4 research outputs found

    Surgical safety and filling-in of the records about intraoperative information in Spain: A comparative analysis of two recording instruments

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es describir y comparar los porcentajes de no cumplimentación de dos instrumentos de registro: hoja circulante (HC) y lista de verificación quirúrgica (LVQ), en un mismo entorno quirúrgico para una muestra de pacientes de características similares. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo realizado sobre registros intraquirúrgicos de 3024 pacientes de Cirugía de Ortopedia y Traumatología. 1732 pacientes intervenidos en 2009 con modelo de hoja circulante, cumplimentada al finalizar la intervención y 1292 en 2010 intervenidos con modelo de registro lista de verificación quirúrgica (checklist) cumplimentado durante la intervención en tres tiempos. Se han calculado características descriptivas (media, desviación típica, mínimo y máximo) del porcentaje de no cumplimentación global en ambos registros y el porcentaje de no cumplimentación (intervalo de confianza al 95%) de cada ítem de los registros estudiados. Resultados: Se observa mayor porcentaje de cumplimentación global y, en general, también individual, en la hoja circulante que en la lista de verificación quirúrgica. Conclusiones: El registro intraquirúrgico que mayor porcentaje de cumplimentación ha tenido de manera global ha sido la hoja de circulante y se evidencia la necesidad de implantar estrategias para mejorar el grado de cumplimentación de la LVQ por su relación con la seguridad de pacientes.The objective of this study is to describe and compare the percentages of non-filling-in two recording instruments: Current sheet and surgical checklist in the same surgical setting for a sample of patients with similar characteristics. Methods: Descriptive study carried out with the intraoperative records of 3024 patients from Orthopedic Surgery and 1732 patients who were operated in 2009 with current sheet model completed at the end of the surgery and 1292 patients in 2010 with surgical checklist as recording model, completed during the intervention in three stages. Descriptive characteristics (mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum) were calculated from the overall percentage of non-completion in both records, as well as the non-filling-in percentage (and confidence interval at 95%) of each item of the records studied. Results: A higher overall – and also individual, in general- percentage of filling-in is observed in the current sheet than in the surgical checklist. Conclusions: In general terms, the intraoperative recording with the highest percentage of being filled-in has been the circulating sheet and it has been observed the necessity to implement strategies to improve the level of filling-in due to its relationship with surgical clinical safety

    Seguridad quirurgica y cumplimentación del registro de información intraquirúrgica en España: un análisis comparativo de dos instrumentos de registro.

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    The objective of this study is to describe and compare the percentages of non-filling-in two recording instruments: Current sheet and surgical checklist in the same surgical setting for a sample of patients with similar characteristics. Methods: Descriptive study carried out with the intraoperative records of 3024 patients from Orthopedic Surgery and 1732 patients who were operated in 2009 with current sheet model completed at the end of the surgery and 1292 patients in 2010 with surgical checklist as recording model, completed during the intervention in three stages. Descriptive characteristics (mean, standard deviation, minimum and maximum) were calculated from the overall percentage of non-completion in both records, as well as the non-filling-in percentage (and confidence interval at 95%) of each item of the records studied. Results: A higher overall – and also individual, in general- percentage of filling-in is observed in the current sheet than in the surgical checklist. Conclusions: In general terms, the intraoperative recording with the highest percentage of being filled- in has been the circulating sheet and it has been observed the necessity to implement strategies to improve the level of filling-in due to its relationship with surgical clinical safety

    Formação acadêmica do profissional de enfermagem e sua adequação às atividades de trabalho

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    Objective: to identify the training nursing professionals receive and its relevance to the workplace, as well as professional demand for continuous education. Methodology: this was a descriptive observational study using a questionnaire entitled “Training and Adaptation of the Nursing Professional to the Workplace” available at: http://enfermeriadocente.es for nursing professionals. Results: 53.8% of nurses do not consider the training received to be relevant to the needs of the workplace and 94.2% reported that linking academic education to the workplace impacts on the quality of care provided. Conclusions: Nursing professionals think that continuous education needs to be adjusted to their jobs and careers. Education should be viewed as a continuum, which begins with training.Objetivo: identificar la formación de los profesionales en enfermería y su adecuación al puesto de trabajo que desempeñan, así como la demanda profesional de formación continuada. Metodología: estudio observacional descriptivo mediante cuestionario “Formación y Adecuación del Profesional de Enfermería al Puesto de Trabajo”. disponible: http://enfermeriadocente.es para a profesionales de enfermería. Resultados: el 53.8% de las enfermeras, consideran que la formación recibida no se adecúa a las necesidades de su puesto de trabajo. El 94,2%, refieren que la formación académica vinculada al puesto de trabajo repercute en la calidad de los cuidados prestados. Conclusiones: Los profesionales en enfermería consideran necesario adecuar la formación continuada al puesto de trabajo y a su trayectoria profesional. La formación de los profesionales se debería contemplar como un continuo, que se inicia con la formación básica y que debería seguir de forma constante a lo largo de la vida profesional.Objetivo: identificar a formação dos profissionais de enfermagem e sua adequação ao trabalho que realizam, assim como, a demanda de formação continuada. Métodos: estudo observacional, descritivo, mediante questionário “Formação e Adequação do Profissional de Enfermagem ao Posto de Trabalho”. Disponível em: http://enfermeriadocente.es para profissionais de enfermagem. Resultados: 53,8% dos enfermeiros consideram que a formação recebida não atende às necessidades de sua atividade de trabalho. Do total, 94,2% referem que a formação acadêmica relacionada à atividade de trabalho repercute na qualidade da assistência prestada. Conclusões: os profissionais de enfermagem consideram necessário adequar a formação continuada à atividade de trabalho e trajetória profissional. A formação dos profissionais deve ser contínua, iniciando-se na formação básica e sendo constante ao longo da vida profissional