8 research outputs found

    Práctica de padel adaptado, un modelo de integración al deporte

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave también en inglésSe encuentra mayoritariamente asumido que el deporte puede contribuir a desarrollar valores, además de generar beneficios físicos, psicológicos y de carácter educativo. No obstante, no toda actividad deportiva desarrollada de cualquier modo, los origina siempre. Es necesario que se den una serie de condicionantes. De hecho, la práctica tan extendida hoy en día como es el pádel, el deporte amateur más practicado justo por detrás del deporte rey como es el fútbol, fomenta valores no desarrollados hasta ahora para la integración de un discapacitado. Por ello, se pretende orientar mediante los recursos necesarios a la práctica del pádel como elemento integrador para los discapacitados.ES

    Field Quality Control of Spectral Solar Irradiance Measurements by Comparison with Broadband Measurements

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    Measurement of solar spectral irradiance is required in an increasingly wide variety of technical applications, such as atmospheric studies, health, and solar energy, among others. The solar spectral irradiance at ground level has a strong dependence on many atmospheric parameters. In addition, spectroradiometer optics and detectors have high sensitivity. Because of this, it is necessary to compare with a reference instrumentation or light source to verify the quality of measurements. A simple and realistic test for validating solar spectral irradiance measurements is presented in this study. This methodology is applicable for a specific spectral range inside the broadband range from 280 to 4000 nm under cloudless sky conditions. The method compares solar spectral irradiance measurements with both predictions of clear-sky solar spectral irradiance and measurements of broadband instruments such as pyrheliometers. For the spectral estimation, a free atmospheric transmittance simulation code with the air mass calculation as the mean parameter was used. The spectral direct normal irradiance (Gbl) measurements of two different spectroradiometers were tested at Plataforma Solar de Almería, Spain. The results are presented in this article. Although only Gbl measurements were considered in this study, the same methodology can be applied to the other solar irradiance componentsThis research was funded by the Chilean Corporación de Fomento de la Producción (CORFO), grant number 17BPE3-83761, and 7PTECES-75830 under the framework of the project “AtaMoS TeC,” by the ANID grant number ANID/FONDAP/15110019 (SERC-Chile) and ANID/ FONDECYT-INITIATION/11190289, funded by the Spanish Education and Competitivity Ministry and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund grant number ENE2017-83790-C3- 1,2,3 and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund grant reference PID2020-118239RJ-I00 (MAPVSpain) Special thanks to Antonio Campos (PSA, Spain) for his support during this wor

    Didáctica de una clase de pádel

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    The following work has as aim(lens) announce the development of a class os padel this way as the different technical elements that composeit, and concretly, analyze the most thechnical actions(share) used by a player of padel. By means of a sequence of teaching-learning of the differentblows that are given in the practice of this sport. In addition, we will bear a few considerations in mind in the school frame with regard to it´smethodological aspects by means of a few premises to bear in mind.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo dar a conocer el desarrollo de una clase de pádel y los diferentes elementos técnicos que la componen y más concretamente analizar las acciones técnicas más utilizadas por un jugador de pádel. Mediante una secuenciación de enseñanza-aprendizaje de los diferentes golpes que se dan en la práctica de este deporte. Además distinguiremos unas consideraciones en el marco escolar respecto a sus aspectos metodológicos mediante unas premisas a tener en cuenta

    La práctica de actividades físicas y deportivas en el entorno del municipio y su implicación en el currículo de la educación física escolar

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    The municipality has become an important provider of services to the community, having emphasized the increasing range of physical activities and recreational sports, promoting the sport to all sectors of the population. In this article, we intend to reflect on the resources we offer the municipality, the management of sports and the curricular implications that allow us in obligatory educationEl municipio se ha convertido en un importante proveedor de servicios a la comunidad, destacando la creciente oferta de actividades físico-deportivas y recreativas, fomentando el deporte para todos los sectores de la población. En el presente artículo, pretendemos hacer una reflexión sobre los recursos que nos ofrece el municipio, la gestión de estas prácticas deportivas y las implicaciones curriculares que nos permiten en la enseñanza obligatori

    Razones que influyen en la inactividad físico-deportiva en la Educación Secundaria Post Obligatoria

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    The purpose of this study is to determine why the or student from Almería in Post Compulsory Secondary Education (ESPO), has never practiced physical activity and sport in their spare time or have abandoned the practice, checking whether this attitude has changed after three years. Data were collected through a questionnaire administered to a representative group of 1014 students in the academic year 2001/02. These data have been compared with those obtained in the 1998-99 academic year among 1375 students of the same characteristics, in both ±3% for a confidence level of studies assuming a sampling error of 95.5%. The results show that no changes were found after three years in the order of the main reasons given by students of ESPO and even percentages remain similar. The most mentioned reasons both in and out for not having done before physical activity and sports are lack of time, laziness and unwillingness staff, the incompatibility of the hours of practice with the personal obligations and feeling tired because of the work or study.El objeto de estudio es conocer los motivos por los que el alumnado almeriense de Educación Secundaria Post Obligatoria (ESPO), nunca ha practicado actividades físico-deportivas en su tiempo libre ó ha abandonado dicha práctica, comprobando si ha variado esta actitud al cabo de tres años. Los datos fueron recogidos por medio de un cuestionario administrado a un grupo representativo de 1014 estudiantes en el curso académico 2001/02. Estos datos han sido comparados con los obtenidos en el curso académico 1998/99 entre 1375 estudiantes de iguales características, asumiéndose en ambos estudios un error muestral del ± 3% para un nivel de confianza del 95.5%. Los resultados demuestran que no se aprecian cambios al cabo de tres años, en el orden de los principales motivos expuestos por el alumnado de ESPO, e incluso siguen teniendo porcentajes similares. Las razones más aludidas tanto a la hora de abandonar como para no haber realizado nunca actividad físico-deportiva son la falta de tiempo, la pereza y la desgana personal, la incompatibilidad de los horarios de práctica con las obligaciones personales y sentirse cansado a causa del trabajo o del estudio

    Nowcasting System Based on Sky Camera Images to Predict the Solar Flux on the Receiver of a Concentrated Solar Plant

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    As part of the research for techniques to control the final energy reaching the receivers of central solar power plants, this work combines two contrasting methods in a novel way as a first step towards integrating such systems in solar plants. To determine the effective power reaching the receiver, the direct normal irradiance was predicted at ground level using a total sky camera, TSI-880 model. Subsequently, these DNI values were used as the inputs for a heliostat model (Fiat-Lux) to trace the sunlight’s path according to the mirror features. The predicted valuex of flux, obtained from these simulations, differ of less than 20% from the real values. This represents a significant advance in integrating different technologies to quantify the losses produced in the path from the heliostats to the central receiver, which are normally caused by the presence of atmospheric attenuation factors