59 research outputs found


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    In this paper, we describe a cross-disciplinary process that uses photogrammetric surveys as a precise basis for video projection mapping techniques. Beginning with a solid basis that uses geoinformatics technologies, such as laser scanning and photogrammetric survey, the method sets, as a first step, the physical and geometrical acquisition of the object. Precision and accuracy are the basics that allow the analysis of the artwork, both at a small or large scale, to evaluate details and correspondences. Testing contents at different scales of the object, using 3D printed replicas or real architectures is the second step of the investigation.The core of the process is the use of equations of collinearity into an interactive system such as Max 7, a visual programming language for music and multimedia, in order to facilitate operators to have a fast image correction, directly inside the interactive software. Interactivity gives also the opportunity to easily configure a set of actions to let the spectators to directly change and control the animation content. The paper goes through the different phases of the research, analysing the results and the progress through a series of events on real architecture and experiments on 3d printed models to test the level of involvement of the audience and the flexibility of the system in terms of content.The idea of using the collinearity equation inside da software Max 7 was developed for the M.Arch final Thesis by Massimo Visonà and Tommaso Pasini of the University of Venice (IUAV) in collaboration with the Digital Exhibit Postgraduate Master Course (MDE Iuav)

    Le varietà di sorgo da granella consigliate per le semine 2017

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    Nel 33º anno di prove di confronto tra ibridi di sorgo da granella sono stati realizzati 5 campi sperimentali, 2 nel Nord, 2 in Italia centrale e 1 in Sicilia. Le rese medie sono risultate simili a quelle del 2015, pur con notevoli differenze tra i diversi areali di coltivazion

    Graph theory enables drug repurposing - how a mathematical model can drive the discovery of hidden mechanisms of action.

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    We introduce a methodology to efficiently exploit natural-language expressed biomedical knowledge for repurposing existing drugs towards diseases for which they were not initially intended. Leveraging on developments in Computational Linguistics and Graph Theory, a methodology is defined to build a graph representation of knowledge, which is automatically analysed to discover hidden relations between any drug and any disease: these relations are specific paths among the biomedical entities of the graph, representing possible Modes of Action for any given pharmacological compound. We propose a measure for the likeliness of these paths based on a stochastic process on the graph. This measure depends on the abundance of indirect paths between a peptide and a disease, rather than solely on the strength of the shortest path connecting them. We provide real-world examples, showing how the method successfully retrieves known pathophysiological Mode of Action and finds new ones by meaningfully selecting and aggregating contributions from known bio-molecular interactions. Applications of this methodology are presented, and prove the efficacy of the method for selecting drugs as treatment options for rare diseases

    O alcoolismo, suas causas e tratemento nas representacoes sociais de profissionais de Saude da Familia = Alcoholism, its causes and treatment in the social representations constructed by Brazilian Family Health professionals

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    Health sciences define alcoholism as a multifaceted syndrome. Guidelines for treatment include adoption of the harm reduction paradigm and the essential role of Primary Health Care (PHC) towards the wide range of alcohol problems. This research aimed at understanding the social representations of alcoholism constructed by Brazilian PHC professionals, working at Family Health Centers (FHC). We conducted semi-structured interviews with 40 graduated health professionals who worked in 11 different FHC located in a municipality in southeast Brazil. Data were treated with thematic content analysis. We highlight the following results: professionals objectified the alcoholic as a patient who did not search for treatment and/or who threatened the normal functioning of the FHC; professionals considered social and psychological factors as the main causes of alcoholism; they did not mention the concept of harm reduction, nor well-defined treatment protocols. The causal attribution and the representational field inherent to the social representations contributed to anchor alcoholism as a "plague" of poverty. The FHC were perceived simultaneously as important and impotent towards alcoholism. We conclude that the implementation of alcohol-related care strategies must consider the intergroup relations between professionals and patients

    O discurso dos profissionais sobre a demanda e a humanização

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    A humanização dos serviços da atenção primária à saúde depende, em grande parte, da resolução das necessidades em saúde e da conseqüente organização da demanda. OBJETIVO: O artigo objetiva conhecer as implicações da demanda sobre a humanização das práticas de atenção primária. METODOLOGIA: Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória com abordagem qualitativa. O universo empírico da pesquisa foi composto por 10 trabalhadores de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde: 1 gestora, 1 médica, 1 dentista, 2 enfermeiros, 3 técnicos em enfermagem, 1 atendente da portaria e 1 encarregado do almoxarifado. A coleta de dados aconteceu em 8 reuniões de discussão focal sobre temas como política de humanização, direito à saúde, integralidade, acolhimento, subjetividade em saúde, processos de trabalho. As discussões foram gravadas e transcritas. Os dados foram trabalhados pela análise do discurso. RESULTADOS: Como resultados, apareceram três repertórios lingüísticos ligados à demanda: compreensão das necessidades em saúde; entendimento do acolhimento como triagem e aplicação de protocolo; influência do modelo biomédico na organização dos serviços. A excessiva demanda e a falta de resolubilidade estão ligadas a uma compreensão das necessidades de saúde como o simples acesso à tecnologia, e do acolhimento apenas como triagem de sintomas. Os profissionais da enfermagem reportam como uma causa da excessiva demanda o fato de que os usuários sempre querem ser atendidos pelo médico, o que pode ser explicado pela cultura da atenção criada pelo modelo biomédico no qual eles próprios se encontram quando entendem as necessidades e o acolhimento na perspectiva biomédica.Humanization of Primary Health Care Services depends mostly on the resolution of the health needs and on the consequen organization of demand. OBJECTIVE: The article searches to know the implications of demand to the humanization of Primary Health Care practices. METHODOLOGY: It is an exploratory research with qualitative approach. The empirical universe was formed by 10 professionals: 1 manager; 1 physician; 1 dentist; 2 nurses, 3 nursing technicians; 1 reception attendant; 1 stockroom commissioner. Data were collected through 8 meetings in which discussion focused on themes such as humanization policy, right to health, integrality, users' reception, subjectivity in health, work processes. The discussions have been recorded and a transcription was made. Analysis of data was done through discourse analysis. RESULTS: As results, three linguistic repertories were found linked with the demand: the understanding of health needs; the understanding of users' reception as screening and application of protocols; the influence of the biomedical model in the organization of the services. The excessive demand and the lack of resolution are linked to the understanding of heath needs simply as access to technology, and of users' reception simply as screening of symptoms. Nurses claim that excessive demand is due to users always wanting to be seen by a physician, which can be explained by the health care culture created by the biomedical model which is also adopted by professionals when they understand health needs and the users' reception in the biomedical perspective