42 research outputs found

    Properties of two biological glasses used as metallic prosthesis coatings and after an implantation in body

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    présentation faite par Y. Barbottea

    Digital phantoms for the evaluation of a software used for an automatic analysis of the Winston-Lutz test in image guided radiation therapy

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    11 pagesInternational audienceAccurate isocentre positioning of the treatment machine is essential for the radiation therapy process, especially in stereotactic radio surgery and in image guided radiation therapy. We present in this paper a new method to evaluate a software which is used to perform an automatic analysis of the Winston-Lutz1, 2 test used in order to determine position and size of the isocentre. The method consists of developing digital phantoms that simulate mechanical distortions of the treatment machine as well as misalignments of the positioning laser targeting the isocentre. These Digital Test Objects (DTOs) offer a detailed and profound evaluation of the software and allow determining necessary adjustments which lead to high precision and therefore contributes to a better treatment targeting

    Recherche des modifications de caractéristiques dans des biomatériaux en verre bioactif par des méthodes nucléaires et physico-chimiques. Combinaison de la cartographie PIXE et de l'histopathologie. Essai de modélisation par la théorie de la percolation de la résorption de biomateriaux

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    Biomaterials which me used in orthopaedic surgery, introduce the problem of their behaviour in body. When they me metallic it can happen a metal release. Ti6A14V titanium alloy is used for its good mechanical properties and its corrosion resistance. The use of coating makes it possible to improve its performance. I studied two glasses coatings referred BVA and BVH. The characterisation in vivo and in vitro was performed with several techniques of analysis: electronic microscopies and nuclear methods (PIXE, ...). The BVA glass proved to be bioactive. It is transformed into a silicon gel with incorporation of proterns and trace elements (Zn and Sr), after 3 months of implantation. This gel disappears gradually and is replaced by neoformed bone. This bone is regarded as mature after me year of implantation; it ensures a better osseointegration of the implant. As far BVH glass, it is bioinert. Its composition is constant during time. However, the formation of an interface of 2 fan thickness, induced by the coating process, weakens the inter-granular connections. That results by the fragmentation of the coating and the migration of glass particles through the lacunar network of surrounding bone. Two glasses axe an effective barrier against the corrosion of alloy, as long as they remain in place. I have proposed the bases of a new methodology of analysis : the combination of PIXE cartography and histopathology. The main interest is to correlate the possible tissue response to the presence of some atomic elements. I have introduced for the fast time the percolation theory to model the resorption of porous biomaterials such as coral and hydroxyapatites. First simulations me very promising and me in good agreement with several experimental results observed.Les biomatĂ©riaux Ă  usage orthopĂ©dique posent le problĂšme de leur devenir dans l'organisme. Lorsqu'ils sont mĂ©talliques, ils posent le problĂšme du relargage de mĂ©taux dans les tissus voisins. L'alliage de titane Ti6A14V est utilisĂ© pour ses bonnes propriĂ©tĂ© mĂ©caniques et pour sa rĂ©sistance Ă  la corrosion. L'usage d'un revĂȘtement permet d'amĂ©liorer encore ses performances. J'ai Ă©tudiĂ© deux revĂȘtements en verre rĂ©fĂ©rencĂ©s BVA et BVH. La caractĂ©risation in vivo et in vitro a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e grĂące Ă  plusieurs techniques complĂ©mentaires d'analyse : microscopies Ă©lectroniques et mĂ©thodes nuclĂ©aires (PIRE, ...). Le verre BVA s'est rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© ĂȘtre bioactif. Il se transforme en un gel de silicium avec incorporation de protĂ©ines et d'oligo-Ă©lĂ©ments (Zn et Sr), et ce, dĂ©s 3 mois aprĂšs implantation. Ce gel disparaĂźt peu Ă  peu et est remplacĂ© par un os nĂ©oformĂ©. Cet os a Ă©tĂ© analysĂ© comme mature aprĂšs un an d'implantation; il assure une meilleure ostĂ©ointĂ©gration de l'implant. Quant au verre BVH, il est bioinerte. Sa composition est constante au cours du tempe. Cependant, la formation d'une interface de 2 ”m d'Ă©paisseur, induite par le processus de dĂ©pĂŽt du revĂȘtement, fragilise les liaisons intergranulaires. Cela se traduit par la fragmentation du revĂȘtement et la migration de grains de verre Ă  travers le rĂ©seau lacunaire de l'as environnant. Les deux verres sont une barriĂšre efficace contre la corrasion de l'alliage, tant qu'ils restent en place. J'ai proposĂ© les bases d'une nouvelle mĂ©thodologie d'analyse : la combinaison de la cartographie PIXE et de l'histopathologie. Le principal intĂ©rĂȘt est de corrĂ©ler une Ă©ventuelle rĂ©ponse tissulaire Ă  la prĂ©sence de certains Ă©lĂ©ments atomiques. J'ai introduit pour la premiĂšre fais la thĂ©orie de la percolation pour essayer de modĂ©liser la rĂ©sorption de biomatĂ©riaux poreux tel que le corail et les hydroxyapatites. Les premiĂšres simulations sont trĂšs prometteuses et rendent bien compte de plusieurs rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux observĂ©s