5,515 research outputs found

    CAMILA formal software engineering supported by functional programming

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    This paper describes two experiences in teaching a formal approach to software engineering at undergraduate level supported by Camila a functional programming based tool Carried on in di erent institutions each of them addresses a particular topic in the area requirement analysis and generic systems design in the rst case speci cation and implementation development in the second Camila the common framework to both experiences animates a set based language extended with a mild use of category theory which can be reasoned upon for program calculation and classi cation purposes The project a liates itself to but is not restricted to the research in exploring Functional Programming as a rapid prototyping environment for formal software models Its kernel is fully connectable to external applications and equipped with a component repository and distribution facilities The paper explains how Camila is being used in the educational practice as a tool to think with providing a kind of cross fertilization between students under standing of di erent parts of the curriculum Furthermore it helps in developing a number of engineering skills namely the ability to analyze and classify infor mation problems and models and to resort to the combined use of di erent programming frameworks in approaching them.Eje: Conferencia latinoamericana de programación funcionalRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    The anisotropic XY model on the inhomogeneous periodic chain

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    The static and dynamic properties of the anisotropic XY-model (s=1/2)(s=1/2) on the inhomogeneous periodic chain, composed of NN cells with nn different exchange interactions and magnetic moments, in a transverse field h,h, are determined exactly at arbitrary temperatures. The properties are obtained by introducing the Jordan-Wigner fermionization and by reducing the problem to a diagonalization of a finite matrix of nthnth order. The quantum transitions are determined exactly by analyzing, as a function of the field, the induced magnetization 1/n\sum_{m=1}^{n}\mu_{m}\left (jj denotes the cell, mm the site within the cell, μm\mu_{m} the magnetic moment at site mm within the cell) and the spontaneous magnetization 1/nm=1n<Sj,mx,>1/n\sum_{m=1}^{n}\left< S_{j,m}^{x},\right> which is obtained from the correlations <Sj,mxSj+r,mx>\left< S_{j,m}^{x}S_{j+r,m}^{x}\right> for large spin separations. These results, which are obtained for infinite chains, correspond to an extension of the ones obtained by Tong and Zhong(\textit{Physica B} \textbf{304,}91 (2001)). The dynamic correlations, <Sj,mz(t)Sj,mz(0)>\left< S_{j,m}^{z}(t)S_{j^{\prime},m^{\prime}}^{z}(0)\right>, and the dynamic susceptibility, χqzz(ω),\chi_{q}^{zz}(\omega), are also obtained at arbitrary temperatures. Explicit results are presented in the limit T=0, where the critical behaviour occurs, for the static susceptibility χqzz(0)\chi_{q}^{zz}(0) as a function of the transverse field hh, and for the frequency dependency of dynamic susceptibility χqzz(ω)\chi_{q}^{zz}(\omega).Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, 01 table. Revised version (minor corrections) accepted for publiction in Phys. Rev.

    Seleção de metodologias para inoculação da fusariose do maracujazeiro causada por Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Passiflorae.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar métodos de inoculação da fusariose do maracujazeiro, causada pelo fungo Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. passiflorae (FOP). Foram avaliadas três etodologias de inoculação: método de imersão das raízes em suspensão do inóculo (MIR), método da areia e fubá de milho colonizados (MAFC) e método por ferimento das raízes por perfuração do solo, seguido de inoculação (MPS). As inoculações foram realizadas em câmaras de crescimento a 25 ± 3ºC, utilizando a variedade de maracujazeiro amarelo FB200, que apresenta comportamento suscetível em condições de campo. Foram avaliadas em média 20 plantas por tratamento, sendo a parcela constituída por uma planta. As plantas com 45 dias de idade foram avaliadas quanto à incidência da fusariose entre 3 e 60 dias após a inoculação (DAI). Somente o método MIR permitiu o aparecimento dos sintomas da fusariose a partir de 7 DAI, ocasionando a morte das plantas a partir de 15 DAI. A mortalidade final foi de 62,5%, provavelmente ocasionada pela diversidade genética do maracujazeiro.bitstream/item/56692/1/Boletim-Pesquisa-Desenv-51.pd

    Caracterização morfo-botânica de clones de guaranazeiro.

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    A Embrapa Amazônia Ocidental tem mantido a variabilidade genética do guaranazeiro em um Banco de germoplasma clonal, visando suprir a demanda atual do programa de melhoramento e das gerações futuras. O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar 64 clones do programa de melhoramento de guaranazeiro com base em caracteres morfo-botânicos

    Incorporation of excluded volume correlations into Poisson-Boltzmann theory

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    We investigate the effect of excluded volume interactions on the electrolyte distribution around a charged macroion. First, we introduce a criterion for determining when hard-core effects should be taken into account beyond standard mean field Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) theory. Next, we demonstrate that several commonly proposed local density functional approaches for excluded volume interactions cannot be used for this purpose. Instead, we employ a non-local excess free energy by using a simple constant weight approach. We compare the ion distribution and osmotic pressure predicted by this theory with Monte Carlo simulations. They agree very well for weakly developed correlations and give the correct layering effect for stronger ones. In all investigated cases our simple weighted density theory yields more realistic results than the standard PB approach, whereas all local density theories do not improve on the PB density profiles but on the contrary, deviate even more from the simulation results.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl