12 research outputs found

    Evaluation of miRNA detection methods for the analytical characteristics necessary for clinical utilization

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    miRNAs are promising biomarkers but methods for their measurement are not clear. We therefore examined three miRNA detection technologies and considered the analytical characteristics essential for clinical utilization. TaqMan assays, SplintR-qPCR and miREIA were compared for their absolute quantification bias, conformity and robustness. Absolute concentrations of miR-142-5p, miR-23a-3p and miR-93-5p were measured with all three methods using 30 samples. Robustness was evaluated by measurement of miR-21-5p in five uniform experiments. Correlations were miRNA-specific, but we observed a different absolute concentration range in RT-qPCR (fmol/mu l) and methods evading the RT process (amol/mu l). Consistently, RT-less methods reported better robustness (CV 8-19%) than RT-qPCR (CV 39-50%). The calibration curve in TaqMan Advanced assay was influenced by dilution media. Methods avoiding RT seem to be a promising future alternative for miRNA measurement. METHOD SUMMARY Three miRNA detection technologies were compared: 1) RT-qPCR where the RT step was performed with either a specific (TaqMan miRNA assay) or universal (TaqMan Advanced assay) priming strategy; 2) miREIA technology, using hybridization and specific antibody to DNA/RNA hybrids and 3) SplintR-qPCR, which utilizes a hybridization and ligation step followed by qPCR

    Preclinical characterisation of gallium-68 labeled ferrichrome siderophore stereoisomers for PET imaging applications

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    Abstract Background Siderophores are small iron-binding molecules produced by microorganisms to facilitate iron acquisition from the environment. Radiolabelled siderophores offer a promising solution for infection imaging, as they can specifically target the pathophysiological mechanisms of pathogens. Gallium-68 can replace the iron in siderophores, enabling molecular imaging with positron emission tomography (PET). Stereospecific interactions play a crucial role in the recognition of receptors, transporters, and iron utilisation. Furthermore, these interactions have an impact on the host environment, affecting pharmacokinetics and biodistribution. This study examines the influence of siderophore stereoisomerism on imaging properties, with a focus on ferrirubin (FR) and ferrirhodin (FRH), two cis–trans isomeric siderophores of the ferrichrome type. Results Tested siderophores were labelled with gallium-68 with high radiochemical purity. The resulting complexes differed in their in vitro characteristics. [68Ga]Ga-FRH showed less hydrophilic properties and higher protein binding values than [68Ga]Ga-FR. The stability studies confirmed the high radiochemical stability of both [68Ga]Ga-siderophores in all examined media. Both siderophores were found to be taken up by S. aureus, K. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa with similar efficacy. The biodistribution tested in normal mice showed rapid renal clearance with low blood pool retention and fast clearance from examined organs for [68Ga]Ga-FR, whereas [68Ga]Ga-FRH showed moderate retention in blood, resulting in slower pharmacokinetics. PET/CT imaging of mice injected with [68Ga]Ga-FR and [68Ga]Ga-FRH confirmed findings from ex vivo biodistribution studies. In a mouse model of S. aureus myositis, both radiolabeled siderophores showed radiotracer accumulation at the site of infection. Conclusions The 68Ga-complexes of stereoisomers ferrirubin and ferrirhodin revealed different pharmacokinetic profiles. In vitro uptake was not affected by isomerism. Both compounds had uptake with the same bacterial culture with similar efficacy. PET/CT imaging showed that the [68Ga]Ga-complexes accumulate at the site of S. aureus infection, highlighting the potential of [68Ga]Ga-FR as a promising tool for infection imaging. In contrast, retention of the radioactivity in the blood was observed for [68Ga]Ga-FRH. In conclusion, the stereoisomerism of potential radiotracers should be considered, as even minor structural differences can influence their pharmacokinetics and, consequently, the results of PET imaging

    Koloidálně stabilní polypeptidové nanogely: Studie enzymem-zprostředkované nanogelace v inverzní miniemulzi

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    The current work presents a pivotal study of the nanogelation of the linear poly(N-5-2-hydroxypropyl-L-glutamine) polymer precursor containing tyramine (TYR) units in an inverse miniemulsion by horseradish peroxidase/H2O2-mediated crosslinking. The effects of various n(H2O2)/n(TYR) ratios on the kinetics of nanogelation in the inverse miniemulsion and on the reaction time are investigated by linear sweep voltammetry, while the formation of dityramine crosslinking is explored by fluorescence spectroscopy. The study is completed using dynamic light scattering measurements, nanoparticle tracking analysis, and cryogenic transmission electron microscopy to acquire comprehensive information about the formed nanoparticulate systems. With the optimal ratio n(H2O2)/n(TYR) = 2, the strategy yields in the high-quality 130 nm poly(amino acid)-based nanogel, which is prepared in 2 h. The nanogel is colloidally stable under different temperature and pH conditions for over 168 h. Moreover, the demonstrated nanogel is noncytotoxic for HeLa cells and human primary fibroblasts and is quickly enzymatically hydrolyzed into small fragments during a biodegradation study in human blood plasma. (c) 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2019, 137, 48725.Tato práce představuje klíčovou studii nanogelace lineárního poly (N-5-2-hydroxypropyl-L-glutamin) polymerního prekurzoru obsahujícího jednotky tyraminu (TYR) v inverzní miniemulzi zesíťováním zprostředkovaným křenovou peroxidázou / H2O2. Účinky různých poměrů n (H2O2) / n (TYR) na kinetiku nanogelace v inverzní miniemulzi a na reakční dobu se zkoumají pomocí lineární rozmítané voltametrie, zatímco tvorba zesítění dityraminu se zkoumá fluorescenční spektroskopií. Studie je dokončena pomocí dynamických měření rozptylu světla, analýzy sledování nanočástic a kryogenní transmisní elektronové mikroskopie za účelem získání komplexních informací o vytvořených nanočásticových systémech. Při optimálním poměru n (H2O2) / n (TYR) = 2 dává strategie vysoce kvalitní nanogel na bázi 130 nm poly (aminokyseliny), který je připraven za 2 hodiny. Nanogel je koloidně stabilní za různých podmínek teploty a pH po více než 168 hodin. Kromě toho je prokázaný nanogel necytotoxický pro HeLa buňky a lidské primární fibroblasty a je rychle enzymaticky hydrolyzován na malé fragmenty během biodegradační studie v lidské krevní plazmě

    Additional file 1 of Preclinical characterisation of gallium-68 labeled ferrichrome siderophore stereoisomers for PET imaging applications

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    Additional file 1. Supporting Information is provided in addition to data presented in the main manuscript, including representative radiochromatograms regarding quality control and in vivo stability of tested compounds

    Crypt-Restricted Loss and Decreased Protein Expression of Cytochrome c Oxidase Subunit I as Potential Hypothesis-Driven Biomarkers of Colon Cancer Risk

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    There is an increasing demand for the development of intermediate biomarkers to assess colon cancer risk. We previously determined that a live cell bioassay, which assesses apoptosis resistance in the nonneoplastic colonic mucosa, detects ∼50% of patients with colon cancer. A hypothesis-driven biomarker that reflects apoptosis resistance in routine formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue would be easier to use. Cytochrome c oxidase is a critical enzyme that controls mitochondrial respiration and is central to apoptosis. We did an immunohistochemical study of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I expression in 46 colonic mucosal samples from 16 patients who had undergone a colonic resection. These included five patients without evidence of colonic neoplasia (three normal and two diverticulitis), three patients with tubulovillous adenomas, and eight patients with colonic adenocarcinomas. Analysis of aberrancies in expression of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I showed that, compared with nonneoplasia, the patients with neoplasia had a higher mean incidence of crypts having decreased expression (1.7 versus 22.8, P = 0.03) and a higher mean incidence having crypt-restricted loss (0.6 versus 3.2, P = 0.06). The percentage with segmented loss was low and was similar in the two groups. Combining these results, the mean % normal (i.e., with none of the three types of abnormality) was 96.7 in nonneoplasia versus only 73.2 in patients with neoplasia (P = 0.02). It should be noted that a defect in cytochrome c oxidase subunit I immunostaining was not detected in all biopsy samples from each patient for whom some abnormality was found, indicating a patchiness in the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I field defect. As a result of this patchiness, the increased variability in the incidence of crypt-restricted loss of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I expression was a statistically significant feature of the neoplasia group. Crypt-restricted loss of cytochrome c oxidase subunit I has not been previously reported in colonic mucosa and is presumably the result of a crypt-restricted stem cell mutation. Decreased cytochrome c oxidase subunit I expression also significantly correlated with apoptosis resistance, a factor known to contribute to carcinogenesis. The results suggest, however, that aberrant cytochrome c oxidase subunit I expression may be a better biomarker than loss of apoptosis competence for increased colon cancer risk

    Chimera of IL‑2 Linked to Light Chain of anti-IL‑2 mAb Mimics IL-2/anti-IL‑2 mAb Complexes Both Structurally and Functionally

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    IL-2/anti-IL-2 mAb immunocomplexes were described to have dramatically higher activity than free IL-2 <i>in vivo</i>. We designed protein chimera consisting of IL-2 linked to light chain of anti-IL-2 mAb S4B6 through flexible oligopeptide spacer (Gly<sub>4</sub>Ser)<sub>3</sub>. This protein chimera mimics the structure of IL-2/S4B6 mAb immunocomplexes but eliminates general disadvantages of immunocomplexes like possible excess of either IL-2 or anti-IL-2 mAb and their dissociation to antibody and IL-2 at low concentrations. This novel kind of protein chimera is characterized by an intramolecular interaction between IL-2 and binding site of S4B6 mAb similarly as in IL-2/S4B6 mAb immunocomplexes. Our protein chimera has biological activity comparable to IL-2/S4B6 mAb immunocomplexes <i>in vitro</i>, as shown by stimulation of proliferation of purified and activated OT-I CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells. The protein chimera exerts higher stimulatory activity to drive expansion of purified CFSE-labeled OT-I CD8<sup>+</sup> T cells activated by an injection of a low dose of SIINFEKL peptide than IL-2/S4B6 mAb immunocomplexes <i>in vivo</i>

    Methylation analysis of histone H4K12ac-associated promoters in sperm of healthy donors and subfertile patients

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    BACKGROUND: Histone to protamine exchange and the hyperacetylation of the remaining histones are hallmarks of spermiogenesis. Acetylation of histone H4 at lysine 12 (H4K12ac) was observed prior to full decondensation of sperm chromatin after fertilization suggesting an important role for the regulation of gene expression in early embryogenesis. Similarly, DNA methylation may contribute to gene silencing of several developmentally important genes. Following the identification of H4K12ac-binding promoters in sperm of fertile and subfertile patients, we aimed to investigate whether the depletion of histone-binding is associated with aberrant DNA methylation in sperm of subfertile men. Furthermore, we monitored the transmission of H4K12ac, 5-methylcytosine (5mC) and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) from the paternal chromatin to the embryo applying mouse in vitro fertilization and immunofluorescence. RESULTS:Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) with anti-H4K12ac antibody was performed with chromatin isolated from spermatozoa of subfertile patients with impaired sperm chromatin condensation assessed by aniline blue staining. Fertile donors were used as control. DNA methylation analysis of selected H4K12ac-interacting promoters in spermatozoa was performed by pyrosequencing.Depletion of binding sites for H4K12ac was observed within the following developmentally important promoters: AFF4, EP300, LRP5, RUVBL1, USP9X, NCOA6, NSD1, and POU2F1. We found 5% to 10% hypomethylation within CpG islands of selected promoters in the sperm of fertile donors, and it was not significantly altered in the subfertile group. Our results demonstrate that the H4K12ac depletion in selected developmentally important promoters of subfertile patients was not accompanied by a change of DNA methylation.Using a murine model, immunofluorescence revealed that H4K12ac co-localize with 5mC in the sperm nucleus. During fertilization, when the pronuclei are formed, the paternal pronucleus exhibits a strong acetylation signal on H4K12, while in the maternal pronucleus, there is a permanent increase of H4K12ac until pronuclei fusion. Simultaneously, there is an increase of the 5hmC signal and a decrease of the 5mC signal. CONCLUSIONS:We suggest that aberrant histone acetylation within developmentally important gene promoters in subfertile men, but not DNA methylation, may reflect insufficient sperm chromatin compaction affecting the transfer of epigenetic marks to the oocyte

    Complex Positive Effects of SGLT-2 Inhibitor Empagliflozin in the Liver, Kidney and Adipose Tissue of Hereditary Hypertriglyceridemic Rats: Possible Contribution of Attenuation of Cell Senescence and Oxidative Stress

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    (1) Background: empagliflozin, sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT-2) inhibitor, is an effective antidiabetic agent with strong cardio- and nephroprotective properties. The mechanisms behind its cardio- and nephroprotection are still not fully clarified. (2) Methods: we used male hereditary hypertriglyceridemic (hHTG) rats, a non-obese model of dyslipidaemia, insulin resistance, and endothelial dysfunction fed standard diet with or without empagliflozin for six weeks to explore the molecular mechanisms of empagliflozin effects. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based metabolomics; quantitative PCR of relevant genes involved in lipid and glucose metabolism, or senescence; glucose and palmitic acid oxidation in isolated tissues and cell lines of adipocytes and hepatocytes were used. (3) Results: empagliflozin inhibited weight gain and decreased adipose tissue weight, fasting blood glucose, and triglycerides and increased HDL-cholesterol. It also improved insulin sensitivity in white fat. NMR spectroscopy identified higher plasma concentrations of ketone bodies, ketogenic amino acid leucine and decreased levels of pyruvate and alanine. In the liver, adipose tissue and kidney, empagliflozin up-regulated expression of genes involved in gluconeogenesis and down-regulated expression of genes involved in lipogenesis along with reduction of markers of inflammation, oxidative stress and cell senescence. (4) Conclusion: multiple positive effects of empagliflozin, including reduced cell senescence and oxidative stress, could contribute to its long-term cardio- and nephroprotective actions