30 research outputs found

    Potencial de produção de bovinos de corte em pastagens tropicais: revisão de literatura

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    O termo potencial de produção representa a quantidade máxima de produto que seria possível se obter em uma determinada área. Mas qual é o potencial de produção da bovinocultura de corte em pastagens tropicais? Para responder esta pergunta, é necessário compreender os fatores relacionados ao acúmulo de forragem, eficiência de pastejo, composição química da planta forrageira, consumo de forragem e requerimento nutricional dos animais para um dado desempenho, manejo, genética e gestão do sistema de produção. A produtividade média anual da pecuária de corte no Brasil está em torno de 120 kg de peso corporal (aproximadamente 60 kg de carcaça) por hectare. Este índice está bem abaixo de resultados reportados na literatura. O manejo adequado de pastagens com forrageiras tropicais normalmente proporciona taxa de lotação acima de uma unidade animal (UA, 450 kg) por hectare. O aumento na taxa de lotação, combinado com elevado ganho de peso proporcionam alta produtividade, podendo ultrapassar 1260 kg de peso corporal (aproximadamente 630 kg de carcaça) anuais por hectare. A produção de bovinos de corte em pastagens tropicais possui alto potencial de resposta quanto a adoção de tecnologias para incremento nos índices de produtividade. Palavras-chave: gado de corte, ganho de peso, intensificação, produtividade, taxa de lotação

    Relationships between follicle and corpus luteum size and vascularization with ovulation, progesterone production, and pregnancy in Nellore beef cattle

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationships between preovulatory follicle (POF) and corpus luteum (CL) diameters, and POF and CL vascular perfusion with progesterone production, ovulation, and pregnancy in Nellore cows subjected to timed artificial insemination (TAI). Nellore cows (n = 201) were subjected to ovulation synchronization and later to ultrasound evaluation of POF and CL at the time of insemination (D0) and seven days later (D7), respectively. Females were divided into three categories according to the POF diameter assessed at the time of insemination: small (SF), medium (MF), and large (LF) follicles. The LF group had a greater number and intensity of pixels in the POF ultrasound exam compared with the SF group. The CL flow intensity and progesterone concentration were also higher in the LF group. The SF group showed lower flow intensity and lower ovulation rate compared with the others. When non-pregnant females were compared to pregnant ones, no difference was observed in any of the analyzed variables. The results show for the first time in Nellore cattle the relationship between the size of ovarian structures and blood flow (quantity and intensity) as well as the ability of the CL to produce progesterone. The intensity of the POF pixels proved to be relevant, demonstrating correlations with the size and flow of the CL, which were not found when evaluating only the number of pixels, thus revealing the importance of evaluating complementary characteristics of the flow

    Replacement of alfalfa hay for tropical legumes in goats diets / Substituição do feno de alfafa pelo de leguminosas tropicais em dietas de caprinos

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of alfalfa hay replacement by tropical legume hay on goat diets. Four diets were formulated using: 1) perennial soybean hay; 2) tropical kudzu; 3) macrotiloma and 4) alfalfa, in a roughage/concentrate ratio of 25/75. Eight castrated crossbred (Boer x Saanen) animals, with a mean weight of 17.8 kg (4 months of age), were arranged in a 4 x 4 double Latin Square Design. Intake of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), total carbohydrates (TC), ether extract (EE), non-fibrous carbohydrates (NFC) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) were not affected by the legume species. On the other hand, the intake of acid detergent fiber (ADF) was lower in the diet formulated with alfalfa, compared to the other legumes (P<0.05), since this presented lower levels in this diet. The digestibility of DM, OM, CP, ADF, TC and NFC did not differ among the four treatments (P>0.05). However, EE digestibility was lower in the diet with alfalfa compared to ration with tropical kudzu and perennial soybeans. The digestibility of this constituent between the diet formulated with tropical kudzu and those formulated with macrotiloma and perennial soybean (P < 0.05), and the digestibility of the NDF of the ration prepared with perennial soybean was higher than the other legumes. There was no difference for the nitrogen balance between the different diets, indicating that these legumes are options for replacement of alfalfa hay in goat diets

    Altura do pasto e suplementação na recria de tourinhos e efeitos sobre a terminação

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    Foi avaliado o efeito da altura do pasto do capim Marandu, e da combinação de alturas crescentes de pastejo com doses decrescentes de suplemento para tourinhos de corte na estação chuvosa, sobre o ganho médio diário (GMD), ganho de peso corporal (PC) por hectare (GPH) e emissões de metano (CH4). Na recria durante a estação chuvosa, foram utilizados 108 tourinhos da raça Nelore em dois experimentos, cada um com três tratamentos, e três repetições (piquetes) por tratamento (n = 9). Exp. 1: Foram avaliadas as alturas de pastejo 15; 25 e 35 cm. Exp. 2: (1) altura baixa do pasto (15 cm) e suplementação alta (0,6 % do PC) (ABSA), (2) altura moderada do pasto (25 cm) e suplementação moderada (0,3 % PC) (AMSM) ou (3) altura alta do pasto (35 cm) mistura mineral (AAMM). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado. No Exp. 1, o GMD aumentou linearmente (P = 0,02), o contrário do observado no GPH (P < 0,001), e não houve alteração na emissão CH4/animal/dia (P = 0,64). No Exp. 2, o tratamento ABSA apresentou maior GPH (P < 0,01) sem alterar o GMD (P = 0,14), menor emissão de CH4/animal/dia (P < 0,01), CH4/energia metabolizável consumida (P = 0,002) e CH4/GMD (P < 0,01). Na estação seca, foi investigada a influência do sistema de recria sobre o GMD, PC final, peso e rendimento de carcaça na terminação em pastagens com suplementação (1 kg/100kg PC) (n = 9), ou confinamento (unidade experimental = animais em baias individuais; n = 27). As variáveis estudadas não foram alteradas pelo sistema de recria (P ≥ 0,09) em ambos os sistemas de terminação na estação seca. A exploração dos recursos forrageiros na recria durante a estação chuvosa permitiu maior eficiência comparada com ambos sistemas de terminação, com maior parcela do peso corporal adquirido até o abate, demandando menores desembolsos com suplementos. Os sistemas de recria avaliados podem ser usados conforme o contexto econômico e/ou objetivo de produção, por não influenciar o período de terminação.It was evaluated the effect of grazing height of Marandu grass, and the combination of increasing grazing heights with decreasing supplementation level (% of body weight (BW)) for yearling bulls during the wet season, on the average daily gain (ADG), gain per hectare (GPH) and emissions of methane (CH4). It were used 108 bulls in two experiments, each with three treatments and three replicates (paddocks) per treatment (n = 9). Exp. 1: grazing heights were 15, 25 or 35 cm. Exp. 2: (1) short height (15 cm) and high supplementation (0.6 % of BW of a supplement (SHHS), (2) moderate height (25 cm) and moderate supplementation (0.3 % of BW of a supplement (MHMS), or tall height (35 cm) without additional supplementation (THWS). The experimental design was completely randomized In the Exp. 1, the ADG increased linearly with increasing grazing height (P = 0.02), the opposite were observed in the GPH (P < 0.01), and the CH4/animal/day was not alter by treatments (P = 0.64). In the Exp. 2, the ADG was not altering by treatments (P = 0.14), but the SHHS treatment showed higher GPH (P < 0.01), lower CH4/animal/day (P < 0.01), lower CH4/metabolizable energy intake (P = 0,002), and CH4/GMD (P < 0.01). In the dry season, it were evaluated the effects of growth system on ADG, BW, weight and carcass yield in finishing period on grasslands with supplementation (1 kg/100 kg BW) (experimental unit = lot of three bulls; n = 9), or feedlot (experimental unit = individual stalls; n = 27). The grazing systems at growth phase during the wet season exhibited no effects on the studied variables (P ≥ 0.09) on finishing phase during the dry season. The forage resources on growth phase during the wet season allowed greatest production efficiency compared to finishing phase during the dry season in both finishing systems, exhibiting greatest BW gain until the slaughter time, expending less supplements costs. The growth phase productions systems during wet season can be used according the economic background or production targets, because did not influence the finishing phase.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Economic evaluation from beef cattle production industry with intensification in Brazil's tropical pastures

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    This study aimed to evaluate different scenarios (year, supplementation level) about economic results of beef cattle production during rearing and finishing phase in Brazilian's tropical pastures. Four scenarios were evaluated in combination with fourteen supplements, and it was originated from some research developed inside Forage Crops and Grasslands section from São Paulo State University among years 2011 and 2014. The economic evaluation was analyzed by operating cost, total operational costs, gross revenue, operating profit, and financial net income. Besides profitability, internal rate of return (IRR), benefit/cost ratio (B:C), and simple payback period (SPP) were calculated too. During rearing phase, the best result was observed for scenario 2 (2012), supplement 3.2 (mineral mix) with values of 11 cycles, 26.3%, 9.30%, and 0.39 for SPP, profitability, IRR, and B:C ratio, respectively. Already to finishing phase, the best scenario was 3 (2013), supplement 10 (multiple supplement with supplementation level equal 1.0% body weight), which obtained 4 cycles, 68.7%, 27.00%, and 2.34 for the same variables above mentioned. Results were consistent being that higher IRR and profitability occurred when using low supplementation level. Hence, the economic responses from different scenarios (years and supplements) can alter the final livestock farm financial statement

    Morphological and structural characteristics of Urochloa decumbens Stapf. deferred pasture grazed by heifers under two periods of protein-energy supplementation

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the morphological and structural characteristics of deferred Urochloa decumbens Stapf. ‘Basilisk’ grazed by Nellore heifers under two periods of protein and energy supplementation (PES). The experiment was carried out from Jun 21 to Nov 15, 2016, under a completely randomized design and two PES periods (55 [P55] and 147 [P147] days). Forage mass (FM), leaf blade dry mass (LBDM), stem dry mass (SDM), dead material dry mass (DMDM), canopy height (CH), and forage bulk density (FBD) were evaluated. Data were analyzed by the SAS® PROC MIXED procedure and treatment means were compared with the Student's t test (p < 0.05). LBDM was higher for P147 heifers after 21, 84, and 126 days of grazing, similar to those observed after 63 days, and was higher for P55 heifers at 42, 105, and 147 days of grazing. SDM was lower for P147 heifers after 21, 42, 105, and 126 days, and similar in the other grazing periods. Protein and energy supplementation for heifers over 147 days resulted in a lower stem mass of U. decumbens Stapf. ‘Basilisk’ deferred pastures

    Citrus Pulp Replacing Corn in the Supplement Decreased Fibre Digestibility with No Impacts on Performance of Cattle Grazing Marandu Palisade Grass in the Wet-Dry Transition Period

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    The wet-dry transition period brings unique challenges to cattle producers in the tropics as the forage quality starts to decrease and animal performance is negatively affected unless supplementation strategies are applied. Two experiments were conducted concomitantly to evaluate the performance and metabolic parameters of cattle supplemented with two different energy sources under a C4 tropical grass continuous grazing system in the wet-dry transition period. In experiment (exp) 1, the liveweight (LW) gain of 42 growing Bos indicus Nellore bulls allocated to 12 paddocks of Uruchloa brizantha cv. Marandu, in a completely randomized block design, was evaluated to compare corn and citrus pulp-based supplements offered at 0.5% LW. Metabolism was evaluated in exp 2 with eight rumen-cannulated Nellore steers in an incomplete replicated Latin square design (RLSD) 4 &times; 2 (steers &times; treatment) fed the same two treatments as in exp 1. No differences in animal performance were observed between corn or citrus pulp-based supplements. Rumen pH, ammonia nitrogen, and blood urea nitrogen were lower in the rumen of animals supplemented with citrus pulp. Despite this, there were no differences in total dry matter intake amongst the two energy sources. The neutral detergent fibre digestibility of the diet containing corn decreased, but it neither affected performance nor liveweight gain per area. The findings suggest that corn can be replaced by citrus pulp with neither detrimental effects on animal performance nor indirect effects on pastures productivity

    Intensification: A Key Strategy to Achieve Great Animal and Environmental Beef Cattle Production Sustainability in Brachiaria Grasslands

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    Intensification of tropical grassland can be a strategy to increase beef production, but methods for achieving this should maintain or reduce its environmental impact and should not compromise future food-producing capacity. The objective of this review was to discuss the aspects of grassland management, animal supplementation, the environment, and the socioeconomics of grassland intensification. Reducing environmental impact in the form of, for example, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is particularly important in Brazil, which is the second-largest beef producer in the world. Most Brazilian pastures, however, are degraded, representing a considerable opportunity for the mitigation and increase of beef-cattle production, and consequently increasing global protein supply. Moreover, in Brazil, forage production is necessary for seasonal feeding strategies that maintain animal performance during periods of forage scarcity. There are many options to achieve this objective that can be adopted alone or in association. These options include improving grassland management, pasture fertilization, and animal supplementation. Improving grazing management has the potential to mitigate GHG emissions through the reduction of the intensity of CO2 emissions, as well as the preservation of natural areas by reducing the need for expanding pastureland. Limitations to farmers adopting intensification strategies include cultural aspects and the lack of financial resources and technical assistance