12 research outputs found

    Terapia nutricional na disbiose intestinal em pacientes com doença renal crônica: uma investigação dos últimos 10 anos: Nutritional therapy in intestinal dysbiosis in patients with chronic kidney disease: an investigation of the last 10 years

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    A doença renal crônica vem ganhando destaque em todo o mundo devido a sua alta prevalência principalmente em pessoas adultas e idosas, além disso, outro ponto importante a se destacar é a disbiose intestinal nas várias patologias, de modo que, quando associadas podem gerar efeitos benéficos ou maléficos a saúde do ser humano, interferindo no prognóstico da doença e posteriormente na qualidade de vida. Com base nas possibilidades, objetivou-se expor neste trabalho a associação entre a doença renal crônica e a disbiose intestinal, bem como avaliar sobre a influência da terapia nutricional nestes casos. Para isso, uma busca bibliográfica foi realizada por meio de bases de dados computadorizados, como Google Acadêmico, Scielo, PubMed, MedLine, Periódicos CAPES e LILACS, com estudos publicados entre os anos de 2012 a 2022. Dessa forma, os estudos utilizados no presente trabalho foram avaliados e selecionados respeitando procedimentos previamente estabelecidos para inclusão nesta revisão. A apresentação dos resultados foi organizada em formato de tabelas, gráficos e em caracteres discursivos, a fim de facilitar a visualização como também a interpretação dos dados. Ao final foram encontrados 14 artigos, considerando a relevância dos estudos que associavam a disbiose intestinal com a doença crônica renal, incorporando a importância da nutrição para o prognóstico positivo. De modo geral, os estudos demonstraram que a dietoterapia pode auxiliar positivamente quadros de disbiose intestinal em pacientes portadores de doença crônica renal, reduzindo consequências desta patologia, como a uremia, inflamações, redução nas concentrações séricas de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, ou seja, a regulação da microbiota intestinal por métodos dietéticos proporcionou benefícios além do âmbito gastrointestinal, de modo a aumentar a qualidade de vida do indivíduo. &nbsp

    Psychosocial aspects and support networks associated with disability in two longevous populations in Brazil: a cross-sectional study

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    © 2022 The Authors. Published by Springer. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-022-02810-4Background Among the oldest old, aged 80 years and over, the prevalence of disability is higher than in other age groups and can be considered a predictor of mortality. Objective To evaluate how psychosocial aspects and support networks influence the disability of these oldest-old individuals, performing a comparison between two longevous populations, one living in one of the poorest regions of Brazil, in the backlands of Paraíba, and another living in one of the largest urban centres in Latin America. Method A cross-sectional study in which 417 oldest-old persons aged 80 years and older were interviewed, with data collected through the “Health, Welfare and Ageing” survey conducted in two Brazilian cities. Disability was assessed by reporting the need for assistance in Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs). Bivariate and multiple analyses were performed using R statistical software. Results Food insufficiency in the first years of life had negative repercussions on the disability of oldest old people living in the northeast. On the other hand, in this region, older people have a higher rate of support and live longer with their peers, which may contribute to reducing feelings of loneliness, depressive symptoms, and worse self-perception of health. In the Southeast, financial constraints, subjective poverty, and unmet needs may favour the development of functional limitations between long-lived people. Conclusion Our findings indicate that regional differences in Brazil may influence the disability of older people aged 80 and older. In northeast Brazil, having no partner may contribute to disability for ADLs and IADLs; while, in the longevous population of São Paulo, having a worse self-rated health may contribute to disability for IADLs.The current study was funded by Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (PROPESQ) and Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado da Paraíba (FAPESQ/CNPq— PPSUS 015/2014); CAPES (INCT 14/50931–3), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP-CEPID 2013/08028–1; 1999/ 05125, 2005/54947–2, 2009/53778–3).Published onlin

    Regional differences regarding the occurrence of falls and associated factors in two populations of Brazilian longevous people

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    © 2022 The Authors. Published by BMC. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12877-022-03630-2Background Few studies have explored regional asymmetries and their implications for health policies regarding episodes of falls among the population of ≥80 years old in continental and developing countries like Brazil with deep inequalities and sociocultural differences. Objective To evaluate the occurrence of falls and their association with functional capacity and nutritional status in the longest oldest-old living in two municipalities in the Northeast and Southeast of Brazil. Methods This is a cross-sectional study, with primary data collection in which were included in the research seniors aged 80 years or more, of both sexes, belonging to two Brazilian municipalities of discrepant socioeconomic aspects. The dependent variable was the occurrence of falls in the last year. The independent variables were grouped into demographic aspects, functional capacity and nutritional status. To identify variables that contribute to the occurrence of falls, the multiple logistic regression model, adopts a significance level of 5%. Results The sample was composed of 415 oldest-old adults. From the total, 32.3% reported having fallen in the last year, 24.7% in Brejo dos Santos and 37.8% in São Paulo. Among the former population, the mean value of walking speed for those who had falls was 0.27 m/s and for those who had no occurrence of falls was 0.33 m/s; and, among the seniors from São Paulo, the mean values were 0.51 m/s and 0.58 m/s, respectively. Significant correlations between walking speed and falls were verified for both populations, showing that the lower the walking speed, the higher the predisposition to falls. In the final regression model, the occurrence of falls was associated with moderate balance (OR = 5.28; CI: 1.11–25.18) among the longevous people Brejo dos Santos and with very poor functional performance (OR = 16.09; CI:1.46–177.06) among those from São Paulo. Conclusion The results pointed out a lower prevalence of falls in longevous people from Brejo dos Santos than in those from São Paulo and differences regarding the associated factors, showing heterogeneity between the two populations; indicating the need for public policies and effective programmes aimed at preventing falls based on the maintenance or increase of functional capacity.The current study was funded by Universidade Estadual da Paraíba (PROPESQ) and Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado da Paraíba (FAPESQ/CNPq - PPSUS 015/2014); CAPES (INCT 14/50931–3), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP-CEPID 2013/08028–1; 1999/ 05125, 2005/54947–2, 2009/53778–3).Published onlin

    Health-related quality of life and associated factors: regional differences among oldest-old in Brazil

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    © 2022 The Authors. Published by SAGE. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1177/00469580221086922Purpose: The aim of this research was to investigate the extent to which socioeconomic and regional differences in Brazil may influence the quality of life. To this end, we examined factors associated with health-related quality of life in two populations of oldest-old people, aged 80 and over: one from the Northeast of Brazil and the other from the Southeast. Methods: 417 participants aged 80 and over were interviewed face-to-face, 179 from Brejo dos Santos, one of the poorest regions in the Northeast; and 238 from São Paulo, one of the largest urban metropolises in Southeast Brazil. Data, which included socioeconomic and demographic factors, health status, and health-related quality of life, were collected using a structured questionnaire. The dependent variable was determined by the completion rate of the 12-item Short Form Survey and analyzed using Pearson correlation and multiple logistic regression. Results: Although the population of São Paulo had four times as many long-lived women than men, had better literacy levels, used more medications, and presented a greater prevalence of symptoms suggestive of depression in comparison to the Northeast’s population, no difference was observed in the proportion of good physical components among the two populations, 54.3% in Brejo dos Santos’ oldest-old and 50.4% in São Paulo’s (p=0.6272). Quality and quantity of sleep were factors that most affected the quality of life among the oldest-old of Northeast. Conclusion: Factors associated with health-related quality of life were different among the oldest-old people of the two locations, thereby corroborating the heterogeneous nature of the oldest-old population

    A atuação paradigmática da mídia na veiculação de casos de violência contra mulher: estudo crítico dos casos Eloá Cristina (2008) e Tatiane Spitzner (2018) / The paradigmatic action of the media in the transport of cases of violence against women: a critical study of the cases Eloá Cristina (2008) and Tatiane Spitzner (2018)

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    A violência contra a mulher é um fenômeno que exige abordagens variadas. Há, certamente, uma produção cultural e do senso comum midiático que legitima comportamentos indicativos desta violência. O presente trabalho objetiva analisar o papel da mídia nesta legitimação de discursos e práticas violentas, em especial, no tocante à violência de gênero. Sugere-se uma ponderação constitucional que encontre a proporção adequada entre o gozo da liberdade de expressão e manifestação de pensamento e as práticas e discursos comuns à violência de gênero. Busca-se, com isso, estabelecer parâmetros de comunicação social comprometidos com os valores de uma sociedade civilizada e respeitosa dos Direitos Humanos. Perfazendo um breve estudo de caso, com base no comportamento das reportagens que trataram dos fatos, fica a pegunta sobre quais são as contribuições práticas e discursivas da mídia que determinam a permanência deste tipo de violência

    Qualidade física de Latossolos Amarelos sob plantio direto na região do Cerrado piauiense

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    O Cerrado vem sendo alvo de exploração sem a devida preocupação com a manutenção dos recursos naturais, e os sistemas de produção têm se caracterizado pelo uso intensivo do solo. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito do plantio direto na alteração das características físicas de Latossolos Amarelos cultivados com soja. A pesquisa foi realizada na Serra do Quilombo, localizada no cerrado piauiense. Foram verificadas as alterações nos atributos do solo em decorrência da utilização agrícola, que foi iniciada com plantio convencional (PC), posteriormente substituído pelo sistema de plantio direto (PD). Foram amostrados solos com diferentes históricos de uso: PC7/PD8: sete anos de plantio convencional e oito de plantio direto; PC5/PD4: cinco anos de plantio convencional e quatro de plantio direto; PC3/PD3: três anos de plantio convencional e três de plantio direto; e CN: solo com cerrado nativo. As propriedades avaliadas foram: distribuição das frações granulométricas, argila dispersa em água, grau de floculação, relação silte/argila, densidade do solo e das partículas, porosidade total, macro e microporosidade. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância e, como análise complementar, utilizaram-se técnicas multivariadas. Para identificação das características físicas semelhantes do solo, utilizou-se a técnica de análise multivariada denominada análise fatorial. Maiores valores de densidade do solo e de microporosidade foram observados nos sistemas PD, e de macroporosidade e porosidade total, no CN. Os resultados mostraram que a implementação do sistema plantio direto alterou o volume total de poros e a macroporosidade, porém estes apresentaram valores dentro da faixa considerada não restritiva. A análise fatorial possibilitou a visualização conjunta dos atributos do solo, sendo as propriedades densidade do solo, porosidade total e macroporosidade as que mais sofreram variação nos sistemas de uso

    Antimicrobial efficiency of film incorporated with pediocin (ALTA® 2351) on preservation of sliced ham

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    Antimicrobial packaging, besides protecting the product from external environment, inhibits or retards microorganism growth in foods, minimizing direct addition of preservatives and satisfying the actual demand of consumers for healthier foods, containing less additives. Pediocins are antimicrobial peptides produced by Pediococcus sp. and researches have revealed their ability to inhibit the growth of some pathogenic bacteria. The objective of this work was to develop and evaluate the antimicrobial efficiency of films incorporated with pediocin on sliced ham conservation. The antimicrobial films were incorporated with pediocin (25% and 50%) in a cellulose base emulsion. The antimicrobial efficiency of the films against Listeria innocua e Salmonella sp. on sliced ham was tested by means of a challenge test, in which the slices were immersed in 0.1% peptone solution containing about 106 CFU/mL of L. innocua or Salmonella sp. The experiment was set up overlapping the slices of ham with the films (control, 25% and 50% of pediocin). These systems were packaged under vacuum and stored at 12 °C. The slices of ham were analyzed for L. innocua and Salmonella sp. counts at 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 storage days. The antimicrobial films were more effective inhibiting growth of L. innocua. The 50% pediocin-film presented a reduction of 2 log cycles in relation to control treatment after 15 days of storage. The 25% and 50% pediocin-films had similar performance on Salmonella sp. inhibition, both presenting 0.5 log cycle reduction in relation to control, after 12 days of storage. Hence, the films incorporated with pediocin showed potential use as one hurdle technology added in the storage period among others good manufacturing practices for preservation of sliced ham