2,527 research outputs found

    Modeling crosscutting concerns with roles

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    Modularization allows the development of independent modules and their reuse. However a single decomposition strategy cannot neatly capture all the systems concerns. Thus some concerns are spread over several modules – the crosscutting concerns. To cope with this we need to have other class composition techniques than those available in traditional Object Oriented programming languages. One of such compositions is roles. If roles are used to compose classes and if a role models a crosscutting concern, then the concern is limited to the role and not spread over several classes. To validate this approach we conducted a case study. In the case study crosscutting concerns were identified in a system using a clone detection tool and roles were developed to model those crosscutting concerns. Results show that this approach reduces significantly the spreading of crosscutting concerns code

    Reusable roles, a test with patterns

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    Although roles have been around for a long time they have not yet reached mainstream programming languages. The variety of existing role models may be a limiting factor. We believe that for roles to be widely accepted they must enhance code reuse. An outcome would be a library of roles. We present and discuss what we feel are the characteristics that a role model must have to enable reusable and player independent roles. In this paper we present our role model and JavaStage, a role language that extends Java, with examples of reusable roles. Finally, we present our steps towards the building of a role library, by presenting the roles developed from the analysis of the GoF Design Patterns. The results obtained, we developed roles for 10 of the 23 GoF patterns, are promising

    Roles as modular units of composition

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    Object oriented decomposition is the most successful decomposition strategy used nowadays. But a single decomposition strategy cannot capture all aspects of a concept. Roles have been successfully used to model the different views a concept may provide but, despite this, roles have not been used as building blocks. Roles are mostly used to extend objects at runtime. In this paper we propose roles as a way to compose classes that provides a modular way of capturing and reusing those aspects that fall outside a concept’s main purpose, while being close to the OO approach. We present how roles can be made modular and reusable. We also show how we can use roles to compose classes using JavaStage, a java extension that support roles To validate our approach we developed generic and reusable roles for the Gang of Four patterns. We were able to develop reusable roles for 10 out of 23 patterns, which is a good outcome

    Defining a management strategy for the azorean natural thermal resources : valuing criteria identification

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão de Empresas (MBA), 23 de Maio de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.Recursos termais são importantes para as regiões onde ocorrem e, em alguns casos, são pedras angulares para o desenvolvimento económico. Os Açores não são excepção. O presente trabalho e uma primeira abordagem europeia desta natureza e pretende ser um estudo académico exploratório. Uma natureza diversa de recursos termais promove uma diversificação de usos, especialmente no caso dos Açores, uma pequena área geográfica descontinua. Não existe actualmente no arquipélago nem uma compilação nem uma quantificação adequada de usos de recursos termais. No entanto, o desenvolvimento socioeconómico, com base na utilização destes recursos naturais, faz parte da estratégia governamental regional. O aumento da procura não só ira aumentar a pressão sobre a sua exploração, mas também, eventualmente, impulsionar o aparecimento de conflitos de interesses em áreas em que os usos se sobrepõem. Nenhuma informação de base esta disponível no momento. Os dados gerados pelo presente trabalho podem ser uma base de trabalho que permitira futuros estudos e/ou projectos na área, proporcionando uma melhoria na identificação dos problemas e questões a ser endereçadas, a fim de desenvolver uma estratégia de gestão coerente com o uso de recursos termais dos Açores. Um painel internacional de especialistas selecionou, a partir de uma extensa lista compilada e facultada durante este estudo, os usos de recursos termais naturais mais comuns que consideraram importantes. Os usos relacionados com utilização da energia termal foram os mais referidos, seguidos de usos tradicionais no campo da saúde e bem‐estar, não sendo esquecida a importância de usos diretos específicos como a “cozinha geotermal”. Os critérios económicos de valorização (diretos e indiretos) foram os principais critérios escolhidos quando pedido para atribuir valor aos recursos termais naturais. A estes critérios, seguiu‐se o valor relativo a saúde publica associado a utilização dos mesmos. A capacidade de criar emprego (direto e/ou induzido) ocupou a quarta e a quinta posição do ranking dos critérios de valorização. O valor dos recursos termais naturais como potencial uso de lazer, as diversas funções de serviço de ecossistema que garantem, o valor de não‐uso com fins altruístas, e a importância da existência dos recursos como promotores de conhecimento e de inovação completam a lista dos dez critérios de valoração mais relevantes para o painel internacional de especialistas. O uso dos recursos termais açorianos pode potenciar o desenvolvimento regional de forma transversal nas diferentes áreas estratégicas prioritárias para a região. Estes recursos podem proporcionar o aparecimento de produtos únicos, distintos e diferenciados na região, contribuindo assim para aumentar a base de exportação regional. Apesar do presente trabalho ter sido desenvolvido no âmbito académico pretende‐se que as informações aqui fornecidas sirvam de base para o desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de gestão adaptativa, consertada e unificante (ambiental e económica) para os recursos termais do arquipélago dos Açores.ABSTRACT: Thermal resources are of major importance at the regions where they occur and, in some cases are cornerstones to their economic development, the Azores are no exception. The current work is the first approach to this subject in Europe and aims to be an exploratory study. In the Azores the diverse nature of thermal resources promotes a multitude of uses within the small geographical area. A resource accurate quantification is non-existent. Socioeconomically development based on use of this natural resource is part of the regional governmental strategy. The rise of the demand will not only increase pressure on the resources exploitation, but will also eventually led to the rise of conflict of interest in areas with overlapping needs. No baseline information is currently available. The data generated by the present work can help launch a preliminary framework that will enable future developments within the field. One expects also that this work will lead to a better identification of the problems and questions that need to be addressed in order to develop a coherent management strategy for the use of the Azorean thermal resources. Frequent and putative uses of natural thermal resources were selected from an extensive list of uses supplied to a panel of international experts. The energy related uses where the most often selected, followed by traditional uses within the field of health&wellness, not to be forgotten the importance of geothermal direct use as the geothermal cooking. The economical valuing criteria (direct and indirect values) were chosen as priority valuing criteria when planning for and, evaluating, the use of the natural thermal resource. Values related with public health were the next valuing criteria selected, followed by the ability to create jobs (direct and/or induced). The value attributed to leisure and relaxation activities that thermal resources can provide for residents and visitors, the value inherent to the several ecosystem functions, the value of non‐use for altruistic purposes, and the value attributed to the putative knowledge&innovation development use leverage that this resource provides completed the top 10 most important valuing criteria. It is our understanding that the use of Azorean thermal resources can enhance the regional development across the various priority sectors, giving rise to unique products (services as well as goods) within the region, and improving the regional exportation level. The present study was developed as an academic exercise, nevertheless it is intended that the information provided in this document will assist in creating a unifying, adaptative environmental and economic management strategy for the use of this resource within the Azores

    Modeling and programming with roles: introducing JavaStage

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    Roles are not a new concept, but they have been used in two different ways: as modeling concepts in a static view and as instance extensions in a dynamic view. For these views only the dynamic offers supporting languages. The static view, although proving the utility of roles in modeling, does not offer a programming language that allows developers to use roles all the way from modeling to programming. We try to overcome this by presenting our role language JavaStage, based on the Java language. We do this by designing and implementing a simple framework and then compare the results with its OO equivalent. Our results show that static roles are in fact useful when used in code and that JavaStage features expand role reuse

    Qual interesse público a administração defende em juízo?

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    Artigo - Artigo Qual interesse público a administração defende em juízo?escrito por Márcio José de Aguiar Barbosa.Artigo - Artigo Qual interesse público a administração defende em juízo? autoria de Márcio José de Aguiar Barbosa.Mestre em Matemática pela UFMG; Doutorando em Direito Administrativo pela UFMG