9 research outputs found

    Hunting and wildlife use in protected areas of the Atlantic rainforest, northeastern Brazil

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    Despite being considered illegal in Brazil, the hunting of wild animals is a very common practice that influences the conservation of several fauna species. As such, the knowledge and practices associated with hunting activities need to be researched. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate, from an ethnozoological approach, the capture, slaughter and use of wild animals in four Conservation Units (protected areas) in the Atlantic Rainforest in the state of Paraíba. 109 hunters were interviewed, and 156 game animals were registered, which were distributed across the categories: mammals (31), birds (93), reptiles (27) and amphibians (05). The use of wild fauna registered in this study is mainly associated with the consumption of meat; however, the use of animals aspets, trade, zootherapy and control hunting were also recorded. Hunting practices have existed for a long time in the study region and are currently, mainly, motivated by subsistence, excluding occurrences of hunters killing animals that they considered to be dangerous. The socioeconomic situation of hunters and their possible dissonance with the laws that regulate wildlife protection are fundamental aspects that contribute to a better understanding of the barriers and possible methods of wildlife conservative management in the region. The catalog of hunted game animals expands our knowledge about the fauna hunted in the state of Paraíba, where research has not yet been performed on hunting activities in Conservation Units (protected areas) in the Atlantic Rainforest, this being the first evaluation. We hope that our results will contribute to the implementation / improvement of public policies aimed at the management of local wildlife, which endeavor to conserve the region's biodiversity

    Etnoconservação e história ambiental para um novo modelo conservacionista do século XXI

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    Diante do cenário ambiental mundial na atualidade, falar de conservação implica, necessariamente, em abarcar todo o conteúdo que envolve essa temática, a exemplo das questões de cunho socioeconômico, histórico e cultural. Sendo assim, o presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir algumas estratégias que vêm sendo postas como recursos úteis aos novos modelos de conservação necessários ante os desafios do século XXI, expondo a importância da inclusão dessas ferramentas (com destaque à etnoconservação e à história ambiental) na identificação de áreas prioritárias para conservação, e no planejamento, implementação e manutenção de áreas protegidas sustentáveis, usando nessa discussão uma abordagem aberta e interdisciplinar acerca da questão

    Ambiente e memórias acerca da caça em áreas protegidas da Floresta Atlântica

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    Problemas ambientais diversos têm acompanhado várias sociedades, e seus efeitos têm influenciado uma série de estudos que visam compreender as consequências das ações humanas sobre o meio natural e as implicações das mudanças ambientais sobre a vida. A interação humanidade/fauna é uma das mais antigas formas de aproveitamento da biodiversidade e, muitas vezes, implica em problemas ambientais. Por outro lado, estratégias conservacionistas que impedem o acesso à natureza suscitam conflitos que limitam suas ações, gerando críticas a esse modelo. Em virtude da recorrência do cenário de conflitos entre órgãos de proteção ambiental e usuários dos recursos faunísticos, este trabalho analisa a perspectiva de diferentes atores envolvidos na problemática do uso ilegal de animais silvestres em Unidades de Conservação na Floresta Atlântica do estado da Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil, objetivando resgatar traços da história e dinâmica cinegética local via relato oral, narrativas de vida e registro documental

    Hunting strategies used in protected areas in the atlantic rainforest of northeastern Brazil

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    509-518The significance of faunal resources and their utilization potentials for the benefit of mankind is well known, and constitute important natural resources in local communities in the Atlantic forests of region Northeastern Brazil, including in their protected areas. In order to gain access to these resources, hunters have developed a series of techniques and strategies that are described in the present work from interviews with 109 hunters in 4 official conservation units. Fifteen different techniques for the hunting and capture of wild animals have been registered, divided into 3 categories: Trapping (n=27,9%), active search (n=31%) and passive waiting (n=41,1%). All the techniques listed under the active search and passive waiting categories are complemented by the use of firearms. The environmental and administrative characteristics of the studied areas and the socioeconomic profile of the hunters interviewed, influenced the differences in the techniques and hunting strategies. Additional studies concerning these hunting activities will be useful to contribute to proposals for oversight and management plans for hunting in the region, with the objective of attaining sustainable use of faunal resources to the local human communities

    Hunting strategies used in protected areas in the atlantic rainforest of northeastern Brazil

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    The significance of faunal resources and their utilization potentials for the benefit of mankind is well known, and constitute important natural resources in local communities in the Atlantic forests of region Northeastern Brazil, including in their protected areas. In order to gain access to these resources, hunters have developed a series of techniques and strategies that are described in the present work from interviews with 109 hunters in 4 official conservation units. Fifteen different techniques for the hunting and capture of wild animals have been registered, divided into 3 categories: Trapping (n=27,9%), active search (n=31%) and passive waiting (n=41,1%). All the techniques listed under the active search and passive waiting categories are complemented by the use of firearms. The environmental and administrative characteristics of the studied areas and the socioeconomic profile of the hunters interviewed, influenced the differences in the techniques and hunting strategies. Additional studies concerning these hunting activities will be useful to contribute to proposals for oversight and management plans for hunting in the region, with the objective of attaining sustainable use of faunal resources to the local human communities

    Utilização de aves silvestres por moradores do município de Fagundes, Semiárido paraibano: uma abordagem etno-ornitológica

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    Since the mankind’s beginnings, birds were associated with humans in a relationship that involveduse, mastery and admiration. Many birds species are kept as pets or as decorations, whether by its visual beauty or fortheir ability to sing. This study was aimed to discover the relations of wild bird usage by locals in rural areas in themunicipality of Fagundes, Paraiba’s semiarid region, looking to identify and characterize the socio-economic, cultural andenvironmental contexts in which such uses occur. The information was obtained through opened interviews and semistructuredquestionnaires given to 56 locals. The interviewees cited 53 differents species of birds used for many purposes,especially for food or as pets. This result reflects the fact that the birds are used for subsistence and are a natural resourceof great importance to the culture and economy of the locals. The most frequently mentioned species by intervieweeswere: ‘rolinha-picui’ (Columbina picui), ‘ribaçã’ (Zenaida auriculata), ‘rolinha-cambuta’ (Columbina minuta), ‘lambu-dopé-roxo’ (Crypturellus tataupa) and ‘galo-de-campina’ (Paroaria dominicana). Among the species cited, one is present inthe list of endangered species: ‘pintassilgo’ (Sporagra yarrellii). Some interviewees also noted that the birds specieswhich were usually captured, are becoming increasingly scarce, suggesting a reduction of the natural populations. Therefore,it is important to understand the context in which the uses of birds occur and socio-cultural factors in order to establishmanagement plans associated with the sustainable use of this resource.Desde os primórdios da humanidade, as aves estiveram associadas aos seres humanos numa relação que envolveuso, domínio e admiração. Muitas espécies de aves são utilizadas como animais de estimação ou ornamentais, seja por suabeleza visual ou por suas habilidades de canto. Este trabalho teve por objetivo conhecer as interações existentes entre osmoradores e as aves silvestres em áreas rurais no município de Fagundes, Semiárido paraibano, buscando identificar ecaracterizar o contexto socioeconômico, cultural e ambiental em que ocorrem tais usos. As informações foram obtidasatravés de entrevistas livres e questionários semiestruturados aplicados a 56 moradores locais. Os entrevistados citaram53 espécies de aves utilizadas para as mais diversas finalidades, sobretudo para uso alimentar ou como animais deestimação. Este resultado reflete o fato de que as aves são utilizadas como meio de subsistência e constituem um recursonatural de grande importância para a cultura e economia dos moradores locais. As espécies mais citadas pelos entrevistadosforam: rolinha-picui (Columbina picui), ribaçã (Zenaida auriculata), rolinha-cambuta (Columbina minuta), lambu-do-péroxo(Crypturellus tataupa) e galo-de-campina (Paroaria dominicana). Entre as espécies citadas, uma está presente emlista de espécies ameaçadas: pintassilgo (Sporagra yarrellii). Alguns entrevistados ainda observaram que espécies de avesque costumam ser capturadas estão cada vez mais escassas, o que sugere a redução das populações naturais das mesmas.Nesse sentido, é importante compreender o contexto no qual ocorrem os diversos usos da avifauna e fatores socioculturaiscomo forma de estabelecer planos de manejo associados ao uso sustentável desse recurso

    Knowledge and use of wildlife by hunters in the Brazilian semiarid region: a case study in Paraíba State

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/2175-7925.2015v28n2p137Esse estudo foi realizado em uma comunidade tradicional no semiárido paraibano e registrou as principais espécies animais caçadas, avaliando as implicações conservacionistas desta prática. Um total de 24 entrevistados citou 78 espécies de vertebrados tetrápodes silvestres caçados na região. Esses animais podem ser organizados, de acordo com o uso, em dez categorias diferentes: zooterapia, etnoveterinária, uso cosmético, uso/interação místico-religiosa, criação/domesticação, comércio, uso/interação ornamental, alimentação, lazer/recreação, caça de controle. Com o presente trabalho percebeu-se que a carência de estudos em relação às formas de aproveitamento dos recursos faunísticos constitui uma barreira que dificulta o levantamento das prioridades de conservação e manejo, por impossibilitar um inventário seguro das espécies animais que sofrem maior pressão de uso. Entretanto, mesmo com essa barreira, constatamos seguramente que a interação de aproveitamento e emprego existente entre homem e fauna constitui uma das mais significativas formas de aplicação dos recursos naturais nas áreas estudadas.The present study was undertaken in a traditional community in the semiarid region of Paraíba State, Northeastern Brazil, with the purpose of registering the main animal species hunted and evaluating the implications of these practices in terms of the conservation of local fauna. A total of 78 species of wild tetrapod vertebrates were cited by 24 interviewees as being hunted in the region. These animals were separated into four different animals groups (mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians) with ten distinct purposes: zootherapy, folk veterinary medicine, cosmetics, mystical-religious purposes, creation/domestication, commercial exploration, ornamental use, as food, as entertainment, and for animal control. This work highlights the lack of studies regarding some forms of exploitation of wildlife resources as a barrier that hinders the assessment of priorities for conservation and management, by precluding a stable inventory of animal species under the greatest pressure of use. However, even with these barriers we can clearly see that exploitation and utilization of wildlife by man represents one of the most significant uses of natural resources in the surveyed areas

    Medicinal use of animals by hunters in North eastern Brazil

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    485-493Animals (and their by-products) are used worldwide in the preparation of many traditional medicines. Despite this, research on medicinal use of animals is still neglected in comparison to studies on medicinal plants. This paper documents the medicinal use of animals by hunters residing in rural communities in the semiarid region (Caatinga) of Brazil. A total of 117 hunters provided information about the animal species used, body parts useful for preparing remedies and which diseases are treated with animal-based remedies. The ‘Informant Consensus Factor’ and ‘Use Value - Current / Potential’ were calculated to determine the consensus on which species are effective in treating specific diseases, and to measure hunting pressure on each species. The medicinal use of 39 animal species was registered, which were indicated to cure 46 ailments. The local medicinal fauna is largely based on wildlife, including endangered species. The high number of animals used by hunters makes it possible to conclude that any conservation strategy should include, in addition to an environmental approach, access to modern healthcare

    Hunting practices in the semiarid region of Brazil

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    486-490The present study, undertaken in a traditional community in the semiarid region of Paraíba State, registered the principal animal species hunted for nutritional purposes or because they are considered dangerous to people and/or their domestic animals or cause other economic damage (in what can be called control-hunting), and evaluated the implications of these practices in terms of the conservation of the local fauna. The interviewees cited a total of 38 species of wild animals that were hunted in the region for food or that represented (in the opinion of the interviewees) some risk to humans and/or domestic stocks. The species cited could be grouped into 6 faunal groups (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, and arthropods). Subsistence hunting in the study region is principally directed towards birds and mammals, which represent alternative sources of protein for local human populations. Hunting for pest control is principally directed towards reptiles (which are considered dangerous or loathsome) and these animals are indiscriminately killed whether they are poisonous or not