583 research outputs found

    Fermionic wave functions and Grassmann fields as possible sources of dark energy

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    We study a cosmological model with a fermionic field which can be interpreted as a source of dark energy in the universe. Two different approaches were considered, the first one with a massless fermionic field represented by a standard wave-function and the second one where a massive field is a Grassmann variable. {The first case naturally reduces to a XCDM model with a constant equation of state parameter, while the last case reproduces a w(z)w(z)CDM model for a massive field}, and in the massless limit, the intrinsic grassmannian property of the field leads always to a vacuum equation of state parameter, irrespective the specific form of the potential. Both cases leads to a dark energy contribution of the fermionic sector. The models are totally compatible with recent cosmological data from Supernovae, BAO and Hubble parameter measurements. A brief study of linear evolution of density perturbations shows that some of the small scale problems related to standard model can be at least alleviated.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, final version publishe

    Surface alignment of ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals

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    none8The success of nematic liquid crystals in displays and optical applications is due to the combination of their optical uniaxiality, fluidity, elasticity, responsiveness to electric fields and controllable coupling of the molecular orientation at the interface with solid surfaces. The discovery of a polar nematic phase opens new possibilities for liquid crystal-based applications, but also requires a new study of how this phase couples with surfaces. Here we explore the surface alignment of the ferroelectric nematic phase by testing different rubbed and unrubbed substrates that differ in coupling strength and anchoring orientation and find a variety of behaviors - in terms of nematic orientation, topological defects and electric field response - that are specific to the ferroelectric nematic phase and can be understood as a consequence of the polar symmetry breaking. In particular, we show that by using rubbed polymer surfaces it is easy to produce cells with a planar polar preferential alignment and that cell electrostatics (e.g.grounding the electrodes) has a remarkable effect on the overall homogeneity of the ferroelectric ordering.openCaimi F.; Nava G.; Barboza R.; Clark N.A.; Korblova E.; Walba D.M.; Bellini T.; Lucchetti L.Caimi, F.; Nava, G.; Barboza, R.; Clark, N. A.; Korblova, E.; Walba, D. M.; Bellini, T.; Lucchetti, L

    T-cell derived acetylcholine aids host defenses during enteric bacterial infection with Citrobacter rodentium.

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    The regulation of mucosal immune function is critical to host protection from enteric pathogens but is incompletely understood. The nervous system and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine play an integral part in host defense against enteric bacterial pathogens. Here we report that acetylcholine producing-T-cells, as a non-neuronal source of ACh, were recruited to the colon during infection with the mouse pathogen Citrobacter rodentium. These ChAT+ T-cells did not exclusively belong to one Th subset and were able to produce IFNγ, IL-17A and IL-22. To interrogate the possible protective effect of acetylcholine released from these cells during enteric infection, T-cells were rendered deficient in their ability to produce acetylcholine through a conditional gene knockout approach. Significantly increased C. rodentium burden was observed in the colon from conditional KO (cKO) compared to WT mice at 10 days post-infection. This increased bacterial burden in cKO mice was associated with increased expression of the cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, and TNFα, but without significant changes in T-cell and ILC associated IL-17A, IL-22, and IFNγ, or epithelial expression of antimicrobial peptides, compared to WT mice. Despite the increased expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines during C. rodentium infection, inducible nitric oxide synthase (Nos2) expression was significantly reduced in intestinal epithelial cells of ChAT T-cell cKO mice 10 days post-infection. Additionally, a cholinergic agonist enhanced IFNγ-induced Nos2 expression in intestinal epithelial cell in vitro. These findings demonstrated that acetylcholine, produced by specialized T-cells that are recruited during C. rodentium infection, are a key mediator in host-microbe interactions and mucosal defenses

    Análise de imagens na caracterização de genótipos de sorgo.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a divergência genética de 25 genótipos de sorgo sacarino de acordo com o desenvolvimento de plântulas e germinação das sementes, utilizando técnicas descritas nas Regras de Análise de Sementes e correlacionando com análise de imagens das plântulas pelo Software ImageJ.Evento online

    Ocorrência de Phytophthora palmivora em azaléia. Occurrence of Phytophthora palmivora in azaleia.

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    Apesar da ampla gama de hospedeiros, ainda não foi registrado a ocorrência desta espécie em azaléia (Rododendron simsii). Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar o agente causal de uma podridão floral em azaléia.Resumo 029

    Cholinergic stimulation by pyridostigmine bromide before myocardial infarction prevent cardiac and autonomic dysfunction

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    Inflammatory processes and cardiovascular autonomic imbalance are very relevant characteristic of the enormous dynamic process that is a myocardial infarction (MI). In this sense, some studies are investigating pharmacological therapies using acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, such as pyridostigmine bromide (PYR), aiming to increase parasympathetic tone after MI. Here we hypothesized that the use of PYR before the MI might bring an additional positive effect to the autonomic function, and consequently, in the inflammatory response and cardiac function. The present study aimed to evaluate left ventricular function, baroreflex sensitivity, autonomic modulation, and inflammatory profile in PYR- treated rats previously to MI. Methods: Male Wistar rats (250-300 g) were treated for 60 days with PYR. After treatment, they were submitted to the MI. After the MI, the autonomic and ventricular function were evaluated, as well as the systemic, left ventricle, and adipose tissue inflammatory profile. Results: PYR, performed before MI, prevented HR increase, systolic function impairment, baroreflex sensitivity drop, as well as pulse interval variance, RMSSD, blood pressure and parasympathetic modulation reduction in treated rats compared to untreated rats. Also, this positive functional changes may have been a result of the reduced inflammatory parameters in the left ventricle (IFN-alpha, IL-6, and IL-1 beta), as well as increased IL-10 expression and IL-10/TNF-alpha ratio in treated animals before MI. Conclusion: Prior treatment with PYR prevents impairment of the autonomic nervous system after MI, which may be associated with the attenuated expression of inflammatory factors and heart dysfunction9CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESPsem informação2013/14788-9; 2014/06669-