999 research outputs found

    I NUNC-ES: strumenti nuovi per la linguistica dei corpora in spagnolo

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    After a short presentation of NUNC, a freely available multilingual suite of corpora based on newsgroups texts (querable online at http://www.bmanuel.org/projects/ng-HOME.html), this paper intends to investigate the Spanish subset of data collected in NUNC-ES. A brief description of the Spanish hierarchies is given, and some examples of corpus queries are suggested. The third part of the work presents an outline of future developments, especially the release of a new tagset for Spanish

    “Begolardo”. On Cecco, Dante, and beyond.

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    Nello scambio di convenevoli tra Cecco e Dante, di cui ci è pervenuta solo la risposta del Senese (Dante Alleghier s’i’ so’), al primo verso ricorre un insulto curioso: begolardo. La diffusione del termine è molto limitata, ed in genere fraintesa dalla tradizione lessicografica. Qui si presenta un nuovo esame dei dati etimologici e della sua tradizione, diretta (dalla sua prima alla sua ultima attestazione) ed indiretta (nella lessicografia), proponendone una storia diversa da quella sempre raccontata dal DEI al GDLI ed al TLIO; storia che getta anche una luce nuova su un nodo cruciale della storia letteraria delle Origini, quello dei rapporti tra Cecco Angiolieri e Dante Alighieri, ed aggiunge peso all’ipotesi della datazione bassa della Monarchia.In the first line of the exchange of pleasantries between Dante and Cecco, of which we only have the response of the Senese (Dante Alleghier s’i’ so’), the curious insult begolardo is used. The spread of this term is very limited, and generally misunderstood by the lexicographical tradition. Here a new etymological analysis of both direct (from the first to the last attestation) and indirect (in lexicography) data and tradition related to this text is offered, proposing a different story from what DEI, GDLI and TLIO describe. This new interpretation also sheds a new light on the relations between Cecco Angiolieri and Dante Alighieri, which represents a crucial point in the literary history of the Origins, adding relevance to the hypothesis of a later dating of the Monarchia

    Illustration, comics and social commitment. Chronicle of an exhibition in motion

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    [EN] This article describes an exhibition project that puts to value the relationship between graphic illustration, comics, and social commitment through numerous examples of commissions and personal works carried out by today’s Valencian authors. Divided into eleven thematic areas or social causes, the exhibition offers a wide array of styles and poetics, focused on acting as speaker of the claims of various invisible groups[ES] En este artículo se describe un proyecto expositivo que pone en valor la relación entre la ilustración gráfica, el cómic y el compromiso social, a través de numerosos ejemplos de encargos y trabajos personales llevados a cabo por autores y autoras valencianos actuales. Dividida en once áreas temáticas o causas sociales, la muestra ofrece una amplia panoplia de estilos y poéticas, dirigidas a servir de altavoz de las reivindicaciones de diversos colectivos invisibilizados.Garrido Barberá, M. (2017). Ilustración, cómic y compromiso social. Crónica de una exposición en movimiento. EME Experimental Illustration, Art & Design. (5):100-111. doi:10.4995/eme.2017.7186SWORD100111

    Dalla Valsusa in avanti: i corpora di stampa periodica locale

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    The present paper aims at illustrating the construction of a corpus of regional newspapers, with a particular focus on the Segusinum corpus, a tool developed at the University of Turin. The main objective of the project is to fill the gap of local newspaper corpora in Italian linguistics and, more specifically, to provide a methodological solution not only for regional sources but also for corpora of journalistic language in general

    First notes on Piedmontese lexicography in the Nineteenth century

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    The main lines of Piedmontese lexicography are briefly outlined, with its precedents and consequences. Its various phases are portrayed and characterized

    AND UNTO DUST SHALT THOU RETURN.The dance of death as a warning and consolation of the universal reach of death

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    [EN] The Dance of Death is an allegorical theme which first originated in the Late Middle Ages, and it symbolizes the universality of death. Death, in skeleton form, leads living people with its dance to the grave, regardless peo-ple’s age, occupation or social condition. Early on, the topic is treated in religious and literary texts and then become represented by frescoes located in cemeteries, churches and Christian convents. Later, these paintings would be re-produced in engravings and numerous illustra-tors would make their own versions from the sixteenth century to the present day, adapting the theme to their tastes, styles and interests[ES] La Danza Macabra es un tema alegórico de origen tardomedieval que simboliza la universalidad de la muerte. Ésta, en forma de esqueleto, dirige a los vivos con su baile hacia la tumba independientemente de las sus edades, oficios o condiciones sociales de éstos. Desde temprano, el tema pasa de ser tratado en textos religioso-literarios a ser representado mediante pinturas al fresco ubicadas en cementerios, iglesias y conventos cristianos. Poco después, estas pinturas serían reproducidas en grabado y numerosos ilustradores realizarían sus propias versiones desde el siglo XVI hasta nuestros días, adaptando el tema a sus gustos, estilos e interesesGarrido Barberá, M. (2015). Y en polvo te convertirás. La Danza Macabra como advertencia y consuelo de la universalidad de la muerte. EME Experimental Illustration, Art & Design. (3):102-117. doi:10.4995/eme.2015.3384SWORD1021173BARJA, JUAN; CALATRAVA, JUAN: Hans Holbein. La danza de la Muerte, Madrid, Abada Editores, 2008.FEIN, DAVID A.: Guyot Marchant's Danse Macabre. The Relationship Between Image and Text, 2000 . [Última consulta: 15/10/2014]

    Application of the group portfolio in Production Management and Logistics subject: results of a pilot project

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    Aprovechando el proceso de adaptación al nuevo Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), los autores del presente artículo decidieron realizar una experiencia piloto en asignaturas de la licenciatura. Dicha experiencia, consistía en la elaboración de un portafolio electrónico por grupos de alumnos. El resultado esperado es que los alumnos llevasen más al día la asignatura y se ejercitasen con problemas similares a los del examen. Se quería comprobar si el cambio metodológico repercutía en el progreso de los alumnos. El presente artículo presenta la experiencia de innovación docente implantada en la asignatura de Dirección de Producción y Logística en el curso académico 2011-2012 de cuarto curso de la Licenciatura de Administración de Empresas. Los resultados obtenidos servirán para el diseño de una asignatura de grado similar de segundo curso en el mismo centro.Taking advantage of the process of adaptation to the new European Higher Education Area (EHEA) of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), the present paper authors decided to conduct pilot projects in Bachelor subjects. This experience consisted in the development of an electronic portfolio by groups of students. The expected outcome is that students brought up the subject and they will practice with problems similar to the test. We wanted to see if methodological change impacted on student progress. This paper presents an experience of educational innovation introduced in the Management Production and Logistics subject, in 2011-2012 academic year, in the fourth year of the Bachelor of Business Administration. The results obtained will be used for the design of a similar Degree subject in the second course in the same center

    Liver steatosis induces portal hypertension regardless of fibrosis in patients with NAFLD: A proof of concept case report

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    Esteatosi hepàtica; Hipertensió portalLiver steatosis; Portal hypertensionEsteatosis hepática; Hipertensión portalNo financial support was received for data analysis or writing assistance. JRE is a PhD student at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. JMP reports having received consulting fees from Boehringer Ingelheim, MSD and Novo Nordisk. He has received speaking fees from Gilead, Intercept, and Novo Nordisk, and travel expenses from Gilead, Rubió, Pfizer, Astellas, MSD, CUBICIN, and Novo Nordisk. He has received educational and research support from Madrigal, Gilead, Pfizer, Astellas, Accelerate, Novartis, Abbvie, ViiV, and MSD. Funds from European Commission/EFPIA IMI2 853966-2, IMI2 777377, H2020 847989, and ISCIII PI19/01898 (PI22/01770). JG has received consulting fees from Boehringer Ingelheim, speaking fees from Echosens and travel expenses from Gilead and Abbie. Funds from ISCIII PI18/00947 and PI21/00691. All other authors: nothing to disclose