159 research outputs found

    Work disability benefits due to musculoskeletal disorders among Brazilian private sector workers

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    Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and characteristics of disability benefits due to musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) granted to Brazilian private sector workers. Methods: This was a population-based epidemiological study of MSD-related benefits among registered private sector workers (n¼32 959 329). The prevalence (benefits/10 000 workers/year) of work disability benefits was calculated by gender, age, state, Human Development Index (HDI), economic activity, MSD type and work-relatedness. Results: The prevalence of MSD-related benefits in Brazil among registered private sector workers in 2008 was 93.6/10 000 workers. The prevalence increased with age, and was higher for women (112.2) than for men (88.1), although the former had shorter benefit duration. The gender-adjusted prevalence by state varied from 16.6 to 90.3 for non-work-related, and from 7.8 to 59.6 for work-related benefits. The Brazilian states with a highevery high HDI had the highest prevalence. The top four most common types of MSD-related benefits were due to back pain, intervertebral disc disorders, sinovitis/tenosynovitis and shoulder disorders. Conclusion: MSD is a frequent cause of work disability in Brazil. There were differences in prevalence among economic activities and between states grouped by HDI. This study demonstrates that further evaluation of the contributing factors associated with MSD-related disability benefits is required. Factors that should be considered include production processes, political organisation, socioeconomic and educational characteristics, the compensation and recording systems, and employeeeemployer power relationships. These factors may play an important role in the prevalence of MSD-related disability benefits, especially in countries with large socioeconomic iniquities such as Brazil

    Work disability benefits due to musculoskeletal disorders among Brazilian private sector workers

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    ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the prevalence and characteristics of disability benefits due to musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) granted to Brazilian private sector workers. Methods: This was a population-based epidemiological study of MSD-related benefits among registered private sector workers (n¼32 959 329). The prevalence (benefits/10 000 workers/year) of work disability benefits was calculated by gender, age, state, Human Development Index (HDI), economic activity, MSD type and work-relatedness. Results: The prevalence of MSD-related benefits in Brazil among registered private sector workers in 2008 was 93.6/10 000 workers. The prevalence increased with age, and was higher for women (112.2) than for men (88.1), although the former had shorter benefit duration. The gender-adjusted prevalence by state varied from 16.6 to 90.3 for non-work-related, and from 7.8 to 59.6 for work-related benefits. The Brazilian states with a highevery high HDI had the highest prevalence. The top four most common types of MSD-related benefits were due to back pain, intervertebral disc disorders, sinovitis/tenosynovitis and shoulder disorders. Conclusion: MSD is a frequent cause of work disability in Brazil. There were differences in prevalence among economic activities and between states grouped by HDI. This study demonstrates that further evaluation of the contributing factors associated with MSD-related disability benefits is required. Factors that should be considered include production processes, political organisation, socioeconomic and educational characteristics, the compensation and recording systems, and employeeeemployer power relationships. These factors may play an important role in the prevalence of MSD-related disability benefits, especially in countries with large socioeconomic iniquities such as Brazil

    Reabilitação Respiratória

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    Mapeamento do uso atual e cobertura vegetal dos solos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

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    O conhecimento do uso atual e cobertura do solo é imprescindível em qualquer projeto de caracterização e monitoramento ambientais, permitindo demarcar os diferentes usos da terra e vegetação, bem como subsidiar o planejamento e gestão ambientais. O presente trabalho abrange a totalidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, compreendido entre os meridianos 410 e 450 de longitude Oeste e os paralelos 200 30º e 230 30º de latitude Sul, estendendo-se por aproximadamente 44.000 km2. Tem como objetivo inventariar e mapear o estado atual da ocupação dos solos, distinguindo e quantificando os principais tipos de uso do solo e de cobertura vegetal, apresentados numa escala generalizada de 1:250.000. Para tal, fez-se um mapeamento preliminar com base nos padrões espectrais das imagens de satélite Landsat ETM7+, cedidas pela EMATER-RJ, utilizando-se de diferentes algoritmos de classificação espectral. Durante a elaboração da versão final do Mapa de Uso Atual e Cobertura Vegetal dos Solos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, foram viagens de verificação in situ a fim de esclarecer dúvidas e subsidiar ajustes e modificações posteriores. O trabalho de pré-processamento, interpretação e classificação das imagens para a produção e edição final do Mapa de Uso Atual e Cobertura Vegetal realizou-se no período de março de 2002 a fevereiro de 2003, pelas equipes técnicas da CPRM (Serviço Geológico Brasileiro), Divisão de Geoprocessamento - DIGEOP, Departamento de Informações Institucionais (DEINF) e o Laboratório de Geoinformação da Embrapa Solos. Foram identificadas e mapeadas 13 grandes classes de uso e ocupação do solo, algumas delas subdivididas em tipos, assim classificadas e distribuídas: 1 - Mata Atlântica (Remanescente/Secundária e Ciliar); 2 - Mangue (Mangue e Mangue Degradado); 3 - Restinga; 4 - Pecuária (Pastagem Plantada e Campo / Pastagem em Zona Úmida); 5 - Agricultura; 6 - Reflorestamento; 7 - Afloramento de Rocha; 8 - Solo Exposto; 9 - Corpo d'Água; 10 - Salina; 11 - Extração de Areia / Mineração; 12 - Praia e Duna; 13 - Área Urbana.bitstream/CNPS/11606/1/bpd22_2003_mapeamento_rj.pd

    Portuguese multidisciplinary recommendations for non-pharmacological and non-surgical interventions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) report significant levels of disease impact, which are improved, but not fully abrogated by immunosuppressive therapy, even when remission is achieved. This imposes the need for adjuvant interventions targeting the uncontrolled domains of disease impact. Non-pharmacological interventions are widely used for this purpose, but they have not been the object of professional recommendations or guidelines. OBJECTIVE: To propose multidisciplinary recommendations to inform clinical care providers regarding the employment of non-pharmacological and non-surgical interventions in the management of patients with RA. METHODS: The EULAR standardized operating procedures for the development of recommendations were followed. First, a systematic literature review was performed. Then, a multidisciplinary Technical Expert Panel (TEP) met to develop and discuss the recommendations and research agenda. For each developed recommendation i) the level of evidence and grade of recommendation were determined, and ii) the level of agreement among TEP members was set. A recommendation was adopted if approved by ≥75% of the TEP members, and the level of agreement was considered high when ≥8. All relevant national societies were included in this construction process to attain their endorsement. RESULTS: Based on evidence and expert opinion, the TEP developed and agreed on five overarching principles and 12 recommendations for non-pharmacological and non-surgical interventions in patients with RA. The mean level of agreement between the TEP members ranged between 8.5 and 9.9. The recommendations include a broad spectrum of intervention areas, such as exercise, hydrokinesiotherapy, psychological interventions, orthoses, education, general management of comorbidities, among others; and they set the requirements for their application. CONCLUSIONS: These recommendations are based on the consensus judgment of clinical experts from a wide range of disciplines and patients' representatives from Portugal. Given the evidence for effectiveness, feasibility and safety, non-pharmacological and non-surgical interventions should be an integral part of standard care for people with RA. It is hoped that these recommendations should be widely implemented in clinical practice. The target audience for these recommendations includes all health professionals involved in the care of patients with RA. The target patient population includes adult Portuguese people with RA.publishersversionpublishe

    One maternal lineage leads the expansion of Thaumastocoris peregrinus (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae) in the new and old worlds.

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    The bronze bug, Thaumastocoris peregrinus, an Australian native insect, has become a nearly worldwide invasive pest in the last 16 years and has been causing signifcant damage to eucalypts (Myrtaceae), including Eucalyptus spp. and Corymbia spp. Its rapid expansion leads to new questions about pathways and routes that T. peregrinus used to invade other continents and countries. We used mtDNA to characterize specimens of T. peregrinus collected from 10 countries where this species has become established, including six recently invaded countries: Chile, Israel, Mexico, Paraguay, Portugal, and the United States of America. We then combined our mtDNA data with previous data available from South Africa, Australia, and Europe to construct a world mtDNA network of haplotypes. Haplotype A was the most common present in all specimens of sites sampled in the New World, Europe, and Israel, however from Australia second more frequently. Haplotype D was the most common one from native populations in Australia. Haplotype A difers from the two major haplotypes found in South Africa (D and G), confrming that at least two independent invasions occurred, one from Australia to South Africa, and the other one from Australia to South America (A). In conclusion, Haplotype A has an invasion success over many countries in the World. Additionally, analyzing data from our work and previous reports, it is possible to suggest some invasive routes of T. peregrinus to predict such events and support preventive control measures

    Evaluation of the genetic diversity of Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum isolates from north-eastern Brazil

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    Since the beginning of the HIV epidemic, there has been a significant increase in the number of histoplasmosis cases in Ceara, a state in north-east Brazil. The lack of epidemiological data on the genotypes circulating in the north-east region shows the importance of more detailed studies on the molecular epidemiology of Histoplasma capsulatum var. capsulatum in this region. Different molecular techniques have been used to better characterize the genetic profile of H. capsulatum var. capsulatum strains. The aim of this study was to analyse the genetic diversity of H. capsulatum var. capsulatum isolates in Fortaleza, the capital of Ceara, through the sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS)1-5.8S-ITS2 region, and establish the molecular profile of these isolates, along with strains from south-east Brazil, by RAPD analysis, featuring the different clusters in those regions. The isolates were grouped into two clusters. Cluster 1 included strains from the south-east and north-east regions with separation of isolates into three distinct subgroups (subgroups 1a, 1 b and 1 c). Cluster 2 included only samples from north-east Brazil. Sequencing of the ITS1 -5.8S-ITS2 region allowed the detection of two major clades, which showed geographical correlation between them and their subgroups. Therefore, it can be concluded that the H. capsulatum var. capsulatum isolates from Ceara have a high degree of genetic polymorphism. The molecular data also confirm that populations of this fungus are composed of different genotypes in Brazil and worldwide.National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)[562296/2010-7, 552161/2011-0, 304779/2011-3, 473025/2012-4]Brazilian Federal Agency for the Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (CAPES) [2103/2009

    Mapeamento do uso atual e cobertura vegetal dos solos da folha Rio de Janeiro (SF-23-Z-B) e adjacências.

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    O levantamento do uso e cobertura do solo é um aspecto importante para estudos de caracterização e monitoramento ambiental, pois permite subsidiar o planejamento e gestão ambiental. Trabalhos dessa natureza têm sido facilitados através do uso do sensoriamento remoto que, devido aos recursos multiespectrais e à possibilidade de se ter visão sinóptica da paisagem, facilita o mapeamento de grandes extensões, bem como de áreas de difícil acesso de maneira mais rápida e a um custo relativamente mais baixo. A Folha Rio de Janeiro e adjacências, compreendida entre os meridianos de 42o00' e 43o30' WG e os paralelos de 22o00'e 23o00' S, abrange aproximadamente 20.000 km2, envolvendo total ou parcialmente 28 municípios. A considerável variabilidade geológica, pedológica, geomorfológica, climática e de cobertura vegetal é uma característica marcante da região. A metodologia utilizada neste trabalho compreendeu o pré-processamento, interpretação e classificação das imagens para produção e edição final do mapa de Uso Atual e Cobertura Vegetal. A primeira etapa consistiu na fusão da banda pancromática (banda 8) com as bandas multiespectrais (bandas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 e 7), seguindo-se a interpretação e a classificação supervisionada e verificação de campo. Como resultado do estudo, obteve-se informações sobre os tipos de ocupação do solo, quantificação e padrão espacial das classes de uso. As classes de uso e de cobertura dos solos, bem como seus respectivos percentuais de ocorrência foram assim distribuídas: Mata Atlântica Remanescente/Secundária (37,35%), Mata Ciliar (0,20%), Mangue (0,71%), Restinga (0,27%), Pastagem Plantada (44,60%), Campos/Pastagem de Zona Úmida (3,78%), Reflorestamento (0,08%), Agricultura (0,02%), Corpos d?água (2,66%), Afloramento de Rocha (0,07%), Salinas (0,30%), Praias e Dunas (0,17%) e Área Urbana (9,80%).bitstream/item/159393/1/bpd-19-2003-mapeamentofolha-rj.pd

    Intraperitoneal but Not Intravenous Cryopreserved Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Home to the Inflamed Colon and Ameliorate Experimental Colitis

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) were shown to have immunomodulatory activity and have been applied for treating immune-mediated disorders. We compared the homing and therapeutic action of cryopreserved subcutaneous adipose tissue (AT-MSCs) and bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSCs) in rats with trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis. METHODS: After colonoscopic detection of inflammation AT-MSCs or BM-MSCs were injected intraperitoneally. Colonoscopic and histologic scores were obtained. Density of collagen fibres and apoptotic rates were evaluated. Cytokine levels were measured in supernatants of colon explants. For cell migration studies MSCs and skin fibroblasts were labelled with Tc-99m or CM-DiI and injected intraperitonealy or intravenously. RESULTS: Intraperitoneal injection of AT-MSCs or BM-MSCs reduced the endoscopic and histopathologic severity of colitis, the collagen deposition, and the epithelial apoptosis. Levels of TNF-α and interleukin-1β decreased, while VEGF and TGF-β did not change following cell-therapy. Scintigraphy showed that MSCs migrated towards the inflamed colon and the uptake increased from 0.5 to 24 h. Tc-99m-MSCs injected intravenously distributed into various organs, but not the colon. Cm-DiI-positive MSCs were detected throughout the colon wall 72 h after inoculation, predominantly in the submucosa and muscular layer of inflamed areas. CONCLUSIONS: Intraperitoneally injected cryopreserved MSCs home to and engraft into the inflamed colon and ameliorate TNBS-colitis