165 research outputs found

    How the War in Ukraine Affects Food Security

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    The war in Ukraine has caused severe disruption to national and worldwide food supplies. Ukraine is a major exporter of wheat, maize, and oilseeds, staples that are now suffering a war-triggered supply risk. This paper describes the background of the problem and illustrates current trends by outlining some of the measures that may be deployed to mitigate the conflict’s impacts on achieving SDG 2 (Zero hunger), especially focusing on ending hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture. In order to understand the main research strands in the literature that are related to food security in the context of wars, the authors adopted a bibliometric literature review based on the co-occurrence of terms technique, conducted with 631 peer-reviewed documents extracted from the Scopus database. To complement the bibliometric assessment, ten case studies were selected to narrow down the food insecurity aspects caused by the war in Ukraine. The co-occurrence analysis indicated four different thematic clusters. In the next stage, an assessment of the current situation on how war affects food security was carried out for each one of the clusters, and the reasons and possible solutions to food security were identified. Policy recommendations and theoretical implications for food security in the conflict context in Ukraine were also addressed

    Energy Storage for Lunar Surface Exploration

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    This paper presents the updated results of a previous NASA study funded under the Advanced Exploration Systems (AES) Modular Power Systems (AMPS) project. This work focuses on generating high-level system sizing relationships for two lunar surface locations that serve as bounding conditions for most other locations. Four critical parameters are considered to provide sizing data: specific energy, energy density, specific power, and power density. Given the energy storage requirements or customer power demand for a lunar mission location, the data presented in this paper provides a method to determine the critical parameter values of a Regenerative Fuel Cell (RFC) system in order to perform high-level mission architecture trades

    Assessing the levels of awareness among european citizens about the direct and indirect impacts of plastics on human health

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    There is an urgent need to assess European citizens' perspective regarding their plastic consumption and to evaluate their awareness of the direct and indirect effect of plastics on human health in order to influence current behavior trends. In this study, the evaluation has been cross-related with scientific facts, with the final aim of detecting the most recommendable paths in increasing human awareness, reducing plastic consumption, and consequently impacting human health. A statistical analysis of quantitative data, gathered from 1000 European citizens via an online survey in the period from May to June 2020, showed that a general awareness about the direct impact of plastic consumption and contamination (waste) on human health is high in Europe. However, only a few participants (from a higher educational group) were aware of the indirect negative effects that oil extraction and industrial production of plastic can have on human health. This finding calls for improved availability of this information to general public. Despite the participants' positive attitude toward active plastic reduction (61%), plastic consumption on a daily basis is still very high (86%). The most common current actions toward plastic reduction are plastic bag usage, reusage, or replacement with sustainable alternatives (e.g., textile bags) and selecting products with less plastic packaging. The participants showed important criticism toward the information available to the general public about plastics and health. This awareness is important since significant relation has been found between the available information and the participants' decisions on the actions they might undertake to reduce plastic consumption. The study clearly showed the willingness of the participants to take action, but they also requested to be strongly supported with joint efforts from government, policies, and marketing, defining it as the most successful way toward implementing these changes

    An assessment of attitudes towards plastics and bioplastics in Europe

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    Over the last 50 years, conventional fossil-based plastics have become an integral part of our everyday lives. Apart from their low production costs, this is due to a number of their unique properties, including durability, strength, lightness, electrical and thermal insulation, resistance to chemicals and corrosion. The production of plastics has increased from 1.5 million metric tons in 1950 to 359 million metric tons in 2018. Of this total, 61.8 million metric tons were produced in Europe. There are various problems associated with plastic use and disposal that pose a serious threat to both the physical environment and human health. Since public behaviour plays a key role when it comes to the use of plastic, this paper reports on a study that focused on an assessment of attitudes towards plastics and bioplastics in Europe. The results showed that packaging is the most frequent modality of plastic used among participants. In addition, majority of participants are aware that plastic waste can affect environment and human health and therefore segregate and properly dispose plastics. Also, even though most respondents were aware of the environmental problems related to plastic use and showed a positive inclination towards using bioplastic materials, their limited availability and lack of relevant information about bioplastics pose a problem for wider use. Departing from the assumption that the public attitude is a determining factor in the consumption of plastics as a whole and bioplastics in particular, this paper also sheds some light on the current situation, identifying some trends and information gaps which should be addressed in order to encourage a more rational use of plastics in Europe

    Assessing ecotoxicity of an innovative bio-based mulch film: a multi-environmental and multi-bioassay approach

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    Among the highly diverse range of biobased polymers, polylactic acid (PLA) received vast attention in recent years due to its versatility for different applications and being the first commercially used polymer produced from renewable sources. Production and application of bio-based, biodegradable plastics will have one of the most crucial roles in tackling worldwide plastic pollution. Methods: This study is based on integrative ecotoxicological assessment of an innovative PLA-based agricultural mulch film (BPE-AMF-PLA), developed under the H2020 EU project “BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE”, towards organisms from different environmental compartments (soil, fresh water and marine) and from different trophic levels. Such comprehensive evaluation has an overarching goal to promote environmentally safe and sustainable use of these PLA-based plastics for agricultural and other potential applications. Results: Low-to-no phytotoxicity was obtained in both single-species standardized bioassays, and in a multi-species microcosms experiment. Earthworm reproduction was negatively affected at the lowest test concentration of 0.1% w/w of PLA-based plastic particles. For freshwater Daphnia, reproduction was found a sensitive endpoint, upon exposure to the leachates of the PLA-based plastic. However, the reported toxicity seemed to be caused by the presence of 2-methylnaphthalene, which can be avoided in the production process. As for the marine organisms, algae growth was inhibited with a LOEC = 25 g L−1, whereas test with brine shrimp only revealed stimulation of lipase upon digestion of micro-sized PLA-based plastics. Marine lugworm ingested pristine and UV pre-treated micro-sized plastics, yet without impact either on biological activity, or on the health of the test individuals. Discussion: The approach used in the present work will contribute to product development, environmental safety and sustainable applications of the PLA-based mulch film BPE-AMF-PLA, in the scope of project BIO-PLASTICS EUROPE. Furthermore, the tools and results obtained in this work are a relevant contribution in the framework development for additional support in the certification of the bio-based polymers, being aligned with European zero waste and non-toxicity strategies, certification, and regulations

    3D printed flow plates for the electrolysis of water: an economic and adaptable approach to device manufacture

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    The electrolysis of water is considered a promising route to the production of hydrogen from renewable energy sources. Electrolysers based on proton exchange membranes (PEMs) have a number of advantages including high current density, high product gas purity and the ability to operate at high pressure. Despite these advantages the high cost of such devices is an impediment to their widespread deployment. A principal factor in this cost are the materials and machining of flow plates for distribution of the liquid reagents and gaseous products in the electrochemical cell. We demonstrate the production and operation of a PEM electrolyser constructed from silver coated 3D printed components fabricated from polypropylene. This approach allows construction of light weight, low cost electrolysers and the rapid prototyping of flow field design. Furthermore we provide data on the operation of this electrolyser wherein we show that performance is excellent for a first generation device in terms of overall efficiency, internal resistances and current–voltage response. This development opens the door to the fabrication of light weight and cheap electrolysers as well as related electrochemical devices such as flow batteries and fuel cells

    Pregled znanstvenih napredaka u učinskoj elektronici usmjerenih ka osiguravanju efikasnog rada i dužeg životnog vijeka PEMgorivih ćelija

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    This article focuses on the main issues that affect the lifetime and performance of proton-exchange membrane fuel cells. The short lifespans of these fuel cells represent a barrier to their massive commercialization and usage in mobile and stationary applications. As fuel cell is a very complex system, a lot of knowledge of different areas is required, such as chemistry, electricity and mechanics, in order to completely understand its operation and all the problems that can occur during it. It is for this reason that an interdisciplinary approach needs to be taken when designing fuel-cell energy systems. This paper focuses on identifying and solving those issues that negatively affect the lifetime and performance of fuel cells. It is hoped that this article would be a valuable aid for power electronics’ researchers and engineers for better understanding the presented issues and a useful guide for solving them with the use of proper power electronic-devices. Initially, the basic operation and structure of a proton-exchange membrane fuel cell is explained. Three main issues that can occur during operation of a mobile or stationary fuel cell energy system are pointed out and discussed in details, on the basis of the state-of-the-art on fuel cell technology. These issues are poor water management, reactant gas starvation and fuel cell current ripple. This article provides answers as to why they occur, how they affect the fuel cell, how they can be mitigated, and what are the future trends within this research field.Članak se osvrće na ključna pitanja koja utječu na vrijeme rada i performanse gorivih ćelija s polimernom membranom kao elektrolitom. Kratak životni vijek gorivih ćelija takve vrste prepreka je njihovoj komercijalizaciji i masovnoj upotrebi u mobilnim i stacionarnim stanicama. Budući da su gorive ćelije komplicirani sustavi potrebno je znanje iz raznih područja kemije, elektrotehnike i mehanike da bi se u potpunosti mogao razumjeti njihov način rada i problemi koji se događaju. Upravo je zbog toga multidisciplinarni pristup nužnost pri razvoju sustava koji koriste gorive ćelije. Ovaj je članak usmjeren prema identifikaciji i rješavanju onih problema koji negativno utječu na životni vijek i performanse gorivih ćelija. Autori se nadaju da će se članak pokazati kao korisna pomoć i vodič istraživačima i inženjerima u domeni učinske elektronike pri susretu s navedenim problemima. Objašnjen je način rada i struktura gorive ćelije s polimernom membranom kao elektrolitom. Izložena su, i diskutirana do u detalje, tri glavna problema sa stajališta trenutačnih spoznaja u području učinske elektronike. Ti problemi su: loše upravljanje vodom, nestanak reaktantnog plina i strujni trzaji u gorivim ćelijama. Objašnjeno je zašto se ovi problemi događaju, kako utječu na gorivu ćeliju, kako ih se može spriječiti i koje su buduće perspektive istraživanja