4 research outputs found

    Practical Examples on Traceability, Measurement Uncertainty and Validation in Chemistry, Volume 2

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    Case studies on traceability, measurement uncertainty and validation for measurements of retinol and alfα-tocopherol in human serum, cyclamate in soft drinks, arsenic in ground water, sodium chloride in milk products, total organic carbon in waste water are presented in this book. Additionally, the idea and structure of the TrainMic® examples, which complement the TrainMic® theoretical presentations, are described in detail to give complete overview of the TrainMic® teaching material.JRC.D.4-Isotope measurement

    EU wide campaign exercise on bioassays and chemical mixture effects

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    Thousands different chemicals are discharged into the environment from agriculture, industry, medical facilities, house-holds. Currently, there is an increasing concern for the environmental impact of mixture of compounds since the additive and eventual synergistic effects are unknown and could produce serious adverse effects. Recently, a document from the European Commission on combination effects of chemicals highlighted the need to ensure that risks associated with chemical mixtures are properly understood and assessed. To address this issue, a joint-effort of 16 European and associated research groups participated to an exercise to test a synthetic reference chemical mixture on the own routine bioassays to investigate the chemical mixtures effects. The reference material included class of pesticides, pharmaceuticals, industrial products, heavy metals and polyaromatic hydrocarbons. The mixures were prepared, each compound at Equivalent Quality Standard (EQS) value, the safety limit concentration allowed by the European Water Framework Directive, (WFD).The bioassays proposed by the groups could cover the entire ecosystem from bacteria to fish as well in vitro assays providing an unique scenario from ecological risk assessment perspective. The results showed that effects were observed at very low concentration on algal-bacteria composition in a marine microcosm, immobilization in crustacean, fish embryo toxicity and frog embryo development. We conclude that some precaution on the chemical mixture assessment should be taken even in case the individual compounds are present at EQS, the safety limit concentration under European legislation

    The representation of the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and the consequent lockdown in Italy: A psychosocial research by SPS, Studio di Psicosociologia of Rome

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    A fine febbraio 2020, in SPS4ci siamo chiesti quali fossero i vissuti evocati dalla pandemia Covid-19 in esordio, e quali fatti “derivassero” da tali vissuti. A tal fine abbiamo interpellato 419 persone, tra l’1 marzo e il 5 maggio 2020. Il corpus raccolto è stato analizzato con l’Analisi Emozionale del Testo (AET). Si ipotizzava che la pandemia avesse destrutturato le modalità abituali di rapporto, e pensavamo stessero emergendo dimensioni relazionali inedite. I nostri dati dicono che l’individualismo abituale, di avida competitività, è in crisi. In risposta alla destrutturazione dello schema relazionale amico/nemico, alla base della socialità, è emerso un nuovo individualismo. La rappresentazione del pericolo insito nel contagio pandemico ci ha reso, tutti, potenzialmente nemici gli uni degli altri. Tutti siamo vissuti come potenzialmente nemici di tutti, a meno di non essere dichiaratamente malati. I malati, di contro, non sono vissuti come nemici: sono un’alterità scissa, relegata in un altrove lontano da chi è “sano”. Le cure, nel lockdown, erano confinate nell’ospedale, caratterizzate dall’isolamento, dall’emergenza, dalla morte esperita nel peggiore dei modi. L’altrove è stato reificato in un ospedale diventato sintomatico del fallimento del sistema sanitario. Si è costituito un “noi” qui insieme, sani e maniacalmente felici, e un “loro”contagiati, dannati, isolati e “altrove”. Internet, consentendo vicinanza senza contatto, è diventata un nuovo contesto di socialità. Ha permesso di ridiventare umani, ovvero amici, a meno che non si dimostri il contrario. Ma la nuova amicalità è fondata sulla scissione dall’altro dannato: la coppia malato/curante, e tutti gli esclusi, per diverse motivazioni, dalla protezione del lockdown. Dalla nuova socialità è escluso anche il vissuto dello stare chiusi in casa con gli abituali conviventi, dove emerge la violenza delle relazioni familiari obbligate. Si evidenziano altri esclusi dal noi maniacalmente amicale: gli anziani che non usano internet e che più di tutti rischiano di morire. C’è poi una cultura che, entro il fallimento delle relazioni sociali abituali, sottolinea l’impotenza delle istituzioni (politiche, sanitarie, mediatiche etc.) nella contingenza pandemica. Infine, c’è una cultura pre-lockdown, fatta della paura che porterà a scegliere l’isolamento. Manca, nei dati, il mondo produttivo, che non ha ritrovato, per gli interpellati dalla ricerca –nel periodo di tempo da noi considerato –un codice emozionale condiviso che potesse raccogliersi in un cluster. La ricerca aveva anche un obiettivo di intervento: quello di creare un contesto in cui l’evento pandemia potesse essere interpretato, entro un setting di partecipazione. Oltre a effettuare una pubblicazione rapida dei dati, intendiamo promuovere gruppi di discussione su internet con i partecipanti. La creazione di un contesto di condivisione è anche un motivo dell’alto numero di Autori.At the end of February 2020, in SPS2we asked ourselves what were the experiences evoked by the Covid-19 pandemic in its debut, and what facts “derived”from these experiences. To this end, we interviewed 419 people, between 1 March and 5 May 2020. The collected corpus was analyzed through the Emotional Text Analysis (AET). It was assumed that the pandemic had deconstructed the usual ways of relating, and we thought that new relational dimensions were emerging. Our data show that habitual individualism, of greedy competitiveness, is in crisis. A new individualism has emerged in response to the deconstruction of the friend/foerelational schema, at the basis of sociality. The representation of the danger inherent in the pandemic contagion has made us all potentially enemies of each other. We have all lived as potentially enemies of all, unless we are admittedly sick. The sick, on the other hand, are not experienced as enemies: they are a split otherness, relegated to an elsewhere far from those who are “healthy”. Duringthe lockdown, treatments were confined to the hospital, characterized by isolation, emergency, death experienced in the worst way. The othernesswas reified in a hospital that became symptomatic of the failure of the health system. A “we”has formed here together, healthy and maniacally happy, and a “them”infected, damned, isolated and “elsewhere”. The Internet, by allowing contactless proximity, has become a new context of sociality. It has allowed us to become human again, or friends, unless proven otherwise. But the new friendship is based on the split from the damned other: the sick/caring couple, and all those excluded, for various reasons, from the protection of the lockdown. The experience of being closed at home with the usual cohabitants is also excluded from the new sociality, where the violence of forced family relationships emerges. There are others excluded from a maniacally friendlyus: the elderly who do not use the internet and who most of all risk dying. There is also a culture that, within the failure of habitual social relations, underlines the powerlessness of institutions (political, health, media, etc.) in the pandemic contingency. Finally, there is a pre-lockdown culture, made up of fear that will lead to chooseisolation. In the data, the productive world is missing, which for those interviewed by the research did not find -in the period of time we considered -a shared emotional code that could be gathered in a cluster. The research also had an intervention objective: to create a context in which the pandemicevent could be interpreted, within a setting of participation. In addition to publishing the data quickly, we intend to promote discussion groups onthe internet with participants. The creation of a sharing context is also areason for the high number of Author