CPR

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    El ahogamiento es una de las principales causas de muerte en el mundo y en España. Los socorristas ejercen una labor de prevención y vigilancia pero su labor es estacional y temporal. En muchos lugares, la primera respuesta a la emergencia, cuando los socorristas no están de servicio, depende de la policía, a la que se le requiere habilidades de rescate y reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP). El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la capacidad de rescate y efecto de la fatiga sobre la calidad de la RCP de un grupo de diez policías costeros cuya área de influencia es el litoral de Vigo. El diseño fue cuasi-experimental con dos factores (pretest basal/postest rescate). Los policías pudieron realizar el rescate acuático rápido y seguro 417 ± 54,5 seg, a nivel de lactacidema se registró 12,27 ± 2,36 mmol. La fatiga inducida por el rescate afectó negativamente a la calidad de la compresiones en la RCP (p = 0,002)Drowning is a leading cause of death worldwide and in Spain. Lifeguards exert vigilance and prevention efforts but their work is seasonal and temporary. In many places the first emergency response when lifeguards are not on duty, depends on the police, which are required rescue skills and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The objective of this study is to determine the ability of lifesaving and effect of fatigue on the quality of CPR of a group of ten coastal police whose area of influence is the coast of Vigo. The design was quasiexperimental with two factors (basal pretest / posttest rescue). Cops with basic training could perform fast and safe water rescue 417 ± 54.5 seconds, lactate level was recorded 12.27 ± 2.36 mmol. Induced fatigue during resuce effort had a nevative effect on the quality of compressions in CPR (p = 0.002

    Injury prevention, drowning prevention habits and resuscitation knowledge of Portuguese surfing instructors. A cross-sectional study

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    Surfing instructors can play an important role both in preventing sport related injuries and as first responders in water emergencies events. Even though Portugal is a predominantly oceanic country, with many people enrolling in water sports activities, we still don’t have a clear insight of the knowledge and educational practices of surfing instructors concerning both injury prevention and first response actions. This study aimed to analyze the educational practices on prevention of surf-related injuries of Portuguese surfing instructors and their knowledge and experience acting as first responders in the sea. A cross-sectional study was designed, using an online survey distributed by all surfing schools registered at Portuguese Surfing Federation to their instructors. The survey included a brief demographic characterization, questions regarding teaching practices about prevention of surfing-related injuries and knowledge/experience acting as first responders at the sea. Data was collected anonymously using Google Forms. A total of 102 instructors participated in the study. The analysis of the survey responses showed that 93.2% of surfing instructors are aware of the importance of prevention habits for teaching but skip some major preventive measures when teaching novice surfers. Nevertheless, the instructors with more than 15 years of experience provide more feedback on prevention habits during classes than instructors with less experience (p=0.019). When looking at self-perceptions of own competence to act in a drowning event, the instructors who have attended a basic life support course asserted to be more competent than those who never attended a course (p<0.05). These findings suggest that it would be very positive that all surfing schools followed the same protocol, giving due importance to prevention measures. Moreover, surfing instructors can play an important role in first response to drowning events but might have some training flaws that should be considered as part of a Water Safety National Strategy. © JPES

    Perception, knowledge and education for drowning prevention in adolescent

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    Objective: Drowning is a major problem of public health in Spain, with a high number of deaths. The main strategy to address it is prevention, going through knowledge and education. The aim of this study was to analyze from a public health perspective a) the knowledge of young participants from 14 to 16 years old about drowning prevention, swimming skills and risks on the beach and b) to evaluate a pilot program with educational video for drowning prevention due to rip currents. Methods: For this purpose, a three-phase study was carried out: (1) application of a questionnaire to identify bath habits, risk perception in relation to rip currents and swimming level, (2) evaluation of a video for the identification of rip current risk and (3) evaluation of the assimilation of the visualized content one month after the intervention. 120 adolescents participated in this study during march, april and may, 2019. A descriptive analysis and comparisons with Chi-Square were performed in SPSS. Results: 120 adolescents participated in this study during March, April and May, 2019. 96.7% knew how to swim, but 44.1% had a basic level. More than half of the participants did not know rip currents or did not identify them in swimming areas. The video achieves the assimilation of concepts related to rip currents and drowning prevention. Conclusions: These findings suggest that adolescents have a lack of knowledge about rip currents and are not able to identify safe swimming areas. The use of health communication strategies based on the interests and profiles of young people have shown an improvement in the perception of risks at beaches on the sample studied

    Football referees as frst responders in cardiac arrest. Assessment of a Basic Life Support training program.

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    Aim. To assess football referees´ cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) skills and automated external defbrillator (AED) use in a simulated sport incident scenario, afer a brief training program. Material and Methods. Quasi-experimental study with 35 amateur league football referees. A test – retest of related samples was carried out afer the training program. Teoretical and hands-on session lasted 30 minutes, with 1/10 instructor/participant ratio. CPR skills were measured using Wireless Skill Report sofware and AED use by means of a specifc check list. Results. A third of sample knew what an AED is but only 8% knew how to use it. After training, all participants achieved 70% or higher CPR quality scores and were able to use AED properly (54.2% without any incidence). Mean time to discharge was shorter for participants who accomplished the quality goal (p=0.022). Conclusions. Afer a very brief and simple training program, football referees were able to perform a potentially efective CPR and use an AED correctly in a simulated scenario. Basic life support training should be implemented in football referees´ formative curriculum

    Data for: Is it feasible &quot;scoop and run while playing&quot; resuscitation on a Rescue Water Craft? A randomized simulation study with lifeguards

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    Data in SPSS. Randomized CPR and Rescue Breathing on Rescue Watercraf

    Data for: Is it feasible &quot;scoop and run while playing&quot; resuscitation on a Rescue Water Craft? A randomized simulation study with lifeguards

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    Prevalence of sport surfing-related injuries – A cross-sectional study of the Portuguese surfing teachers [Prävalenz von Verletzungen im Zusammenhang mit Sportsurfen – eine Studie der portugiesischen Surflehrer]

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    Background Surfing is an increasingly popular recreational sport in Portugal. Although surfing-related injuries have short-term and long-term impact, little is known about their prevalence. Our purpose is to determine the lifetime prevalence of surfing-related injuries in the Portuguese surfing teachers (ST) population. Material and methods This is a cross-sectional study of the Portuguese ST population. An online survey was distributed through all surfing schools registered at Portuguese Surf Federation to their teachers. The survey included a brief demographic characterization and questions regarding past surf injuries. Results 102 teachers answered the survey. Most ST were male (94,1%), with a median age of 37 years old (range 20–52) and a median surfing practice experience of 22 years (range 1–40). The most frequent injuries were musculoskeletal (58.2%) and skin and soft tissue conditions (58.2%). 46.8% reported previous history of external ear exostosis, and 17.7% pterygium. Concussion, vertebral trauma, and drowning were rare. We found no association between types of surfing modalities and previous history of surf-related injuries (p > 0.05). Discussion To our knowledge, this is the first research on injuries of Portuguese ST. ST constitute an experienced surfing population, which makes them a good sample to get a diverse history of past injuries. Thus, getting a broader perspective on acute and long-term injuries that surfers can suffer while practicing the sport. Conclusion Portuguese ST have a high rate of traumatic injuries, which point to the need for a systematic approach to injury prevention and water safety education in the surfing community