34 research outputs found

    Negotiating conventions and creating community: the case of Cartoon and European animation

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in "Journal of Economic Geography" following peer review. The version of record "Cole, A.; Barberá Tomás, JD. (2014). Negotiating conventions and creating community: the case of Cartoon and European animation. Journal of Economic Geography. 14(5):973-993." is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jeg/lbu025This article examines the processes of negotiation and institution building through which transnational networks of learning are fashioned. It does so by examining the case of the European animation industry and the activity of an association, Cartoon, which facilitated the development of common conventions supporting cooperation and learning in this industry. The case draws attention to how issues of institutional context can frustrate collaboration and limit the scope of learning; simultaneously, it illustrates interventions that permitted the negotiation between situated and context-specific understandings on the one hand and the development of shared understandings and common conventions for action within the industry on the other. In sum, the article sheds light on the institutional work required to mobilize situated forms of knowledge and the important bridging functions that institutional entrepreneurs can play in this process.Cole, A.; Barberá Tomás, JD. (2014). Negotiating conventions and creating community: the case of Cartoon and European animation. Journal of Economic Geography. 14(5):973-993. doi:10.1093/jeg/lbu025S973993145Santisteban, M. A. (2006). Business Systems and Cluster Policies in the Basque Country and Catalonia (1990–2004). European Urban and Regional Studies, 13(1), 25-39. doi:10.1177/0969776406059227Amin, A. (1999). An Institutionalist Perspective on Regional Economic Development. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 23(2), 365-378. doi:10.1111/1468-2427.00201Amin, A., & Roberts, J. (2008). Knowing in action: Beyond communities of practice. Research Policy, 37(2), 353-369. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2007.11.003Bathelt, H., Malmberg, A., & Maskell, P. (2004). Clusters and knowledge: local buzz, global pipelines and the process of knowledge creation. Progress in Human Geography, 28(1), 31-56. doi:10.1191/0309132504ph469oaBathelt, H., & Schuldt, N. (2010). International Trade Fairs and Global Buzz, Part I: Ecology of Global Buzz. European Planning Studies, 18(12), 1957-1974. doi:10.1080/09654313.2010.515815Bathelt, H., & Glückler, J. (2013). Institutional change in economic geography. Progress in Human Geography, 38(3), 340-363. doi:10.1177/0309132513507823Battilana, J., Leca, B., & Boxenbaum, E. (2009). 2 How Actors Change Institutions: Towards a Theory of Institutional Entrepreneurship. The Academy of Management Annals, 3(1), 65-107. doi:10.1080/19416520903053598Brown, J. S., & Duguid, P. (1991). Organizational Learning and Communities-of-Practice: Toward a Unified View of Working, Learning, and Innovation. Organization Science, 2(1), 40-57. doi:10.1287/orsc.2.1.40Coe, N. M., & Bunnell, T. G. (2003). «Spatializing» knowledge communities: towards a conceptualization of transnational innovation networks. Global Networks, 3(4), 437-456. doi:10.1111/1471-0374.00071Cohen, M. D., March, J. G., & Olsen, J. P. (1972). A Garbage Can Model of Organizational Choice. Administrative Science Quarterly, 17(1), 1. doi:10.2307/2392088Cowan, R. (2000). The explicit economics of knowledge codification and tacitness. Industrial and Corporate Change, 9(2), 211-253. doi:10.1093/icc/9.2.211Etzion, D., & Ferraro, F. (2010). The Role of Analogy in the Institutionalization of Sustainability Reporting. Organization Science, 21(5), 1092-1107. doi:10.1287/orsc.1090.0494Faulconbridge, J. R. (2006). Stretching tacit knowledge beyond a local fix? Global spaces of learning in advertising professional service firms. Journal of Economic Geography, 6(4), 517-540. doi:10.1093/jeg/lbi023Faulconbridge, J. R. (2007). Exploring the Role of Professional Associations in Collective Learning in London and New York’s Advertising and Law Professional-Service-Firm Clusters. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 39(4), 965-984. doi:10.1068/a38190Faulconbridge, J. R. (2010). Global Architects: Learning and Innovation through Communities and Constellations of Practice. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 42(12), 2842-2858. doi:10.1068/a4311Gertler, M. S. (1995). «Being There»: Proximity, Organization, and Culture in the Development and Adoption of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies. Economic Geography, 71(1), 1. doi:10.2307/144433Gomez, P.-Y., & Jones, B. C. (2000). Crossroads—Conventions: An Interpretation of Deep Structure in Organizations. Organization Science, 11(6), 696-708. doi:10.1287/orsc.11.6.696.12530Grabher, G. (2002). Cool Projects, Boring Institutions: Temporary Collaboration in Social Context. Regional Studies, 36(3), 205-214. doi:10.1080/00343400220122025Grandadam, D., Cohendet, P., & Simon, L. (2013). Places, Spaces and the Dynamics of Creativity: The Video Game Industry in Montreal. Regional Studies, 47(10), 1701-1714. doi:10.1080/00343404.2012.699191Håkanson, L. (2005). Epistemic Communities and Cluster Dynamics: On the Role of Knowledge in Industrial Districts. Industry & Innovation, 12(4), 433-463. doi:10.1080/13662710500362047Hakanson, L. (2010). The firm as an epistemic community: the knowledge-based view revisited. Industrial and Corporate Change, 19(6), 1801-1828. doi:10.1093/icc/dtq052Hardy, C., & Maguire, S. (s. f.). Institutional Entrepreneurship. The SAGE Handbook of Organizational Institutionalism, 198-217. doi:10.4135/9781849200387.n8Hildreth, P., Kimble, C., & Wright, P. (2000). Communities of practice in the distributed international environment. Journal of Knowledge Management, 4(1), 27-38. doi:10.1108/13673270010315920Howells, J. (2006). Intermediation and the role of intermediaries in innovation. Research Policy, 35(5), 715-728. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2006.03.005Lam, A. (1997). Embedded Firms, Embedded Knowledge: Problems of Collaboration and Knowledge Transfer in Global Cooperative Ventures. Organization Studies, 18(6), 973-996. doi:10.1177/017084069701800604Lawrence, T. B., Hardy, C., & Phillips, N. (2002). INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTS OF INTERORGANIZATIONAL COLLABORATION: THE EMERGENCE OF PROTO-INSTITUTIONS. Academy of Management Journal, 45(1), 281-290. doi:10.2307/3069297Lawrence, T. B., Suddaby, R., & Leca, B. (s. f.). Introduction: theorizing and studying institutional work. 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NETWORKS OF PRACTICE AS HETEROGENEOUS ACTOR-NETWORKS. Information, Communication & Society, 12(4), 566-583. doi:10.1080/13691180902859369Torre, A., & Rallet, A. (2005). Proximity and Localization. Regional Studies, 39(1), 47-59. doi:10.1080/0034340052000320842Yoon, H., & Malecki, E. J. (2009). Cartoon planet: worlds of production and global production networks in the animation industry. Industrial and Corporate Change, 19(1), 239-271. doi:10.1093/icc/dtp04

    Innovation and governance of the cannabis crop value chain

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    In this contribution, we present an overview of the organization and positionings of the cannabis value chain in Europe and the USA. As a first step, attention will be given to the development of the cannabis industry and its main regulatory framework on both sides of the Atlantic. As an emerging and fast-developing value chain, consideration will be given to the research and innovation networks identified through bibliometric analysis. The contribution finalizes by reporting on the future steps to assess the main enabling and blocking drivers for the development of the cannabis value chain, understood as an innovative value chain where various actors interact within this highly regulated agricultural sector

    Dynamic perspectives on technology transfer: introduction to the special section

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    [EN] Theoretical frameworks acknowledge the dynamic and evolving nature of technology transfer. However, there is a scarcity of empirical work in the field incorporating a dynamic and longitudinal perspective. Several literature reviews call for technology transfer research agendas to include longitudinal studies. In response to such calls, this special section comprises selected contributions to the 2018 Technology Transfer Society (T2S) Conference which address this gap from different angles. The three qualitative and three quantitative works chosen contain research questions and methodologies related to dynamic aspects of technology transfer. We argue that historical and processual studies offer additional new directionsThe editors are grateful to 2018 T2S Conference participants for their comments on the papers published in this special section. We thank the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the Polytechnic Innovation City for their support and hospitality. We are indebted to the reviewers of the papers submitted to this special section. The Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities funded Joaquin M. Azagra-Caro's and Pablo D'Este's contribution to the special section as part of the CSO2016-79045-C2-2-R and the RTI2018-101232-B-100 Projects of the Spanish National R&D&I Plan, respectively.Barberá Tomás, JD.; Azagra-Caro, JM.; Deste Cukierman, P. (2021). Dynamic perspectives on technology transfer: introduction to the special section. The Journal of Technology Transfer. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10961-021-09898-7S1

    What do biomarkers add: Mapping quantitative imaging biomarkers research

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    [EN] Purpose: To understand the contribution of the concept of "biomarker" to quantitative imaging research. Method: The study consists of a bibliometric and a network analysis of quantitative imaging biomarkers research based on publication data retrieved from the Web of Science (WoS) for the period 1976-2017. Co-authorship is used as a proxy for scientific collaboration among research groups. Research groups are disambiguated and assigned to an institutional sector and to a medical specialty or academic discipline. Co-occurrence maps of specialties are built to delineate the collaborative network structure of this emerging field. Results: Two very distinct growth patterns emerged from the 5432 publications retrieved from WoS. Scientific production on 'quantitative imaging biomarkers >> (QIB) began 20 years after the first publications on 'quantitative imaging >> (QI). The field of QIB has exhibited rapid growth becoming the most used term since 2011. Among the 12,882 institutions identified, 56% include the term QIB and 44% include the term QI; among the 14,734 different research groups identified, 60% include the term QIB and 40% the term QI. QIB is characterized by a well-established community of researchers whose largest contributors are in medical specialties (radiology 17%, neurology 16%, mental 10%, oncology 10%), while QI shows a more fragmented and diverse community (radiology 13%, engineering 13%, physics 10%, oncology 9%, neurology 6%, biology 4%, nuclear 3%, computing 3%). This suggests a qualitative difference between QIB and QI networks. Conclusions: Adding biomarkers to quantitative imaging suggests that medical imaging is rapidly evolving, driven by the efforts to translate quantitative imaging research into clinical practice.This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Adrian A. Díaz-Faes has received support from a Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion postdoctoral grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (IJCI-2017-31454).Meseguer-Castillo, E.; Barberá Tomás, JD.; Benito Amat, C.; Arias-Diaz-Faes, A.; Martí-Bonmatí, L. (2022). What do biomarkers add: Mapping quantitative imaging biomarkers research. European Journal of Radiology. 146:1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrad.2021.1100521814

    ¿Innovaciones ocultas en enfermedades raras? Analizando las diversas formas de retorno social de la investigación clínica

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    Se autoriza la reproducción del contenido, siempre que se cite la procedencia.[ES] El origen de algunas mejoras (o innovaciones ocultas) en la práctica asistencial parece aconsejar paradigmas evaluativos más abiertos a aprehender las diversas, sutiles e indirectas vías potenciales de retorno asistencial de la investigación clínica. En el caso de las enfermedades raras, ya se ha puesto de manifiesto la importancia de los valores europeos compartidos para garantizar la atención sanitaria a estos pacientes mediante las redes europeas de centros de referencia. La gestión que estas redes hagan de las sinergias entre actividades clínicas y de investigación contribuirá a dar forma al futuro de las enfermedades raras en Europa.Barberá Tomás, JD.; Palau, F.; Villanueva-Felez, Á.; Richard Derle, W. (2014). ¿Innovaciones ocultas en enfermedades raras? Analizando las diversas formas de retorno social de la investigación clínica. Revista de la Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular. (180):17-19. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/60081S171918

    Evaluation of the primary stability in dental implants placed in low density bone with a new drilling technique, Osseodensification:an in vitro study

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    Primary stability is an important key determinant of implant osseointegration. We investigated approaches to improve primary implant stability using a new drilling technique termed osseodensification (OD), which was compared with the conventional under-drilling (UD) method utilized for low-density bones. We placed 55 conical internal connection implants in each group, in 30 low-density sections of pig tibia. The implants were placed using twist drill bits in both groups; groups Under Drilling (UD) and Osseodensification (OD) included bone sections subjected to conventional UD and OD drilling, respectively. Before placing the implants, we randomized the bone sections that were to receive these implants to avoid sample bias. We evaluated various primary stability parameters, such as implant insertion torque and resonance frequency analysis (RFA) measurements. The results showed that compared with implants placed using the UD technique, those placed using the OD technique were associated with significantly higher primary stability. The mean insertion torque of the implants was 8.87±6.17 Ncm in group 1 (UD) and 21.72±17.14 Ncm in group 2 (OD). The mean RFA was 65.16±7.45 ISQ in group 1 (UD) and 69.75±6.79 ISQ in group 2 (OD). The implant insertion torque and RFA values were significantly higher in OD group than in UD. Therefore, compared with UD, OD improves primary stability in low-density bones (based on torque and RFA measurements)

    Atuações de Saúde Ambiental perante o mosquito tigre na Comunidade Valenciana (2014-2017)

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    The Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, has spread across the Spanish Mediterranean area, including the Autonomous Region of Valencia. This mosquito is capable of transmitting at least 22 arboviruses such as Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika.The Regional Public Health and Universal Healthcare Ministry’s Directorate General of Public Health has launched several initiatives to monitor and control this species as well as any diseases caused by it. The Environmental Health Area set up a multidisciplinary work group, which includes technicians from both the regional and local administrations and university entomologists, to lead the fight against this vector.An Institutional Commission –with a managerial scope— was subsequently established that has reached key commitments and launched programs with specific actions.The Directorate General of Public Health is working together with the University of Valencia’s Entomology and Pest Control Laboratory to accomplish the goals that have been set.El mosquito tigre, Aedes albopictus, se ha expandido por el arco mediterráneo español, incluyendo la Comunitat Valenciana. Tiene capacidad para transmitir al menos 22 arbovirosis, como dengue, enfermedad por virus de chikunguña y zika. Desde la Direcció General de Salut Pública, de la Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública, se han puesto en marcha actuaciones de vigilancia y control de la especie y de las enfermedades derivadas. Para abordar la lucha contra este vector se creó, desde Sanidad Ambiental, un grupo de trabajo multidisciplinar que incluye a técnicos de la administración autonómica y local así como a entomólogos universitarios. Posteriormente, se constituyó la Comisión Institucional, de ámbito directivo, donde se adquirieron compromisos clave y se impulsaron programas con actuaciones concretas. La Direcció General de Salut Pública, trabaja conjuntamente con el Laboratorio de Entomología y Control de Plagas de la Universitat de València, para dar cumplimiento a los objetivos fijados.O mosquito tigre, Aedes albopictus, expandiu-se pelo arco mediterrâneo espanhol, onde se inclui a Comunidade Valenciana. Tem capacidade de transmitir pelo menos 22 arbovírus, como dengue, doenças pelosvírus de Chikungunya e Zika. A Direção Geral de Saúde Pública, do Departamento de Sanidade Universal e Saúde Pública, desencadeou ações de vigilância e controle das espécies e doenças derivadas. Para enfrentar a luta contra este vetor, foi criado, um grupo de Saúde Ambiental, de trabalho multidisciplinar, que inclui técnicos da administração regional e local, bem como entomologistas universitários. Posteriormente, constituiu-se uma Comissão Institucional, a nível diretivo, onde se definiram compromissos-chave e impulsionaram programas com atuações concretas. A Direção Geral de Saúde Pública, do Departamento de Sanidade Universal e Saúde Pública, trabalha em conjunto com o Laboratório de Entomologia e Controlo de Pragas da Universidade de Valência, para o cumprimento dos objetivos definidos

    Actuaciones de Sanidad Ambiental frente al mosquito tigre en la Comunitat Valenciana (2014-2017)

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    El mosquito tigre, Aedes albopictus, se ha expandido por el arco mediterráneo español, incluyendo la Comunitat Valenciana. Tiene capacidad para transmitir al menos 22 arbovirosis, como dengue, enfermedad por virus de chikunguña y zika. Desde la Direcció General de Salut Pública, de la Conselleria de Sanitat Universal i Salut Pública, se han puesto en marcha actuaciones de vigilancia y control de la especie y de las enfermedades derivadas. Para abordar la lucha contra este vector se creó, desde Sanidad Ambiental, un grupo de trabajo multidisciplinar que incluye a técnicos de la administración autonómica y local así como a entomólogos universitarios. Posteriormente, se constituyó la Comisión Institucional, de ámbito directivo, donde se adquirieron compromisos clave y se impulsaron programas con actuaciones concretas. La Direcció General de Salut Pública, trabaja conjuntamente con el Laboratorio de Entomología y Control de Plagas de la Universitat de València, para dar cumplimiento a los objetivos fijados

    Socio-cultural, historical, political and economic dimensions of health and medicine

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    Health is one of the most important areas of human development and, along with quality of life, occupies a prominent place in the academic world, being studied from various theoretical perspectives and from different scientific disciplines. These studies try to explain, from the micro to the macro, what it means and what elements are involved in the health of individuals in particular and of society in general. However, given the diversity of perspectives, there is no consensus on the definition of health. At the beginning, the study of health focused on biomedical research into disease. This approach has shown its limits in understanding health in its most complete dimension, as defined by the World Health Organization as early as 1946 : “ health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity ” ( preamble to the WHO Constitution, 1946 ). This “ positive ” orientation of health is later taken up as a universal human right ( Declaration of Human Rights, art. 25 ), being considered today not only a right, but also a value in itself, an aspiration and a social demand....Peer reviewe